clueluess with cvs

anthony baldwin anthony at
Sat May 27 13:42:21 UTC 2006


I´m new.
Signed up at the sign up and gave my key, etc.
Trying to access the cvs, but I have absolutely no experience with cvs 
whatever (except the local drugstore chain).
So I followed the instructions on the page indicated 
And then saw a long list of .po files go by in my terminal.
But I haven´t the slightest idea what to do beyond that....
and the list was so long and went by so fast...

Furthermore, I´ve never worked with po files, either.  I yummed some gui 
tools for that, so, perhaps I´ll figure that out.
I am an experienced translator (and interpreter), but have not worked 
with software localization at all (trying to cut my
teeth here, really, to help my favorite OS, AND gain valuable experience...)
I´ve been using Linux since RH7.0 and Fedora since FC1, but am nothing 
like a linux guru/expert, by any means.

I downloaded some gui CVS tools, too.  I have cervisia and lincvs.
Maybe someone could clue me in on their use or something?
I really have no comprehension of cvs at all....
truly clueless....


Anthony Baldwin
Translator / Court Qualified Interpreter / Certified English Teacher
English, Français, Español & Português
860-399-7118 / 860-235-8233

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