our perl-core on p5p

Stepan Kasal skasal at redhat.com
Mon Aug 17 16:42:07 UTC 2009


On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 12:06:48PM -0400, Tom spot Callaway wrote:
> Right now, "perl-core" installs everything that comes with the perl
> 5.10.0 tarball, not just the minimal "core". The current naming is
> confusing.

perl-core installs perl+core, i.e. the perl interpreter plus all the
core modules.  So I see _some_ logic behind that.

I still think that people who will get all the core modules instead
of "just the perl" when they yum install perl, will feel trapped.

> I think it is far easier to tell people, if you want the minimal
> functional perl bits, yum install perl-minimal.

A question (sorry if it already has been answered): are we the last
one who use the name "perl" for the minimal set?  If majority the other
GNU/* distributions use the term "perl" for perl+core modules (I know
that Debian does, for example), then we probably should unify the

> We should also clean up the autoprovides anyway, [...]


> [...] as much as looking at that pile of code makes me cry.

I would like to rewrite it from scratch.

Moreover, I'd like to do it in gawk.  These scripts are the only
reason why every mock build root contains perl.

Again, this is something which should not be done after the alpha
freeze.  IIRC, with the new schedule, dist-f13 opens long before
F-12 is released, I think it is soon after the beta freeze, i.e. at
the end of September.


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