How to set cursor in editor to pattern given on command line?

Frantisek Hanzlik franta at
Wed Nov 4 22:42:45 UTC 2009

Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 02Nov2009 11:27, Frantisek Hanzlik<franta at>  wrote:
> | steve wrote:
> |>On 11/02/2009 12:58 AM, Frantisek Hanzlik wrote:
> |>>Hello all,
> |>>[...snip...]
> |>>Just something as "+/{pattern}" option in vim editor does.
> |>>
> |>>I want offer to (unexperienced) users edit (in shell script) some
> |>>configuration files, and this should be done with some simple editor
> |>>(no Emacs or vi). I think e.g. joe or mcedit is simple enough for
> |>>these users, but joe nor mcedit cann't? probably? solve this demand
> |>>(joe's command line option for jump to given line number (+nnn) isn't
> |>>too much useable for this).
> |>
> |>This is a fairly common requirement when distributing applications which
> |>may need config file changes, to inexperienced uses. My approach is
> |>generally to provide a command rather have the users open an editor, eg:
> |>
> |>$ sed -i -e "s/foo = LOOK_FOR/foo = REPLACEMENT/" foo.conf
> |>
> |>of course you could precede that with something like ...
> |
> | I agree that variant with sed is in many respects more foolproof than
> | direct editing, but in my case this isn't practical, as users need to
> | see (and occasionally change) surrounding text too. Thus, classical
> | editor is needed...
> Ok, you'll have to to this on a per-editor basis, alas.
> If joe has a +nnn option, try:
>    # or egrep, depend what flavour regexp you're offering
>    n=`grep -n "$pattern"<"$file" | sed 's/:.*//'`
>    joe "+$n" "$file"
> You'll need to work out variations for other editors, alas.
Hello Mr. Cameron and James,

thank You for these suggestion. I didn't want just jump to line with
searched text, because lines in edited files are long - sometimes up to
300-400 chars (sorry, I'm not author of them :). Then, I want jump right
on the edited text. At present it appears as simple editors cannot do
this. I have working solution in vim:

$ vim -i NONE -S <(echo -e "/SrchdPattern...\\zs/\nnormal n") EditedFile

("...\\zs/\nnormal n" construct is there because I want edit text 3 chars
after searching pattern).
It seems as my users will must know several vim commands. Or they will
had lesser comfort with some simpler editor.

Regards, Franta Hanzlik

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