[K12OSN] K12LTSP from a remote site

cisna-barry at wc235.k12.il.us cisna-barry at wc235.k12.il.us
Sat Feb 11 13:45:58 UTC 2006

Hello K12LTSP er's ,

Can anyone shed some light on this scenario. Our school consolidated with
the next school "up the road" this past year. I currently have one K12LTSP
server setup at the remote school building right now ,just serving 7
client machines trying to get the "new people" acclamated with Linux.
I also have setup an IPSEC tunnel with Openswan between these
buildings,through two K12LTSP servers in order for both buildings to be
able to access some databases via Winders boxes. Now what Id like to do is
setup a more powerful server to setup here were I am usually at and feed
K12LTSP to the remote building so as the new server can be sitting
"locally" were i am at in the server room  to be able to setup more
clients in the building "up the road".
What kind of show stopper stuff am i going to run in to,with this scenario?
Is there any chance of this actually working with DHCP, TFTP, going
through the Ipsec tunnel? IF i can telnet back and forth say port 67 and
others wouldnt this work? I am thinking if this does work of running the
new server DHCP on port 1067 so only this server will feed the remote
clients as well as keeping the Windows dhcp server as it is at remote
Im sure this will be a head scratcher at least if it would ever work.
Will bandwidth/latency be the death of this?

Comments/ideas/laughs welcome,


Barry Cisna

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