Fedora Coverstory in Linux Format

Andy Green andy at warmcat.com
Thu Nov 16 14:39:27 UTC 2006

Ian Malone wrote:

> Battle is quite a strong word.  They are rapidly gaining users,
> does this mean they are doing something better than Fedora
> and if so is it something Fedora can learn from?  Do their
> larger numbers translate into a stronger community (which
> is something that would benefit existing users) or simply
> more people posting FAQs to forums?

Yes it's hard to know.  I expect this is part of the idea behind the 
recent install statistic gathering that is in / will be in Fedora, to 
get some hard numbers that can be the start of seeing what the relative 
popularity is.  Maybe it just comes down to some kind of cultural 

>> For example, Ubuntu is all over Digg and Fedora isn't.  GNU stripped
> Digg:
> "Japanese-American Magician Stuns Girls with Hand-thru-Aquarium Illusion"
> I could care less, but not much.

Well if you tune digg to Linux by clicking the arrow on the right of the 
"Technology" menu and then selecting Linux/Unix, you will see relevant 
stories, one about Fedora and five with Ubuntu in the title.

If you know little about Linux but try to take the temperature to maybe 
choose a distro one day, this stuff has an effect.  Which is why a 
splash on Linux Format good, I saw mine in Tescos, plenty of non-Linux 
users will see the name for the first time because of it.


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