[katello-devel] Build failed in Jenkins: katello-build #405

LeeroyJenkins at redhat.com LeeroyJenkins at redhat.com
Mon Apr 29 13:18:12 UTC 2013

See <http://hudson.rhq.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:8080/hudson/job/katello-build/405/changes>


[Katello Devel] initial commit

[Katello Devel] initial commit

[Partha Aji] Updated the subsystems to include updated candlepin version

[Tomas Strachota] fix - manifest imports Orchestration was trying to create products in candlepin, when they were already present.

[Eric D Helms] Added roles_controller spec tests.

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.47-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.47-1].

[Adam Price] 701406 - fixed issue where api was looking for org via displayName instead of key

[Justin Sherrill] adding missing katello.yml

[Justin Sherrill] converting some legacy role work arounds to the new role map in role.rb

[Partha Aji] Fixed the unit tests for sync schedule controller

[Adam Price] added specs to test against fix for bug #701406

[Katello Devel] testing taking out the ci_reports section for now

[Katello Devel] forcing a Require when task runs, doesnt seem to pick it up otherwise

[Dmitri Dolguikh] 6489: added support for repository discovery during custom product creation

[Shannon Hughes] adding qunit test files for testswarm server

[Eric D Helms] Added system_helper_methods for spec testing that mocks the backend Candlepin:Consumer call to allow for controller testing against ActiveRecord.

[Eric D Helms] Added systems_controller spec tests for wider coverage.

[Eric D Helms] Removed improper test case from systems controller.

[Brad Buckingham] Search - adding some spec tests

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added api repository controller tests for repository discovery

[Justin Sherrill] removing hudson task during rpm building

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.48-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.48-1].

[Shannon Hughes] adding back subscriptions to provider filter

[Justin Sherrill] fixing odd sudden broken path link, possibly due to rails upgrade

[Justin Sherrill] removing old roles that were adding errant types to the database

[Justin Sherrill] changing the roles subsystem to use the same types/verbs for active record and controller access

[Justin Sherrill] adding missing operations resource_type to seeds

[Justin Sherrill] Added spec tests for notices_controller.

[Justin Sherrill] changing roles to not populate nil resource types or nil tags

[Justin Sherrill] a couple more roles fixes

[Justin Sherrill] migrating anonymous_role to not user ar_

[Justin Sherrill] using a better authenication checking query with some more tests

[Justin Sherrill] adding missing permission for sync_schedules

[Justin Sherrill] fixing sql error to hopefully work with postgresql

[Partha Aji] Fixed the provider_spec to actually test if the subscriptions called the right thing in candlepin

[Partha Aji] Updated a test to create tmp dir unless it exists

[Justin Sherrill] pulling out the slidingtree and putting it into a form that is reusable on the same page

[Partha Aji] Made an initializer change so that cp_type is handled right

[Eric D Helms] Adds new option to the two panel display, :custom_columns, whereby a function name can be passed that will do the work of rendering the columns in the left side of the panel.  This is for cases when column data needs custom manipulation or data rows need a customized look and feel past the standard table look and feel.

[Eric D Helms] Changes system list to display registered and last checkin date as main column headers.  Switches from standard column rendering to use custom column rendering function via custom_columns in the systems helper module.

[Eric D Helms] Change to fix empty columns in the left panel from being displayed without width and causing column misalignment.

[Shannon Hughes] initial schema for tracking changeset users

[Eric D Helms] Added new css class to lists that are supposed to be ajax scrollable to provide better support across variations of ajax scroll usage.

[Eric D Helms] Adds to the custom system list display to show additional details within a system information block.  Follows the three column convention placing details in a particular column.

[Eric D Helms] Removal of schedule reboot and uptime from systems detail.

[Jason E. Rist] Added toggle all to sync management page.

[Eric D Helms] Re-factored creating custom rows in lists to be a true/false option that when true attempts to call render_rows.  Any page implementing custom rows in a list view should provide a render_rows function in the helper to handle it.

[Justin Sherrill] adding initial changeset revamp

[Eric D Helms] Refactored systems page css to extend basic block and modify only specific attributes.

[Justin Sherrill] fixing issue where promotions would throw an error if next environment did not exist

[Eric D Helms] Stylesheets import cleanup to remove redundancies.

[Shannon Hughes] initial changeset model spec

[Shannon Hughes] local var changes for changeset spec

[Partha Aji] Added coded related to listing system's packages

[Eric D Helms] Adds validations to changeset name to conform with Katello standards, provide uniqueness across environments and create a default name for the changeset auto-generated when an environment is created.

[Eric D Helms] Changed to use id(passed in via locals) instead of the @id(instance variable).

[Eric D Helms] Added create and delete, tests for each and corresponding routes.

[Adam Price] 707274

[Dmitri Dolguikh] 6692 & 6691: removed hardcoded admin user, as well as usernames and passwords from katello config file

[Eric D Helms] Removed previous default name setting in kp_environment changeset creation and moved it into the changeset model.

[Eric D Helms] Fixes to create and delete changesets properly with associated test fixes.

[Shannon Hughes] adding find or create spec test for changeset model

[Shannon Hughes] adding controller logic and spec test for changesetuser destroy

[Jason E. Rist] Small change for padding around helptip.

[Justin Sherrill] making changsets be stored client side, lots still broken

[Justin Sherrill] fixing bug with ChangesetUser

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed failing environment creation test

[Shannon Hughes] spec test for empty changesetuser on index view

[Adam Price] fixed tests that contained failing environment creation

[Justin Sherrill] adding page reloading as the changeset changes

[Lukas Zapletal] ownergeddon - whitespace

[Lukas Zapletal] ownergeddon - refactoring name_to_key

[Lukas Zapletal] ownergeddon - introducing CPUser entity

[Lukas Zapletal] ownergeddon - user refactoring

[Lukas Zapletal] ownergeddon - user now created using new API

[Lukas Zapletal] ownergeddon - support for explicit org

[Lukas Zapletal] ownergeddon - improving error message

[Lukas Zapletal] ownergeddon - bumping version to 0.4.4 for candlepin

[Lukas Zapletal] new initscript 'initdb' command

[Lukas Zapletal] db/schema.rb now symlinked into /var/lib/katello

[Lukas Zapletal] ownergeddon - organization is needed for systems now

[Lukas Zapletal] ownergeddon - fixing unit tests

[Shannon Hughes] 715421: fix for product size after successful repo(s) sync

[Shannon Hughes] remove commented debugger in header

[Lukas Zapletal] adding environment support to initdb script

[Lukas Zapletal] fixing db/schema.rb symlink in the spec

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.49-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.49-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] adding condstop to the katello init script

[Eric D Helms] Fixes typo causing wrong name to display in changeset breadcrumbs.

[Eric D Helms] Adds re-vamped changeset creation to fit with creation of changests from the UI.  Modifies changeset breadcrumb creation and functionality to allow for switching tree contexts upon changeset creation.

[Adam Price] fixed UI environment creation failure

[Eric D Helms] User creation errors will now be displayed in notices properly.

[Eric D Helms] Fixes systems controller test 'should show the system 2 pane list'.

[Dmitri Dolguikh] removed bypass warden strategy

[Adam Price] fixed environment creation to allow lockers to have multiple priors and added tests

[Shannon Hughes] js header modifications for changeset user editors

[Eric D Helms] Adds remove functionality for a changeset to the UI.

[Justin Sherrill] adding a packages page to promotions

[Adam Price] fixed provider url validation and added/fixed tests

[Justin Sherrill] intial work for client side changeset rendering

[Eric D Helms] Adds start of client-side javascript templating library for changesets and initial renderers.  Renders changesets list via breadcrumbs data object and templates from template library.

[Justin Sherrill] fixing the add/remove of changeset items

[Justin Sherrill] changing the way the render_cb functions to pass the content back to the sliding tree

[Justin Sherrill] add/remove items from the changeset object client side when the user does so in the UI

[Eric D Helms] Fixes add and delete of changesets to work with new rendering scheme.

[Lukas Zapletal] adding bundle install to the spec

[Jason E. Rist] Small changes here and there for the promotions and changesets pages.

[Lukas Zapletal] adding bundler rubygem to build requires

[Justin Sherrill] package rendering in javascript

[Justin Sherrill] fixing promotions page to show correct changesets

[Eric D Helms] On promotions page, right tree, makes it such that the changesets panel will float alongside the left side on scroll.  Fixes slide animation to not show ghosts.

[Jason E. Rist] Search addition to breadcrumb in Changesets.

[Eric D Helms] Small fix to get slidingtree sliding smoother.

[Justin Sherrill] getting add/remove of packages working much much better

[Justin Sherrill] commenting out sort function temporarily since sliding changes broke it

[Adam Price] 705563 - fixed issue where provider name could not be modified after creating repos for said provider

[Justin Sherrill] adding repos/errata to changeset with working add/remove, removing some old code as well

[Justin Sherrill] fixing bbq with changesets on the promotion page

[Tomas Strachota] 714297 - fixed promotions - fixed promotions of products - added promotions of packeges - added promotions of errata - added promotions of repositories

[Dmitri Dolguikh] started on association of consumers with environments

[Eric D Helms] Fixes sliding tree direction regression.

[Justin Sherrill] fixing organizations controller from stray character

[Justin Sherrill] adding update for repositories back to seeds.rb

[Jason E. Rist] More changes for show on changesets.

[Mike McCune] initial copy-paste from headpin

[Justin Sherrill] fixing changeset rendering to only show changesets.... again

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added systems to environments

[Justin Sherrill] initial changeset loading screen

[Mike McCune] 2nd pass at copy-paste from headpin

[Adam Price] unifying 'Locker' name throughout API and UI

[Partha Aji] Changed the system register code to use owner instead of org)name

[Justin Sherrill] properly showing the loading page and not doing a syncronous request

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "adding bundler rubygem to build requires"

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "adding bundle install to the spec"

[Lukas Zapletal] moving 'bundle install' from spec to init script

[Lukas Zapletal] configuring tito with koji

[Lukas Zapletal] spec - adding syntax check for ruby

[Lukas Zapletal] spec - adding syntax check for haml

[Lukas Zapletal] spec - fixing whitespace only

[Dmitri Dolguikh] initial support for system lookup by environment in cli

[Justin Sherrill] converting the product details partial in the changeset to be rendered client side in order to allow for dynamic content

[Eric D Helms] Adds ability to add an entire product to a changeset.

[Justin Sherrill] reverting to a better default changeset name

[Eric D Helms] Removed debugger statement.

[Eric D Helms] Fixes typos from merge. Adds setting current_changeset upon creating new changest.

[Tomas Strachota] templates - reworked model

[Tomas Strachota] templates - api for editing content of the template

[Tomas Strachota] templates - template updates

[Tomas Strachota] templates - added cli for updating template content

[Tomas Strachota] templates - CLI for template promotions

[Tomas Strachota] templates - listing package names instead of ids in cli

[Tomas Strachota] templates - hostgroup parameters and kickstart attributes merged

[Tomas Strachota] templates - lazy accessor attributes in template model

[Tomas Strachota] templates - products and errata stored as associated records

[Tomas Strachota] templates - model changed to enable foreign key checking - products referenced in associations - new class SystemTemplateErratum - new class SystemTenokatePackage

[Tomas Strachota] templates - inheritance

[Tomas Strachota] templates - fixed validations

[Tomas Strachota] templates - fix for promotions

[Tomas Strachota] templates - removal of old code

[Eric D Helms] Fixes backend error with adding individual packages to changeset.

[Eric D Helms] Adds button disable/enable on product add/remove.

[Eric D Helms] Adds disable all when a full product is added. Fixes typo bug preventing changeset deletion.

[Eric D Helms] Adds extra check to ensure product in reset_page exists when doing an all check.

[Eric D Helms] Adding back commented out private declaration.

[Shannon Hughes] add changeset users to promotions page

[Shannon Hughes] varname syntax fix for double render issue

[Shannon Hughes] minor syntax fixes to changeset user list in view

[Shannon Hughes] remove debugger statements...oops.

[Justin Sherrill] fixing issue where package changeset removal was not working

[Eric D Helms] Fixes for broken tests.

[Eric D Helms] Fixes a set of failing tests by setting the prior on a created environment.

[Mike McCune] first stab at the real data

[Eric D Helms] Adds breadcrumb creation whenever a blank product is added to the changeset as a result of adding packages directly.

[Partha Aji] made the systems create accept org_name or owner tags

[Shannon Hughes] jquery, css changes for changeset users viewers

[Justin Sherrill] fixing issue where odd changeset concurrency issue was being taken into account even when ti didnt exist

[Shannon Hughes] specs for changeset controller updates, changesetusers

[Dmitri Dolguikh] listing of systems by environment works now

[Justin Sherrill] getting  review/cancel working properly

[Mike McCune] additional columns added and proper data displayed on page

[Jason E. Rist] Changesets - filter dropdown - initial work on changeset history (might not be functional yet).

[Lukas Zapletal] 717554 - NoMethodError in User sessionsController#create

[Lukas Zapletal] default password for admin is 'admin'

[Lukas Zapletal] passwords are stored in secure format

[Lukas Zapletal] global access to Rake DSL methods is deprecated

[Lukas Zapletal] fixing unit tests because of pwd hashing

[Justin Sherrill] making a locked changeset look different, and not showing add/remove buttons on the right if the changeset is locked

[Eric D Helms] Adds data-product_id field to all products for consistency with other function calls in promotionjs and fixes adding a product.

[Justin Sherrill] hiding left hand buttons if changeset is in review phase

[Justin Sherrill] adding callback for extended scroll so we can properly reset the page

[Eric D Helms] Re-removing previously removed file that got added back by merge.

[Lukas Zapletal] spec - enabling verbose mode for syntax checking

[Lukas Zapletal] correcting identation in two haml files

[Lukas Zapletal] ownergeddon - adding /users/:username/owners support for sm

[Justin Sherrill] restriciting promotion based off changeset state

[Justin Sherrill] cleaning up some of katello_client.js

[Justin Sherrill] making promotion actually work again

[Justin Sherrill] Add an icon for the promotions page breadcrumb.

[Eric D Helms] Changes to Add/Remove button look and feel across promotion pages.

[Brad Buckingham] Roles - refactor self-roles to associated directly with a user

[Adam Price] fixed providers page where promotions link looked up 'locker' instead of 'Locker'

[Eric D Helms] Changes promotion page slide_link icon.

[Brad Buckingham] User - self-role name - update to be random generated string

[Eric D Helms] Changeset list now returns to list of products for that changeset if an item removal renders no errata, no repos and no packages for that product and removes the product from the list.

[Mike McCune] including statistics at the org level, pulled in from Headpin

[Justin Sherrill] adding locking icons to the changeset list and the breadcrumb bar

[Brad Buckingham] Roles - fix delete of user from Roles & Perms tab

[Brad Buckingham] Roles - update seeds to account for changes to self-role naming

[Justin Sherrill] 704632 -speeding up role rendering

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added support for system registration to an environment in an organization

[Justin Sherrill] moving changeset buttons to only show up if changesets exist

[Justin Sherrill] 717368 - fixing issue where the environment picker would not properly show the environment you were on if that environment had no successor

[Adam Price] moved find_organization() method from api controllers into API_Controller and fixed some associated tests.

[Justin Sherrill] getting client side sorting working again on the promotions page

[Eric D Helms] Converts promotion_page object into module pattern.

[Brad Buckingham] 704577 - Role - delete self-role on user delete

[Eric D Helms] Adds back missing code that makes the right side changeset panel scroll along with page.

[Eric D Helms] Re-refactoring of templateLibrary to remove direct references to promotion_page.

[Brad Buckingham] Roles - spec fix: self-role naming no longer dependent on user name

[Eric D Helms] Fixes broken changeset creation.

[Eric D Helms] Typo fix that prevented changeset creation in the UI.

[Eric D Helms] Adds new button look and feel to errata and repos.

[Lukas Zapletal] changing org-user relationship to plural

[Lukas Zapletal] ownergeddon - removing special user creation

[Lukas Zapletal] ownergeddon - creating superadmin role

[Lukas Zapletal] ownergeddon - superadmin role has access to all orgs

[Lukas Zapletal] fixing User vs candlepin User reference

[Lukas Zapletal] ownergeddon - organization now belogs to user who created it

[Lukas Zapletal] renaming Candlepin::User to CPUser

[Lukas Zapletal] ownergeddon - fixing unit tests

[Lukas Zapletal] superadmin columnt in role model

[Justin Sherrill] adding summary of changeset to promotions page

[Justin Sherrill] fixing issue where adding a package to a changeset for a product that doesnt exist would not setup the breadrumb and changeset properly

[Shannon Hughes] 2pane support for AR/NONAR column sorting

[Shannon Hughes] scoped_search gem support for column sorting

[Shannon Hughes] sorting systems on both ar/non ar data from cp

[Shannon Hughes] updating gemlock for scoped_search changes

[Jason E. Rist] Filter working on right changeset for current .has_content selector.

[Mike McCune] adding additional javascript and removing debugger

[Justin Sherrill] fixing  issue with promotions page and no environment after locker

[Adam Price] 703528 - checks provider url for valid format

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed broken tests

[Jason E. Rist] Small fix for closing filter.

[Adam Price] moved find_organization() method from api controllers into API_Controller and fixed some associated tests.

[Jason E. Rist] Fixed #changeset_tree moving over when scrolling.

[Jason E. Rist] Small fix for breadcrumb not expanding to full height.

[Shannon Hughes] force 2.3.1 version of scoped search for katello installs; supports sorting

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added spec for api/systems_controller

[Mike McCune] update to get sparklines going

[Shannon Hughes] 718054: updating gem requirements to match Gemfile versions

[Eric D Helms] Fixes issue with multiple icons appearing in changeset breadcrumbs.

[Justin Sherrill] fixing callback call that was cuasing lots of issues with promotions

[Justin Sherrill] making the resizable panel not resizable for promotions

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for firt-child of TD not being aligned properly with expanding tree.

[Jason E. Rist] Added Expand/Contract All

[Mike McCune] navigation for subscriptions page

[Tomas Strachota] templates - added foreign key reference to environments

[Lukas Zapletal] roles - reordering and cleaning seeds.rb

[Lukas Zapletal] roles - setting permissions rather on superadmin role than admin self-role

[Lukas Zapletal] roles - superadmin role allowed by default, new reader role

[Lukas Zapletal] roles - giving fancy names to basic roles

[Lukas Zapletal] roles - self-roles now named 'username_salt'

[Lukas Zapletal] roles - role name may contain spaces now

[Lukas Zapletal] roles - adding description column to roles

[Lukas Zapletal] possibility to run rake setup without REST interaction

[Lukas Zapletal] roles - adding disabled flag to users

[Lukas Zapletal] roles - disabled flag is now in effect

[Lukas Zapletal] fixing text vs varchar problem on pgsql

[Justin Sherrill] adding next environment name to promote button

[Eric D Helms] Splits product list in changeset into Full Products and Partial Products.  Full Products can be removed but Partial Products cannot.

[Justin Sherrill] stop changeset modifications when changeset is in the correct state

[Brad Buckingham] Role: sort permission type alphabetically

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added api-namespace resource discovery

[Tomas Strachota] templates - tests for the model

[Tomas Strachota] templates - tests for controller

[Adam Price] 703528 - checks provider url for valid format

[Adam Price] removed unused code after commenting on a previous commit.

[Adam Price] added/modified some tests and fixed a typo

[Justin Sherrill] fixing promotions redirection and notices not actually rendering properly on page load

[Justin Sherrill] fixing previous notices change to work with polling as well, and work around issue whith update after a query would result in the query not actually returning anything retroactively

[Jason E. Rist] In-place search for changesets.

[Dmitri Dolguikh] got rhsm client mostly working with system registration with environments

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed a bunch of failing tests

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added more tests around system registration with environments

[Justin Sherrill] fixing issue where creating a changeset make it appear to be locked

[Eric D Helms] Initial promotion QUnit page tests.

[Adam Price] updated katello url format validator with port number options.

[Justin Sherrill] fixing issue where promotion would redirect to the incorrect environment

[Brad Buckingham] added support for sso auth in ui and api controllers

[Brad Buckingham] SSO - update warden for HTTP_X_FORWARDED_USER

[Brad Buckingham] Login - fix error message when user logs in with invalid credentials

[Brad Buckingham] SSO - prototype - additional mods for error handling

[Jason E. Rist] Ajax listing and searching on Changeset History page.

[Jason E. Rist] Added default env upon entering changeset history page.

[Justin Sherrill] fixing issue where adding a partial product after a full product would result in not being able to browse the partial product

[Eric D Helms] Promotion page look and feel changes. Border and background colors of left and right panels changed. Border color of search filter changed.

[Justin Sherrill] adding waiting indicator prior to review if there is still items to process in the queue

[Shannon Hughes] remove flies config

[Eric D Helms] Re-works scroll mechanism in sliding tree to handle left-right scrolling with container of any height or fixed height containers that need scrollable overflow.

[Eric D Helms] Fixes lock image location when changeset is being promoted and breadcrumbs attempt to wrap.

[Shannon Hughes] update po files for translation

[Justin Sherrill] adding wait dialog when switching out of a changeset if updates are left to process

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added delayed_job gem dependency

[Eric D Helms] Makes current crumb different color than the rest of the breadcrumbs. Adds highlighting of list items in changeset trees.

