[K12OSN] Locking down Mozilla and FireFox Preferencesa

Andy Rabagliati andyr at wizzy.com
Fri Jan 21 14:47:29 UTC 2005

On Fri, 21 Jan 2005, Timothy Legge wrote:

> Hi All
> Based on Andy Rabagliati's post about lockpref I found some great
> documents on how to lock down browser preferences.  You may have are
> read seen the LTSP Mozilla Lockdown HOWTO which basically tells you how
> to set the same preferences for all users: 
> http://togami.com/~warren/guides/mozlockdown/
> The message at:
> http://lists.suse.com/archives/suse-linux-e/2004-Jul/2868.html

I attach the script I use.

all.js seems to move around a bit, so it may need tweaking.

It takes a single parameter - the proxy and home page (assumed the same).

Cheers,    Andy!

-------------- next part --------------

# lock down browser homepage and proxy settings
# Andy Rabagliati <andyr at wizzy.com>
# http://wizzy.org.za/

use encoding 'latin1';
use strict;

sub usage() {
   print "Usage: $0 <hostname>\n";
   exit 1;

usage() if (@ARGV != 1);

my $hostname = $ARGV[0];

# Byteshifting program for mozilla's netscape.cfg files

# Old netscape 4.x uses a bytechift of 7
#   To decode: moz-byteshift.pl -s -7 <netscape.cfg >netscape.cfg.txt
#   To encode: moz-byteshift.pl -s  7 <netscape.cfg.txt >netscape.cfg

# Mozilla uses a byteshift of 13
#   To decode: moz-byteshift.pl -s -13 <netscape.cfg >netscape.cfg.txt
#   To encode: moz-byteshift.pl -s  13 <netscape.cfg.txt >netscape.cfg

# To activate the netscape.cfg file, place the encoded netscape.cfg file
# into your C:\Program Files\mozilla.org\Mozilla directory.
# Then add the following line to your
# C:\Program Files\mozilla.org\Mozilla\defaults\pref\all.js file :
# pref("general.config.filename", "mozilla.cfg");

my $buffer;
my $mozillacfg;

while ($_ = <DATA>) {
    $_ =~ s/_WIZZY_HOSTNAME_/$hostname/g;
    $buffer .= $_;

# lazy - but chop is convenient

$buffer = reverse ($buffer);

binmode(STDOUT, ":raw");

while(length($buffer)) {
  my $byte = ord(chop($buffer));
  $byte += 512 + 13;
  $mozillacfg .= pack("c", $byte);

# calling all browsers ..
my @all = glob("/usr/lib/*/defaults/pref/all.js");

for my $f (@all) {
    # read in file, skipping anything that mentions general.config.filename
    open(FILE, $f) || die "Cannot read $f: $!";
    undef ($buffer);
    while ($_ = <FILE>) {
        if ($_ !~ /general.config.filename/) {
	    $buffer .= $_;
    close (FILE);
    # add our version of general.config.filename
    $buffer .= 'pref("general.config.filename","mozilla.cfg");//WIZZY' . "\n";
    # write it out again
    open (FILE, "> $f") || die "Cannot write to $f: $!";
    print FILE $buffer;
    close (FILE);
    # get path to mozilla.cfg
    $f =~ s:defaults/pref/all.js::;
    $f .= 'mozilla.cfg';
    # write it
    open (FILE, "> $f") || die "Cannot write to $f: $!";
    print FILE $mozillacfg;
    close (FILE);
// Wizzy mozilla defaults lockdown for _WIZZY_HOSTNAME_

lockPref("browser.cache.disk.capacity", 0);
defaultPref("security.warn_entering_secure", false);
defaultPref("security.warn_submit_insecure", false);


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