[Freeipa-users] How to mass import users and groupe

Dmitri Pal dpal at redhat.com
Wed Dec 3 15:09:06 UTC 2008

Götz Reinicke wrote:
> Hi,
> for now I'm playing with freeipa. Firstly I'd like to use the directory
> for lookups, therefore I'm looking for a easy way to import user data.
> (name, e-mail, phone, location, ...)
You can create a script that will use ipa-adduser command or use 
ldapmodify command and follow the standard syntax.
If you are going to migrate passwords you can pass the user password 
attribute in LDIF in clear text and the DS plugins will do the right 
thing (freeIPA 1.2 or later).

> At the moment, I have the data in a database, so I can export the data
> as csv, custom script or what ever input type is needed.
You need to create a script that will use the data you exported as the 
input to ipa-adduser (and other ipa-* commands) or as input to 
ldapmodify command.

> But, which (freeipa) tool may I use? What may be the syntax?
> Thanks for some more hints or links to webpages/mails.
> Best regards
> Götz

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