[Feedhenry-raincatcher] Fixing security vulnerabilites on datasync-cloud

David Ffrench dffrench at redhat.com
Thu Oct 12 09:42:10 UTC 2017


I have published a new version of fh-sync which resolves a security
vulnerability in one of it's dependencies.

Could you please bump the version of fh-sync to 1.0.13 and publish a new
version of datasync-cloud.

Once this is complete, i will create a new PR on
https://github.com/feedhenry-raincatcher/raincatcher-server which has the
new version of datasync-cloud published. The vulnerability present in
fh-sync was the only security vulnerability in raincatcher-server.

Best Regards,


senior software engineer, RED HAT MOBILE

Red Hat Waterford <https://www.redhat.com/>

Communications House, Cork Road

Waterford, Ireland

dffrench at redhat.com
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