[Freeipa-devel] Move replication topology to the shared tree

Ludwig Krispenz lkrispen at redhat.com
Mon Jun 2 14:19:14 UTC 2014

On 06/02/2014 04:08 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:
> Simo Sorce wrote:
>> First of all, very good summary, thanks a lot!
>> Replies in line.
>> On Mon, 2014-06-02 at 10:46 +0200, Ludwig Krispenz wrote:
>>> Ticket 4302 is a request for an enhancement: Move replication topology
>>> to the shared tree
>>> There has been some discussion in comments in the ticket, but I'd like
>>> to open the discussion to a wider audience to get an agreement on what
>>> should be implemented, before writing a design spec.
>>> The implementation requires a new IPA plugin for 389 DS and eventually
>>> an enhancement of the 389 replication plugin (which depends on some
>>> decisions below). In the following I will use the terms “topology
>>> plugin” for the new plugin and “replication plugin” for the existing 389
>>> multimaster replication plugin.
>>> Lets start with the requirements: What should be achieved by this RFE ?
>>> In my opinion there are three different levels of features to implement
>>> with this request
>>> - providing all replication configuration information consistent across
>>> all deployed servers on all servers, eg to easily visualize the
>>> replication topology.
>>> - Allowing to do sanity checks on replication configuration, denying
>>> modifications which would break replication topology or issue warnings.
>>> - Use the information in the shared tree to trigger changes to the
>>> replication configuration in the corresponding servers, this means to
>>> allow to completely control replication configuration with modifications
>>> of entries in the shared tree
>>> The main questions are
>>> 1] which information is needed in the shared tree (eg what params in the
>>> repl config should be modifiable)
>>> 2] how is the information organized and stored (layout of the repl
>>> config information shared tree)
>>> 3] how is the interaction of the info in the shared tree and
>>> configuration in cn=config and the interaction between the topology
>>> plugin and the replication plugin
>>> ad 1] to verify the topology, eg connectivity info about all existing
>>> replication agreements is needed, the replication agreements only
>>> contain info about the target, and the parameters for connection to the
>>> target, but not about the origin. If the data have to evaluated on any
>>> server, information about the origin has to be added, eg replicaID,
>>> serverID,...
>>> In addition, if agreement config has to be changed based on the shared
>>> tree all required parameters need to be present, eg
>>> replicatedAttributeList, strippedAttrs, replicationEnabled, .....
>>> Replication agreements only provide information on connections where
>>> replication is configured, if connectivity is to be checked independent
>>> info about all deployed serevers/replicas is needed.
>>> If topology should be validated, do we need params definig requirements,
>>> eg each replica to be connected to 1,2,3,... others, type of topology
>>> (ring, mesh, star,.) ?
>> Ok from a topology point of view you need the same elements you need to
>> define a graph. That is: nodes and segments.
>> We already have the list of masters in the cn=etc tree, so all we need
>> is to add segments (ie connection objects).
>> As for parameters my idea is that we have a general set of parameters
>> (eg. replicatedAttributeList, strippedAttrs) in the general topology
>> configuration, then we might override them on a per-connection basis if
>> needed (should be very rare).
>> Also note we may need multiple topology sets, because we may have to
>> distinguish between the replication topology for the main shared tree
>> and the replication topology for other databases.
>> However we may want to be able to mark a topology for 'multiple' sets.
>> For example we may want to have by default the same topology both for
>> the main database and for the CA database.
> I think we should store them separately and making them the "same" would
> be applied by a tool, but the data would just reflect the connections.
> I was thinking the object DN would contain the LDAP database name (or
> some rough equivalent), so we would store the IPA connections separate
> from the CA connections.
>>> ad 2] the data required are available in the replicationAgreement (and
>>> eventually replica) entries, but the question is if there should be a
>>> 1:1 relationship to entries in the shared tree or a condensed
>>> representation, if there should be a server or connection oriented view.
>> My answer is no, we need only one object per connection, but config
>> entries are per direction (and different ones on different servers).
> We also need to store the type, MMR, read-only, etc, for future-proofing.
> One entry per connection would mirror what we have now in the mapping
> tree (which is generally ok). I wonder if this would be limiting with
> other agreement types depending on the schema we use.
In the mapping tree you have a connection as a replicationagreement, but 
if I understand Simo correctly he wants on object per segment. If two 
servers are connected this could be one- or bidirectional
>>> In my opinion a 1:1 relation is straight forward, easy to handle and
>>> easy to extend (not the full data of a repl agreement need to be
>>> present, other attributes are possible). The downside may be a larger
>>> number of entries, but this is no problem for the directory server and
>>> replication and the utilities eg to visualize a topology will handle this.
>> We want a more abstract and easy to handle view for the topology plugin,
>> in general.
>>> If the number of entries should be reduced information on multiple
>>> replication agreements would have to be stored in one entry, and the
>>> problem arises ho to group data belonging to one agreement. LDAP does
>>> not provide a simple way to group attribute values in one entry, so all
>>> the info related to one agreement (origin, target, replicated attrs and
>>> other repl configuration info) could be stored in a single attribute,
>>> which will make the attribute as nicely readable and managable as acis.
>> We can easily use subtypes if really needed, this info is quite core to
>> the IPA code and will not be generally accessed by random clients.
>> However, as I indicated above we really need one object per graph
>> segment which represents a two-way connection, so we shouldn't have
>> issues (but sharing topologies between different databases may
