[K12OSN] Anyone provide ftp access to students?

Dan Young dan_young at mesd.k12.or.us
Thu Mar 2 21:54:42 UTC 2006

Robert Arkiletian wrote:
> I didn't know FTP was a shell. I just looked closely at the menu of
> gftp and I noticed Remote-> "Send SITE command"
> Never used this. I'm assuming you can use this to execute stuff.

SITE is the prefix to run commands specific to a given FTP server's
implementation, not to run arbitrary shell commands.

Local users can SITE CHMOD to make files executable, but I'm not sure
that they could actually execute them on their own w/o a shell, barring
the use of SITE EXEC, which I don't think vsftpd supports (wu-ftpd does).

FWIW, SITE can be disabled in vsftpd.conf.

Dan Young <dan_young at mesd.k12.or.us>
Multnomah ESD - Technology Services

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