Convert Palm Tungsten E2 Calendar Data For Import To iPhone

Robert L Cochran cochranb at
Sun Aug 23 00:49:45 UTC 2009

A friend of mine has a Palm Tungsten E2 with months of calendar data on 
it. This needs to go onto a brand new iPhone 3G. Is there a way of 
syncing the calendar data on a Fedora system and then converting it to a 
format the iPhone can understand? Or at least, convert to a format that 
iTunes can then sync to the iPhone?

Constraints: due to privacy concerns I cannot use a web-based solution 
involving, for example, Google Calendar.

I've Googled and discovered that one can export calendar stuff to a 
*.dba file, then process it through a non-free 'dba2csv' program, but 
apparently it only works on the Palm Desktop version 4.1.4 date book 
architecture file format, and the friend's Palm Desktop is version 6.2.2.

Any ideas?



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