USA export restrictions and GPL - how can they co-exist?

Steve Searle steve at
Fri Aug 10 20:19:14 UTC 2007

Around 09:07pm on Friday, August 10, 2007 (UK time), Geoffrey Leach scrawled:

> IMHO, you've got it backwards.  However you might read the GPL, it 
> would be ill-advised to send a disto (or other restricted stuff) to 
> Cuba. I very much doubt that the Feds would accept a reading of the GPL 
> to let you off the hook.

I assume your warning was only meant for those living under the
jusristriction of "the Feds".

Would this restriction also mean a US citizen couldn't take a laptop
running Fedora to Cuba, or even more interestingly does that mean any of
your armed forces who may use Fedora, can't when they are serving in


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