"driver referrenced before assignment" warning at boot!?

William Case billlinux at rogers.com
Tue Sep 16 16:30:28 UTC 2008


I installed kmod-nvidia- a few days ago.  I just
learnt that akmod-nvidia should take care of re-compiling for the livna
nvidia driver so I installed akmod-nvidia this morning.  Now I get the
"driver referenced before assignment" warning every time I boot
subsequently followed by a processing delay.

When I originally installed the new "*.26.3* kernel. the oldest kernel
was not removed as usual.  (Perhaps the full installation was not

Any tips on how to go about diagnosing and/or fixing this problem ?

Regards Bill
Fedora 9, Gnome 2.22.3
Evo., Emacs 22.2.1

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