HOWTO Install apache-2.0.53 mysql-4.1.10 and PHP-5.03

Paul Howarth paul at
Tue Mar 8 08:11:24 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 21:32 +0100, Rene Bon Ciric (Renich) wrote:
> Pre-Requisites:
> - Login as root
> - Connect to the internet (i assume you already are)
> - run:
> [root at fedora3 SRPMS]#yum update
> I don't know if you really need the above, but you'll thank me! Remember you should update udev (

An additional pre-requisite is that you have the development tools
installed, plus the development packages for all the libraries that your
builds use.


> 2- Go to /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS and run:
> [root at fedora3 SRPMS]# rpmbuild --rebuild sqlite3*.rpm
> 	2.1- Go to /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 and run:
> 	[root at fedora3 i386]# rpm -Uhv sqlite3*.rpm
> 	2.2- Return to /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS and run:
> 	[root at fedora3 SRPMS]# rpmbuild --rebuild pcre*.rpm
> 	2.3- Go to /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 and run:
> 	[root at fedora3 i386]# rpm -Uhv pcre*.rpm
> 	2.4- Return to /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS and run:
> 	[root at fedora3 SRPMS]# rpmbuild --rebuild *.rpm
> 	Go get something to eat, spend time with your family or make some 
> 	excercise 'cause this is gonna take some time.

This stage would take slightly less time if you had moved the SRPMs for
sqlite3 and pcre out of the way so that you weren't rebuilding them


> 6.- Go to /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS and install the PHP5 source code with:
> [root at fedora3 SRPMS]# rpm -i php*.rpm
>     6.1- Go to /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES and copy the file php-5.0.3-2.tar.gz to the 
>     directory BUILD with:
>     [root at fedora3 SOURCES]# cp php-5.0.3-2.tar.gz /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/
>     And go there.
>     6.2- UnGzip with 
>     [root at fedora3 BUILD]# gzip -d php-5.0.3-2.tar.gz
>     6.3- UnTar with
>     [root at fedora3 BUILD]# tar -xvf php-5.0.3-2.tar

These two steps can be combined as one:

[root at fedora3 BUILD]# tar xfz php-5.0.3-2.tar.gz

> 	6.4- Go to /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/PHP5.0.3-2/ext/mysqli and run:
> 	[root at fedora3 mysqli]# phpize
> 	[root at fedora3 mysqli]# ./configure --enable-embedded-mysqli \ 
>                             --enable-static \
>                             --with-mysqli=/usr/bin/mysl_config \
>                             --with-php-config=/usr/bin/php-config
>     Note:
> 	Each time you type a "\" press enter once, it wont start, it will give you a new line so
> 	your command doesn't look like this:
>       ./configure --enable-embedded-mysqli --enable-static --with-mysqli=/usr/bin/mysl_config 
>       --with-php-config=/usr/bin/php-config
> 	6.5- Keep your fingers crossed and pray, concentrante, think positive, sing... do something
> 	 so the command works!
> 	6.6- If no error message apears just run:
> 	[root at fedora3 mysqli]# make install
> 	6.7- Now go to /etc/php.d and make a copy of the mysql.ini file so we can use it as the
> 	mysqli.ini file with:
> 	[root at fedora3 SRPMS]# cp mysql.ini mysqli.ini
> 	6.8- Edit this file with nano mysqli.ini and make shure the file looks like this:
> 	; Enable mysqli extension module
>     6.8.1- Save the changes with ctrl+o and exit with ctrl+x

A nice addition would be to package this extension as an RPM... I
personally don't like having any software installed by non-RPM means.

> Be happy and I hope it works as well for you as for me.
> Remember to create the mysql user and password (# mysqladmin -u root password "whatever") and to put an index.php in /var/www/html/ with a <?php phpinfo(); ?> to check if everything is ok.

Very good!

A useful tweak to this procedure would be to build the RPMs as a user
other than root, which is not a good thing to be doing really. Ideally
you should only use root to install the packages, not to build them.

Paul Howarth <paul at>

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