[Justin Sherrill] prompting the user if they are leaving the promotions page with unsaved changeset changes

[Justin Sherrill] removing the automatic creating of changesets, since you can now create them manually

[Dmitri Dolguikh] errors are now being returned in an array, under :errors hash key

[Brad Buckingham] Provider - Update so that 'remove provider' link is accessible from subpanels

[Shannon Hughes] 2pane column sorter module helper for controllers

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added delayed_job gem dependency

[Justin Sherrill] fixing odd promotions button issues caused by removing the default changeset upon environment creation

[Justin Sherrill] fixing changeset deletion client side

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed an error in katello.spec

[Brad Buckingham] Fix copyright on several files

[Justin Sherrill] adding new spec tests for promotions controller

[Lukas Zapletal] spec - making permission_spec much faster

[Lukas Zapletal] spec - more tests for permissions (super admin)

[Adam Price] continuing to fix capital 'Locker'

[Eric D Helms] 719414 - changest:  New changeset view now returns message instructing user that a changeset cannot be created if a next environment is not present for the current environment.

[Eric D Helms] clean up favicon.

[Eric D Helms] Update header to the latest upstream design.

[Eric D Helms] Same spinner for the header as it is in the body. Might need to invert to white.

[Eric D Helms] Added whitespace on the sides of help-tips looks very unbalanced.

[Eric D Helms] speed up header spinner, more style-appropriate grabber

[Eric D Helms] Adding breadcrumb icon sprite.

[Dmitri Dolguikh] first cut at tracking of async jobs

[Eric D Helms] Adds big logo to empty dashboard page.

[Dmitri Dolguikh] delayed jobs are now associated with organizations

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed a config issue with delayed jobs

[Eric D Helms] Adds new option to sliding tree - base_icon for displaying an image as the first breadcrumb instead of text. Modifies changeset breadcrumbs to use home icon for first breadcrumb.

[Eric D Helms] Moves subheader, maincontent and footer up a few pixels.

[Eric D Helms] Moves locked icon on breadcrumbs next to the changeset name instead of at the front of the breadcrumb list.

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - first commit - initial support for CRUD

[Eric D Helms] Adds section in head of katello.yml for including extra javascripts from a template view.  This is intended to move included javascripts out of the body.

[Shannon Hughes] add daemons gem dep for delayed job

[Eric D Helms] Added missing loginpage css file.

[Brad Buckingham] Providers - refactor editable to remove duplication

[Brad Buckingham] Organization - refactor editable to remove duplication

[Lukas Zapletal] api auth code stores user/pass with auth_ prefix

[Lukas Zapletal] users - adding support for users CRUD in CLI

[Lukas Zapletal] users - updating bash completion

[Lukas Zapletal] users - better logging during authentication

[Lukas Zapletal] spec - moving syntax checks to external script (CI)

[Brad Buckingham] Environment - refactor editable to remove duplication

[Brad Buckingham] Systems - refactor editabl to remove duplication

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added uuids to track status of async jobs

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added uuidtools gem requirements into Gemfile and katello.spec

[Dmitri Dolguikh] uuid value is now being stored in Delayed::Job uuid field

[Dmitri Dolguikh] removed a bit of async job sample code from api/systems_controller

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed tests broken by async job merge

[Eric D Helms] 720002 - Adds generic css file for notification page to conform with css file for each main page.

[Brad Buckingham] Sync Plans - refactor editable to remove duplication

[Eric D Helms] 720003 - moves page load notifications inside document ready function to properly display across browsers

[Adam Price] added optional functionality for org and environment inclusion in template viewing

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - model - org and env associations

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - update index to request based on current org and fix model error

[Brad Buckingham] Provider - update controller to query based on current org

[Jason E. Rist] Notifications polling time increased to 2 minutes. Small fix for subscriptions helptip.

[Eric D Helms] Commits missing file to stop Jammit warning.

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Moves icon and image sprites out to seperate file for easier reference and to aid in any future spriting.

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Moves all basic css imports to base (e.g. grid, text, sprits).  Removes katello.css directly from page, and instead each section css file (e.g. contents, dashboard) imports katello.scss.  The intent is for katello.scss to hold cross-app and re-usable css while each individual section scss file will hold overrides and custom css.

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Moved each section stylesheet into a sections folder. Removed all colors from _base and moved them into a _colors css file. Re-named _base to _mixins as a place to define and have project wide css mixins. Moved all imports to katello.scss and it is now being treated as the base level scss import.

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - converts all color variables to end in _color for readability and organization.

[Adam Price] added requirement of org and env when listing templates via api

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Combines all the css for the environment selector into sass nesting format.

[Justin Sherrill] fix for env-selector not selecting the correct path if an environment is selected

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added ability to persist results of async operations

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed a broken test

[Shannon Hughes] env selector support for systems listing

[Shannon Hughes] add new route and trilevel nav for registered systems

[Shannon Hughes] env selector for systems and env model refactor

[Shannon Hughes] rspec for systems environment selections

[Shannon Hughes] spec path test for promotions env

[Shannon Hughes] 713959: add 'none' interval type to sync plan edit, add rspec test

[Shannon Hughes] 715422: update sync mgt status method and routes to use non reserved name

[Adam Price] reworking template list to work with existing code in client

[Justin Sherrill] cleanup of user.js and affected views/routes

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Large scale cleanup of old CSS. Moved chunks of css to the appropriate page level css files.

[Adam Price] adding tests for listing templates

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - more cleanup and removal of old unused css.

[Adam Price] hopefully done changing 'locker' to 'Locker'

[Mike McCune] adding spec test

[Shannon Hughes] initial akey model spec tests

[Brad Buckingham] auto_complete_search - move routes in to collection blocks

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - added subnav for subscriptions

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - adding the forgotten views...

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - fix the _edit view post adding subnav

[Lukas Zapletal] system info - systems list now supports name query param

[Partha Aji] Added permission enforcement for all_verbs and all_tags

[Justin Sherrill] refactoring role.js to be more modular and not have global functions

[Justin Sherrill] refactoring environment creation/deleteion in javascript to not use katello_client.js

[Shannon Hughes] remove js debug alerts from sync

[Shannon Hughes] 717714: adding friendly sync conflict messaging

[Justin Sherrill] changing level inclusion validator of notices to handle the string forms of the types, so a notice can actually be saved if modified

[Justin Sherrill] refactoring javascript to get rid of katello_client.js

[Justin Sherrill] removing katello_client.js from assets and removing inclusions in all haml files

[Shannon Hughes] updating localization strings for zanata server

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added ability to track pulp async jobs through katello task api

[Justin Sherrill] fixing stray comman in promotion.js

[Justin Sherrill] 720431 - fixing issue where creating a changeset that already exists would fail silently

[Justin Sherrill] fixing broken unit tests

[Lukas Zapletal] merging systems resource in the routes into one

[Lukas Zapletal] ignoring coverage/ dir

[Lukas Zapletal] system info - adding /api/systems/:uuid/packages controller

[Justin Sherrill] fixing the env_selector to properly display secondary paths, this broke at some point

[Justin Sherrill] improving env_selector to auto-select the path properly so the controller doesnt have to

[Justin Sherrill] spec test fix

[Lukas Zapletal] get unit tests working with rconv

[Dmitri Dolguikh] removed Glue::Pulp::Sync

[Shannon Hughes] adding activation key routes for handling subscription paths

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added specs for TaskStatus model and controller

[Justin Sherrill] 720414 - fixing issue where hitting enter while on the new changeset name box would result in a form submitting

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - controller specs for initial crud support

[Brad Buckingham] Navigation - remove Groups from Systems subnav

[Lukas Zapletal] adding failure threshold to code doverage

[Lukas Zapletal] setting failure threshold to code coverage to 60 %

[Miroslav Suchý] do not install .gitkeep files

[Lukas Zapletal] ignoring ping.rb in code coverage

[Lukas Zapletal] initdb does not print unnecessary info anymore

[Justin Sherrill] 720412 - changing promotions helptip to say that a changeset needs to be created, as well as hiding add buttons if a piece of content cannot be added instead of disabling it

[Eric D Helms] Adds padding to empty changeset text.

[Eric D Helms] Updates to use version 0.11.5 or greater of Compass.

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added product synchronization (async)

[Shannon Hughes] views for activation key association to subscriptions

[Shannon Hughes] add jquery multiselect to akey subscription associations

[Shannon Hughes] adding in activation key mapping to subscriptions

[Eric D Helms] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.49-2].

[Eric D Helms] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.49-2].

[Jason E. Rist] A few minor fixes for changeset filter and "home" icon.

[Tomas Strachota] changesets api - controller stub

[Tomas Strachota] changesets api - create, read, destroy actions in controller

[Tomas Strachota] changesets api - controller for partial updates of a content

[Tomas Strachota] changesets cli - listing

[Tomas Strachota] changesets cli - partial updates of content

[Tomas Strachota] changesets api - moved logic for adding content from controller to model

[Tomas Strachota] changesets api - controller spec tests

[Tomas Strachota] changesets - fixed remove_product deleting the product from db

[Tomas Strachota] changesets - model spec tests

[Lukas Zapletal] replacing internal urls in the default config

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - update to ensure error notice is generated on before_filter error

[Mike McCune] 721327 - cleaning up mail version numbers to match what is in Fedora

[Shannon Hughes] multiselect support for akey subscriptions

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - removing unused _form partial

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - update _new partial to eliminate warning during render

[Mike McCune] 721327 - more correcting gem versions to match

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed template promotions when performed through api

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - update edit view to improve testability

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - initial specs for views

[Jason E. Rist] 722431 - Improved jQuery jNotify to include an "Always Closable" flag.  Also moved the notifications to the middle top of the screen, rather than floated right.

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Adds new helper for layout functions in views. Specifically adds in function for including javascript in the HTML head. See promotions/show.html.haml or _env_select.html.haml for examples.

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Re-organizes javascript files.

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added a couple of tests to validate changeset creation during template promotion

[Eric D Helms] Removed redundant definition.

[Jason E. Rist] 720834 - Provider URL now being stripped at the model level via a before_validation.

[Jason E. Rist] Backing out 720834 fix temporarily.

[Lukas Zapletal] fixing missing route for organization system list

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Minor change to placement of javascript and stylesheets included from views.

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Key - fix akey create

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Adjusts the tupane panel to size itself based on the window height for larger resolutions.

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Adds a shell layout for content being rendered into the tupane panel.  Partials being rendered to go into the tupane panel can now specify the tupane_layout and be constructed to put the proper pieces into the proper places.  See organizations/_edit.html.haml for an example.

[Jason E. Rist] 720834 - Provider URL now being stripped at the model level via a before_validation.

[Jason E. Rist] Revert "720834 - Provider URL now being stripped at the model level via a before_validation."

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - update so key name is unique within an org

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - ugh.. clean up validation previous commit

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Changes to tupane layout to add navigation and main content sections.

[Brad Buckingham] Sync Plans - update model validation to have name unique within org

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Further enhancements to tupane layout.  Moves scrollbar CSS in SASS format and appends to the end of katello.sass.

[Jason E. Rist] 720834 - Provider URL now being stripped at the model level via a before_validation. (For real this time.)

[Lukas Zapletal] rails startup now logs to /var/log/katello/startup.log

[Lukas Zapletal] making the incorrect warning message more bold

[Lukas Zapletal] increasing required candlepin version to 0.4.5

[Brad Buckingham] General UI - fixes in before_filters

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Changes to the systems tupane pages to respect new scroll bar and tupane layout formatting.

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Changes to the size of the spinner in the tupane.

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Converts organization tupane partials to use new layout.

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Modifies users and roles pages to use new tupane layout.

[Adam Price] proxy controller changes

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Converts providers page to use tupane layout.

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - adding helptip text to panel and general pane

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Changes sync plans page to new tupane layout.

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - fix failed specs

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Changes promotions page partials that use tupane to use new layout.

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Changes to changeset history page to use tupane layout.

[Adam Price] renaming/adding some candlepin and pulp consumer methods.

[Eric D Helms] update 32x32 icon. add physical/virtual system icons.

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Changes tupane sizing to work with window resize and sets a min height.

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Changes the tupane subpanel to conform with the new tupane layout and changes environment, product and repo creation to fit new layout.

[Shannon Hughes] models for activation key subscription mapping

[Shannon Hughes] bi direction test for akeys/subscriptions

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Changes to edit panels that need new tupane subpanel layout.

[Partha Aji] 719426 - Fixed an issue with an unecessary group by clause causing postgres to go bonkers on roles index page

[Justin Sherrill] disable logging for periodic updater

[Justin Sherrill] adding conflict diffing for changesets in the UI, so the user is notified what changed

[Justin Sherrill] fixing broken unit test

[Justin Sherrill] fixing broken promote

[Partha Aji] Fixed a broken unit test

[Lukas Zapletal] renaming password.rb to password_spec.rb

[Lukas Zapletal] 720991 - Segmentation Fault during Roles - Add Permission

[Shannon Hughes] refactor akey subscription list

[Shannon Hughes] fix route for akey subscription updates

[Shannon Hughes] akey subscription update action

[Shannon Hughes] ajax call to update akey subscriptions

[Tomas Strachota] changesets - model changed to be ready for asynchronous promotions

[Tomas Strachota] changesets api - promotions controller

[Tomas Strachota] changesets model - skipping items already promoted with product promotions

[Tomas Strachota] changesets - async promotions controller

[Tomas Strachota] changesets - fix for async promotions not being executed because of wrong changeset state

[Tomas Strachota] changesets - fixed model methods for adding and removing items

[Tomas Strachota] changesets - model validations

[Tomas Strachota] changesets - fixed controller

[Tomas Strachota] changesets - fixed spec tests

[Tomas Strachota] changesets - fix for spec tests #2

[Dmitri Dolguikh] removed unused Pool and PoolsController

[Dmitri Dolguikh] async jobs now allow for tracking of progress of pulp sync processes

[Shannon Hughes] akey subscription update sync action

[Shannon Hughes] spec model for multiple akey subscription assigment

[Shannon Hughes] correctly name spec description

[Shannon Hughes] spec test for invalid activation key subscription update

[Shannon Hughes] spec test for successful subscription updates

[Justin Sherrill] adding qunit tests for changeset conflict calculation

[Justin Sherrill] adding task_status to changeset

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactpr - Reverts katello.spec back to that of master.

[Partha Aji] Adding organization to permission

[Tomas Strachota] fix for the deprecated TaskStatus in changesets

[Tomas Strachota] changesets - update cli and controller now taking packs/errata/repos from precisely given products

[Partha Aji] Improved the roles unit test a bit to look by name instead of id. To better indicate the ordering

[Eric D Helms] CSS Refactor - Modifies tupane height to be shorter if the left pane is shorter so as not to overrun the footer.

[Brad Buckingham] Acttivatino Keys - Adding support for default environment

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - add Remove link to the subscriptions tab

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - removing checkNotices from update_subscriptions

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed several failing tests in katello-cli-simple-test suite

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - removing empty spec

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - adding some additional specs (e.g. for default env)

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed a failing Api::ProductsController spec

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - make it more obvious that user should select env :)

[Shannon Hughes] test for multiple subscriptions assignement to keys

[Adam Price] increased priority of candlepin consumer creation to go before pulp

[Shannon Hughes] adding new simple-navigation 3.3.4

[Shannon Hughes] bumping simple navigation to 3.3.4

[Shannon Hughes] adding new simple-navigation deps to lock

[Jason E. Rist] Simple-navigation 3.3.4 fixes.  Also fake-systems needed bundle exec before rails runner.

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.50-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.50-1].

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - update to use new tupane layout + spec impacts

[Eric D Helms] Fixes height issue with subpanel when left panel is at its minimum height.  Fixes issue with subpanel close button closing both main and subpanel.

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - add environment to search

[Eric D Helms] Upgrades jQuery to 1.6.2. Changes Qunit tests to reflect jQuery version change and placement of files from Refactor.

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.1-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] spec - fixing katello.org url

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.2-1].

[Shannon Hughes] upgrade to haml 3.1.2

[Shannon Hughes] upgrade to compas 0.11.5

[Shannon Hughes] upgrade to compas-960-plugin 0.10.4

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.51-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.51-1].

[Jason E. Rist] Bumping some gems and fixing the scss as part of that.

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added support for listing errata by system

[Brad Buckingham] 715398 - Search - do not allow saving of an invalid search

[Brad Buckingham] 715398 - Search - remove unnecessary call to errors

[Eric D Helms] Adjusts the filter box on the promotions page for firefox and chrome rendering.

[Eric D Helms] Fixes bug that was causing Provider creation to make two ajax requests.

[Eric D Helms] 720047 - Changes repo URL editable type to textarea to help with long URL names.

[Partha Aji] 711857 - Made add_env controller code  use cp key for org name, so that its consistent with the rest of UI

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Edits to make tupane panel and subpanel sizing better, especially when resizing a window and when the left hand panel is at its minimum height.

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for compass being initialized twice.  No need to initialize it with the newer version since it has a Railtie initializer.

[Partha Aji] Fixed a bug that occured on create enviornment

[Partha Aji] Made pulp repo ids replace space with _

[Partha Aji] Quick fix to make sure repo ids with - dont get translated to _

[Partha Aji] 719736 - Added a restriction to not be able to delete the users current organization to prevent org switching anomalies

[Partha Aji] 719736 - Enforced the  cant delete current org restriction on the controller side

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.3-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] 725684 - Katello-cli does not accept any parameter with space in it

[Shannon Hughes] new locale strings

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - removing unused js

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for $lightgrey issue.

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for other colors in screen.scss - we should remove this.

[Jason E. Rist] Stroke_cl should be $stroke_color

[Shannon Hughes] remove fuzzy translations so they can be used with gettext:pack

[Shannon Hughes] comment for why we git ignore lc_messages dir

[Jason E. Rist] Removing screen.scss.

[Shannon Hughes] qunit akeys html container

[Shannon Hughes] move akeys tests to systems

[Eric D Helms] Fixes issue where when a jeditable field was clicked on, and expanded the contents of a panel beyond visible no scroll bar would previously appear.  This change involved a slight re-factor to jeditable helpers to trim down and re-factor commonality.  Also, this change involved edits to the jeditable plugin itself, thus as of this commit jquery.jeditable is no longer in sync with the original repository.

[Jason E. Rist] Darker default body text. #1a1a1a

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.52-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.52-1].

[Shannon Hughes] modifying initd directory using fedora recommendation, https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging/RPMMacros

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.53-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.53-1].

[Adam Price] added pulp-consumer creation in system registration, uploading pulp-consumer package-profile via api, tests

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for a-keys row height.

[Shannon Hughes] ignore zanta cache files

[Eric D Helms] 720421 - Promotions Page: Adds fade in of items that meet search criteria that have previously been hidden due to previously not meeting a given search criteria.

[Lukas Zapletal] 725901 - Permission errors in RPM

[Lukas Zapletal] 725793 - Permission denied stylesheets/fancyqueries.css

[Lukas Zapletal] production.rb now symlinked to /etc/katello/environment.rb

[Lukas Zapletal] adding a warning message in the sysconfig comment setting

[Lukas Zapletal] spec - service start forces you to run initdb first

[Lukas Zapletal] bug 726030 - Webrick wont start with the -d (daemon) option

[Lukas Zapletal] spec - logging level can be now specified in the sysconfig

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.54-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.54-1].

[Justin Sherrill] updated control bar for changesets, including edit

[Justin Sherrill] adding icons and fixing some spacing with changeset controls

[Justin Sherrill] adding description to Changeset object, and allowing editing of the description

[Justin Sherrill] making changeset dep. solving work on product level instead of across the entire environment

[Justin Sherrill] adding changeset dependency resolving take 2

[Justin Sherrill] initial dependency spec test

[Justin Sherrill] fixing merge issues with changeset dependencies

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added activation keys api controller

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added Api::ActivationController spec

[Shannon Hughes] adding dev testing gems

[Shannon Hughes] remove jasmine from deps

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Fixes for tupane fixed position scrolling to allow proper behavior when window resolution is below the minimum 960px.

[Justin Sherrill] adding description for changeset creation

[Brad Buckingham] spec_helper - update to support using webrat

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - enabled specs that required webrat matchers

[Shannon Hughes] removal of jasmine and addition of webrat, nokogiri

[Eric D Helms] Adds scroll pane support for roles page when clicking add permission button.

[Partha Aji] Initial commit on Updated Roles UI functionality

[Lukas Zapletal] fixing depcheck helper script

[Lukas Zapletal] introducing application error exception for API

[Lukas Zapletal] ApiError - fixing unit tests

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "ApiError - fixing unit tests"

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "introducing application error exception for API"

[Lukas Zapletal] api error reporting - final solution

[Brad Buckingham] General UI - disable hover on Locker when Locker not clickable

[Eric D Helms] Edits to enlarge tupane to take advantage of more screen real estate. Changeset package selection now highlights to match the rest of the promotions page highlighting.

[Eric D Helms] Adds resize event listener to scroll-pane to account for any element in a tupane panel that increases the size of the panel and thus leads to needing a scroll pane reinitialization.

[Eric D Helms] Refactor - Converts all remaining javascript inclusions to new style of inclusion that places scripts in the head.

[Dmitri Dolguikh] Added api support for activation keys

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed an issue with Api::ActivationKeysController#index when list of all keys for an environment was being retrieved

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed reporting of progress during repo synchronization in UI

[Adam Price] fixed pulp-proxy-controller to be correct http action

[Adam Price] added action in api systems controller to get full package list for a specific system.

[Eric D Helms] Changes sizing of provider new page to not cause horizntal scroll bar at minimum width.

[Eric D Helms] 2panel - Adds default left panel sizing depending on number of columns for left panel in 2 panel views.  Adds option to 2panel for default width to be customizably set using left_panel_width option.

