Ubuntu 1, Fedora 0

Andy Green andy at warmcat.com
Wed Mar 21 20:47:51 UTC 2007

Hikaru Amano wrote:

> what i meant by distro independant is that the application can work
> with any distro regardless what user tools or environment the distro
> use with minimal hassle ... perhaps with only some config editing ...

yum is intimately tied to rpm, so a Debian person could make the same 
complaint about that, it's probably not a reasonable thing to complain 
about either way.  Packaging is an area that is part of what defines the 
differences between the types of distro and the gulf is too wide to 
interoperate over much (alien aside).

Be interesting to know the genesis of that idea and the implementation 
of the feature though.  This small feature has made a large positive PR 
impact for Ubuntu on Digg today.  Somehow that isn't happening for 
Fedora.  Maybe it is because it is Redhat (and now a second exclusionary 
  layer of packager-only mailing list) stops people feeling a sense of 
ownership and inclusion... that they're willing to feel for another 
corporate entity?  Dunno.


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