KDE 3.5.5 in FC5 - resolved issues

Tim Smith tim at electronghost.co.uk
Wed Nov 1 20:21:05 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 01 November 2006 09:52, Mike Cohler wrote:
> 2) The window problem I found is related to the "focus follows mouse"
> setting in Control Centre->Desktop->Window Behaviour - select Policy
> to be "Click to Focus" and Apply it. This fixed my system.


In short, set a small FocusDelay (~10ms) and you can use FocusFollowsMouse 
without this occurring. Hopefully a fixed kdebase will be available soon.

Tim Smith <tim at electronghost.co.uk>
Rebel Intelligence identifies site of AT-AT stud farm.  Rebel spies obtain
definitive holographs of mating pair.  Pictures on 3.

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