>> reintroduce it :)
>>> If topology verification and connectivity check is an integral part of
>>> the feature, I think a connection oriented view is not sufficient, it
>>> might be incomplete, so a server view is required, the server entry
>>> would then have the connection information as subentries or as attributes.
>> We already have the list of servers, so we need to add only the list of
>> connections in the topology view. We may need to amend the servers
>> objects to add additional data in some cases. For example indicate
>> whether it is fully installed or not (on creation the topology plugin
>> would complain the server is disconnected until we create the first
>> segment, but that may actually be a good thing :-)
> Not sure I grok the fully installed part. A server isn't added as a
> master until it is actually installed, so a prepared master shouldn't
> show here.
>>> Ad 3] The replication configuration is stored under cn=config and can be
>>> modified either by ldap operations or by editing the dse.ldif. With the
>>> topology plugin another source of configuration changes comes into play.
>>> The first question is: which information has precendence ? I think if
>>> there is info in the shared tree it should be used, and the information
>>> in cn=config should be updated. This also means that the topology plugin
>>> needs to intercept all mods to the entries in cn=config and have them
>>> ignored and handle all updates to the shared tree and trigger changes to
>>> the cn=config entries, which then would trigger rebuilds of the in
>>> memory replication objects.
>> Yes, I agree.
> +1
>>> Next question: How to handle changes directly done in the dse.ldif, if
>>> everything should be done by the topology plugin it would have to verify
>>> and compare the info in cn=config and in the shared tree at every
>>> startup of the directory server, which might be complicated by the fact
>>> that the replication plugin might already be started and repl agreemnts
>>> are active before the topology plugin is started and could do its work.
>>> (plugin starting order and dependencies need to be checked).
>> Why do we care which one starts first ?
>> We can simply change replication agreements at any time, so the fact the
>> replication topology (and therefore agreements) can change after startup
>> should not be an issue.
> Someone could delete an agreement, or worse, add one we don't know
> about. Does that matter?
> What happens to values in the mapping tree that aren't represented in
> our own topology view?
>>> Next next question: should there be a “bootstrapping” of the config
>>> information in the shared tree ?
>>> I think yes, the topology plugin could check at startup if there is a
>>> representation of the config info in the shared tree and if not
>>> construct it, so after deployment and enabling of the topology plugin
>>> the information in the shared tree would be initialized.
>> Nope, the topology plugin should simply log a loud warning in the error
>> log and wait quietly until the topology is provided. This is needed to
>> allow us to handle migrations gracefully and carefully construct the
>> topology tree at install time w/o having the topology plugin interfere.
>> We will probably need a big 'enabled/disabled' flag on the topology tree
>> base object so we can construct a tree w/op waking up the plugin at
>> every change in the install phase.
> So when we do the migration to this version some script will be needed
> to create the initial topology from the agreements. Could we have a race
> condition?
>>> I think that not every part of the feature has to be handled in the
>>> topology plugin, we could also ask for enhancements in the 389
>>> replication plugin itself. There could be an extension to the replica
>>> and replication agreement entries to reference an entry in the shared
>>> tree. The replication plugin could check at startup if these entries
>>> contain replication configuration attributes and if so use them,
>>> otherwise use the values in cn=config. The presence of the reference
>>> indicates to the topolgy plugin that initialization is done.
>>> In my opinion this would simplify the coordination at startup and avoid
>>> unnecessary revaluations and other deployments could benefit from this
>>> new feature in directory server (one could eg have one entry for
>>> replication argreements containing the fractional replication
>>> configuration – and it would be identical on all servers)
>> I really do not want to touch the replication plugin. It works just fine
>> as it is, and handling topology has nothing to do with handling the low
>> level details of the replication. To each its own.
>> If other deployments want to use the topology plugin, we can later move
>> it to the 389ds codebase and generalize it.
> My memory is fuzzy but I think that restarts are required when
> adding/deleting agreements. Is that right? What implications would that
> have for this?
>>> So my proposal would contain the following components
>>> 1] Store replication configuration in the shared tree in a combination
>>> of server and connection view (think we need both) and map replication
>>> configuration to these entries. I would prefer a direct mapping (with a
>>> subset of the cn=config attributes and required additions)
>> Nack, we already have the list of servers, we just need 1 object per
>> connection (graph segment) not one per agreement.
>>> 2] provide a topology plugin to do consistency checks and topology
>>> verification, handle updates to trigger modification changes in
>>> cn=config, intercept and reject direct mods to cn=config entries At
>>> startup verify if shared tree opbjects are present, initialize them if
>>> not, apply to cn=config if required
>> Ack
>>> 3] enhance replication plugin to handle config information in the shared
>>> tree. This would allow to consistently handle config changes either
>>> applied to the shared config, cn=config mods or des.ldif changes. This
>>> feature might also be interesting to other DS deployments
>> Nack, leave the replication plugin alone, the topology plugin should do
>> all the topology work, dealing with interactions between 2 plugins would
>> tie them together and make things a lot more complicated than necessary.
>> It would also bind the development of the topology plugin to 2 schedules
>> (both 389ds and FreeIPA), making also the logistics of developing the
>> topology plugin more complicated.
>> Simo.

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