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Aaron Konstam akonstam at sbcglobal.net
Thu Sep 27 11:23:58 UTC 2007

On Thu, 2007-09-27 at 12:53 +0930, Tim wrote:
> Kam Leo: 
> > Your interpretations of what Karl and I wrote are way off base.
> No, they're *exactly* what you said.  Not an interpretation.
> > Neither of us said you can not install from a "Live" CD.  Neither of
> > us said that the DVD was the only way to install F7.
> Before you were not arguing about live CDs, and I didn't mention live
> CDs.  The point I brought up was that you (both) said you could only
> install from a DVD.  You're trying to skirt the issue again.  What do
> you not understand about the words "only" and "not available"?
> Karl:  "Be advised that F7 is only available in a DVD 7image."
> Kam:  "What Karl stated is factual. A multiple CD-ROM disc equivalent
> of
> the F7 DVD is not offered or available.
> Karl proclaimed you can only install from a DVD, you backed him up.
> There is no other interpretation of those words.  If you meant
> something
> else, you certainly didn't say it. 

All this reminds me of an old joke about Microsoft. I will not tell the
joke but the essence was explanations from Microsoft were often strictly
true but not useful. That was the problem with Karl's original
statement. Having to diagram a statement to determine its validity is
not useful for productive communication.
Portable, adj.: Survives system reboot.
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: akonstam at sbcglobal.net

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