[Freeipa-devel] [PATCH 32/32] Make AVA, RDN & DN comparison case insensitive. No need for lowercase normalization.

Rob Crittenden rcritten at redhat.com
Wed Jul 27 17:52:35 UTC 2011

John Dennis wrote:
> Replace deepcopy with constructor (i.e. type call)
> Can now "clone" with configuration changes by passing object
> of the same type to it's constructor, e.g.
> dn1 = DN(('cn', 'foo')
> dn2 = DN(dn1)
> dn2 = DN(dn1, first_key_match=False)
> Remove pairwise grouping for RDN's. Had previously removed it
> for DN's, left it in for RDN's because it seemed to make sense
> because of the way RDN's work but consistency is a higher goal.
> Add keyword constructor parameters to pass configuration options.
> Make first_key_match a configuration keyword.
> Updated documentation.
> Updated unit test.
> FWIW, I noticed the unittest is now running 2x faster, not sure why,
> removal of deepcopy? Anyway, hard to argue with performance doubling.

The constructor for RDN changed. It now requires tuples, is this the 
pairwise grouping you mention in the commit message?

I played around with creating  a variety of DNs, RDNs and AVAs and 
everything seems to work as expected, so a qualified ack. I'm just 
curious why RDNs require tuples.


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