[Brad Buckingham] 726768 - jnotify - close notice on x click and update to fade quicker on close

[Justin Sherrill] adding descripiton to changeset history page

[Justin Sherrill] making changeset history show items by product

[Lukas Zapletal] spec - rpmlint cleanup

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.4-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.55-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.55-1].

[Adam Price] fixing find_organization in api/systems_controller.

[Adam Price] adding to systems_controller spec tests and other small changes.

[Justin Sherrill] adding changeset dependencies to be stored upon promotion time

[Justin Sherrill] changing the home directory of katello to /usr/lib64/katello after recent spec file changes

[Eric D Helms] Adds javascript functionality to set a progress bar on a changeset, update it and remove it. Adds javascript functionality to add and remove locked status icons from changests.

[Eric D Helms] Adds new callback when rendering is done for changeset lists that adds locks and progress bars as needed on changeset list load.

[Mike McCune] matching F15 gem versions for tzinfo and i18n

[Eric D Helms] 2Panel - Makes font resizing occur only on three column panels.

[Eric D Helms] Added basic progress spec test. Added route for getting progress along with stubbed controller action to return progress for a changeset.

[Justin Sherrill] getting async job working with promotions

[Eric D Helms] Promotions - Updated to submit progress information from real data off of changest task status.

[Justin Sherrill] adding some non-accurate progress incrementing to changesets

[Eric D Helms] Fixes issue with lock icon showing up when progress. Fixes issue with looking for progress as a number - should receive string.

[Eric D Helms] Promotions - Progress polling for a finished changeset now ceases upon promotion reaching 100%.

[Eric D Helms] removed rogue debugger statement

[Partha Aji] Updated the permissions model to deal with nil orgs and nil resource types

[Partha Aji] Fixed the role file to more elegantly handle the allowed_to and not allowed_to cases

[Partha Aji] Removed a duplicated unit test

[Partha Aji] Improved the allowed_to method to make use of rails scoping features

[Eric D Helms] 727358 - Tupane: Fixes issue with tupane subpanel header text word-wrapping.

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Fixes issue with main panel header word-wrapping on long titles.

[Eric D Helms] 726760 - Notices: Fixes issue with promotion notice appearing on every page.  Fixes issue with synchronous notices not being marked as viewed.

[Lukas Zapletal] removing unused systems action - list systems

[Justin Sherrill] fixing types of changesets shown on the promotions page

[Eric D Helms] Promtoions - Fixes issue with title not appearing on a changeset being promoted. Changes from redirect on promote of a changeset to return user to list of changesets to see progress.

[Eric D Helms] Promotions - Changes to alignment in changesets when being promoted and locked.

[Eric D Helms] Promotion - Adjusts alignment of changesets in the list when progress and locked.

[Justin Sherrill] fixing issue where promoted changeset was not removed from the changeset_breadcrumb

[Justin Sherrill] fixing issue where promotion could cause a db lock error, fixed by not modifying the outside of itself

[Justin Sherrill] changing notice on promotion

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - initial commit to add system template to UI

[Partha Aji] Updated database.yml so that one could now update katello.yml for db info

[Justin Sherrill] fixing promotion backend to sync the cloned repo and not the repo that you are promoting

[Adam Price] fixed pulp consumer package profile upload and added consumer update to pulp resource

[Partha Aji] Optimized the permission check query from the Users side

[Brad Buckingham] Providers - fix error on inline edit for Products and Repos

[Brad Buckingham] Views - update grid in various partial to account for panel size change

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - update grid in partials to use the extra space

[Justin Sherrill] a few promotion fixes, waiting on syncing was n ot working, client side updater was caching

[Adam Price] added a script to make rake routes output prettier

[Eric D Helms] A-Keys - Subscriptions

[Partha Aji] Roles cleanup + unit tests cleanup

[Dmitri Dolguikh] listing of errata by system is functional now

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added a test for Api::SystemsController#errata call

[Justin Sherrill] two spec fixes

[Partha Aji] Removed the use of superadmin flag since its a permission now

[Eric D Helms] Activation Keys - Subscriptions

[Partha Aji] Initial commit on the the org controllers authorization

[Eric D Helms] Activation Keys - Subscription

[Partha Aji] Made the app controller accept a rules manifest from each controller before authorizing

[Partha Aji] Cleaned up the notices to authorize based with out a user perm. Don;t see a case for auth on notices.

[Lukas Zapletal] spec - introducing bundle install in %build section

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.56-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.56-1].

[Adam Price] added systems packages routes and update to systems

[Lukas Zapletal] spec - adding regin dep as workaround for BZ 714167

[Lukas Zapletal] spec - adding workaround for BZ 714167 (F15)

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.57-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.57-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] pretty_routes now prints some message to the stdout

[=] fix routing problem for POST /organizations/:organzation_id/systems

[Ivan Necas] Revert "fix routing problem for POST /organizations/:organzation_id/systems"

[Shannon Hughes] url helper validator (http, https, ftp, ipv4)

[Shannon Hughes] fix url helper to match correct length port numbers

[Shannon Hughes] spec test for katello url helper

[Adam Price] fixing broken orchestration in pulp consumer

[Adam Price] removing a debugger statement

[Shannon Hughes] improve protocol match on reg ex url validation

[Adam Price] changing pulp consumer update messages to show old name

[Shannon Hughes] support for checking missing url protocols

[Adam Price] added functionality to api systems controller in :index, :update, and :package_profile

[Eric D Helms] Activation Keys - Subscriptions

[Adam Price] adding spec tests for api systems_controller (upload packages, view packages, update a system)

[Justin Sherrill] moving subscriptions and subscriptions update to different actions, and adding permission rules for providers, products, and repositories controllers

[Shannon Hughes] 728295: check for valid urls for yum repos

[Eric D Helms] Activation Key - Subscription

[Eric D Helms] Activation Key - Subscription

[Shannon Hughes] spec tests for repositories controller

[Eric D Helms] Activation Key - Subscription

[Justin Sherrill] making provider permission rules more generic

[Partha Aji] Fixed some rules for org_controller and added rules for users and roles pages

[Justin Sherrill] adding rules for sync management and modifying the sync management javascript to send product ids

[Justin Sherrill] using org instead of org_id for rules

[Ivan Necas] A-Keys - CLI: system register

[Adam Price] changing to different url validation. can now be used outside of model layer.

[Justin Sherrill] adding roles enforcement for the changesets controller

[Justin Sherrill] adding operations rules for role enforcement

[Justin Sherrill] adding rules to the promotions controller

[Justin Sherrill] adding environment rule enforcement

[Justin Sherrill] removing with indifferent access, since authorize now handles this

[Justin Sherrill] adding rules to subscription page

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - system template support on crud

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - remove prefix from env path

[Adam Price] removing commented code from api systems controller spec

[Lukas Zapletal] Upgrading check to Candlepin 0.4.10-1

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - remove debugger from the controller

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - fix tests broken by intro of system templates

[Justin Sherrill] adding system rules

[Justin Sherrill] making editable updatable

[Shannon Hughes] 729110: fix for product sync status visual updates

[Adam Price] added option to update system's location via python client

[Justin Sherrill] getting promotions and changesets working with new role structure, fixing user referencing

[Justin Sherrill] fixing organization and environmental rules

[Shannon Hughes] 726402: fix for nil object on sys env page

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - adding some specs for system templates

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - adding the edit env partial

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - adding specs for the edit env partial

[Shannon Hughes] 720442: fixing system refresh on name update

[Justin Sherrill] adding better rules for provider, products, and repositories

[Shannon Hughes] custom partial for tupane system show calls

[Justin Sherrill] fixing sync mgmnt controller rules

[Partha Aji] Made permission model deal with 'no-tag' verbs

[Partha Aji] Made the roles controller deal with the new model based rules

[Justin Sherrill] fixing rules for subscriptions controller

[Lukas Zapletal] fixing more katello-cli tests

[Lukas Zapletal] improving REST exception messages

[Justin Sherrill] fixing a few more controllers

[Justin Sherrill] fixing rules controller rules

[Justin Sherrill] some roles controller fixes for rules

[Justin Sherrill] fixing user controller roles

[Justin Sherrill] fixing operations controller rules

[Lukas Zapletal] fixing repo sync

[Ivan Necas] A-keys - store user with the activation key

[Lukas Zapletal] initial commit of reset-dbs script

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "spec - introducing bundle install in %build section"

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "spec - adding workaround for BZ 714167 (F15)"

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "spec - adding regin dep as workaround for BZ 714167"

[Lukas Zapletal] solution to bundle install issues

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.58-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.58-1].

[Eric D Helms] A-Keys - Subscription: Fix for error when attempting to display subscriptions with allocated quantities.

[Brad Buckingham] Distributions - add empty distribution selection to Promotions

[Justin Sherrill] walling off access to UI bits in providers management

[Justin Sherrill] adding ability to get the list of available organizations for a user

[Justin Sherrill] renaming couple of old updatable methods to editable

[Bryan Kearney] Add in a new rake task to generate the API

[Partha Aji] Added code to return all details about a resource type as opposed to just the name for the roles perms pages

[Jason E. Rist] Merged in changes from refactor of confirm.

[Jason E. Rist] Working alert override.

[Jason E. Rist] Confirm override on environments, products, repositories, providers, and organizations.

[Jason E. Rist] Additional work on confirm boxes.

[Jason E. Rist] Oops, had a >>>>HEAD still.

[Jason E. Rist] Grid_16 wrap on subnav for systems.

[Justin Sherrill] hiding select UI widgets based on roles in users controller

[Jason E. Rist] Fixes for failing activation_keys and organization tests.

[Lukas Zapletal] improving katello-reset-dbs script

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.59-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.59-1].

[Bryan Kearney] Have the rake task emit wiki markup as well

[Lukas Zapletal] only relevant logs are rotated now

[Lukas Zapletal] final solution for better RestClient exception messages

[Shannon Hughes] ability to select org

[Shannon Hughes] stubbing out user sesson spec tests for org selector

[Shannon Hughes] route for org selector

[Justin Sherrill] blocking UI widgets for organizations based on roles

[Brad Buckingham] Distributions - add basic distro list and view to Promotions

[Brad Buckingham] Distribution - fix spacing

[Shannon Hughes] spec tests for org selector

[Shannon Hughes] fix for org selection of allowed orgs

[Justin Sherrill] removing consumers controller

[Justin Sherrill] hiding UI widets for systems based on roles

[Justin Sherrill] removing unused controllers

[Justin Sherrill] adding back accounts controller since it is a valid stub

[Justin Sherrill] locking down sync plans according to roles

[Jason E. Rist] 727627 - Fix for not being able to go to Sync page.

[Partha Aji] Added a scope based auth filtering strategy that could be used acrossdifferent models

[Eric D Helms] Adds unminified jscrollpane for debugging. Sets jscrollpane elements to hide focus and prevent outline.

[Eric D Helms] Changesets - Moves breadcrumb creation to centralized helper and modularizes each major breadcrumb generator.

[Eric D Helms] Roles - Adds basic roles breadcrumb that populates all organizations.

[Eric D Helms] Roles - Initial commit of sliding tree roles viewer.

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Adds new option for customizing overall panel look and feel for specific widgets on slide out.

[Eric D Helms] Changes to tupanel sizing calculations and changes to sliding tree to handle non-image based first breadcrumb.

[Eric D Helms] Roles - Changes to use custom panel option and make sliding tree fill up panel on roles page.  Adds base breadcrumb for Role name that leads down paths of either Organizations or Users.

[Eric D Helms] Roles - Adds resizing to roles sliding tree to fill up right side panel entirely.  Adds status bar to bottom of sliding tree. Adds Remove and Close buttons.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds actionbar to roles sliding tree and two default buttons for add and edit that do not perform any actions.  Refactors more of sliding tree into katello.scss.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds role detail editing to UI and controller support fixes.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Added Globals breadcrumb and changed main load page from Organizations to Permissions.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds global permission checking.  Adds global permissions listing in sliding tree and adds counts to both Organization and Globals.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds global count display and fixes non count object display problems.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Changes to allow multiple slide up screens from sliding tree actionbar and skeleton of add permission section.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds organization_id parameter to list_tags and tags_for methods.

[Eric D Helms] Roles - Changes verbs_and_scopes route to take in organization_id and not resource_type.  Changes the generated verbs_and_scopes object to do it for all resource types based on the organization id.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds missing i18n call.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds population of add permission ui widget with permission data based on the current organization being browsed.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds permission add functionality with controller changes to return breadcrumb for new permission.  Adds element sorting within roles sliding tree.

[Mike McCune] adding support for distributions (kickstart trees) in changesets

[Ivan Necas] A-Keys - register system with activation keys - backend

[Ivan Necas] A-Keys - create association to system

[Ivan Necas] A-Keys - consume subscriptions when registering system with akey

[Ivan Necas] A-Keys - test for consuming subscriptions form akeys

[Tomas Strachota] changeset validations - can't add items from product that has not been promoted yet

[Tomas Strachota] changesets - products required by packages/errata/repos are no longer being promoted

[Tomas Strachota] fixed api for listing products

[Brad Buckingham] _sprites.scss - fix errors on merge

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - UI associate user creating the key with the key

[Shannon Hughes] spec test for user allowed orgs perms

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - subscriptions - use pool id vs pool subscription id

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds the ability to add and remove users from a role.

[Justin Sherrill] fixing issue where environments would not show tags

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds pop-up panel close on breadcrumb change.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds permission removal from Organization.

[Justin Sherrill] fixing permission http methods

[Justin Sherrill] blocking off UI elements based on read/write perms for changeset history

[Shannon Hughes] fixing cancel sync DELETE action call

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds Name and Description to a permission.  Adds Name and Description to add permission UI widget.  Adds viewing of permissiond etails in sliding tree.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds cacheing of organization verbs_and_tags.

[Partha Aji] Updated the debug message on perms

[Partha Aji] Added a 'global' tag for verbs in a model to denote verbs that are global vs local

[Justin Sherrill] some spec test fixes

[Justin Sherrill] fixing list_tags to only show tags within an org for ones that should do so

[Eric D Helms] Role - Hides tags on adding permission when organization is selected.

[Partha Aji] added read in the non global list for orgs

[Partha Aji] Added a display_verbs method to permissions to get a nice list of verbs needed by the UI

[Partha Aji] Fixed a permissions issue with providers page

[Brad Buckingham] Distributions - adding controller/view specs for distro list and view

[Partha Aji] Update the permissions query to effectively deal with organization resource vs any other resource type

[Lukas Zapletal] katello rpm now installs to /usr/share/katello

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.60-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.60-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] rpm in /usr/share/katello - introducing KATELLO_DATA_DIR

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.61-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.61-1].

[Tomas Strachota] changesets - fix for packages and errata removal

[Tomas Strachota] changesets - can't add packs/errata from repo that has not been promoted yet

[Tomas Strachota] fixed typo in model changeset_erratum

[Tomas Strachota] fixed spec tests after changes in validation of changesets

[Tomas Strachota] fox for repo repo promotion

[Tomas Strachota] changeset cli - both environment id and name are displayed in lisitng and info

[Justin Sherrill] fixing more unit tests

[Lukas Zapletal] forcing users not to run rake setup in prod mode

[Lukas Zapletal] now logging both stdout and stderr in the initdb.log

[Tomas Strachota] fix for broken changeset controller spec tests

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds bbq hash clearing on panel close.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Moved i18n for role edit to index page to only load once.  Added display of global permissions in list. Added heading for add permission widget.  Added basic global permission add widget.

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Removes previous custom_panel variable from tupane options and moves the logic into the role_edit.js file for overiding a single panel. New callbacks added to tupane javascript panel object.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Fix for creating new role.  Cleans up role.js

[Jason E. Rist] System Packages - filter.

[Jason E. Rist] Currently not working packages scrolling.

[Jason E. Rist] System Packages scrolling work.

[Jason E. Rist] Semi-working packages page.

[Jason E. Rist] Working packages scrollExpand (morePackages).

[Jason E. Rist] Moved jquery.ui.tablefilter.js into the jquery/plugins dir to conform with convention.

[Lukas Zapletal] allowing users to override rake setup denial

[Lukas Zapletal] adding sysvinit script permission check for schema.rb

[Adam Price] new (better?) logo

[Adam Price] adding the correct route for package profile update

[Tomas Strachota] better code coverage for changeset api controller

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds Global permission adding and fixes to getting permission details with bbq hash rendering.

[Brad Buckingham] Distributions - add filter table to file list... made filter table generic for reuse

[Brad Buckingham] Systems->Packages - convert to use common filtertable

[Partha Aji] Made the names of the scopes more sensible...

[Eric D Helms] Role - Fix for tags not displaying properly on add permission.

[Partha Aji] Added code to accept org or org_id so that people sending org_ids to allowed_to can deal with it ok

[Partha Aji] Added list filtering for org controllers

[Jason E. Rist] Working org switcher. Bit more to do, but it works :)

[Jason E. Rist] LoginArrow for org switcher.

[Partha Aji] Adding list filtering to roles and users

[Partha Aji] made a method shorter

[Jason E. Rist] Org switcher with scroll pane.

[Ivan Necas] Import manifest for custom provider - friendly error message

[Ivan Necas] CLI - show last sync status in repo info and status

[Lukas Zapletal] 714167 - broken dependencies is F14

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.62-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.62-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] 725495 - katello service should return a valid result

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "714167 - broken dependencies is F14"

[Lukas Zapletal] 714167 - undeclared dependencies (regin & multimap)

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.63-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.63-1].

[Ivan Necas] 723226 - Output of the provider commands use id instead of name

[Lukas Zapletal] 705872 - last superadmin should not be deletable

[Tomas Strachota] spec tests for promotions

[Eric D Helms] Role - Changes role removal button location.  Moves role removal to bottom actionbar and implements custom confirm dialog.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds button highlighting and text changes on add permission.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Fixes for opening and closing of edit subpanels from roles actionbar.

[Justin Sherrill] making env-selector only accept environments the user has access to, will temporarily break other pages using the env selector

[Justin Sherrill] moving nohover mixin to mixins scss file

[Justin Sherrill] fixing the include on last child of env selector being at wrong level

[Mike McCune] switching to a simpler string substitution that wont blow up on nil

[Jason E. Rist] Org switcher with box shadow.

[Jason E. Rist] switching to a simpler string substitution that wont blow up on nil

[Brad Buckingham] Distributions - fix error in distributions partial

[Justin Sherrill] adapting promotions to use the env_selector with auth

[Brad Buckingham] 719932 - subscription upload - fix endless spinner and error handling

[Brad Buckingham] 719932 - fix invalid comment

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds 'all' types selection to UI and allows creation of full access permissions on organizations.

[Justin Sherrill] making system environments work with env selector and permissions

[Brad Buckingham] Notices - update js to check for existence of xhr in response

[Partha Aji] Made resource type called 'All' instead of using nil for 'all' so that one can now check if user has permissions to all in a more transparent manner

[Tomas Strachota] new route /api/changesets/ for show, destroy, update and promote

[Tomas Strachota] katello completion - update of product commands

[Tomas Strachota] katello completion - update of changeset command

[Lukas Zapletal] removing roles_user HABTM

[Lukas Zapletal] fixing unit tests for the HABTM change

[Lukas Zapletal] removing roles_user HABTM - class_name is not necessary

[Dmitri Dolguikh] http error codes are now being populated in exceptions returned from HttpResource

[Dmitri Dolguikh] BZ 722576 - it is possible to create two repositories with the same name for different products now.

[Brad Buckingham] User Session - fix haml warning

[Brad Buckingham] 730738 - fix notification on invalid login attempt

[Justin Sherrill] fix for verb check where symbol and string were not comparing correctly

[Brad Buckingham] Notices - fix to enable login/logout notices to appear

[Justin Sherrill] adding validator for permissions

[Dmitri Dolguikh] BZ 730766 - products that exist in the target environment are now being synced during changeset promotion

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - update system template to support "No Template" option when one is not assigned or being selected

[Justin Sherrill] unit test fixes and adding some

[Eric D Helms] Role - Refactor to move generic actionbar code into sliding tree and add roles namespace to role_edit module.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Fixes typo

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds validation to prevent blank name on permissions.

[Partha Aji] Added some permission checking code on the save of a permission so that the perms with invalid resource types or verbs don;t get created

[Justin Sherrill] fixing issue with creation, and nested attribute not validating correctly

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds missing user add/remove breadcrumb code.  Fixes for sending all type across and not displaying all type in UI.  Fixes sending multiple verbs and tags to work properly.

[Partha Aji] Made it easier to give all_types access by letting one use all_type = method

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds missing user add/remove breadcrumb code.  Fixes for sending all types across and not displaying all type in UI.  Fixes sending multiple verbs and tags to work properly.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Fixes fetching of verbs and tags on reload of global permission.

[Brad Buckingham] Changeset History - improve grid usage on edit view

[Justin Sherrill] blocking off product remove link if provider isnt editable

[Shannon Hughes] adding check for nil org for authorized verbs

[Shannon Hughes] check if product is readable/syncable, sync mgt

[Shannon Hughes] nil org check for authorized verbs

[Shannon Hughes] filter out non syncable products

[Partha Aji] Made the login page choose the first 'accessible org' as users org

[Partha Aji] Quick fix to remove the Organization.first reference

[Partha Aji] Updated the navs to deal with org less login

[Shannon Hughes] remove unwanted images for sync drop downs

[Justin Sherrill] adding snippet to restrict tags returned for eric

[Shannon Hughes] disable product repos that are not syncable by permissions

[Brad Buckingham] Role - Activation Keys - add resource type, model and controller controls

[Shannon Hughes] sync js cleanup and more comments

[Eric D Helms] Role - Fix to update role name in list upon edit.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Re-factoring for clarity and preparation for permission widget.

