Samsung printer woes

Vikram Goyal vikigoyal at
Fri Apr 18 12:37:38 UTC 2008

On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 06:39:31PM +1000, Da Rock wrote:
> Right now I'm going to have rant:
> I'm seriously pissed off at this SELinux. As near as I can see it does
> bugger all, but when it stuffs up or gets in the way it does a right
> royal job of it!
> Now that thats out of the way, I installed the drivers and software
> nicely supplied by Samsung (unified linux drivers for mfp) which can
> only be installed by root. Root can't print- and is stopped by SELinux,
> and users can't print because the cups setup is root. Shouldn't this be
> simpler? Any thoughts on what I can do here?


/sbin/service auditd status

If stopped then start it. If not found then install it through yum.

The auditd log file is /var/log/audit/audit.log which contains all the
selinux messages if auditd is running. Use your application and all the
selinux messages/denials will get posted in log file.

read manpage audit2allow. It has some very useful hints to build local
modules. It comes in very handy in scenarios where either the
application is not selinux aware or proprietary ( not covered by fedora
) for which selinux denials cannot be bugzillad.

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Where is John Carson now that we need him?
		-- RLG

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