why is xinetd not installed by default in FC6?

Tim ignored_mailbox at yahoo.com.au
Wed Nov 22 16:29:23 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-11-22 at 10:02 -0600, Paul Johnson wrote:
> But now I don't understand what role xinetd is/was performing side by
> side with the tcpwrap protection inside ssh's build.

As far as I was aware, xinetd (or the prior inetd), was just for running
services that didn't act as stand-alone, continuously running, services.
Xinetd would start them up, as needed.  Which, obviously, isn't
efficient for anything that's slow to start up.  (Been there, done that,
before having anything ever to do with Linux.)

Perhaps xinetd wasn't working as you thought it did, or that there's a
way to use it with ssh in the manner I just described.

(Currently testing FC5, but still running FC4, if that's important.)

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