[Freeipa-devel] BA-BBQ

Pavel Zůna pzuna at redhat.com
Mon Aug 23 15:01:06 UTC 2010

On 2010-08-23 16:41, Adam Young wrote:
> On 08/23/2010 07:51 AM, Pavel Zuna wrote:
>> On 08/23/2010 04:12 AM, Adam Young wrote:
>>> Pavel,
>>> Thoughts of jquery.ba-bbq have been marinating in the back of my brain.
>>> I know that the Back button doesn't work so well with hjashparams, and
>>> that BBQ purports to fix this, but I had some sort of mental shift I had
>>> to make. I think I have it now.
>>> BBQ, and in fact the whole AJAX approach works off of client side code,
>>> which means the whole hash params approach. What I didn't get was that
>>> the best approach to dealing with this was to drive the site off of the
>>> event that happens when the url hash changes. We need to do this.
>>> Bascially, navigation.js registers:
>>> $(window).bind( 'hashchange', function(e) {
>>> ...
>>> }
>>> This function gets called each time the URL hash changes, which happens
>>> on either a tab click or on a back button (lets start with those two,
>>> there will be more)
>>> So bascially, this function is our dispatach. Instead of having to
>>> register the onclick functions for each of the tabs, we know that they
>>> will all end up in this function, and then we let it parse the params
>>> for us.
>>> BBQ has the concept of a stack, where we can push and pop state. Thyis
>>> might be useful for pushing a query, going to the details page, and then
>>> popping the query afterwards. I'm still mulling this over.
>>> Note, we will want to replace the custom hash param working we are doing
>>> with JQuery.deparam and JQuery.param calls, as they are much more
>>> mature, and it is less code we have to debug.
>> Sure, from what I've read in jQuery docs, it looks more powerful than
>> what we currently have.
>>> The thing I have to figure out now is what this will do to navigation on
>>> the details, add and groups pages.
>> I don't think it will be a problem. Functional links (such as Reset,
>> Update, Add, Remove) are only used to run javascript functions - the
>> URL, query string or hash doesn't change. Most of these action are
>> also "one way" only. We don't want the user to be able to go Back
>> after he updated an entry. (Going back in this case should probably
>> bring him back to the search page).
>> Pavel
> I notice he uses JQuery.ui Tabs for his demo. I wonder if we want to
> move to that as well?


You mean this example, right? It looks good and if it can simplify our 
code, why not. I'll take a look at the API a maybe play around with it a 


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