F8, portmap, 111, and NFS failure

don fisher dfisher at as.arizona.edu
Sat Jan 5 19:39:16 UTC 2008

I recently installed a new F8 system, similar to what I had done 
previously. The firewall is preventing the export of file systems from 
this system. I have NFS trusted, but the problem appears to be with port 

If I attempt to mount the F8 system files (with firewall enabled) on 
system "B" I receive:

mount -v /dfpc74
mount: Unable to connect to, errno 113 (No route to host)
mount: trying prog 100003 vers 3 prot tcp port 47097
mount: Unable to connect to, errno 113 (No route to host)
Exit 32

With the firewall disabled the mount is successful.

mount -v /dfpc74
mount: trying prog 100003 vers 3 prot tcp port 2049
mount: trying prog 100005 vers 3 prot udp port 32771

What am I missing in my setup. I work from the command line, so please 
reply in a way that is not GUI dependent.


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