string freeze break request: initscripts

Ankitkumar Rameshchandra Patel ankit at
Thu Sep 6 10:01:38 UTC 2007

Bill Nottingham લખ્યું:
> I'd like to update the translations in initscripts:
> A fully translated checkout will go from:
>   mk.po: 785 translated messages.
> to:
>   mk.po: 726 translated messages, 97 fuzzy translations, 34 untranslated messages.
> Why we're changing now: Unfortunately, updating the initscripts list of
> translatable strings is a manual process that first requires installing
> every package that has a translatable file - this is a constantly changing
> set. It would have been done before the string freeze, except I was on
> vacation.
> Impact of not doing it: Some initscripts will not be translated.
> Yay/nay?
> Bill

Here is the question for Dimtris now.

As per above information the new updated status of the translation 
should be "726 translated messages, 97 fuzzy translations, 34 
untranslated messages.", which is correctly showing on 
status page (i am putting Gujarati [gu] language status link here for 
the reference):

But, it's completely different status showing on status page for this particular package:

I just noticed that status for some other packages also differs.

Why is that so? Before some other people get confused between the status 
difference, please look at the issue.

Ankit Patel

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