Looking for a database

Uno Engborg uno at webworks.se
Mon Jan 30 06:59:41 UTC 2006

Paul Smith wrote:
> On 1/29/06, David Cary Hart <Fedora at tqmcube.com> wrote:
>>> Could someone please recommend a nice and well documented database
>>> program for a person who has never used a database?
>> You haven't stated your goals. There are two parts.
>> A. I find the simplest and fastest DB to be MySQL.
>> B. There are only four or five PHP functions that you need to learn to create
>> browser based queries. It is surprisingly simple. Do one and you have a
>> template that you can use over and over again.
> I only want a database for managing my own data, and I do not intend
> to access it from Internet.
> Meanwhile, I learned that Kexi also has the driver for postgresql.
> Kexi seems quite fast, but the version on extras repositories is
> rather old.
> Postgresql still not working:
> $ createdb mydb
> createdb: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL:  role
> "psmith" does not exist
> [psmith at localhost Desktop]$
> Any ideas?
> Paul
I assume that you are logged in as psmith when you get that error.
Postgresql have its own user/role names, but guesses that there is a 
user named psmith, as this is your Linux login.
If you haven't created the user psmith in the database engine as well, 
you get the error above.

To fix it:
log in as root
su - postgres
createuser psmith

Then create the database using:
createdb -O psmith mydb

If that doesn't work make sure that postgres is running by doing 
/etc/init.d/postgresql status
if not run /etc/init.d/postgresql start to start it. Then try again.

You should also check out your $PGDATA/pg_hba.conf to make sure that the 
database is
accessible from the right places, and by the right users.

Uno Engborg

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