Res res at
Thu Oct 23 13:29:22 UTC 2003


On Thu, 23 Oct 2003, Mike A. Harris wrote:

> I think the general thing we're trying to get across is that we
> do not have the engineering resources to package and maintain 15
> ftp daemons, SMTP daemons, web servers, imap daemons, etc. and
> also audit them, track their security flaws and major bugs and
> provide proper and timely updates when such flaws are found, and
> provide the level of support for them that would be needed for
> them to be in Fedora Core.  We just don't have 5000 engineers
> here twiddling their thumbs looking for new applications with
> major security flaws to fix and release updates for.

ProFTPd has always had a good security track record, RH used to
include it years ago (ok i think it was only on the contrib tho), when it
also included the biggest security nightmare every ftp admin
has 'wu-ftpd', they dropped proftpd but kept wu-ftpd, that just made
absolute no sense at all, I feel there is more to it and RH wont say (at
least publicly) why :)

Network Administrator
Postmaster / Abusemaster / Flamemaster  Australian Hosting Services

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