[Freeipa-devel] Sudo Schema Bug/Feature

JR Aquino JR.Aquino at citrixonline.com
Mon Oct 4 21:04:14 UTC 2010

On Oct 4, 2010, at 2:02 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:

> Dmitri Pal wrote:
>> Dmitri Pal wrote:
>>> Dmitri Pal wrote:
>>>>> How do we adjust FreeIPA such that it ensures Deny-IPASudoRules precede any Allow-IPASudoRules ?
>>>> So it looks like current schema would not fly well with SUDO due to SUDO
>>>> bug/feature. SUDO will match just any first rule that satisfies the
>>>> user-hpost-command combination but we can't guarantee that rules come in
>>>> the same order. So there is a possibility that allow rule will come
>>>> before deny rule in our case and will be matched.
>>>> It is unfortunate and should be fixed by SUDO. In a meantime we need to
>>>> alter the schema to be able to express allowed and not allowed commands
>>>> in one rule.
>>>> It will be up to the admin to know the limitations of SUDO based on the
>>>> documentation we provide and construct the rules in a non contradicting
>>>> way. We might be able to add some nice checks in future.
>>>> So here is current schema:
>>>> objectClasses: (2.16.840.1.113730.3.8.8.TBD
>>>>                 NAME 'ipaSudoRule'
>>>>                 SUP ipaAssociation
>>>>                 STRUCTURAL
>>>>                 MUST accessRuleType
>>>>                 MAY ( externalUser $
>>>>                       externalHost $ hostMask $
>>>>                       memberCmd $ cmdCategory $
>>>>                       ipaSudoOpt $
>>>>                       ipaSudoRunAs $ ipaSudoRunAsExtUser $ ipaSudoRunAsUserCategory $
>>>>                       ipaSudoRunAsGroup $ ipaSudoRunAsExtGroup $ ipaSudoRunAsGroupCategory )
>>>>                 X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
>>>> We will :
>>>> * Remove accessRuleType
>>>> * Add memberNotCmd same a memberCmd
>>>> attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730.3.8.7.TBD
>>>>                  NAME 'memberNotCmd'
>>>>                  DESC 'Reference to a command or group of the commands that is not allowed.'
>>>>                  SUP distinguishedName
>>>>                  EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch
>>>>                  ORDERING distinguishedNameMatch
>>>>                  SUBSTR distinguishedNameMatch
>>>>                  SYNTAX
>>>>                  X-ORIGIN 'IPA v2' )
>>>> The logic then will be:
>>>> * If no memberCmd, memberNotCmd or cmdCategory attribute is specified -
>>>> no command is allowed
>>>> * If cmdCategory is specified (only value is "all") all other attributes
>>>> are ignored and all commands are allowed
>>>> * If cmdCategory is not specified
>>>>      * If memberCmd is specified it defines commands or groups of the
>>>> commands that are allowed
>>>>      * If memberNotCmd is specified it defines commands or groups of the
>>>> commands that are not allowed
>>>>      Both attributes are allowed at the same time defining allowed and
>>>> not allowed commands within the same rule.
>>>> This does not solve the problem fully but at least gets us into the same
>>>> boat as current SUDO schema.
>>>> Comments welcome!
>>>> If there are no objections by end of Friday I will craft a patch over
>>>> the weekend.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Dmitri
>>> I updated the wiki and implemented the change.
>>> Patch is attached.
>> Rebased patch attached.
> ack, pushed to master.
> JR, can you fix up the sudo plugins to match this new schema?
> thanks
> rob

Will get right on it.  Try to have it done early tomorrow if not by end of day today.


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