Security question - running a root command not being root

Guillermo Garron ggarron at
Sun May 21 20:10:48 UTC 2006

thank you all for your help,

i will go in that direction, if i have any other issues will back to you.



Tim wrote:
> Guillermo Garron:
>>> I need some guys that access my server to run command that only root
>>> can, specifically (tcpdump) but i don't want to pass the root password
>>> to them.
>>> Is there a way i can do this? without violating the "normal" security
>>> rules? I mean no changing permissions to the command *tcpdump*.
> Vivek J. Patankar:
>> sudo
> Don't forget that by allowing sudo you *can* also allow them to do any
> command that normally requires root privileges.  Do this sort of thing
> with care (read the guides, test things yourself thoroughly).

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