[Eric D Helms] Role - First cut of permission widget with step through flow.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds display of verb and resource type names in proper formatting when viewing permission details.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds function to Tag to display pretty name of tags on permission detail view.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Fix for permission creation workflow.

[Shannon Hughes] fix qunit tests for rails.allowedAction

[Brad Buckingham] Roles - fix typo on systems controller

[Brad Buckingham] Roles - remove debugger statement from roles controller

[Partha Aji] Fixed a typo

[Partha Aji] Fixed a typo in the perms query to make it not look for tags names for :organizations

[Partha Aji] Fixed bunch of lookups that were checking on org tags instead of looking at org scope

[Mike McCune] fixing hard coded IP address

[Shannon Hughes] remove sync plan permission on model

[Shannon Hughes] remove sync plan resource type

[Shannon Hughes] adjust sync plan to use provider readable access

[Shannon Hughes] fix sync plan create/edit access

[Shannon Hughes] add sync resource to orgs

[Shannon Hughes] change sync plans to use org syncable permission

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.64-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.64-1].

[Shannon Hughes] disable sync submit btn if user does not have syncable products

[Shannon Hughes] update product to be syncable only by org sync access

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds support for all tags and all verbs selection when adding a permission.

[Eric D Helms] Fix for reseting add permission widget.

[Partha Aji] Fixed a tags glitch that was checking for id instead of name

[Jason E. Rist] Converted orgSwitcher to an ajax call for each click. Added a filter.

[Jason E. Rist] Fixes for the filter.

[Dmitri Dolguikh] Api::SyncController, with tests now

[Ivan Necas] Fix running rspec tests - move corrupted tests to pending

[Justin Sherrill] fixing issue with sync_schedules

[Justin Sherrill] making the promotions page honor roles and perms

[Brad Buckingham] Roles - Activation Keys - add the logic to UI side to honor permissions

[Shannon Hughes] readable perms update to remove sync

[Shannon Hughes] remove sync from provider. moved to org.

[Shannon Hughes] update sync mgt to use org syncable perms

[Shannon Hughes] remove provider sync perms from schedules

[Justin Sherrill] fixing permission for accessing the promotions page

[Justin Sherrill] fixing issue where changesets history would default to a changeset that the user was not able to read

[Ivan Necas] Activation Keys - fix API rspec tests

[Justin Sherrill] having the systems environment page default to an environment the user can actually read

[Brad Buckingham] Subscriptions - fix accidental commit... :(

[Dmitri Dolguikh] updated routes to support changes in rhsm related to explicit specification of owners

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.5-1].

[Justin Sherrill] making promotions controller rules more readable

[Shannon Hughes] remove 3rd level nav from systems page

[Shannon Hughes] 3rd level nav bumped up to 2nd level for systems

[Shannon Hughes] fix bug with viewing systems with nil environments

[Tomas Strachota] repo sync - check for syncing only repos in locker

[Tomas Strachota] merge of repo#get_{env,product,org} functionality

[Tomas Strachota] spec tests for Glue::Pulp::Repo

[Jason E. Rist] Third-level nav hover.

[Jason E. Rist] Rounded bottom corners on third level subnav. Added bg.

[Partha Aji] Removed the 'allow' method in roles, since it was being used only in tests. So moved it to tests

[Shannon Hughes] removing unnecessary products loop

[Shannon Hughes] js call to disable non syncable schedule commits

[Shannon Hughes] unbind live click handler for non syncable schedules

[Brad Buckingham] Roles - update env breadcrumb path used by akeys...etc to better handle scenarios involving permissions

[Eric D Helms] Moves bulk of roles sliding tree code to new file.  Changes paradigm to load bulk of roles editing javascript code once and have initialization/resets occur on individual ajax loads.

[Eric D Helms] Fixes background issues on roles and permissions on users page.

[Jason E. Rist] 730754 - Fix for rendering of wider panels.

[Brad Buckingham] Activation Keys - fix specs resulting from roles and perms changes

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds fixes for sliding tree that led to multiple hashchange handlers and inconsistent navigation.

[Jason E. Rist] 722432 - Fix for CSRF exploit on /logout

[Jason E. Rist] 729115 - Fix for overpass font request failure in FF.  Caused by ordering of request for font type.

[Jason E. Rist] Revert "729115 - Fix for overpass font request failure in FF.  Caused by ordering of request for font type."

[Jason E. Rist] Fixing a bunch of labels and the "shadow bar" on panels without nav.

[Ivan Necas] 731810 Deleteing a provider renders an server side error

[Lukas Zapletal] katello-job - adding new init script for delayed_job

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.65-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.65-1].

[Dmitri Dolguikh] adding Api::SyncController specs that I forgot to add earlier

[Lukas Zapletal] katello-job - improving RAILS_ENV setting

[Lukas Zapletal] katello-job - temp files now in /var/lib/katello/tmp

[Lukas Zapletal] katello-job - init.d script has proper name now

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.66-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.66-1].

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed a broken Api::SyncController test

[Justin Sherrill] fixing issue with promotions where if the repo didnt exist in the next env it would fail

[Justin Sherrill] hiding the promotion progress bar and replacing it with just text, also stopping the fade out upon completion

[Eric D Helms] Adds enhancements to add/remove of users and permissions.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds client side validation to permission widget steps.

[Jason E. Rist] Sliding tree summaries.

[Jason E. Rist] Fixing the initial summary on roles-ui page.

[Partha Aji] Navigation related changes to hide different resources

[Lukas Zapletal] reset script - missing candlepin restart string

[Lukas Zapletal] reset script - adding -f (force) option

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.67-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.67-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] katello-jobs - suppressing error message for status info

[Lukas Zapletal] init script - fixing schema.rb permissions check

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.68-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.68-1].

[Brad Buckingham] Users - fix issue where user update would remove user's roles

[Justin Sherrill] spec fixes

[Eric D Helms] Changes filter to input box.  Adds fixes for validation during permission creation.

[Eric D Helms] Fixes for wrong verbs showing up initially in permission widget.  Fix for non-display of tags on global permissions.

[Eric D Helms] Adds better form and flow rest on permission widget.

[Shannon Hughes] support file based urls for validation

[Shannon Hughes] add in spec tests for invalid/valid file urls

[Shannon Hughes] ignore case for url validation

[Eric D Helms] Re-factoring and fixes for setting summary on roles ui.

[Partha Aji] Modified the super admin before destroy query to use the new way to do super admins

[Eric D Helms] Re-factor of Roles-UI javascript for performance.

[Lukas Zapletal] 731670 - reformatting rescue block

[Lukas Zapletal] 731670 - prevent user from deleting himself

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.69-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.69-1].

[Ivan Necas] Format of CP content url: /org/env/productName/repoName

[Dmitri Dolguikh] no need to specify content id for promoted repositories, as candlepin will assign it

[Dmitri Dolguikh] a workaround for candlepin issue: gpgUrl for content must exist, as it is used during entitlement certificate generation

[Lukas Zapletal] cli tests - removing assumeyes option

[Lukas Zapletal] adding kill_pg_connection rake task

[Brad Buckingham] Roles - updating role ui to use the new permissions model

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds disable to Done button to prevent multiple clicks.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Makes permission name unique with a role and an organization.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Adds tab order to permission widget input and some look and feel changes.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Changes to javascript permission lockdown.

[Lukas Zapletal] fixing miscommited database.yml

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.70-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.70-1].

[Brad Buckingham] auto_tab_index - introduce a view helper to simplify adding tabindex to forms

[Jason E. Rist] Added protect_from_forgery for user_sessinos_controller - now passes auth token on post.

[Mike McCune] 732846 - adding a javascript lint to our unit tests and fixing errors

[Mike McCune] 732846 - purposefully checking in syntax error - see if jenkins fails

[Mike McCune] 732846 - reverting back to working code

[Partha Aji] Made the code use environment ids instead of collecting one env at a time

[Ivan Necas] 723308 - verbose environment information should list names not ids

[Lukas Zapletal] removing error message from initdb script

[Brad Buckingham] Notices - fix specs broken in in the roles refactor

[Justin Sherrill] fixing systems to only look up what the user can read

[Justin Sherrill] fixing issue with System.any_readable? referring to self instead of org

[Dmitri Dolguikh] first cut at candlepin integration tests

[Dmitri Dolguikh] commented-out non localhost setting for candlepin integration tests

[Dmitri Dolguikh] commented-out non localhost setting for candlepin integration tests

[Partha Aji] Fixed a rules bug that would wrongly return nil instead of true .

[Dmitri Dolguikh] removed beaker rake task

[Eric D Helms] 726724 - Fixes Validation Error text not showing up in notices.

[Partha Aji] restructured the any  rules  in org to be in environment to be more consistent

[Mike McCune] make sure we delete all the pulp database files vs just the 1

[Jason E. Rist] Fixed panel sliding up and down when closing or opening helptips.

[Jason E. Rist] Fixed the panel sliding up and down.

[Justin Sherrill] converting promotions to use a more simple url scheme that helps navigation not have to worry about which environments the user can access via promotions

[Eric D Helms] Fixes issue with changeset loading as a result of previous bug fix.

[Eric D Helms] 729728 - Makes it so that clicking anywhere inside a highlighted row on promotions page will click it instead of just a narrow strip of the highlighted row.

[Partha Aji] Fixed some unit tests

[Partha Aji] Made the syncable check a lambda function

[Partha Aji] Fixed a spec test in user controllers

[Justin Sherrill] fixing spec test

[Partha Aji] Fixed some changeset controller tests

[Lukas Zapletal] improving reset-dbs script

[Ivan Necas] Shared example for authorization rules

[Ivan Necas] Persmissions rspec - use before(:each) instead of before(:all)

[Ivan Necas] Fix failing tests - controller authorization rules

[Shannon Hughes] config for newrelic profiling

[Shannon Hughes] adding dev gem newrelic

[Shannon Hughes] adding version for newrelic gem

[Justin Sherrill] fixing spec tests

[Eric D Helms] Further Merge conflicts as a result of merging master in.

[Partha Aji] Fixed perm spec bug

[Eric D Helms] Fixes to roles ui widget as a result of a re-factor as a result of bug 729728.

[Justin Sherrill] removing uneeded test

[Eric D Helms] Javascript syntax and error fixing.

[Justin Sherrill] fixing issue where promotions would not highlight the correct nav

[Justin Sherrill] making sure sync plans page only shows readable products

[Eric D Helms] Code cleanup and fixes for filter box on promotions and roles page styling and actions.

[Eric D Helms] Adds missing changeset loading spinner.

[Eric D Helms] 732920 - Fixes issue with right side panel in promotions moving up and down with scroll bar unncessarily.

[Eric D Helms] Fixes issue with incorrect icon being displayed for custom products.

[Eric D Helms] Fixes broken promotions page icons.

[Justin Sherrill] adding small simplification to notices

[Partha Aji] Added authorization controller tests based of ivan's initial work

[Partha Aji] removed an accidental typo

[Justin Sherrill] changeset controller

[Tomas Strachota] katello-jobs.init executable

[Tomas Strachota] sync - api for sync status and cancelling

[Tomas Strachota] product api - added synchronization data

[Tomas Strachota] products - name unique in scope of provider now + product sync info reworked

[Tomas Strachota] products - name unique in scope of product's organziation

[Tomas Strachota] products cli - fixed commands according to recent changes

[Tomas Strachota] products cli - now displaying provider name

[Tomas Strachota] fix for product name validations

[Tomas Strachota] spec tests - modification after changes in product model/controller

[Partha Aji] Updated the protected shared example and unit tests

[Partha Aji] Fixed some unit tests

[Justin Sherrill] adding promotions permissions spec tests

[Partha Aji] Fixed an issue where clicking on notices caused a user with no org perms to log out

[Justin Sherrill] fixing broken unit tests

[Jason E. Rist] KPEnvironment (and subsequent kp_environment(s)) => KTEnvironment (and kt_environment(s)).

[Justin Sherrill] Raising a permission denied exception of org is required, but not present.  Previously we would log the user out, which does not make much sense

[Jason E. Rist] Decreasing min validate_length for name fields to 2.  (Kept getting denied for "QA").

[Justin Sherrill] adding provider roles spec tests

[Justin Sherrill] fixing issue where logout would throw a permission denied

[Justin Sherrill] adding some missing navigation permission checking

[Jason E. Rist] Small change to subscriptions page, uploading of assets for new subscriptions page.

[Justin Sherrill] fixing a couple issues with promotions

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.71-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.71-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.6-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] 734080 - katello now returns orgs for owner

[Ivan Necas] 734033 - deleteUser API call fails

[Justin Sherrill] adding roles controller rules tests

[Justin Sherrill] adding users controller rules tests

[Justin Sherrill] adding sync management controller rules tests

[Ivan Necas] Bug fix - resource should be in plural when checking permissions

[Partha Aji] Added tests for operations controller

[Partha Aji] added rules checking for environment

[Brad Buckingham] 731540 - Sync Plans - update edit UI to use sync_plan vs plan

[Justin Sherrill] adding initial system template CRUD

[Justin Sherrill] fixing row height on system templates

[Justin Sherrill] fixing permission denied on accounts controller

[Partha Aji] Added unit tests for products controller

[Partha Aji] Updated routes in a for a bunch of resources limiting em tp see exactly what they can see

[Partha Aji] Added tests for repositories controller

[Partha Aji] Restricted the routes for subscriptions  + dashboard resource to only :index

[Partha Aji] Added rules tests for subscriptions

[Partha Aji] Added tests for sync plans

[Partha Aji] Added rules for sync_schedules spec

[Partha Aji] Added rules based tests to test systems controller

[Mike McCune] first pass at having Katello use thin and apache together

[Partha Aji] made a more comprehensive test matrix for systems

[Partha Aji] Fixed an accidental goof up in the systems controllers test

[Justin Sherrill] adding spec tests for system_templates controller

[Justin Sherrill] only allowing modification of a system template in locker within system templates controller

[Partha Aji] Updated spec to not include database yml in etc katello and instead for the user to user /etc/katello/katello.yml for db info

[Partha Aji] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.72-1].

[Partha Aji] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.72-1].

[Shannon Hughes] add in subscription qty for systems

[Shannon Hughes] cleaning up subscriptions logic

[Partha Aji] Updated some spacing issues

[Partha Aji] Fixed the db directory link

[Partha Aji] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.73-1].

[Partha Aji] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.73-1].

[Partha Aji] Fixed more bugs related to the katello.yml and spec

[Partha Aji] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.74-1].

[Partha Aji] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.74-1].

[Ivan Necas] Integrate authorization rules to API controllers

[Ivan Necas] Authorization rules for API actions

[Ivan Necas] Fix failing spec

[Ivan Necas] Scope orgranizations list in API by the readable permissions

[Ivan Necas] Fix bug in permissions

[Ivan Necas] Scope products for environment by readable providers

[Ivan Necas] More specific test case pro changeset permissions

[Ivan Necas] Authorization rules - fix for systmes auth check

[Ivan Necas] Remove unused code: OrganizationController#providers

[Ivan Necas] Fix scope error - readable repositories

[Ivan Necas] Refactor - move providers from OrganziationController

[Ivan Necas] Scope products by readability scope

[Ivan Necas] Scope users by readable permissions

[Ivan Necas] Scope system by readable permissions

[Ivan Necas] Change CP content url to product/repo

[Ivan Necas] Refactor generating repo id when cloning

[Lukas Zapletal] ueber cert - adding cli support

[Lukas Zapletal] 734755 - Service katello-jobs status shows no file or directory

[Ivan Necas] Pulp repo for Locker products consistent with other envs

[Ivan Necas] Fix failing repo spec

[Ivan Necas] Refactor repo path generator

[Lukas Zapletal] 734833 - service katello-jobs stop shows non-absolute home (ArgumentError)

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.75-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.75-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.7-1].

[Ivan Necas] Refactor providers - remove unused routes

[Lukas Zapletal] 734851 - service katello start - Permission denied

[Eric D Helms] Changes to model id's in views.

[Eric D Helms] Changes Organizations section to use of new HTML model id convention.

[Eric D Helms] Changes to Systems page for HTML and JS model id.

[Eric D Helms] Changes Content Management page items to use new HTML model id convention.

[Eric D Helms] Changes to Users page to fit new HTML model id convention.

[Eric D Helms] Adds KT javascript global object for all other modules to attach to. Moves helptip and common to be attached to KT.

[Eric D Helms] Further re-work of HTML and JS model naming convention.  Changes the behavior of setting the HTML id for each model type by introducing a simple controller_name function that returns the controller name to be used for tupane, edit, delete and list items.

[Eric D Helms] Fixes for editing name of changeset on changeset history page.

[Justin Sherrill] making sure sliding tree does not double render on page load

[Jason E. Rist] Subscriptions page.  Mostly mocked up (no css yet).

[Mike McCune] moving thin into a katello config

[Shannon Hughes] add expires to subscriptions

[Shannon Hughes] remove debugger line

[Mike McCune] adding new 'thin' startup script

[Mike McCune] forgot to add this config file

[Jason E. Rist] Subscriptions page coming along.

[Jason E. Rist] Subscriptions page changes to include consumed and non-consumed.

[Tomas Strachota] sync - spec tests for cancel and index actions

[Tomas Strachota] provider sync status - cli + api

[Tomas Strachota] sync - change in product&provider sync_status logic

[Tomas Strachota] sync - fix for sync_status failing when there were no syncable subitems (repos for product, products for providers)

[Tomas Strachota] sync - comparing strings instead of symbols in sync_status fix for AR returning symbols

[Tomas Strachota] products - cp name now join of <org_name>-<product_name> used to be <provider_name>-<product_name>

[Ivan Necas] Validate uniqueness of repo name within a product scope

[Eric D Helms] Changes roles and permission success and error notices to include the name of the role/permission and fit the format of other pages.

[Lukas Zapletal] reset-dbs - katello-jobs are restarted now

[Shannon Hughes] added consumed value for pool of subs

[Eric D Helms] Switches from ROLES object to KT.roles object.

[Brad Buckingham] thin - removing etc/thin/thin.yml

[Brad Buckingham] Apache - first pass update to katello.conf to add SSL

[Eric D Helms] Wires up edit permission button and adds summary for viewing an individual permission.

[Shannon Hughes] changing to DateTime to Date for expires sub

[Brad Buckingham] app server - removing script/rails ... developers will instead use script/thin start

[Shannon Hughes] change date format for sub expires

[Eric D Helms] Modifies sliding tree action bar to require an identifier for the toggled item and a dictionary with the container and setup function to be called.  This was in order to re-use the same HTML container for two different actions.

[Justin Sherrill] moving system templates to a sliding tree and to the content section

[Justin Sherrill] adding search and sorting to templates page

[Eric D Helms] Role editing commit that adds workflow functionality.  This also provides updated and edits to the create permission workflow.

[Partha Aji] Fixed a couple of errors that occured due to wrong sql in postgres

[Shannon Hughes] support mvc better for subscriptions availability and consumption

[Jason E. Rist] Fixed a non i18n string.

[Jason E. Rist] Fixed views for subscriptions.

[Shannon Hughes] fix error on not grabbing latest subscription pools

[Justin Sherrill] added client side adding of packages to system templates

[Jason E. Rist] Added a spinner to subscriptions.

[Jason E. Rist] Small change for wrong sub.poolId.

[Jason E. Rist] More work on subscriptions page.

[Jason E. Rist] Updated subscription spinner to have useful info.

[Jason E. Rist] More subscriptions work. Rounded top box with shadow and borders.  Fixed some other stuff with spinner.

[Eric D Helms] Fixes to permission add and edit flow for consistency.

[Shannon Hughes] initial subscription consumption, sunny day

[Eric D Helms] Adds step indicators on permission create.  Adds more validation handling for blank name.

[Eric D Helms] Update to permission detail view to display verbs and tags in a cleaner way.

[Eric D Helms] Adds class requirement 'filterable' on sliding lists that should be filterable by search box.

[Ivan Necas] 735359 - Don't create content in CP when creating a repo.

[Shannon Hughes] move sys pools and avail pools to private methods, reuse

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for avail_subs vs. consumed_subs.

[Justin Sherrill] making save functionality work to actually save template packages

[Shannon Hughes] unsubscribe support for sub pools

[Justin Sherrill] adding autocomplete for packages on system template page

[Tomas Strachota] 730358 - repo discovery now uses asynchronous tasks - the route has been changed to /organizations/ID/repositories/discovery/

[Jason E. Rist] Area to re-render subs.

[Brad Buckingham] Views - update to use image_tag helper

[Jason E. Rist] Refresh of subs page.

[Justin Sherrill] adding package validation before adding

[Jason E. Rist] Fixing error with spinner on pane.

[Justin Sherrill] adding saving indicator and moving tree_loading css to be a class instead of an id

[Partha Aji] Adding changeset to system templates connection

[Brad Buckingham] app server - setting relative paths on fonts/images in css & js

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.76-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.76-1].

[Brad Buckingham] promotion.js - uncomment line accidentally committed

[Ivan Necas] Api for listing package groups and categories

[Brad Buckingham] katello.spec - remove thin/thin.conf

[Brad Buckingham] katello.spec - add thin.yml to files

[Tomas Strachota] product - removed org name from product name

[Brad Buckingham] app server - removing init.d/thin

[Brad Buckingham] app server - changes to support /katello prefix in base path

[Brad Buckingham] View warnings - address view warnings resulting from incorrect usage of form_tag

[Brad Buckingham] View warning - address view warning on Org->Subscriptions (Object#id vs Object#object_id)

[Brad Buckingham] app server - update apache katello.conf to use candlepin cert

[Lukas Zapletal] cli - bumping cli version because of tito bug

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.9-1].

