CMS Decision

Elliot Lee sopwith at
Mon Dec 5 20:06:01 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2 Dec 2005, Karsten Wade wrote:

> Regardless, as long as is providing a platform for fp.o, we are
> beholden to the will o' Seth on this matter.  Can we just make the
> decision "No PHP," swallow the bitterness, and move on?

No, because (a) a PHP solution might be the best one, all things
considered (b) we aren't constrained to hosting it on Seth's machine.

I am trying very hard to make the current Red Hat-hosted Fedora machines
open to all who want to use them - the most difficult thing right now is
finding people who are willing to use the access I've given :).

-- Elliot
Unanswered questions in The Matrix: What happens if you take both the red 
pill AND the blue pill?

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