gdm login usability

Noah Silva [Mailing list] nsilva-list at
Thu Oct 16 17:50:45 UTC 2003

> I remember when Sun spent a lot of time going over usability testing of
> gnome.  One criticism of GDM was that there was no [ok] button to press

Not only that, but I _constantly_ do this in GDM:
type in username, <tab> grr... (it inserts a TAB char instead of moving to
the next field).  I had almost kicked myself of this habit, and then
Ximian Desktop 2 fixed that Tab key... but apparently that change hasn't
made out of ximian's version...

(I don't think that either of these changes would exactly destabalize the
beta, but I wonder how the button would work with regards to the existing
GDM themes).

 -- noah silva

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