Selinux and Apache

Michal Jaegermann michal at
Wed Dec 10 15:55:39 UTC 2008

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 08:29:35PM +1100, Rob K wrote:
> It always baffles me that people can perform miracles of efficiency
> with a line or two of impenetrable awk or sed, but selinux is
> haaaaaaard.

Writing impenetrable awk, if you have some clue what a regular
expression may be, is quite difficult although very easy to achieve
that with sed. :-)  But selinux is "haaaaaaard" and hard to bent if
for whatever reasons you are venturing beyond defaults.  A constant
stream of selinux policy updates attests to that.  Not that this is
mission impossible but really not easy.

Besides there are books written about awk and sed and if you will
bother to type 'info gawk' then you have a content of O'Reilly gawk
book rigth in front of your nose.  'info sed' is not so ample but
also worth to look at. Moreover I have yet to meet somebody who
really learned sed just from a manpage. :-)

Not that I am trying to suggest that selinux is undocumented.
'rpm -qd selinux-policy | less' says otherwise and besides
'man httpd_selinux' also has quite interesting informations.


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