Java Media Framework classpath and Openoffice 2.0

Mike Zingale zingale at
Fri Mar 4 00:50:19 UTC 2005

Hi, I am struggling to get movies inserted in presentations with the
development snapshots of 2.0.  In the new OOo version,
they've switched the media capabilities over to the Java Media Framework.
A description of this is at:

to get movies/sounds working, you need to install a JRE and the Java Media
Framework.  As part of the Java Media Framework install, you need to set
the CLASSPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the relevant directories, as
detailed here:

When I try the diagnostic applet linked to there (after restarting
mozilla), I get:

JMF classes.....Not Found

There seems to be a lot of people reporting troubles in getting the Java
Media Framework working with Linux on various lists, but I have not come
across any solutions.  Since this is an integral part of the new OOo 2.0
release, which will eventually become part of Fedora, I am wondering if
anyone has had any success in getting the JMF applets to work with Fedora.

Specifically, if you install JMF and try out the applet:

does it work for you with Fedora?


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