can´t turn off clients

Johan Kragsterman johan.kragsterman at
Wed Jan 21 08:13:10 UTC 2009


Just swapped to nbd mode for several reasons. But a problem is that s/w 
shutting down/restarting clients doesn´t work. Ok, it works just pushing 
the button, but it doesn´t feel satisfying. 
This works without problems in nfs mode.

There are some messages shown on screen, like:

nbd (pid 609: nbd-client) got signal 9
nbd0: shutting down socket
nbd0: Recieve control failed (result -4)
nbd0: queue cleared
nbd (pid 1942: nbd-client) got signal 9
nbd0: shutting down socket
nbd0: Recieve control failed (result -4)
nbd0: queue cleared
                                               [     OK     ]

Saving mixer settings /sbin/alsactl: save_state:1541: Cannot 
open/etc/asound.state for writing: Read-only file system

                                               [ FAILED ]

Saving random seed:                       [     OK      ]
Syncing hardware clock to system time:       [     OK      ]
Turning off swap:                              [     OK      ]

After that it hangs.............

                   Best Regards from/Med vänliga hälsningar från

                                        Johan Kragsterman

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