[Ivan Necas] packagegroups - refactor: move menthods to Glue::Pulp::Repo

[Justin Sherrill] system template - only show 20 packages in auto complete drop down

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - adding package add/remove on left hand content panel, and only showing package names

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - got floating box to work with scrolling properly and list to have internal scrolling instead of making the box bigger

[Mike McCune] 734026 - removing uneeded debug line that caused syncs to fail

[Jason E. Rist] Packages offset loading via "More..." now working with registered system.

[Justin Sherrill] sliding tree - making it so that links to invalid breadcrumb entries redirect to teh default tab

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - added save dialog for moving away from a template when it was modified

[Justin Sherrill] system template - fixing issue where clicking add when default search text was there would attempt to add a package

[Justin Sherrill] system template - add warning when browsing away from an unsaved changeset

[Brad Buckingham] Views/JS - updates to support /katello prefix

[Partha Aji] Initial cut of the system templates promotion page - Add/remove changeset functionality TBD

[Brad Buckingham] Views - updates to support /katello prefix

[Tomas Strachota] templates - it is possible to create/edit only templates in the locker - added checks into template controller - spec tests fixed according to changes

[Ivan Necas] 736251 - use content name for repo id when importing manifest

[Justin Sherrill] breaking out packge actions to their own js object

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - adding missing view

[Eric D Helms] Roles - Adds text to empty permissions list instructing user what to do next for global and organizational permissions.

[Brad Buckingham] katello.init - update thin start so that log/pid files are owned by katello

[Lukas Zapletal] 736384 - workaround for perm. denied for rhsm registration

[Jason E. Rist] Package sort asc and desc via header.  Ajax refresh and indicators.

[Jason E. Rist] 734448 - Fix for Broken 'logout' link at web page's footer o	modified:   src/app/views/layouts/_footer.haml

[Eric D Helms] Role - Look and feel fixes for displaying of no current permissions message.

[Lukas Zapletal] 736384 - workaround for perm. denied (unit test)

[Brad Buckingham] Promotions packages - replace hardcoded path w/ helper

[Justin Sherrill] system-templates - making the auto complete box more abstract so products can still use it, as well as adding product rendering

[Brad Buckingham] JS - fix image paths in javascript

[Shannon Hughes] 731158: misc improvements to sync status page

[Eric D Helms] Role - Changes to display of full access label on organizations in roles ui list when a permission granting full access is removed.

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - adding working auto complete box for products

[Mike McCune] 736148 - update code to properly cancel a sync and render it in UI

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - adding & removing from content pane now works as well as saving product changes within the template

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for systems with no packages.

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - adding help tip

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for when system has no packages - should not see list or filter.

[Eric D Helms] Role - Disabled the resizing on the roles ui sliding tree.

[Jason E. Rist] 725842 - Fix for Search: fancyqueries dropdown - alignment

[Eric D Helms] 734196 - Disabled add and remove buttons in roles sliding tree after they have been clicked to prevent multiple server calls.

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - adding additional tests

[Partha Aji] Made got the add/remove system templates functionality somewhat working

[Shannon Hughes] 731158: remove 'not synced' status and leave blank

[Shannon Hughes] sync status - update title per QE request

[Shannon Hughes] sync status - add sync duration calculations

[Shannon Hughes] sync-status removing finish_time from ui

[Shannon Hughes] 731158: add ajax call to update sync duration

[Mike McCune] Simplify the stop command and make sure status works

[Partha Aji] Fixed the simplyfy_changeset to have an init :system_templates

[Partha Aji] Fixed errors that crept up in a previous commit

[Mike McCune] moving new thin and httpd conf files to match existing config locations

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - adapting the system templates tow ork with the new action bar api

[Partha Aji] Added code to show 'empty' templates

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - fixing action bar buttons from not changing name properly

[Partha Aji] Got the add remove working on system templates

[Lukas Zapletal] puppet - adding initdb 'run twice' check

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.77-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.77-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.10-1].

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added support for katello api acting as a 2-legged oauth provider

[Shannon Hughes] default newrelic profiling to false in dev mode

[Justin Sherrill] adding system templates to changeset history and fixing spacing issues with accordion

[Tomas Strachota] 736440 - Failures based on authorization return valid json

[Partha Aji] Added some auth rules for changeset updating

[Justin Sherrill] changeset history - adding indentation to content items

[Justin Sherrill] 734899 - fixing issue where changeset history would default to locker

[Eric D Helms] Changes from using controller_name (a pre-defined rails function) to using controller_display_name for use in setting model object ids in views.

[Partha Aji] Quick fix on promotions javascript to get the add/remove properly showing up

[Justin Sherrill] 735747 - fixing issue where creating a permission with create verb would result in an error

[Brad Buckingham] scoped_search - bumping version to 2.3.3

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.78-1].

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.78-1].

[Partha Aji] Added a system templates details page needed for promotion

[Dmitri Dolguikh] first cut at supporting ueber certs

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed a bunch of issues during uebercert generation

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.79-1].

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.79-1].

[Justin Sherrill] changeset history - adding bbq support for cs history, and making bbq work properly on this page for panel

[Eric D Helms] Roles UI - Adds selected color border to roles slide out widget and removes arrow from left list on roles page only.

[Eric D Helms] Changeset History - Fix for new URL scheme on changeset history page.

[Mike McCune] renaming the 2 providers to something more useful

[Brad Buckingham] script/rails - adding back in... needed to run rails console

[Partha Aji] Added a 'details' page for system templates promotion

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - fixing issue with firefox showing a longer form than chrome causing the add button to go to another line

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - fixing things that broke due to master merge

[Brad Buckingham] app server - updates to use thin Rack handler vs script/thin

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - adding permission for system templates

[Partha Aji] Fixed some system template conflict handling issues

[Partha Aji] Code changes to make jslint happy

[Partha Aji] Updated katello.js to keep jslint happy

[Partha Aji] Updated katello.js to keep jslint happy

[Partha Aji] Updated katello.js to keep jslint happy

[Lukas Zapletal] 736438 - move list_owners from orgs to users controller

[Lukas Zapletal] 736438 - implement permission check for list_owners

[Tomas Strachota] 736716 - product api was returning 2 ids per product

[Lukas Zapletal] initscript - removing pid removal

[Lukas Zapletal] initscript - removing temporary sleep

[Lukas Zapletal] error text now include 'Warning' not to confuse users

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.80-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.80-1].

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - a few javascript fixes for product removal

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - making jslint happy, and looking up elements that may have been redrawn

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - making sure that all ui elements are looked up again in each function in case they are redrawn

[Shannon Hughes] gemfile mods for rails 3.0.9

[Partha Aji] Fix on system template model - no_tag was returning map instead of array

[Partha Aji] Fixes to get  the promotion pages working

[Justin Sherrill] unit test fixes

[Tomas Strachota] templates - unittest fix

[Ivan Necas] packagegroups-templates - assigning package groups to system templates

[Ivan Necas] packagegroups-templates - assigning packege group categories to template

[Ivan Necas] packagegroups-templates - CLI for package groups in templates

[Ivan Necas] Fix typo in template error messages

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - adding more rules spec tests

[Partha Aji] Fixed the tags_for to return an empty array instead of nil and also removed the list tags in org since we are not doling out org perms on a per org basis

[Ivan Necas] remove-deprecations - validate overriding

[Ivan Necas] remove-deprecations - should_not be_redirect insted of redirect_to()

[Ivan Necas] remove-deprecations - use errors.add :base instead of add_to_base

[Ivan Necas] remove-deprecations - Object#id deprecated

[Ivan Necas] remove-deprecations - already defined constant in katello_url_helper

[Ivan Necas] remove-depretactions - use let variables insted of constants in rspec

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "736384 - workaround for perm. denied for rhsm registration"

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "736384 - workaround for perm. denied (unit test)"

[Lukas Zapletal] 736141 - Systems Registration perms need to be reworked

[Lukas Zapletal] 737563 - Subscription Manager fails permissions on accessing subscriptions

[Justin Sherrill] adding logging catch for notices that are objects we dont expect

[Partha Aji] Fixed a unit test

[Jason E. Rist] 404 and 500 error pages.

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for the look of the error.

[Jason E. Rist] 403 code, 500 code, and some changes to the 500 render.

[Jason E. Rist] Subscription quantity inside spinner now.

[Jason E. Rist] Subscriptions udpates, packages fix, ui spinner fix, universal KT object for applying subs.

[Justin Sherrill] 734894 - promotions - fixing issue where hover text on promoting changeset would still say it is being promoted even after it has been promoted

[Justin Sherrill] notices - fixing javascript error that happens when uploading a manifest via the UI

[Justin Sherrill] 733157 - removing ability to change prior environment, and showing correct prior on details/edit page

[Justin Sherrill] panel - fixing issue where panel closing would not close the subpanel

[Justin Sherrill] systems - spec test fix

[Brad Buckingham] notices - fix change to app controller that accidentally affected notices

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.81-1].

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.81-1].

[Tomas Strachota] templates api - route for listing templates in an environment

[Ivan Necas] 738200 - use action_name instead of params[:action]

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added support for preserving of repo metadata during import of manifests

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed a few issues with repo creation on manifest import test

[Ivan Necas] refactor - remove debug message to stdout

[Partha Aji] Removed 'tags' table for we could just deal with that using unique tag ids. To avoid the dreaded "explicit cast" exception when joining tags to entity ids table in postgres (example - Environments), we need tags to be integers. All our tags at the present time are integers anyway so this seems an easy enough change.

[Partha Aji] Fixed several broken tests in postgres

[Brad Buckingham] search - initial commit to address auto-complete support w/ perms

[Partha Aji] Fix to get tags.formatted to work with the new changes

[Justin Sherrill] initial breadcrumb revamp

[Brad Buckingham] search - systems - update to properly handle autocomplete

[Partha Aji] 734460 - Fix to have the roles UI complain on bad role names

[Partha Aji] Fixed some unit tests...

[Brad Buckingham] search - add completer_scope to role model

[Justin Sherrill] promotions - fixing error where you could not add a product

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.1-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [0.1.1-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] adding two configuration values debug_pulp_proxy

[Ivan Necas] packagegroups - support for group and categories in temp import

[Ivan Necas] packagegroups - add to string export of template

[Ivan Necas] pacakgegroups - refactor template exports to meet Ruby conventions

[Ivan Necas] packagegroups - add pacakge groups and categories to JSON

[Lukas Zapletal] correcting indentatin (Jan Pazdziora)

[Lukas Zapletal] adding copyright and modeline to our spec files

[Lukas Zapletal] correcting workaround for BZ 714167 (undeclared dependencies) in spec

[Lukas Zapletal] removing two unnecessarry macros in spec file

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.82-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.82-1].

[Eric D Helms] CSS cleanup focused on organizing colors and adding more variable definitions.

[Eric D Helms] Roles UI - Adds back missing css for blue box around roles widget.

[Eric D Helms] A refactor of panel in preparation for changes to address a series of bugs related to making the slide out panel of tupane more robust.

[Eric D Helms] Fixes for editing a permission when setting the all tags or all verbs.

[Eric D Helms] Fixes for changes to panel javascript due to rebase.

[Eric D Helms] Changes multiselect to have add from list on the left and add to list on the right. Moves multiselect widget css to its own file.

[Eric D Helms] Fixes a number of look and feel issues related to sliding tree items and clicking list items.

[Eric D Helms] Roles UI - Fixes broken add permission workflow.

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for .hidden not working :)

[Jason E. Rist] Two other small changes to fix the hidden features of subscribe and unsubscribe.

[Justin Sherrill] env select - fixing up the new environment selector and ditching the old jbreadcrumb

[Eric D Helms] Roles UI - Fix for broken role editing on the UI.

[Brad Buckingham] search - modifications to support service prefix (e.g. /katello)

[Brad Buckingham] notices - adding controller_name and action_name to notices

[Mike McCune] 722439 - adding version to the footer

[Justin Sherrill] env select - corrected env select widget to work with the expanding nodes

[Ivan Necas] 738762 - SSLVerifyClient for apache+thin

[Justin Sherrill] env-select - fixing a few spacing issues as well as having selected item be expanded more so than others

[Ivan Necas] Fix proxy to candlepin due to change RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT

[Justin Sherrill] env-select - adding more javascript documentation and improving spacing calculations

[Justin Sherrill] javascript - some fixes for the new panel object

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - updating page to ensure list items are vertical centered, required due to some changes by ehelms

[Justin Sherrill] 739200 - moving system template new button to the top left instead of on the bottom action bar

[Justin Sherrill] fixing poor coding around enabling create due to permission that had creeped into multiple controllers

[Jason E. Rist] Dashboard initial layout. Added new icons to the action-icons.png as well as the chart overlay for the pie chart for subscriptions.

[Justin Sherrill] activation keys - fixing new env selector for activation keys

[Brad Buckingham] notices - change to support closing previous failure notices on a success

[Jason E. Rist] Changes to the dashboard UI headers.

[Brad Buckingham] notices - making default polling inverval 120s (when omitted from conf)

[Jason E. Rist] Additional work on the dashboard L&F.  Still need gear in dropbutton and content in dashboard boxes.

[Brad Buckingham] notices - change to fix broken tests

[Mike McCune] removing unecessary debug line that was causing JS errors

[Dmitri Dolguikh] changed candlepin url in Candlepin::Consumer integration tests

[Dmitri Dolguikh] katello now uses cp's uebercert generation/retrieval

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed a few issues with uebercert controller specs

[Dmitri Dolguikh] updates routes to support uebercert operations

[Ivan Necas] 734882 - User-Agent header in katello-cli and custom error messages

[Ivan Necas] 734882 - format RestClient error message only for katello-cli agent

[Ivan Necas] 733270 - validate uniquenss of system name

[Ivan Necas] 733270 - fix failing unit tests

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [0.1.2-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] 734526 - improving error messages for promotions to include changeset names.

[Partha Aji] Updated the handling of the 500 error to deal with null org cases

[Partha Aji] Updated the promotions page nav and rules to work correctly

[Partha Aji] fixed an accidental typo

[Mike McCune] 732444 - make sure we uppercase before we sort so it is case indifferent

[Bryan Kearney] move the SSL fix into the rpm files

[Partha Aji] Updates on the promotion controller page to deal with weird permission models

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.83-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.83-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [0.1.3-1].

[Dmitri Dolguikh] removed access control from UebercertsController

[Lukas Zapletal] regin dep issue workaround enabled for EL6 now

[Ivan Necas] Disable unstable spec test

[Dmitri Dolguikh] removing an unused migration

[Ivan Necas] More user-friendly validation failed message in CLI

[Ivan Necas] packagegroups-templates - fix for notification message

[Ivan Necas] packagegroups-templates - better validation messages

[Partha Aji] Made the rails error messages log a nice stack trace

[Partha Aji] Added a config entry allow_roles_logging for roles logs to be printed on the output log. This was becasue roles check was cluttering the console window.

[Partha Aji] Added ordering for roles based on names

[Partha Aji] forgot to evalute the exception correctly

[Partha Aji] Updated the config file to illustrate the use of allow_roles_logging..

[Partha Aji] Added some padding for perm denied message

[Eric D Helms] Roles UI - Modifies role add permission workflow to add a progress bar and move the name and description to the bottom of the workflow.

[Eric D Helms] Roles UI - Fixes to permission add workflow for edge cases.

[Eric D Helms] Roles Spec - Adds unit tests to cover CRUD on permissions.

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - got notices dashboard widget in place

[Eric D Helms] Roles UI - Updates to edit permission workflow as a result of changes to add permission workflow.

[Partha Aji] Added some comments for app controller

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - mostly got promotions pane on dashboard working

[Eric D Helms] Roles - Fixes for spec tests that made assumptions that don't hold true on postgres.

[Partha Aji] More roles controller spec fixes

[Partha Aji] Hid the select all/none button if the user doesnt have any syncable products..

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed a bug with parsing of oauth provider parameters

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - update setting of env and system template on general tab...

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - update new key ui to use environment selector

[Ivan Necas] Promoted content enabled by default

[Mike McCune] bumping candlepin to the latest rev

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - edit - update to list products in the env selected

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - remove the edit_environment action

[Partha Aji] Made the current_organization failure check to also log the exception trace

[Mike McCune] 740389 - include repoid and remove unused security checks

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - new - update to set env to the first available

[Shannon Hughes] new deps for rails 3.0.10

[Shannon Hughes] adding dep for rails 3.0.10

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - new/edit - disable save buttons while retrieving template/product info

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - fixing changeset link and fixing icon links on promotions

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - making helper function names more consistent

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - add Applied and Available subscriptions to navigation

[Eric D Helms] Tupanel - Cleanup and fixes for making the tupanel slide out panel stop at the bottom.

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - subscriptions - add applied/available placeholders for view and controller

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - edit - fix broken 'save'

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - new/edit - updates to highlight the need to change template, on env change...

[Lukas Zapletal] asub - renaming KTSubscription to KTPool

[Lukas Zapletal] asub - ak subscribes to pool which starts most recently

[Lukas Zapletal] asub - adding unit tests

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.84-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.84-1].

[Shannon Hughes] bump down tzinfo version. actionpack/activerecord only need > 3.23

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - adding sync dashboard widget

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - A slew of changes to how the tupane slideout works with regards to positioning.

[Eric D Helms] Adds js-routes gem as a development gem.

[Eric D Helms] JsRoutes - Adds the base functionality to use and generate the Rails routes in Javascript.

[Partha Aji] Initial cut of the systems snippet on the dashboard

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - tests for clone repo id

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - make clone_repo_id instance method

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - refactor clone repo id - remove duplicities

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - support for more archs with one content

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - temp solution for not-supported archs in Pulp

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - use pulp-valid names for repos

[Ivan Necas] Remove debug messages to stdout

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - prepare a valid name for a product

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - a few visual fixes

[Justin Sherrill] glue - caching teh sync status object in repos to reduce overhead

[Partha Aji] Added the ellipsis widget

[Shannon Hughes] bump down rack-test. 0.5.7 is only needed.

[Shannon Hughes] adding in mod_ssl requirement. previously this was beeing indirectly pulled in by pulp but katello should require it as well.

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - adding subscription widget for dashboard with fake data

[Partha Aji] Added  some styling on the systems snippet

[Partha Aji] Added a message to show empty systems

[Partha Aji] Updated some scss styling to lengthen the scroll

[Mike McCune] make sure we only capture everything after /katello/ and not /katello*

[Mike McCune] 740254 - dep API in pulp changed - these changes reflect new struct

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added glue layer for pulp user

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added interface for pulp user-related operations

[Dmitri Dolguikh] first cut at pulp user glue layer

[Dmitri Dolguikh] pulp user with 'super-users' role are now being created when a katello user is created

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed a bunch of tests that were failing because of new user orchestration

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - fixing color values to work properly in firefox

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - adding owner infor object to katello and having the dashboard use it for total systems

[Eric D Helms] Tupanel - Changes to tupanel for look and feel and consistency.

[Eric D Helms] Tupanel - Fixes for resizing and height setting.  Fixes for subpanel.

[Eric D Helms] Tupanel - Fixes smoothness issue between normal tupane and sliding tree.

[Eric D Helms] Tupanel - Fixes issue with tupanel ajax data being inserted twice into DOM.

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - initial changes for available subscriptions page

[Partha Aji] Fixed a var name goofup

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - initial changes for applied subscriptions page

[Jason E. Rist] Overlay for graph on sub status for dasyboard.  Fix for a few small bad haml and js things.

[Tomas Strachota] templates - errata removed from model

[Tomas Strachota] templates - deleted TemplateErrata model

[Tomas Strachota] templates - removed errata from imports, exports and promotions

[Tomas Strachota] templates - fixed spec tests after errata removal

[Tomas Strachota] changesets - api for adding templates to changesets

[Tomas Strachota] template promotions - promotion of products from a template

[Tomas Strachota] templates - removed errata from update controller

[Tomas Strachota] repos - helper methods for searching packages

[Tomas Strachota] package utils - methods for parsing and building nvrea

[Tomas Strachota] spec tests - tests for package utils

[Tomas Strachota] templates - adding packages by nvre

[Tomas Strachota] templates - unique nvre validator for packages

[Tomas Strachota] templates - fix for unique nvre package validator the previous one was failing for validation after updates

[Tomas Strachota] template promotions - added promotions of packages

[Tomas Strachota] async tasks - pulp status not saving new records after refresh

[Tomas Strachota] templates promotion - fix for spec tests

[Tomas Strachota] templates - validation for packages

[Tomas Strachota] templates - removed unused methods

[Tomas Strachota] repos - method clone id moved from product to repo

[Tomas Strachota] templates - spec test fixes

[Tomas Strachota] changesets - removed unused method

[Tomas Strachota] package search - reordered parameters more logically

[Tomas Strachota] templates - spec tests for promotions and packages

[Tomas Strachota] product sync - fixed too many arguments error

[Tomas Strachota] templates api - fix for getting template by name

[Tomas Strachota] templates - removed content validator

[Tomas Strachota] spec tests - fix after change in api for listing templates

[Lukas Zapletal] rhsm fetch environment with owner information

[Eric D Helms] 736093 - Tupanel - Changes to tupanel to handle helptip open and close.

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - applied subs - add link to add subs

[Shannon Hughes] remove capistrano from our deps

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.85-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.85-1].

[Eric D Helms] 736828 - Promotions - Fixes packages tupane to close whenever the breadcrumb is navigated away from the packages list.

