where are the x86_64 builds of OOo 2.0?

r948gm702 at sneakemail.com r948gm702 at sneakemail.com
Fri Oct 28 00:26:55 UTC 2005

||  Will there be x86_64 builds of OOo?
||  What exactly is the problem?

| The OOo codebase was not written with 
| x86_64 in mind, so there's a lot of 
| cleaning up to do before it compiles and
|  runs cleanly. It's possible to build it
| nowadays, but it's not fully tested and 
| fixed afaik.

Well, I'm disappointed; I thought that one of
the goals of OOo 2.0 was to make it 64-bit
ready.  As it stands now, my system has over
200MB of i386 cruft that that is required
because of OOo dependencies.  [Of course, the
fact that OOo is over 300MB on its own
doesn't help matters.]

    ix86_package_sizes=$(rpm -qa --qf "%{ARCH} %{SIZE}\n" | grep ^i.86 | cut -b 6-)
    j=0; for i in $ix86_package_sizes; do j=$[j+i]; done; echo $j

If I run the above bash script, I get
520870004 bytes; subtracting the 314251504
bytes in the OOo package gives a difference
of about 200MB.

I guess this is an upstream problem?  Is this
something that the Fedora OOo maintainer can
comment on?  It is working, so I won't
complain too vigorously, but I wouldn't mind
having that 200MB for something else ...

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