[Freeipa-users] local root can su to any IPA user

Nordgren, Bryce L -FS bnordgren at fs.fed.us
Thu Feb 27 22:36:01 UTC 2014

> But I
> would argue that in this case root can just add some other module to the
> pam stack that would dump passwords for any user who uses pam stack
> regardless whether SSSD is in the picture or not so it is not SSSD problem and
> I do not think it can be generally solved with the software. It is the point
> where you cross the line into physical security and organization's security and
> trust policies.

In a Kerberos/IdM/AD environment, the password isn't available except at initial sign on. If I sign on using my machine, then ssh to user Evil's machine, the worst user Evil can do is steal my TGT, which has a much shorter life than a password. If Evil is quick, he can get at my files on the main server. But I never give my password to user Evil in this situation, and user Evil is not an admin on my box, where he can affect the pam stack.

Thinking this through...This is definitely not a physical security thing: the machine was issued to user Evil and Evil must have physical access to it. These factors are not amenable to change. The problem is that "risk" and "granting power" are two sides of the same coin.  The challenge is to grant useful amounts of power while mitigating risk to others. For instance: the above description suggests that one way to mitigate risk is to not delegate administrative control over machines which handle other people's passwords. Whether this is "policy" or just "good practice" is perhaps a matter of semantics. Either way: Training the users to do the initial signon on their own box will go a long way to eliminating the need for a technical control...Definitely not a software problem...

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