[Eric D Helms] 736090 - Tupane - Fixes for tupane drifting into footer.

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - subscriptions - update to include type (virtual/physical)

[Jason E. Rist] Stroke 0 on dashboard pie graph.

[Mike McCune] katello-all -- a meta-package to pull in all components for Katello.

[Eric D Helms] 739654 - Tupane - Fixes issue with tupane jumping to top of page upon being closed.

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - update to disable the Add/Remove button after click

[Jason E. Rist] Dashboard gear icon in button.

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - adding errata widget with fake data

[Jason E. Rist] Changes to the dashboard layout.

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - making all widgets load asyncronously

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - removing console.logs

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - fixing issue where scrollbar would not initialize for ajax loaded widgets

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - fixing issue where errata would not expand properly when loaded via async, also moved jscroll initalization to a more central place

[Partha Aji] Added some better error handling and removed katello_error.haml as we can do the same with katello.haml

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - making subscription widget load with the page

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Fixes typo from earlier change related to tupane closing not scrolling back up to top.

[Jason E. Rist] Lighter color footer version.

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - adding initial comps listing for products (with fake data)

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - adding initial ui framework for package groups in system templates

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - subscriptions - updates to support listing by product

[Partha Aji] Moved methods from the systems_help to application so that the time formatting can be conisistent across all helpers

[Partha Aji] Updated the dashboard systems view to be more consistent and show an icon if entitlements are valid

[Mike McCune] Adding system template download button.

[Mike McCune] add a spec test to the new download

[Partha Aji] Added some modifications for the dashboard systems overview widget to include the product name

[Brad Buckingham] 741444/741648/739981/739655 - update *.js.haml to use the new KT namespace for javascript

[Dmitri Dolguikh] BZ 741357: fixed a spelling mistake in katello-jobs.init

[Dmitri Dolguikh] Revert "BZ 741357: fixed a spelling mistake in katello-jobs.init"

[Dmitri Dolguikh] BZ 741357: fixed a spelling mistake in katello-jobs.init

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - adding real package groups to system templates page

[Eric D Helms] 740936 - Roles UI - Fixes issue with back button disappearing, container border not surrounding actior bar and with wrong containers being displayed for permission create.

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - add cancel button to general tab

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - init env_select when edit pane is initialized

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - properly listing package groups respecting page size limits

[Jason E. Rist] Dashboard - lighter hr color, and shorter big_widgets.

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - adding  addition and removal of package groups in the web ui, still does not save to server

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - update scss to remove some of the table css used by akey subscriptions

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - change the text used to request update to template

[Partha Aji] Updated dashboard systems snippet. fixed a couple of bugs w.r.t ellipsis

[Partha Aji] Made organization create a default redhat provider on its inception

[Partha Aji] Commiting a bunch of unit fixes

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.3-1].

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - css updates for subscriptions

[Lukas Zapletal] sms - cli system subscribe command

[Partha Aji] Initial commit related to the provider page redesign

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - js fix so that clearing filter does not leave children shown

[Partha Aji] Got pretty much the providers functionality done with this

[Partha Aji] Fixed a unit test failure

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - some refactor/cleanup of js to use KT namespace

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - (TO BE REVERTED) temporary commit to duplicate subscriptions

[Jason E. Rist] Alternating family rows in Activation Keys by way of Ruby's handy cycle method.

[Jason E. Rist] Row/grouping coloring for products and repos.

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.4-1].

[Eric D Helms] 741422 - Roles UI - Fixes issue with sliding tree expanding in height instead of overflowing container.

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Changes for consistency of tupane css.

[Eric D Helms] 741399 - Fixes for Global permissions to hide 'On' field for all resource types.

[Eric D Helms] 733722 - When hitting enter after editing an input will cause the next button to click.

[Eric D Helms] 737138 - Adds action bar buttons on roles pages to tab index and adds enter button press handlers to activate actions.

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - mods to handle nil env on akey create

[Eric D Helms] Fixes for Roles UI action bar edit breaking after trying to edit more than 1.

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - fix controller specs

[Justin Sherrill] 740365 - fixing issue with systems sorting and extended scroll, where limits were being placed before teh sorting happened

[Justin Sherrill] panel - rendering generic rows more efficiently

[Justin Sherrill] tupane - fixing extended scroll spinner showing up on most pages

[Eric D Helms] Roles UI - Fix for edit role slide up container not working after previous changes to the way the action bar works.

[Eric D Helms] 740921 - When editing a permission verbs and tags that were part of the permission will now show up as selected already.

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - fix view specs

[Partha Aji] Updated katello-js to work with multiple third level navs

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - removing system list and expanding height of big_widget and small_widget

[Partha Aji] Added some rendering on products and repos page to explicity differentiate the 2

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.86-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.86-1].

[Eric D Helms] Tupanel - Updates to tupanel slide out for smoother sliding up and down elongated lists.  Fix for extended scroll causing slide out panel to overrun footer.

[Brad Buckingham] a-keys - fix delete and behavior on create

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - adding arrow to the right of the gear

[Partha Aji] Fixed providers show  + edit page to not show provider type

[Justin Sherrill] 741669 - adding a way for users to modify their own user details

[Justin Sherrill] 740970 - adding detection if a password contains the username

[Brad Buckingham] 740340 - manifest upload - validate file input provided

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Initial commit of changes to loading of left hand list on tupane pages via ajax.

[Jason E. Rist] Temporarily removing dashboard pull-down.

[Tomas Strachota] templates api - fix for failure in listing all templates in the system

[Tomas Strachota] templates api - added new controller for updating templates

[Tomas Strachota] templates - update changes name of all environment clones

[Tomas Strachota] added index for system_template_id on system_template_packages

[Tomas Strachota] templates - package groups and categories identified by name -repo ids and category/group ids removed

[Tomas Strachota] packages search - find latest returns array of all latest packages not only the first latest package found

[Tomas Strachota] templates api - removed old content update

[Tomas Strachota] package groups - groups and group categories returned in an array instead of in a hash

[Tomas Strachota] templates - validations for package groups and group categories

[Tomas Strachota] templates - fixes in spec tests

[Tomas Strachota] packagegroups - cli changed to work with array returned from api instead of hashes that were returned formerly

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - substitute release ver

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - fix unit tests

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - refactor

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - class for loading variable values from CDN

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - use CDN to substitute vars in content url

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - remove unused code

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - short documentation

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - small refactoring

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - fix ssl verification

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - fix validations for options

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - fix failing spec tests

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - refactor certificate loading

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - use redhat-uep.pem as feed_ca

[Brad Buckingham] 739680 - include candlepin error text in error notice on manifest upload error

[Bryan Kearney] Do not call reset-oauth in %post, candlepin and pulp are not installed at that time anyway.

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - fix relative path for imported repos

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - prevent a divide by zero

[Shannon Hughes] adding redhat-uep.pem to katello ca

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.87-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.87-1].

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - updating subscription status scss as per request

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - fixing issue where promotions ellipsis was not configured correctly

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - set content type for created repo

[Tomas Strachota] templates - removed old way of promoting templates directly

[Dmitri Dolguikh] first cut of filters used during promotion of content from Locker

[Lukas Zapletal] sms - useless comment

[Tomas Strachota] repo - default value for content type when creating new repo

[Brad Buckingham] 715369 - use ellipsis on search favorites/history w/ long names

[Brad Buckingham] provider - search changes resulting from split of Custom and Red Hat providers

[Shannon Hughes] adding yum fix until 3.2.29 hits zstream/pulp

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.88-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.88-1].

[Shannon Hughes] adding reporting gems deps

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.89-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.89-1].

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - adding ui tweaks from uxd

[Justin Sherrill] 741669 - fixing issue where user with no org could not access their own user details page

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - more dashboard css fixes

[Brad Buckingham] panel - minor update to escape special characters in id

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - fixing issue where user with no orgs would recieve an error upon login

[Justin Sherrill] making css for navigation require a little space in the subnav if there are no subnav elements

[Justin Sherrill] dashboard - one last css vertical spacing issue fix

[Mike McCune] first hack to try and get the sub-edit panel to pop up

[Dmitri Dolguikh] create/delete operations for filters are working now

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fields residing in pulp are now present in the output of index

[Lukas Zapletal] sms - moving unsubscribe action into the backend

[Lukas Zapletal] sms - moving subscriptions list action into the backend

[Lukas Zapletal] sms - refactoring subscription -> subscriptions path

[Lukas Zapletal] sms - introducing subscriptions controller

[Brad Buckingham] 731203 - updates to support ellipsis in header of tupane layout

[Lukas Zapletal] fix for katello-reset-dbs - pgsql support for initdb

[Lukas Zapletal] fix for katello-reset-dbs - pgsql support for initdb - typo

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.90-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.90-1].

[Brad Buckingham] 731203 - update panes to use object name in header/title

[Shannon Hughes] 743646: fix sync due to bad rail route paths

[Brad Buckingham] 731203 - changes so that update to the object id are reflected in pane header

[Jason E. Rist] Added the download icon to the system template page.

[Tomas Strachota] products - route and api for deleting products

[Tomas Strachota] products - delete all repos in all environments when deleting a product

[Tomas Strachota] org orchestration - deleting dependent providers moved to orchestration layer Having it handled by :dependent => :destroy caused wrong order of deleting the records. The organization in Candlepin was deleted before providers and products. This led to record-not-found errors.

[Tomas Strachota] fix in log message

[Ivan Necas] import-stage-manifest - remove hard-coded supported archs

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed failing roles_controller_spec

[Ivan Necas] Set default rake task

[Brad Buckingham] users - fix user name on edit screen

[Ivan Necas] Remove failing check on sqlite for root

[Ivan Necas] Fix check on sqlite when setting up db under root for production

[Ivan Necas] Enable running rake task for production env from git repo

[Tomas Strachota] repo delete - api for deleting single repos

[Tomas Strachota] repo delete - cli for deleting single repos

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Converts systems tab items to use new ajax loading in left hand list.

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Converts Administration tab to ajax list loading.

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Converts Organizations tab to ajax list loading.

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Converts Content Management tab to use left list ajax loading.

[Jason E. Rist] Switch of arch and support level on subscriptions page.

[Brad Buckingham] 741656 - roles - search - chgs for search by perm type and verbs

[Brad Buckingham] scoped_search - Gemfile updates to support scoped_search 2.3.4

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.91-1].

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.91-1].

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - hooked up comps groups with backend with the exception of auto complete

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - package groups auto complete working

[Justin Sherrill] two pane system actions - adding remove action for bulk systems

[Eric D Helms] JsRoutes - Fix for rake task to generate javascript routes.

[Dmitri Dolguikh] applying filters to products step 1

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added ruport-related gems to Gemfile

[Dmitri Dolguikh] re-created reports functionality after botched merge

[Tomas Strachota] templates - fix for cloning to next environment - added nvres to export - fix for importing package groups

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed a misspelled method name

[Tomas Strachota] templates - fix in spec tests for exporting/importing

[Brad Buckingham] jslint - fix warnings reported during build

[Dmitri Dolguikh] Revert "added ruport-related gems to Gemfile"

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - removign uneeded route

[Lukas Zapletal] Installation does not pull in katello-cli

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.92-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.92-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.5-1].

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Modifies left hand list to obey search parameters and adds the ability to specify a create action on the page for automatic handling of creation of new objects with respect to the search parameters.

[Ivan Necas] 744191 - Prevent deleting Red Hat provider

[Ivan Necas] 744191 - prevent some changes on red hat provider

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Role - Cleanup of role creation with addition of description field.  Moves role creation in UI to new form to respect search parameters.

[Justin Sherrill] tests - adding system template package group test for the ui controller

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - ActivationKeys - Changes Activation Keys to use creation format that respects search filters.

[Jason E. Rist] System removal refresh of items number..

[Jason E. Rist] Fixed the refresh of the number of items to happen automatically without being called.

[Justin Sherrill] tupane actions - moving KT.panel action functions to KT.panel.actions

[Brad Buckingham] search - several fixes for issues on auto-complete

[Justin Sherrill] tupane actions - adding icon to system bulk remove

[Shannon Hughes] reduce number of sync threads

[Justin Sherrill] adding bulk delete system spec test

[Partha Aji] Moved the help tip on the redhat providers page show up at the right spot

[Justin Sherrill] removing z-index on helptip open icon so it does not hover over 3rd level navigation menu

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Converts the rest of ajax loading left hand list object creations to new style that respects search parameters.

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - fixing last issues with comps groups

[Partha Aji] Initial commit on getting a dynamic navigation

[Partha Aji] Adding the new menu.rb to generate menu

[Partha Aji] Moved menu rb to helpers since its a better fit there.. soon going to reorganize the files there

[Partha Aji] Modified the rendering structure to use independent nav items

[Partha Aji] Reorganized the navigation a bit

[Partha Aji] Added dashboard menus and fixed a bunch of navs

[Partha Aji] Added the systems tab.

[Partha Aji] Just added spaces to every line to keep the tabbing loking right

[Partha Aji] Added a construct to automatically imply checking for a sub level if the top level is missing

[Partha Aji] Ported all the nav items across

[Partha Aji] Refactored the create_menu method to allow navs of multiple levels

[Partha Aji] Updated the ordering on the content-management menu items

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Moves list javascript object to new namespace. Moves newly created objects to top of the left hand list.

[Jason E. Rist] Fixed progress bar and spacing on sync management page.

[Partha Aji] Fixed a bunch of unit tests

[Ivan Necas] 744285 - Change format of repo id

[Brad Buckingham] search - fix system save and notices search

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added support for associating of filters with products

[Shannon Hughes] adding new zanata translation file

[Ivan Necas] Fix for accidentaly faling tests

[Ivan Necas] 744285 - bulletproof the spec test for repo_id

[Shannon Hughes] update to translations

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Changes pages to use new action to register with panel in javascript.

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.6-1].

[Eric D Helms] Fixes issue with navigationg graphic showing up on roles page tupanel.

[Mike McCune] 743415 - removing uneeded files

[Partha Aji] Added code to fix a menu highlighting issue

[Partha Aji] 735975 - Fix for user delete link showing up for self roles page

[Partha Aji] 739588-Made the systems update call raise the error message the correct way

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed a few issues around association of filters with repos

[Brad Buckingham] 745279 - UI - fix deletion of repo

[Eric D Helms] 720432 - Moves the small x that closes the filter on sliding tree widgets to be directly to the right of the filter.

[Partha Aji] 740969 - Fixed a bug where tab was being inserted. Tab is invalid for names

[Justin Sherrill] 745315 -changing application controller to not include all helpers in all controllers, this stops helper methods with the same name from overwriding each other

[Eric D Helms] Search - Converts search to an ajax operation to refresh and update left side list.

[Shannon Hughes] bump up scoped_search version to 2.3.4

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.93-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.93-1].

[Brad Buckingham] 741416 - organizations ui - list orgs using same sort order as on roles pg

[Brad Buckingham] 744067 - Promotions - Errata UI - clean up format on Packages tab

[Partha Aji] 740979 - Gave provider read access for users with org sync permission

[Partha Aji] Fixed a unit test

[Amos Benari] fixes #745245 Filter on provider page fails with postgres error

[Tomas Strachota] templates - fix for increasing revision numbers after update

[Tomas Strachota] templates - spec tests for revisions

[Dmitri Dolguikh] tests around persisting of filter-product association

[Dmitri Dolguikh] application of filters during promotion

[Lukas Zapletal] adding db:truncate rake task

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.94-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.94-1].

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed a few issues in filters controller

[Brad Buckingham] 744067 - Promotions - Errata UI - clean up format on Details tab

[Lukas Zapletal] reset dbs script now correctly load variables

[Lukas Zapletal] tdl - refactoring export_string to export_as_json

[Lukas Zapletal] tdl - modifying /export to return TDL format

[Lukas Zapletal] tdl - fixing unit tests

[Lukas Zapletal] tdl - fixing one more unit test

[Shannon Hughes] 745617 fix for product sync selection745617 fix for product sync selection745617 fix for product sync selection745617 fix for product sync selection745617 fix for product sync selection745617 fix for product sync selection745617 fix for product sync selection

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Search - Re-factors extended scroll to use new search parameters.

[Justin Sherrill] tupane - adding support for actions to be disabled if nothing is selected

[Brad Buckingham] Errata - packages - list based on name-[epoch:]-version-release.arch

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Search - Removes scoped search standard jquery autocompletion widget and replaces it with similar one fitted for Katello's needs.

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Search - Converts fancyqueries to use new ajax search.

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Search - Fixes for autocomplete drop down and left list not sizing properly on search.

[Mike McCune] switching to XML vs JSON for template download

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.95-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.95-1].

[Justin Sherrill] fixing gemfile url

[Dmitri Dolguikh] support for addition/removal of filters to already promoted products

[Justin Sherrill] filters - initial package filtering ui

[Dmitri Dolguikh] more filter-related tests

[Brad Buckingham] Errata Filters - ui - initial changes to promotions breadcrumb

[Justin Sherrill] filters - adding creation of package filters in the ui

[Partha Aji] 737678 - Made the provider left panes and other left panes use ellipsis

[Tom McKay] updated table info for currently subscribed

[Tom McKay] updated table info for available, including removing spinner for non-multi

[Tom McKay] first cut of expander for subscription details (data fake)

[Tom McKay] data added to expanding subscription tree

[Tom McKay] changed subscription details to a list instead of a table; much cleaner looking

[Tom McKay] subscription content url is needs the content source prefix before it is a clickable link

[Tom McKay] handle comma-separated gpgUrl values. change display of subscription from label to div to clean up display style

[Tom McKay] adjusted tables for custom provider product, updated columns

[Tom McKay] Unsubscribe now unsubscribes from individual entitlements, not the entire pool. (Only useful for multi-entitlement subscriptions where the user may have subscribed to multiple quantities.)

[Tom McKay] Based on jrist feedback: + add padding to rows to account for fatter spinner + don't increment spinner value if non-zero on checkbox click + alternate row coloring (maintain color on exanding rows)

[Jason E. Rist] Various tupane fixes, enhancements, and modifications to styling.  More...   - Stylize the options dialog in actions   - Remove the arrows on multi-select   - Fix the .new to be fixed height all the time.   -  Fix the "2 items selected to be less space   - Move the box down, yo.   - Add Select None

[Jason E. Rist] Removing the 'new' for systems_controller since it isn't quite there yet.

[Ivan Necas] errata-filters - API and CLI support for filtering errata by type

[Ivan Necas] errata-filters - API and CLI allow errata filtering on multiple repos

[Ivan Necas] errata-filters - API and CLI restrict filtering errata on an environment

[Ivan Necas] errata-filters - API and CLI support for filtering on severity

[Ivan Necas] errata-filters - update failing tests

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added support for filter create/list/show/delete operations in katello cli

[Dmitri Dolguikh] forgot to commit migration for filter-product join table

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Adds message specific settings to notices and adds special notice to organization creation for new objects that don't meet search criteria.

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Adds number of total items and current items in list to left side list in UI.

[Justin Sherrill] fixing issue where provider description was marked with the incorrect class

[Justin Sherrill] filters - adding initial edit code

[Tom McKay] BZ#747343 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=747343 In fix to show subscriptions w/o products, the provider was not being checked.

[Ivan Necas] errata-filters - use only Pulp::Repo.errata for filtering

[Ivan Necas] errata-filters - filter all errata for a product

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Fixes changeset history page that requires extra attribute when searching for environment.

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for flot/canvas on IE.

[Justin Sherrill] filters - making filters use name instead of pulp_id, and adding remove

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Refactors items controller function to be less repetitive.

[Jason E. Rist] Very minor padding issue on .dash

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Search - Adds special notification if newly created object does not meet search criteria.

[Justin Sherrill] tupane - adding support for expanding to actions other than :edit

[Bryan Kearney] Break up the katello rpms into component parts

[Partha Aji] Removed jeditable classes off repo pages since attributes there are not editable anymore

[Jason E. Rist] Red Hat Provider layout refactor

[Jason E. Rist] Revert "Red Hat Provider layout refactor" - upload is not working now...

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for provider.js upload file.

[Jason E. Rist] Revert "Merge branch 'upload_fix'"

[Jason E. Rist] Revert "Fix for provider.js upload file."

[Jason E. Rist] Revert "Revert "Red Hat Provider layout refactor" - upload is not working now..."

[Jason E. Rist] Wrapping up today's git mess.

[Ivan Necas] Prevent from using sqlite as the database engine

[Lukas Zapletal] removing unused code

[Lukas Zapletal] refactoring - extending pool glue class

[Lukas Zapletal] refactoring - extending pool glue class

[Lukas Zapletal] pools - listing of available pools

[Lukas Zapletal] pools - moving sys_available_pools into glue

[Lukas Zapletal] pools - rename sys_available_pools as available_pools_full

[Lukas Zapletal] pools - moving sys_consumed_entitlements into glue

[Lukas Zapletal] pools - rename sys_consumed_entitlements as consumed_entitlements

[Lukas Zapletal] pools - making use of system.available_pools_full

[Lukas Zapletal] pools - adding multi entitlement flag to the list (cli)

[Justin Sherrill] filters - adding the ui part of package adding and removing, not hooked up to the backend since it doesnt work yet

[Justin Sherrill] spliting out the auto complete javascript object to its own file for reuse

[Justin Sherrill] moving some javascript i18n to a common area for autocomplete

[Brad Buckingham] Errata Filters - UI - updates to integrate w/ backend errata filters

[Tom McKay] Tweaks to System/Subscriptions based on feedback:    + Fix date CSS padding    + "Available" to "Quantity" in Available table    + Remove "Total" column in Available table    + Add "SLA" to Available table

[Justin Sherrill] filters - adding auto complete for packages, and moving locker package search to central place from system templates controller

[Justin Sherrill] filters - a few package auto complete fixes

[Brad Buckingham] Promotions - errata - update format of title for breadcrumb and errata details

[Tyler Smart] Cherry picking first System CRUD commit

[Tyler Smart] Adding environment selector to the System Create page

[Tyler Smart] Fixing System create error validation return

[Tyler Smart] If you do not have an environment selected, then we tell you to go set a default

[Tyler Smart] Minor changes to new page for systems.  Using systems_path with action=>create automatically defaults to post.  Doing so was because of the server prefix.  Also fixed the scrollbar at the bottom of the page to be grid_8 for the surrounding page.

