Thank you, unknown genius!

Anton Solovyev anton at
Thu Apr 10 20:28:28 UTC 2008

Matthew Miller wrote:

>> (Just like all tools of similar nature) yum has a good potential of killing 
>> your system when something unexpected happens. I have had yum kill a box at 
>> least once after something like terminal session timeout or a ctrl-c. 
>> Something to the effect of leaving two versions of each package with the 
>> subsequent destruction of the system on the attempt to remove the 
>> duplicates. I am sure it was my fault, of course.
> The suggestion of running from screen is good, but even then something bad
> could happen. But, in the event that it does, next time try
> yum-complete-transaction from the yum-utils package.

I just don't use yum. I had a short moment of weakness some years ago (wanted a 
new kernel or something), but I was quickly cured by the above mentioned event.


Anton Solovyev

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