[katello-devel] Template Promotion notes

Justin Sherrill jsherril at redhat.com
Tue Aug 30 14:51:42 UTC 2011

Notes from template promotion discussion:

- Only promote a product if it is a part of the template and is NOT in 
the next environment.

- For a package if NVRE is specified, ensure NVRE is there. Otherwise if 
only the name is specified, ensure any package with that name is there.  
If not, promote the latest package with that name.

- Remove Errata from system templates completely (not really needed).

- Parent of system template is for foreman/puppet inheritance, will 
ignore for now.

- System templates should only be creatable and editable in Locker <- 
api currently allows in any environment

- Promoting a system template "FOO" with revision 5 from Locker-> Devel 
would add "FOO" with revision 5 to Devel

- Repromoting system template "FOO" with revision 6, would bump the 
revision number of "FOO" in Devel to 6

- Kyle is going to ponder on the content vs config debate (system 
templates being under the 'content management tab').


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