[Freeipa-devel] Announcing wehjit 0.2.0

Jason Gerard DeRose jderose at redhat.com
Thu Jan 21 16:46:11 UTC 2010

Whats new

This release adds significant client-side functionality and several new
widgets.  The Python API remains mostly unchanged, with the exception of
one major addition: you can now make any state variable available
client-side by simply creating the state descriptor with a `json=True`

For example, say you have a widget with a state variable called `stuff`:

    class MyWidget(wehjit.Widget):
        stuff = wejhit.Static('stuff')

To make `stuff` available client-side, just add `json=True` like this:

    class MyWidget(wehjit.Widget):
        stuff = wejhit.Static('stuff', json=True)

As far as new widgets, highlights include:

 * Grid: an AJAX table with client-side sorting, row select (click) and
   activate (double click) events, and asynchronous updates via

 * Dialog: a generic widget for transient client-side dialog boxes.

 * DialogSet: controls the available Dialogs in a page.

 * CRUDS: works in combination with Grid, Dialog, and DialogSet for AJAX
   Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete, and Search operations.

There is likewise quite a bit of new supporting JavaScript for the above

The demo has a new "AJAX Demo" example.  However, as CRUDS must talk to
a live JSON-RPC server, it doesn't work in the statically rendered demo.
But you can run the demo from the source tree like this:


Then just point your browser to

Lastly, the Menu widget has changed and wont display the MenuItems till
you click on the Menu (previously it displayed on mouse over).


The source tarball, API documentation, and statically rendered demo are
all available here:


Updated packages for Fedora 12 and rawhide will be available in the next
several days (yum install python-wehjit).

An unofficial Ubuntu Karmic package is available in my PPA (apt-get
install python-wehjit):


Finally, you can use Bazaar to get my current code from either my
fedorapeople page:

    bzr branch http://jderose.fedorapeople.org/bzr/wehjit/

Or from Launchpad:

    bzr branch lp:wehjit

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