Firefox performance

Patrick O'Callaghan pocallaghan at
Sun Feb 15 04:33:04 UTC 2009

On Sat, 2009-02-14 at 16:28 +0100, Adam Pribyl wrote:
>  OK, so it is confirmed, the Firefox using wine _emulator_ on Fedora
> is 
> most probably _faster_ than the _natively_ compiled Firefox.

Wine is a reimplementation of the Windows API. It is not an emulator.
Code under Wine runs at native machine speed. The difference in Firefox
speed is caused by different compiler technologies and compile-time

And anoth thing: I think people are focussing too much on Javascript in
these benchmarks. Not that it isn't important, but the complaints about
FF being sluggish also mention things like scrolling, zooming, tab
switching, startup time etc., which have little or anything to do with


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