[Tyler Smart] Rendering the proper lsit item for a system once it has been created

[Brad Buckingham] Promotions - errata - update show to omit 'self' and include available links provided in errata

[Tyler Smart] Fixing tests for System create

[Brad Buckingham] Promotions - system templates - make list in ui consistent w/ others in breadcrumb

[Brad Buckingham] Promotions - errata - some cleanup based on ui review discussion

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Search - Refactors items function to be uniform across controllers.  Adds total items and total results items counts. Refactors panel functionality to separate list and panel functions.

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Removes unnecessary anonymous function from list initialization.

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added support for updating of package lists of filters

[Dmitri Dolguikh] adding/removal of packages from filters supports rollbacks now

[Jason E. Rist] 747805 - Fix for not being able to create an environment when subpanel div was "in the way" via z-index and layering.

[Ivan Necas] cli-akeys-pools - add subscription to a key through CLI

[Ivan Necas] cli-akeys-pools - remove subscriptions from a activation kay

[Ivan Necas] cli-akeys-pools - refactor spec tests

[Ivan Necas] cli-akeys-pools - set allocated to 1

[Ivan Necas] cli-akeys-pools - show pools in activation key details

[Brad Buckingham] Errata - filter - fix the severity values

[Brad Buckingham] Errata - update so that 'severity' will have an accessor

[Jason E. Rist] Minor fix for potential overlap of Upload button on Redhat Provider page.

[Brad Buckingham] Promotions - distributions - make list in ui consistent w/ products list

[Brad Buckingham] Systems - minor change to view to address warning during render...

[Brad Buckingham] Promotions - distros - ui chg to allow adding to changeset

[Partha Aji] Initial commit of the repo remodeling where the repository is created in katello

[Tomas Strachota] templates - fix for cloning to an environment

[Partha Aji] Added environment mappings to the repo object and got product.repos search working

[Ivan Necas] tdl-repos-references - tdl repos references direct to pulp repo

[Ivan Necas] tdl-repos-references - validate TDL in unit tests against xsd

[Brad Buckingham] Promotions - distributions - add/remove/view on changeset

[Dmitri Dolguikh] filters controller spec

[Lukas Zapletal] pools - list of available unit test

[Lukas Zapletal] pools - one more unit test

[Jason E. Rist] Small fix for browse/upload overlap.

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Adds notice on edit when edited item no longer meets search criteria.

[Brad Buckingham] Promotions - distributions - additional changes to properly support changeset operations

[Bryan Kearney] Allow headpin and katello-common to install together

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.96-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.96-1].

[Partha Aji] Removed some wasted  comments

[Tom McKay] referenced proper ::Product class

[Tom McKay] referenced proper ::Product class... again

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Search - Spec test fixes for ajaxification of search.

[Brad Buckingham] Promotions - distributions - changes to allow for promotion

[Brad Buckingham] Promotions - distributions - spec test updates

[Partha Aji] Fixed an accidental remove in katello.js from commit ec6ce7a262af3b9c349fb98c1d58ad774206dffb

[Partha Aji] Updated the environment model to do a proper list products call

[Partha Aji] Modified the code to get repo delete call working

[Partha Aji] Got the repo view to render the source url correctly

[Partha Aji] Got the sync pages to work with the new repo model

[Partha Aji] fixed the delete script for this model

[Tomas Strachota] calc dep - calc_dependencies(bool) split into two methods

[Tomas Strachota] calc dep - methods for listing not included errata and packages

[Tomas Strachota] dep calc - refactoring and performance improvement - not calculating dependencies for packages that are included in any product or repository in the changeset

[Tomas Strachota] dep calc - new column dependency_of in changeset dependencies

[Tomas Strachota] dep calc - returning dependencies with dependency_of

[Tomas Strachota] dep calc - promoting dependencies

[Tomas Strachota] dep calc - disabling dep. calc. in promotion tests

[Tomas Strachota] dep calc - fixes in displaying the dependencies

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added filters controller spec

[Lukas Zapletal] fixing nil bug found on the code review

[Lukas Zapletal] fixing nil bug found on the code review - fix

[Brad Buckingham] Promotions - add distributions to changeset history... fix expander/collapse image in js

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Fixes for unit tests after merging in master.

[Brad Buckingham] Promotions - mark distributions as promoted, if they have already been

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Systems - Fixing search for creation and editing for System CRUD.

[Partha Aji] Got the repo delete functionality working

[Justin Sherrill] package filters - adding javascript product and repository adding

[Partha Aji] Fixed a sync alert issue related to the new repo model

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.7-1].

[Mike McCune] moving download to a pop-up pane so you can select env + distro

[Tomas Strachota] products - no content in CP when a product is created

[Tomas Strachota] prod orch - new orchestration for product creation and manifest import

[Tomas Strachota] prod orch - deleting unused products after manifest import - deleting products that were in the manifest but don't belong to the owner

[Tomas Strachota] prod orch - method for checking if one cdn path is substitute of the other in CdnVarSubstitutor

[Tomas Strachota] prod orch - creating product content upon first promotion

[Tomas Strachota] prod orch - saving sync schedule in all repos on product update

[Tomas Strachota] prod orch - fix for getting repos for a product It was caching repositories filtered by search params -> second call with different search parameters would return wrong results.

[Tomas Strachota] prod orch - saving sync schedules refactored

[Tomas Strachota] prod orch - added content id to repo groupids

[Tomas Strachota] prod orch - fix for deleting repositories - CP content is deleted upon deletion of the first repo associated with it

[Tomas Strachota] prod orch - fix for deleting prducts

[Tomas Strachota] prod orch - deleting content from provider after manifest import

[Tomas Strachota] prod orch - fixes in spec tests

[Tomas Strachota] prod orch - fix in rh provider import test (ui controller)

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added ruport-related gems to Gemfile

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed failing tests

[Dmitri Dolguikh] updated Gemfile.lock

[Tomas Strachota] prod orch - fix for deleting subscriptions of provided products

[Ivan Necas] nvrea-optional - refactor spec test and lib

[Ivan Necas] nvrea-optional - parse_nvrea_nvre for parsing both formats together

[Ivan Necas] nvrea-options - remove unused code

[Ivan Necas] nvrea-optional - adding pack to template accepts both nvre and nvrea

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Env Select - Adds ajax environment search to systems by environment page.

[Partha Aji] Glue::Pulp::Repo.find is now replaced by Repository.find_by_pulp_id now that we have the repository data model.

[Ivan Necas] delayed-job - log errors backtrace in log file

[Partha Aji] Added some error reporting for glue errors

[Partha Aji] Updated repo code to work with promotions

[Justin Sherrill] filters - improving adding removing of products and repos

[Justin Sherrill] filters - hooking up product and repos to backend

[Brad Buckingham] errata_filter - add stub to resolve error w/ test in promotions controller

[Eric D Helms] Tupane - Fixes for spec tests.

[Partha Aji] Added code to check for repo name conflicts before insert

[Eric D Helms] Moves some widget css into separate scss files.

[Justin Sherrill] filters - hooking up add/remove packages to the backend, as well as a few javascript fixes

[Mike McCune] adding dialog and download buttons for template download from env

[Mike McCune] adding env_id to unit tests

[Tomas Strachota] repo querying - hack to enable queries with multiple groupids when using oauth temporary solution until it gets fixed in pulp

[Tomas Strachota] repo querying - simple repo cache changed to work with new pulp api

[Brad Buckingham] errata_filter - ui - update the severity value for low severity

[Brad Buckingham] errata_filter - ui - update the severity value for low severity

[Eric D Helms] Fixes for broken scss files when compass attempts to compile them for builds.

[Partha Aji] Adding the env products model

[Justin Sherrill] filters - making products and repos add incrementally instead of re-rendering the entire product list

[Partha Aji] Fixed the repo destroy

[Justin Sherrill] filters - some page changes as well as adding revert filter to products and repos

[Justin Sherrill] filters - package imporovements

[Justin Sherrill] filters - a few ui related fixes

[Justin Sherrill] filters - removing repos from select repos select box when they are selected

[Justin Sherrill] filters - a couple more filters fixes

[Justin Sherrill] filters - fixing empty message not appearing and dissappearing as needed

[Mike McCune] remove console log output that was breaking FF 3.6

[Mike McCune] removing another console.log

[Jason E. Rist] Initial pass at menu.

[Jason E. Rist] Menu.scss.

[Jason E. Rist] Hover on subnav working with a few quirks that I need to work out.

[Jason E. Rist] Another change to the menu to make it behave a bit better.

[Jason E. Rist] Tweaked the experience of the tabs to be a bit snappier.

[Jason E. Rist] Moved thirdLevelNavSetup to menu.js.

[Jason E. Rist] Menu - Fixes issue with third level nav hover not being displayed properly.

[Jason E. Rist] Third_level nav working well.

[Jason E. Rist] Minor fix for the margin-top on third_level nav.

[Jason E. Rist] New system on create for systems page.  Fixed offset/position bug on panel due to container now being relative for menu.

[Dmitri Dolguikh] template export in tdl now has clientcert, clientkey, and persisted fields

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed failing tests

[Jason E. Rist] Fixing right actions area post merge.

[Brad Buckingham] Changeset history - fix expand/collapse arrow

[Brad Buckingham] Promotions - update to only allow promotion of distro, if repo has been promoted

[Jason E. Rist] Small fix for actions.

[Justin Sherrill] filters - fixing a few issues, such as empty package list message not going away/coming back

[Dmitri Dolguikh] temporarily commenting out test that verifies validity of system template TDL export generated by katello (waiting for an updated schema from aeolus team)

[Jason E. Rist] Fixed the actions thing.

[Eric D Helms] Fix for systems page javascript error when no env_select on the page.

[Partha Aji] Fixed an activation key error were all activation keys across musltiple orgs were deemed readable if Activationkeys in one org was accessible

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.97-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.97-1].

[Partha Aji] fixed some unit tests

[Dmitri Dolguikh] updated TDL schema + corresponding changes in template export & tests

[Justin Sherrill] filters - adding spec test for ui controller

[Tomas Strachota] templates - fix for increased revision numbers after promotion

[Tomas Strachota] templates - spec test for checking revision numbers after promotion

[Justin Sherrill] filters - adapting for  new panel ajax code

[Justin Sherrill] filters - unit test fix and addition

[Lukas Zapletal] distros - adding family, variant, version in CLI

[Lukas Zapletal] distros - adding system_template_distribution table

[Lukas Zapletal] distros - adding system template handling code

[Lukas Zapletal] distros - marking find_template as private method

[Lukas Zapletal] distros - adding cli portion for adding/removing distros

[Lukas Zapletal] adding new configuration value debug_rest

[Lukas Zapletal] distros - adding templ. distribution validator

[Lukas Zapletal] distros - adding exporting

[Lukas Zapletal] distros - adding importing

[Lukas Zapletal] distros - adding import/export unit tests

[Lukas Zapletal] distros - adding distributions unit tests

[Lukas Zapletal] distros - adding name-version-url-arch to TDL export

[Lukas Zapletal] distros - adding package groups to TDL

[Lukas Zapletal] distros - adding distribution tdl unit tests

[Lukas Zapletal] distros - removing tdl validation

[cperry] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.8-1].

[Partha Aji] Fixed a good chunk of the product + repo seoc tests

[Partha Aji] More unit test fixes on the system templates stuff

[Tomas Strachota] templates - promoting parent templates

[Tomas Strachota] templates - spec test fix

[Lukas Zapletal] adding migration to the reset-dbs script

[Lukas Zapletal] parameter -m no longer an option in katello-jobs

[Lukas Zapletal] adding some delays in the PulpTaskStatus

[Lukas Zapletal] better error messages for template validations

[Tomas Strachota] fix for promoting repos - changeset was passing wrong parameters - repo promotion refactored, removed parameter for content (it is now created inside the repo object)

[Tomas Strachota] cp content - content type taken from the provider's type

[Tomas Strachota] repo promotion - fix in spec tests

[Tomas Strachota] repo promotion - fix for creating content (after wrong rebase)

[Brad Buckingham] Promotions - fix ajax scrolling for promotions, errata and pkgs

[Tomas Strachota] repo promotion - fix for failure when promoting a repo for second time

[Tomas Strachota] 750246 - promote content of product to different environments

[Lukas Zapletal] 731670 - improving error reporting when deleting users

[Lukas Zapletal] improving error reporting for the API calls

[Justin Sherrill] fixing initial_action for panel after merge

[Justin Sherrill] filters - fixing javascript load issue

[Justin Sherrill] converting chosen css to scss

[Justin Sherrill] improving package filter chosen styling

[Justin Sherrill] filter - fixing issue where you could add a repo even if one wasnt selected

[Bryan Kearney] Remove trailing spaces

[Justin Sherrill] moving simplify_changeset out of application controller

[Partha Aji] fixed product spec tests that came up after master merge

[Brad Buckingham] Users - add email address (model/controller/view)

[Partha Aji] Fixed changeset tests

[Partha Aji] Fixed Rep  related spec tests

[Partha Aji] Fixed distribution spec tests

[Partha Aji] Fixed sync related spec tests

[Brad Buckingham] Users specs - fixes for req'd email address and new tests

[Partha Aji] Fixed errata tests

[Partha Aji] Fixed the Systemtemplate spec tests

[Partha Aji] removed spacing to deal with a warning

[Lukas Zapletal] adding katello-job logrotate script

[Justin Sherrill] filters - some styling improvements, as well as some permission fixes

[Justin Sherrill] unit test fix

[Lukas Zapletal] 702052 - db fields length limit review

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.98-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.98-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.9-1].

[Brad Buckingham] password reset - initial commit w/ logic for resetting user password

[Tyler Smart] Cherry picking a simple naming commit for the systems index page

[Brad Buckingham] password reset - chgs to dev env to configure sendmail

[Partha Aji] Fixed environment based spec tests

[Brad Buckingham] password reset - chgs to support the actual password reset

[Mike McCune] fixing typos

[Justin Sherrill] repos - adding release version attribute and importing

[Tom McKay] + Removed include of providers.js from redhat_provider since it was not needed and causing errors. + Moved bbq to common assets to make available everywhere

[Brad Buckingham] password reset - add ability to send user login based on email

[Justin Sherrill] adding ability to preload lazy accessors

[Justin Sherrill] caching repo data and sync status to reduce sync management load time to ~40s

[Brad Buckingham] password reset - misc fixes

[Shannon Hughes] use new pulp sync status, history task objects

[Partha Aji] Some fixes involving issues with cli-system-test

[Partha Aji] Fixed errata based cli tests

[Partha Aji] Fixed some package group related tests

[Tomas Strachota] 751116 - can not list subscriptions

[Tom McKay] mocked up in jquery tabs

[Tom McKay] fixed javascript errors due to bbq and incorrect includes in redhat_provider.html.haml

[Tom McKay] refresh page on failed import to update displayed history

[Tom McKay] stub return of import history

[Tom McKay] moderately good looking tabs

[Tom McKay] cleaned up tabs css and js into own files

[Tom McKay] updated columns in history

[Tom McKay] final tweak to padding

[Tomas Strachota] distributions api - fix for listing

[Tomas Strachota] repo - using pulp id instead of AR id in pulp api calls

[Tom McKay] set initial state of 'Remove System(s)' to disabled

[Lukas Zapletal] ak cli - adding ak to the system api

[Lukas Zapletal] bug - when debug print fails do not stop processing

[Lukas Zapletal] 751375 - Katello ping - undefined method `pulp_oauth_header'

[Mike McCune] we require chunky_png to build, need this as a BR

[Justin Sherrill] sync management - making table expand by major version/ minor version/arch

[Brad Buckingham] password reset - update so that emails are sent asynchronously

[Justin Sherrill] sync management - custom products showing up correctly now

[Justin Sherrill] sync management - adding sorting for repos and categories

[cperry] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.10-1].

[Justin Sherrill] sync mgmnt - fixing sync call

[Justin Sherrill] sync management =  javascript improvements

[Partha Aji] Removed the ChangesetRepo table + object and made it connect to the Repository model directly

[Partha Aji] Fixed some repo related unit tests

[Partha Aji] Fixed errata spec tests

[Partha Aji] Fixed packages test

[Partha Aji] Fixed repo related spec tests

[Partha Aji] Fixed sync related spec tests

[Partha Aji] Fixed distributions related spec tests

[Brad Buckingham] password reset - replace flash w/ notices, add config options to katello.yml...ec

[Justin Sherrill] sync management - moving repos preopulation to a central place

[Tomas Strachota] changesets - added unique constraint on repos

[Tom McKay] show expansion with bundled products in a subscription

[Tom McKay] grouping by product name (which isn't right but treetable is working mostly

[Tom McKay] now group by subscription productId

[Tom McKay] grouping by stacking_id now

[Tom McKay] removed display of bundled products

[Justin Sherrill] sync management - some page/js modifications

[Brad Buckingham] cli - add email address to 'user' as a required attribute

[Mike McCune] misc rel-eng updates based on new RPMs from Fedora

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.99-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.99-1].

[Shannon Hughes] branding changes

[Justin Sherrill] sync management - lots of javascript changes, a lot of stuff still broken

[Justin Sherrill] removing unneeded view

[Justin Sherrill] sync management - a couple of periodical updater fixes

[Jason E. Rist] Switched the 3rd level nav to hoverIntent.

[Jason E. Rist] Pulling out the header and maincontent and putting into a new SCSS file, look.scss for purposes of future ability to change subtle look and feel easily.

[Justin Sherrill] sync management - dont start periodical updater until we have added all the initial syncing repos

[Jason E. Rist] Refactored look and katello a little bit because of an order of operations error.`

[Shannon Hughes] support sync status 1-call to server

[Brad Buckingham] password reset - adding specs for new controller

[Jason E. Rist] 751844 - Fix for max height on right_tree sliding_container.

[Ivan Necas] Updated Gemfile.lock

[Tomas Strachota] user spec tests - fix for pulp orchestration

[Tom McKay] include treetable.js in custom providers

[Ivan Necas] API - add status route for api to return the current version

[Brad Buckingham] installler - minor update to setting of email in seeds.rb

[Justin Sherrill] fixing some merge issues

[Brad Buckingham] password reset - fix issue w/ redirect to login after reset

[Brad Buckingham] katello.spec - adding mailers to be included in rpm

[Justin Sherrill] sync management - getting sync status showing up correct

[Tomas Strachota] repos api - filtering by name in listing repos of a product

[Tomas Strachota] repo api - fix in spec tests for listing products

[Brad Buckingham] password reset - fixes for issues found in production install

[Justin Sherrill] sync management - somre more fixes

[Partha Aji] 741961 - Removed traces of the anonymous user since he is no longer needed

[Justin Sherrill] sync management - fixing repo progress and adding product progress

[Shannon Hughes] fix missing array return of pulp sync status

[Shannon Hughes] ubercharged progress bar for previous completed syncs

[Shannon Hughes] smooth out repo progress bar for recent completed syncs

[Shannon Hughes] handle product status progress when 100 percent

[Brad Buckingham] password reset - updates from code inspection

[Partha Aji] Initial commit on an updated repo data model to handle things like whitelists for rh

[Partha Aji] For now automatically including all the repos in the repos call

[Tomas Strachota] sync api - fix for listing status of promoted repos A condition that ensures synchronization of repos only in the Locker was too restrictive and affected also other actions.

[Shannon Hughes] js cleanup for progress bars

[Justin Sherrill] sync management - adding show only syncing button

[Ivan Necas] virt-who - support uploading the guestIds to Candlepin

[Ivan Necas] virt-who - support host-guests systems relationship

[Justin Sherrill] sync management - fixing cancel sync

[Brad Buckingham] packages - update view to begin to look like new mockup

[Shannon Hughes] disable sync button if no repos are selected

[cperry] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.11-1].

[Shannon Hughes] add tito props for building

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.100-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.100-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.12-1].

[Tomas Strachota] repos - orchestration fix, deleting a repo was not deleting the product content

[Lukas Zapletal] 746339 - System Validates on the uniqueness of name

[Tomas Strachota] repos - orchestration fix, 'del_content' was not returning true when there was nothing to delete

[Brad Buckingham] packages - pulling system package in to a separate system_packages_controller

[Justin Sherrill] sync management - fix for syncing multiple repos

[Justin Sherrill] sync management - fixing button disabling

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.2-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.3-1].

[Brad Buckingham] packages - updating structure of system_packages.js to use the var/return structure

[Shannon Hughes] disable sync KBlimit

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.101-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.101-1].

[Justin Sherrill] fixing repo spec tests

[Shannon Hughes] add tito releasers.conf

[Ivan Necas] white-space

[Ivan Necas] major-minor - Parsing releasever and saving result to db

[Ivan Necas] major-minor - fix down migration

[Brad Buckingham] packages - ui chgs to send request on update/remove, add actions for each

[Shannon Hughes] remove koji section

[Shannon Hughes] add tito CVS releaser

[Brad Buckingham] packages - remove debugger statement from controller... oops... :(

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.11-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-agent] release [0.11-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-agent] release [0.12-1].

