[katello-devel] Changes to katello-configure and puppet modules to support headpin

Ohad Levy ohadlevy at redhat.com
Tue Nov 1 12:18:15 UTC 2011

----- Original Message -----
| ----- Original Message -----
| | Please take a look at the breakup-puppet branch. I would like to
| | push
| | this to master. It allows the user to optionally specify a
| | deployment.
| | So... the following command:
| | 
| | katello-confgure
| | 
| | gets you katello and
| | 
| | katello-configure --deployment=headpin
| | 
| | will configure katello for headpin only. No pulp config is called.
| | 
| | While this lets a little bit of headpin bleed into master.. i think
| | this
| | is acceptable for the installer to avoid the
| | katello-headpin-configure
| | installer.
| | 
| | The only other hack is that this branch explicitly disables
| | selinux.
| | This is currently required until we get candlepin and katello to
| | have
| | their own policies.
| Looks good, minor comments bellow marked with OL:
| in general, lots of whitespace :)

on second thought, can't we simply have 
class headpin inherits katello {

  override stuff

and on the installer front

echo "include $deployment" | puppet 

| diff --git a/puppet/default-answer-file b/puppet/default-answer-file
| index 97c2c68..ea3155a 100644
| --- a/puppet/default-answer-file
| +++ b/puppet/default-answer-file
| @@ -12,3 +12,6 @@ db_user = katellouser
|  # Katello database password.
|  db_password = katellopw
| +
| +# Deployment Type
| +deployment = katello
| diff --git a/puppet/modules/katello/manifests/config.pp
| b/puppet/modules/katello/manifests/config.pp
| index 449e0c1..a216083 100644
| --- a/puppet/modules/katello/manifests/config.pp
| +++ b/puppet/modules/katello/manifests/config.pp
| @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
|  class katello::config {
| -
| +
|    postgres::createuser { $katello::params::db_user:
|      passwd => $katello::params::db_pass,
|      logfile  =>
|      '/var/log/katello/katello-configure/create-postgresql-katello-user.log',
| @@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ class katello::config {
|        template =>
|        "katello/${katello::params::config_dir}/thin.yml.erb";
|      "${katello::params::config_dir}/katello.yml":
|        template =>
|        "katello/${katello::params::config_dir}/katello.yml.erb";
| +    "/etc/sysconfig/katello":
| +      template => "katello/etc/sysconfig/katello.erb";
|      "/etc/httpd/conf.d/katello.conf":
|        template => "katello/etc/httpd/conf.d/katello.conf.erb",
|        notify   => Exec["reload-apache2"];
| @@ -25,6 +27,21 @@ class katello::config {
|      mode    => 644,
|      recurse => true;
|    }
| +
| +  # disable SELinux
| +  augeas {"temp_disable_selinux":
| +    context => "/files/etc/sysconfig/selinux",
| +    changes => ["set SELINUX permissive"],
| +    notify   => Exec["reload-apache2"]
| +  }
| +
| +  exec {"temp_setenforce":
| +    command => "setenforce 0",
| +    path    => "/usr/sbin:/bin",
| +    unless  => "getenforce |egrep -iq 'disable|Permissive'",
| +  }
| +
| OL: We already got that code in pulp, we should probably extract it
| from there into common?
|    exec {"katello_db_migrate":
|      cwd         => $katello::params::katello_dir,
| @@ -45,14 +62,18 @@ class katello::config {
|      command     => "/usr/bin/env rake db:migrate >>
|      ${katello::params::seed_log} 2>&1 && /usr/bin/env rake db:seed
|      >> ${katello::params::seed_log} 2>&1 && touch
|      /var/lib/katello/initdb_done",
|      creates => "/var/lib/katello/initdb_done",
|      before  => Class["katello::service"],
| -    require => [ Exec["katello_db_migrate"],
| Class["candlepin::service"], Class["pulp::service"] ],
| +    require => $katello::params::deployment ? {
| +                'katello' => [ Exec["katello_db_migrate"],
| Class["candlepin::service"], Class["pulp::service"] ],
| +                'headpin' => [ Exec["katello_db_migrate"],
| Class["candlepin::service"] ],
| +                default => [],
| OL: I usually perfer to use undef, not sure if it matters a lot as we
| don't inherit in this case.
| +    },
|    }
|    define config_file($source = "", $template = "") {
|      file {$name:
|        content => $template ? {
|          "" => undef,
| -          default =>  template($template)
| +        default =>  template($template)
|        },
|        source => $source ? {
|          "" => undef,
| @@ -60,8 +81,14 @@ class katello::config {
|        },
|      }
|    }
| -
| -  Class["candlepin::config"] -> File["/etc/pulp/pulp.conf"]
| -  Class["candlepin::config"] -> File["/etc/pulp/repo_auth.conf"]
| -  Class["candlepin::config"] ->
| File["/etc/pki/content/pulp-global-repo.ca"]
| +
| +  # Headpin does not care about pulp
| +  case $katello::params::deployment {
| +      'katello': {
