[katello-devel] Promotions UI Errata Merged

Eric Helms ehelms at redhat.com
Fri Feb 10 17:11:38 UTC 2012

Just wanted to give a heads up that a number of changes were pushed to provide errata search on the promotions page as well as the ability to add errata from the top level errata view (as opposed to drilling down into individual products).  If you already have a setup, running 'rake reindex' will get all elements properly indexed for use on the page.

Also, as part of this set of commits underscorejs was added as a Javascript library.  Underscore is a small set of utility functions for manipulating data structures that are often common place in other languages.  For example, the ability to easily intersect or union two arrays.  For a list of available functionality: http://documentcloud.github.com/underscore/
While normally available as _.<functionCall>, given our Javascript setup and the fact that the underscore symbol tends to represent internationalization, the underscore functionality can be accessed via:


Eric H.

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