FC3, Apache, and Front Page

Eucke Warren euckew at sierraelectronics.com
Fri Jan 28 19:47:21 UTC 2005

David Cary Hart wrote:

>On Fri, 2005-01-28 at 11:24 -0800, Mark Eggers wrote:
>>On Fri, 2005-01-28 at 12:37 -0500, Randy L. Justice wrote:
>>>Can the Apache web server on FC3 be used to serve FrontPage html
>>First of all, I'm not sure why you would want to do this.
>Because there is simply no easier and faster way to get a decent
>looking, secure site up and running. I know - I should learn HTML. I
>should learn perl, c and a bunch of other stuff as well. Actually, I use
>quanta for adjustments and fixes so that's helping me learn.
>Total Quality Management - A Commitment to Excellence
At the risk of participating in a "My HTML Editor can beat up yours" 
thread...that's not true.  There are a TON of HTML editors out there 
that are VERY simple to use and make your site useable quickly and 
easily.  Frontpage is IMO the equivalent of using a Nuke to clear space 
in the forest to build a house.  It's messy, it does far more than is 
needed and it has great potential for created unintended consequences.  
Just out of curiosity, have you googled or asked around for 
alternatives?  Personally, I am a Macromedia Fan but that's just me.  
I've used a ton over the years....some better than others.  Are you 
looking for Non-W3C compliant coding?


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