| +          Class["candlepin::config"] -> File["/etc/pulp/pulp.conf"]
| +          Class["candlepin::config"] ->
| File["/etc/pulp/repo_auth.conf"]
| +          Class["candlepin::config"] ->
| File["/etc/pki/content/pulp-global-repo.ca"]
| +      }
| +      default : {}
| +  }
|  }
| diff --git a/puppet/modules/katello/manifests/init.pp
| b/puppet/modules/katello/manifests/init.pp
| index 1dbd10e..1d6e43a 100644
| --- a/puppet/modules/katello/manifests/init.pp
| +++ b/puppet/modules/katello/manifests/init.pp
| @@ -1,7 +1,19 @@
|  class katello {
| -  include pulp
| +
| +  include katello::params
| +  # Headpin does not care about pulp
| +  case $katello::params::deployment {
| +      'katello': {
| +        include pulp
| +      }
| +      'headpin' : {
| +        include apache2
| +      }
| +      default : {}
| +  }
| +
| +  include apache2
| OL: Why do we include apache twice? shouldnt it be enough to include
| a headpin class?
|    include candlepin
| -  include katello::params
|    include katello::config
|    include katello::service
|  }
| diff --git a/puppet/modules/katello/manifests/install.pp
| b/puppet/modules/katello/manifests/install.pp
| index 43894ea..13c7b50 100644
| --- a/puppet/modules/katello/manifests/install.pp
| +++ b/puppet/modules/katello/manifests/install.pp
| @@ -1,10 +1,19 @@
|  class katello::install {
|    include katello
| -  include pulp::install
| +
|    include candlepin::install
|    include postgres::install
|    include apache2::install
| -  include qpid::install
| +
| +  # Headpin does not care about pulp
| +  case $katello::params::deployment {
| +      'katello': {
| +            include pulp::install
| +            include qpid::install
| OL: While somehow it got there, imho, that should be part of pulp
| manifest, not katello
| +      }
| +      default : {}
| +  }
| +
|    $os_type = $operatingsystem ? {
|      "Fedora" => "fedora-${operatingsystemrelease}",
| @@ -25,8 +34,16 @@ class katello::install {
|    }
|  	package{["katello", "katello-cli"]:
| -    require =>
| [Yumrepo["fedora-katello"],Class["pulp::install"],Class["candlepin::install"]],
| -    before  => [Class["candlepin::config"], Class["pulp::config"] ],
| #avoid some funny post rpm scripts
| +    require => $katello::params::deployment ? {
| +                'katello' =>
| [Yumrepo["fedora-katello"],Class["pulp::install"],Class["candlepin::install"]],
| +                'headpin' =>
| [Yumrepo["fedora-katello"],Class["candlepin::install"]],
| +                default => []
| +    },
| +    before  => $katello::params::deployment ? {
| +                'katello' =>  [Class["candlepin::config"],
| Class["pulp::config"] ], #avoid some funny post rpm scripts
| +                'headpin' =>  [Class["candlepin::config"]], #avoid
| some funny post rpm scripts
| +                default => []
| +    },
|      ensure  => installed
|    }
|    Class["katello::install"] -> File["/var/log/katello"]
| diff --git a/puppet/modules/katello/manifests/params.pp
| b/puppet/modules/katello/manifests/params.pp
| index 44aa0b5..7e428ca 100644
| --- a/puppet/modules/katello/manifests/params.pp
| +++ b/puppet/modules/katello/manifests/params.pp
| @@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ class katello::params {
|    $db_user = katello_config_value('db_user')
|    $db_name = katello_config_value('db_name')
|    $db_pass = katello_config_value('db_password')
| -
| +  $deployment = katello_config_value('deployment')
| +
|    # system settings
|    $user        = "katello"
|    $group       = "katello"
| diff --git a/puppet/modules/katello/manifests/service.pp
| b/puppet/modules/katello/manifests/service.pp
| index 11acb38..46a29ec 100644
| --- a/puppet/modules/katello/manifests/service.pp
| +++ b/puppet/modules/katello/manifests/service.pp
| @@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
|  class katello::service {
|    service {["katello", "katello-jobs"]:
|      ensure  => running, enable => true, hasstatus => true,
|      hasrestart => true,
| -    require =>
| [Class["katello::config"],Class["candlepin::service"],
| Class["pulp::service"], Class["apache2::config"]],
| +    require => $katello::params::deployment ? {
| +                'katello' =>
|  [Class["katello::config"],Class["candlepin::service"],
| Class["pulp::service"], Class["apache2::config"]],
| +                'headpin' =>
|  [Class["katello::config"],Class["candlepin::service"],
| Class["apache2::config"]],
| +                default => []
| +    },
|      notify  => Exec["reload-apache2"];
|    }
| diff --git
| a/puppet/modules/katello/templates/etc/httpd/conf.d/katello.conf.erb
| b/puppet/modules/katello/templates/etc/httpd/conf.d/katello.conf.erb
| index 73deddc..2ea882c 100644
| ---
| a/puppet/modules/katello/templates/etc/httpd/conf.d/katello.conf.erb
| +++
