how to recover deleted files?

Nick Bishop nick4soup at
Thu Oct 6 06:38:59 UTC 2005

--- Deepak Shrestha <d8888pak at> wrote:

> PS. By the way your kind of comments doesn't really
> help the people. Instead of these comments if you
> have
> adviced on how to use the "commander" thingy, that
> could have helped a lot.

I agree the comments tumbling forth weren't helpful.

I made a similar mistake on my linux system, on a
FAT16 vfat partition, so I umounted it and dd ... |
gzip > elsewhere.gz

I tried using Linux Disk Editor (lde at sourceforge)
but it was very buggy.  I've now downloaded a slew of
detailed info about FAT/vfat and I'm now undeleting by

Is there a binary editor I can use on the disk, coz at
present, I am using ...
  'od' to examine the disk
  'perl' or a calculator to do mathematics (hex to
decimal, etc)
  'echo ...| tr 'asc' 'binary' | dd ... seek=target,
to write the disk.

Example, to write the character 'L' to byte number
0x45678 on the disk /dev/hda6, do this
  # perl -e 'print 0x45678 . "\n"'
  # echo 'L' | dd of=/dev/hda6 bs=1 count=1 \

To write a binary 0x05 to the same spot ...
  # echo 'a' | tr 'a' '\005' | \
    dd of=/dev/hda6 bs=1 count=1 seek=284280

As you might see, a disk editor that actually works is
probably easier.

Nick Bishop, email replies ignored.
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  Advice to the reader that they should put their lawyer away.


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