How best get rid of SELinux?

Chris Jones jonesc at
Fri Sep 21 21:56:54 UTC 2007

> Umm, I haven't lobbied for that. What I have lobbied for is the
> ability to install or not. I haven't lobbied for removing it.
> If you want to run SELinux, fine for you. I don't. I don't want
> it on my machine. So far, RH has provided tools which only know
> how to install a version of Linux which has SELinux in it. I'd
> like the option NOT to install it, and have it not be on my
> machine.

There is. Its call Ubuntu...

Humor aside, any distro makes some decisions for you as to what you will or 
will not have installed. You choose to install Fedora, fine, you choose

 - To use rpm as the package management system

 - To use a 2.6.X kernel[1]

 - To have gnome as the default desktop.

 - To have selinux

 - To not have easy access to various 'non-free' software packages

etc. etc.

yous pays your money (or not, in the case of fedora) you takes your choice. 

If you are so against SElinux why on earth do you choose to use fedora ??


1. If you use a half recent Fedora release

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