| b/puppet/modules/katello/templates/etc/httpd/conf.d/katello.conf.erb
| @@ -18,25 +18,25 @@ NameVirtualHost *:443
|    <Proxy balancer://thinservers>
|    <%- (processorcount.to_i + 1).times do |i| -%>
| -    <%= "BalancerMember
| + i}/katello" %>
| +    <%= "BalancerMember
| + i}/#{scope.lookupvar('katello::params::deployment')}" %>
|    <%- end -%>
|    </Proxy>
| -  Alias /katello/assets "/usr/share/katello/public/assets"
| -  Alias /katello/images "/usr/share/katello/public/images"
| -  Alias /katello/fonts "/usr/share/katello/public/fonts"
| +  Alias /<%= scope.lookupvar("katello::params::deployment")
| %>/assets "/usr/share/katello/public/assets"
| +  Alias /<%= scope.lookupvar("katello::params::deployment")
| %>/images "/usr/share/katello/public/images"
| +  Alias /<%= scope.lookupvar("katello::params::deployment") %>/fonts
| "/usr/share/katello/public/fonts"
| -  ProxyPass /katello/assets !
| -  ProxyPass /katello/images !
| -  ProxyPass /katello/fonts !
| -  ProxyPass /katello balancer://thinservers/
| +  ProxyPass /<%= scope.lookupvar("katello::params::deployment")
| %>/assets !
| +  ProxyPass /<%= scope.lookupvar("katello::params::deployment")
| %>/images !
| +  ProxyPass /<%= scope.lookupvar("katello::params::deployment")
| %>/fonts !
| +  ProxyPass /<%= scope.lookupvar("katello::params::deployment") %>
| balancer://thinservers/
| -  ProxyPassReverse /katello balancer://thinservers/
| -  ProxyPassReverse /katello/assets !
| -  ProxyPassReverse /katello/images !
| -  ProxyPassReverse /katello/fonts !
| +  ProxyPassReverse /<%=
| scope.lookupvar("katello::params::deployment") %>
| balancer://thinservers/
| +  ProxyPassReverse /<%=
| scope.lookupvar("katello::params::deployment") %>/assets !
| +  ProxyPassReverse /<%=
| scope.lookupvar("katello::params::deployment") %>/images !
| +  ProxyPassReverse /<%=
| scope.lookupvar("katello::params::deployment") %>/fonts !
| -  <Location /katello>
| +  <Location /<%= scope.lookupvar("katello::params::deployment") %>>
|      RequestHeader set SSL_CLIENT_CERT "%{SSL_CLIENT_CERT}s"
|      SSLVerifyClient optional
|      SSLRenegBufferSize 262144
| @@ -48,5 +48,5 @@ NameVirtualHost *:80
|  <VirtualHost *:80>
|    RewriteEngine On
|    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
| -  RewriteRule /katello(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}
| +  RewriteRule /<%= scope.lookupvar("katello::params::deployment")
| %>(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}
|  </VirtualHost>
| diff --git
| a/puppet/modules/katello/templates/etc/katello/katello.yml.erb
| b/puppet/modules/katello/templates/etc/katello/katello.yml.erb
| index 7629596..5c91add 100644
| --- a/puppet/modules/katello/templates/etc/katello/katello.yml.erb
| +++ b/puppet/modules/katello/templates/etc/katello/katello.yml.erb
| @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ common:
|    warden: database
|    use_cp: true
| -  use_pulp: true
| +  use_pulp: <%= scope.lookupvar("katello::params::deployment") ==
| 'katello' %>
|    rest_client_timeout: 30
|  #setup how often you want
| diff --git
| a/puppet/modules/katello/templates/etc/sysconfig/katello.erb
| b/puppet/modules/katello/templates/etc/sysconfig/katello.erb
| new file mode 100644
| index 0000000..02eb646
| --- /dev/null
| +++ b/puppet/modules/katello/templates/etc/sysconfig/katello.erb
| @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
| +# the location where katello is installed
| +#KATELLO_HOME=/usr/share/katello
| +
| +# the location where katello has data
| +#KATELLO_DATA_DIR=/var/lib/katello
| +
| +# the prefix added as part of the base path for accessing
| +# the katello web application (e.g.
| +KATELLO_PREFIX=/<%= scope.lookupvar("katello::params::deployment")
| %>
| +
| +# the port which katello web server is running at
| +# note that if the katello user is not root, it has to be a > 1024
| +
| +# the group which runs the web interface
| +#KATELLO_GROUP=katello
| +
| +# the user which runs the web interface
| +#KATELLO_USER=katello
| +
| +# the rails environment in which katello runs
| +# (please note the only supported setting is "production")
| +#KATELLO_ENV=production
| +
| +# rails logging level (debug, info, warn, error, and fatal)
| +
| +# number of katello-job service background workers
| +
| +# additional katello-job service options for delayed_jobs
| +#KATELLO_JOB_WORKERS=-m -p katello
| | 
| | -- bk
| | 
| | _______________________________________________
| | katello-devel mailing list
| | katello-devel at redhat.com
| | https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/katello-devel
| | 
| _______________________________________________
| katello-devel mailing list
| katello-devel at redhat.com
| https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/katello-devel

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