fc5 firefox 99% cpu against helper applications

Skunk Worx skunkworx at verizon.net
Fri Apr 21 04:19:30 UTC 2006

When the FF downloads.rdf file gets large, FF gets kind of evil on my box.

Usually located somewhere like :


Mine was 1/2 meg. and firefox would spin 99% cpu trying to start 
downloading helper app related links--realplayer, hxplay, mplayer, etc. 
Basically FF locks for 20-30 seconds.

Not every time, but usually the first attempt yields a 4-5 seconds lock, 
then additional tries of the same download exhibit the 20-30 second lock.

Clearing downloads makes the problem go away...helper app startup is 
very fast every time.

Do you think this is worthy of a bugzilla entry? Anyone else have a big one?


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