logoff Xorg problem

Bob Chiodini rchiodin at bellsouth.net
Thu Aug 2 12:45:41 UTC 2007

Dario Lesca wrote:
> Hi, I have install F7 on my Notebook yesterday, this HP NoteBook:
>> http://smolt.fedoraproject.org/show?UUID=c020ea57-537e-43e0-b458-805ed2b982a5
> When I close my GDM session (logoff) the monitor is blocked and If I
> press the CTRL+ALT+BS or F1 none happened.
> I must login via SSH from another PC and kill Xorg process to come back
> to login screen.
> If I logon with root, this problem do not happened, when I logout the X
> session is close without problem.
> Then system is up to date.
> To my user I have enable the Desktop effect, for user root no, the
> problem happened also if I disable desktop effect.
> If i work without desktop effect (compiz) the problem not happened and
> logout work great.
> Is a compiz problem? is possible resolve it?
> Is this a know problem?
> there is a solutions?
> Many thanks to all.

Ditto for FC6, beryl and the latest nvidia closed source driver.  Using 
metacity as the WM mitigates the problem.  I also believe that one of 
the older nvidia drivers did not have the problem.  I just stopped 
logging off :-)


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