retoring a PostgreSQL database from one server to another

Andras Simon szajmi at
Wed Feb 28 21:33:10 UTC 2007

On 2/28/07, Beau BOB <man_55 at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have postgresql 7.4.1 and I'm restoring to another server that has
> postgresql 7.4.6
> for dumping I'm using :
> pg_dumpall --clean -h localhost -U postgres -p 5432 > dbfile
> and for restoring I use many methods:
> psql -h localhost -U postgres -d template1 -f dbfile
> and I have this error message when I run the PgAdminIII to connect my data
> base:
> "error relation pg_settings not found " & " error relation pg_user not
> found"
> and when I use the commands:
> psql -l
> ERROR:  relation "pg_catalog.pg_user" not found
> notice that when I make restore , I have many error message about missing
> relation ;
> please can anybody help me to resolv my problem
> thanks for advance

Are you doing the restore as the postgres user?
Also, it's useful to redirect stderror to a file when doing the
restore, so you can inspect it later.


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