autofs - automount - yp maps

Robert Cavey rcavey at
Thu Apr 29 19:48:27 UTC 2004

Trying to get started on Migrating from RedHat 9.0 to FC2 when it
releases. We use NIS for auth and mounting homedirs and shares in a
mixed Solaris, SGI and Linux environment.

VERS and ARCH because of the different platforms.
# ypcat
-rw,intr,vers=$VERS  <host_server>:/automnt/tools/share
-rw,intr,vers=$VERS  <host_server>:/automnt/tools/lib/$ARCH
-rw,intr,vers=$VERS  <host_server>:/automnt/tools/bin/$ARCH

# ypcat auto.home
-rw,intr,vers=$VERS     <host_server>:/homedir:<username>

In RH9 we modified the line for localoptions in /etc/init.d/autofs
# NOTE Just for giggles to to pass "nfsvers and vers" to server
localoptions=' -D ARCH=linux8.0 rsize=32768,wsize=32768,nfsvers=3,vers3'

This DOES not work in FC2 .... It fails to mount any of the YP map
related mounts.

I even tried: localoptions=' -D ARCH=linux8.0 rsize=32768,wsize=32768'
and still does not mount.

automount complains about vers option now and not before, even removing
that options still fails to mount homedir.
I've had to create file maps local to the test machine. Has that much
changed in the new automount versions??

RH9.0# automount --version
Linux automount version 3.1.7
RH9.0# mount --version
mount: mount-2.11y
FC2t2# automount --version
Linux automount version 4.1.1
FC2t2# mount --version
mount: mount-2.12

Anyone seeing strange behavior in automount with yp ?


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