[Justin Sherrill] sync management - fixing repository cancel

[Tom McKay] begin to display guests/host for a system

[Justin Sherrill] sync mangement - getting rid of major version

[Tom McKay] In the middle of stuff

[Tom McKay] Now when you create an org you MUST specify a default environment. If you do not the org you created will be destroyed and you will be given proper error messages. I added a feature to pass a prepend string to the error in case there are two items you are trying to create on the page. It would have been easier to just prepend it at the time of message creation, but that would have affected every page. Perhaps we can revisit this in the future

[Brad Buckingham] packages - ui - chgs to allow request to add packages and more

[Tom McKay] Saving a default permission whever a new user is created, although the details will likely change

[Tom McKay] Moved the user new JS to the callback in user.js instead of a separate file for easier debugging.

[Tom McKay] Middle of ajax environments_partial call

[Tom McKay] Adding missing file

[Tom McKay] updating config file secret

[Tom McKay] You can now change the default environment for a user on the Administration/Users/Environments tab

[Tom McKay] Now older subscription managers can register against Katello without providing an org or environment

[Tom McKay] Not allowing a superadmin to create a user if the org does not ahave any environments from which to choose

[Tom McKay] Fixing a display message when creating an organization

[Tom McKay] User environment edit page no longer clicks a link in order to refresh the page after a successful update, but rather fills in the new data via AJAX

[Tom McKay] Updating KAtello to work with older subscription managers (5.7) that expect displayMessage in the return JSON

[Tom McKay] Security enhancements for default org and environment

[Tom McKay] minor clean-up

[Tom McKay] updated rspec tests for new default org and environment

[Tom McKay] comment and whitespace cleanup

[Tom McKay] correctly pass default env during user create and update

[Tom McKay] clean up of branch merge defaultorgenv

[Justin Sherrill] sync management - making sync page use major/minor versions that was added

[Justin Sherrill] adding migration for removal of releaes version

[Ivan Necas] installed-products - API supports consumer installedProducts

[Shannon Hughes] color shade products for sync status

[Partha Aji] Update to get the redhat providers repo enablement code to work.

[Partha Aji] Updated some permissions on the redhat providers page

[Tom McKay] + don't require an initial environment for new org + new user default org/env choice box allows none (controller not updated yet)

[Tom McKay] user#create updated for optional default env

[Partha Aji] Moved the redhat provider haml to a more appropriate location

[Brad Buckingham] packages - add package groups to the UI

[Brad Buckingham] packages - minor changes to get sort/more working with new layout

[Tom McKay] + both new user and modifying a user's environment now work + TODO: probably need to wordsmith form labels

[Brad Buckingham] packages - add the table filter back in...

[Brad Buckingham] packages - enable/disable buttons based on status of checkboxes

[Tomas Strachota] manifest import - fixes in orchestration - content remained created in locker env - fixed infinite recursive call of set_repos

[Tom McKay] corrected test for creating user w/o env

[Brad Buckingham] packages - comment out portions initially unsupported

[Lukas Zapletal] adding rootpw tag to the TDL export

[Tom McKay] guests of a host cleanly displayed

[Tom McKay] fixed save button on edit user password

[Tomas Strachota] 749258 - new state 'failed' for changesets

[Tom McKay] TODO: Unsure how to test this after making :host, :guests use lazy_accessor

[Brad Buckingham] 753329 - distros - fix to support distros containing space in the id

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.102-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.102-1].

[Shannon Hughes] fix brand processing of source files

[Brad Buckingham] scoped_search - updating to gem version 2.3.6

[Tom McKay] display dashboard system status

[Brad Buckingham] 750120 - search - fix error on org search

[Tom McKay] rescue exceptions retrieving a system's guests and host

[Jason E. Rist] Moving the upload top right.

[Jason E. Rist] Small fix to import_history, changes to styling for tabs on rh providers page.

[Brad Buckingham] user edit - add 'save' text to form... lost in merge

[Tom McKay] display a system's subscription status and colored icon

[Shannon Hughes] fix up branding file pulls

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.103-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.103-1].

[Jason E. Rist] Rename of look.scss to _look.scss to reflect the fact that it's an import.  Fixed the text-shadow deprecation error we were seeing on compass compile.

[Lukas Zapletal] 752863 - katello service will return "OK" on error

[Tom McKay] added compliant until date

[Ivan Necas] cdn-proxy - let proxy to be configured when calling CDN

[Ivan Necas] cdn-proxy - accept url as well as host for cdn proxy

[Brad Buckingham] password reset - add server to logins email, ignore errors on requests for email

[Ivan Necas] tdl-repos - use repo name for name attribute

[Jason E. Rist] Reverting look.scss to previous contents.

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.104-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.104-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.13-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.12-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] bug - RAILS_ENV was ignored for thin

[Partha Aji] Small fix to improve the permission debug message

[Partha Aji] Made Product.readable call now adhere to  repo enablement constructs

[Tomas Strachota] 751407 - root_controller doesn't require user authorization

[Partha Aji] Added a message asking the user to enable repos after manifest was uploaded

[Partha Aji] Fix to make the product.readable call only  out RH products that do not have any repositories enabled

[Partha Aji] Small fix to get the redhat enablement working in FF 3.6

[Partha Aji] Fixed a unit test failure

[Partha Aji] Initial commit of the Gpg Model mappings + Migration scripts

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.4-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.14-1].

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - adding support for adding a distribution to a system template in the ui

[Lukas Zapletal] 754430 - Product promotion fails as katello-jobs doesn't start

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.105-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.105-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.5-1].

[Brad Buckingham] async job - fix for broken promotions

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.106-1].

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.106-1].

[Tom McKay] minor verbage change to label: Host Type to System Type

[Partha Aji] Renamed Gpg to GpgKey

[Justin Sherrill] 754207 - fixing issue where badly formed cdn_proxy would throw a non-sensical error, and we would attempt to parse a nil host

[Ivan Necas] 754442 - handle error status codes from CDN

[Partha Aji] Adding a product association to gpg keys

[Shannon Hughes] incorporate redhat-logos rpm for system engine installs

[Justin Sherrill] removing duplicated method

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.107-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.107-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.13-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.15-1].

[Partha Aji] Added some permission checking, scoped and searching on names

[Partha Aji] Fixed a permission check to only load syncplans belonging to a specific org as opposed to syncplnas belongign to all org

[Eric D Helms] GPG Keys: Adds basic controller and helper shell. Adds suite of unit tests for TDD.

[Eric D Helms] GPG Keys: Fixes issues with Rails naming conventions.

[Eric D Helms] GPG Keys: Initial view scaffolding.

[Eric D Helms] GPG Keys: Adds javascript scaffolding and activation of 2pane AJAX for GPG Keys.

[Eric D Helms] GPG Keys: Adds basic routes.

[Eric D Helms] GPG Keys: Adds code for handling non-CRUD controller actions.

[Eric D Helms] GPG Keys: Adds create controller actions to handle both pasted GPG keys and uploaded GPG keys.

[Eric D Helms] GPG Keys: Fixes for create with permissions.

[Eric D Helms] GPG Keys: Updated jsroutes for GPG keys.

[Partha Aji] Added a menu entry for the GPG stuff

[Tom McKay] autoheal checkbox on system; toggling not working

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for pie chart on dashboard page.

[Jason E. Rist] Pie chart updates now functions with actual data.

[Tom McKay] use PUT instead of POST

[Tom McKay] fixed missing call to 'render' at end of #update

[Tom McKay] positioned auto-heal button; comment-removed the Socket and Guest Requirement (since were hard-code data populated)

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.108-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.108-1].

[Partha Aji] Updated some controller methods to deal with associating gpg keys on products/repos

[Partha Aji] Added code for repo controller to accept gpg

[Jason E. Rist] 754215 - Small temporary fix for max height on CS Trees.

[Eric D Helms] GPG Keys: Adds update to controller.

[Shannon Hughes] fix sync disabled submit button to not sync when disabled

[Eric D Helms] GPG Keys: Adds functional GPG new key view.

[Partha Aji] Adding products and repositories helpers

[Eric D Helms] GPG keys: Adds edit support for name and pasted gpg key.

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.109-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.109-1].

[Eric D Helms] GPG keys: Modifies edit box for pasting key and removes upload.

[Partha Aji] 747032 - Fixed a bugby error in the dashboard whenever you had more than one synced products

[Shannon Hughes] Revert "fix sync disabled submit button to not sync when disabled"

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.110-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.110-1].

[Ivan Necas] 755048 - handle multiple ks trees for a template

[Partha Aji] Added some methods to do permission checks on products

[Partha Aji] Added some methods to do permission checks on repos

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.111-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.111-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.16-1].

[Eric D Helms] GPG Key: Adds ability to edit a repository and change the GPG key.

[Eric D Helms] GPG Key: Adds association of GPG key when creating repository.

[Eric D Helms] GPG Key: Adds key association to products on create and update views.

[Eric D Helms] GPG Keys: Adds view, action and route for viewing the products and repositories a GPG key is associated with from the details pane of a key.

[Eric D Helms] GPG Keys: Adds UI code to check for setting all underlying repositories with products GPG key on edit.

[Partha Aji] Added a reset_repo_gpgs method to reset the gpg keys of the sub product

[Partha Aji] Moved the super admin method to authorization_helper_methods.rb from login_helper_methods.rb for more consistency

[Justin Sherrill] system templates - fixing issue where distributions were not browsable on a newly created template without refreshing

[Brad Buckingham] display dashboard system status

[Brad Buckingham] display a system's subscription status and colored icon

[Brad Buckingham] added compliant until date

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.4-1].

[Brad Buckingham] system templates - adding support for adding a distribution to a system template in the ui

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.14-1].

[Brad Buckingham] 754430 - Product promotion fails as katello-jobs doesn't start

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.105-1].

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.105-1].

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.5-1].

[Brad Buckingham] async job - fix for broken promotions

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.106-1].

[Brad Buckingham] minor verbage change to label: Host Type to System Type

[Brad Buckingham] 754207 - fixing issue where badly formed cdn_proxy would throw a non-sensical error, and we would attempt to parse a nil host

[Brad Buckingham] 754442 - handle error status codes from CDN

[Brad Buckingham] incorporate redhat-logos rpm for system engine installs

[Brad Buckingham] removing duplicated method

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.106-1].

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.107-1].

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.107-1].

[Brad Buckingham] Fixed a permission check to only load syncplans belonging to a specific org as opposed to syncplnas belongign to all org

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.13-1].

[Brad Buckingham] Fix for pie chart on dashboard page.

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.15-1].

[Brad Buckingham] Pie chart updates now functions with actual data.

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.108-1].

[Brad Buckingham] 754215 - Small temporary fix for max height on CS Trees.

[Brad Buckingham] fix sync disabled submit button to not sync when disabled

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.109-1].

[Brad Buckingham] 747032 - Fixed a bugby error in the dashboard whenever you had more than one synced products

[Brad Buckingham] Revert "fix sync disabled submit button to not sync when disabled"

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.110-1].

[Brad Buckingham] packages - backend changes to support package and package group install/uninstall

[Brad Buckingham] packages - update the UI controller to use backend APIs for pkg/group install/uninstall

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.108-1].

[Brad Buckingham] routes - update for system_packages_controller

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.109-1].

[Brad Buckingham] packages - updates to ui based on new mockup

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.110-1].

[Brad Buckingham] packages - more updates based on new mockup

[Tom McKay] moved auto-heal down next to current subs

[Partha Aji] added some unit tests to deal with gpg keys

[Partha Aji] Added some gpg key controller tests

[Tomas Strachota] template export - disabled exporting templates from Locker envs

[Tomas Strachota] template export - spec tests for disabled export form a Locker

[Tomas Strachota] fixed failing spec tests all caused by new parameter in Candlepin::Consumer#update

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.112-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.112-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.6-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] changing some translation strings upon request

[Brad Buckingham] password_reset - fix i18n for emails

[Brad Buckingham] packages - make pkg/group install/remove scheduling actions synchronous

[Brad Buckingham] packages - add support for package update and update all packages

[Tomas Strachota] repo blacklist - api for enabling/disabling repos

[Tomas Strachota] repo blacklist - enable api blocked for custom repositories

[Tomas Strachota] repo blacklist - flag for displaying disabled products via api

[Tomas Strachota] repo blacklist - product api lists always all products

[Tomas Strachota] repo blacklist - flag for displaying enabled repos via api

[Tomas Strachota] repo block - fixes in spec tests

[Lukas Zapletal] bug - better error message when making unauthetincated call

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.17-1].

[Tomas Strachota] rh providers - restriction in adding products to rh providers via api

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.18-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] 755730 - exported RHEL templates mapping

[Lukas Zapletal] fixing typo (space)

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.113-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.113-1].

[Ivan Necas] 757094 - use arel structure instead of the array for repos

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.15-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.114-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.114-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.114-1]."

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.114-1]."

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.114-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.114-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] tdl validation - model code

[Lukas Zapletal] tdl validations - backend and cli

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.115-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.115-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.16-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.19-1].

[Ivan Necas] Routing error page doesn't need user credentials

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.17-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.20-1].

[Eric D Helms] GPG Keys: Adds dialog for setting GPG key of product for all underlying repositories.

[Eric D Helms] GPG key: Adds uploading key on creating new key from the UI.

[Eric D Helms] GPG Keys: Adds uploading gpg key during edit and attempts to fix issues with Firefox and gpg key ajax upload.

[Eric D Helms] GPG Keys: Adds gpg key helptip.

[Justin Sherrill] Org Deletion - ensuring things are cleaned up properly during org deletion

[Lukas Zapletal] more info when RecordInvalid is thrown

[Lukas Zapletal] adding template to the system info cli call

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.116-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.116-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.18-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [0.1.4-1].

[Eric D Helms] Removing errant console.log that breaks FF3.6

[Tom McKay] infrastructure for system/products based upon system/packages

[Tom McKay] installed products listed now (still need clean up)

[Tom McKay] + display green/yellow/red icon next to installed software products + changed order of packages tab for progression Subscriptions->Software->Packages + TODO: refactor products code based upon sys-packages branch + TODO: hide "More..." button if number of installed products is less than page size

[Tom McKay] rake jsroutes

[Eric D Helms] Fixes issue with new template for repositories from adding in gpg key.

[Brad Buckingham] packages - model - some changes to support actions

[Shannon Hughes] fix user tab so editable fields wrap

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.117-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.117-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.21-1].

[Justin Sherrill] making org deletion asyncronous

[Tom McKay] trying (and failing) to get navigation working for orgs

[Tom McKay] changed back to :general

[Tom McKay] argh! found and removed explicit call to navigation in controller

[Tom McKay] org events tab ready to be populated

[mike mccune] 757913 - remove ellipsys support for this page.  unecessary

[Lukas Zapletal] adding commented URL to the Gemfile

[Lukas Zapletal] i18n - system template

[Lukas Zapletal] i18n - errors

[Lukas Zapletal] i18n - extracting strings

[Tom McKay] crude events (limited to 50 displayed)

[Shannon Hughes] putting the border around progress bar back in

[Justin Sherrill] org deletion - making sure org delayed job is not attached to object being deleted

[Tom McKay] working version of org history

[Justin Sherrill] org-deletion - making the org page not show in-progress orgs being deleted

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.118-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.118-1].

[Shannon Hughes] add support for ellipsis on org tab

[Justin Sherrill] changing api to use async org deletion and fixing unit tests

[Shannon Hughes] fix permissions js to handle long names

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.19-1].

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.119-1].

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.119-1].

[Tom McKay] BZ#758439 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=758439 + Dashboard widget now reflects the proper number of systems: Red=false/invalid, Yellow=partial, Green=true/valid + Corrected logic in determining overall color of an individual system on System/Subscription tab + Corrected logic in determining color of installed products on System/Software tab

[Tom McKay] Bug 754955 - #<AbstractController::DoubleRenderError: while registering a system from UI https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=754955 + was an extra call to 'render' being hit in flow of SystemsController#create

[Tom McKay] Bug 759246 - system general tab list of guest systems on host can be too long https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=759246 + Moved Guest & Host info to bottom of system/general tab to allow the list of hosts to grow to any length w/o impacting visibility of other info

[Mike McCune] removing console.log that breaks Firefox 3.6

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.120-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.120-1].

[Tom McKay] + Bug 747980 - In Katello / Headpin Web UI MachineType is not displayed under Current Subscriptions   https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=747980   Machine Type column added to both Red Hat Providers and Organization / Subscriptions. Will display Virtual, Physical, or blank (for any). + Added Contract, Support Level, Arch, Begins, and Expires columns to Red Hat Providers to match Organization / Subscriptions + Removed non-functional Trend column from Organization / Subscriptions + Bug 756159 - After subscribing to RH product, ui shows duplicate product with "0 of -1" consumed   https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=756159   Changed -1 to Unlimited in Red Hat Providers and Organization / Subscriptions

[Partha Aji] Added code to allow one to download debug certificates from the UI . Aka ueber certificates

[Lukas Zapletal] generate_uebercert -> ubercert in the cli

[Lukas Zapletal] uebercerts - fixing unit test

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.7-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.8-1].

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.121-1].

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.121-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] adding rake list_permissions task

[Lukas Zapletal] adding 4th column to the list_permissions

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.122-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.122-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.20-1].

[Tom McKay] + Bug 752057 - mutli-entitle chooser in system/subscriptions has double spinner   https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=752057   Changed number_field_tag to text_field_tag to avoid double spinners appearing   on chrome browser. + Minor clean up to subscription tables when none present

[Tom McKay] + Bug 759552 - dashboard subscriptions portlet does not show hand-made systems   https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=759552   Systems that are hand-created (eg. through "New System" button) are by definition green. To account for this, simply take the total count and subtract the red and yellow counts.

[Partha Aji] Small refactor on the loading of debu cert based of lzap's suggestion

[Mike McCune] 759533 - proper path for distributions

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.123-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.123-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.22-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-certs-tools] release [1.0.1-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.23-1].

[Brad Buckingham] packages - initial placeholder for retrieving status of pending actions

[Brad Buckingham] packages - example of how model might be used...

[Tom McKay] + Bug 749537 - Unhandled or improperly handled exception, Name has already been taken   https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=749537   Return json for subscription-manager, including for failed authentication

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.9-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.24-1].

[Shannon Hughes] add padding for link details ellipsis

[Shannon Hughes] adding ellipsis to promotion system templates

[Shannon Hughes] ellipsis support for promoted repos, products and errata

[Jason E. Rist] Org debug certificate turndown thingy :)

[Mike McCune] 758710 - taking out the version check.  People ignore it

[Partha Aji] Initial commit of the Status model update.

[Tomas Strachota] distribution promotion - update changeset api controller for adding distributions

[Tomas Strachota] distribution promotion - displaying distribution list in changeset info

[Tomas Strachota] changesets - new controller for changeset content

[Tomas Strachota] environments - added field 'parent_id' to json exports

[Tomas Strachota] changeset cli - reflects new api

[Tomas Strachota] spec tests - fixes in tests for changeset model and api controller

[Tomas Strachota] changesets api - parameter 'name' for adding errata renamed to 'erratum_id'

[Tomas Strachota] spec tests - test for the new changeset content controller

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.124-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.124-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.21-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.10-1].

[Brad Buckingham] packages - update ui to show that action is in progress on pkg or group

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.25-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "759533 - proper path for distributions"

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.125-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.125-1].

[Brad Buckingham] task model - minor changes for package/group status

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.26-1].

[Shannon Hughes] break out branding from app controller

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.126-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.126-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.22-1].

[pkilambi] 753132 - fixing the synchronize now disable button logic. Instead of disabling the button based on the click shuges suggestion remove the disable logic and keep the button active

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.127-1].

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.127-1].

[Partha Aji] Refactored a little to get the model a little cleaner

[Brad Buckingham] routes.js - update

[Brad Buckingham] packages - ui changes to show status changes on package actions

[Mike McCune] 754670 - updated API paths

[Mike McCune] Revert "Revert "759533 - proper path for distributions""

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.128-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.128-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Adding rel-eng/git-untagged-commits.pl script

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.11-1].

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for jrist being an idiot and putting in some bad code.`

[Shannon Hughes] fix long name breadcrumb trails in roles

[Tomas Strachota] user roles - new api controller

[Tomas Strachota] user roles - spec test for roles api

[Brad Buckingham] packages - enhance add/remove pkg/groups behavior

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.129-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.129-1].

[Shannon Hughes] bump version to fix tags

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.130-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.130-1].

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Add initial routes and navigation for system errata.

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Adds initial view for system errata.

[Eric D Helms] Intoduces icons.scss to hold css class definitions for icons.  This is in contrast to _sprites.scss which is used to define the location of an icon or image within a sprite file.

[Eric D Helms] Adds import of _icons.scss and moves errata icons from dashboard to icons scss file.

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Adds the rest of the view skeleton, fake controller data and helpers for the view.

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Adds index and items actions with fake errata data population.

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Adds filtering of system errata by type.

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Adds select all checkbox in the errata table.

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Adds load more functionality to view.

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Changes to API call to retrieve errata available to a system.

[Brad Buckingham] packages - ui fixes - disable links while scheduling action...etc

[Brad Buckingham] packages - update so that status polling is only done when needed

[Tomas Strachota] 755919 - validation in activation key model, can't be created for Locker env

[Tomas Strachota] activation keys - spec test for creating activation keys in Locker env

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.131-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.131-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] puppet - renaming initdb_done to db_seed_done

[Lukas Zapletal] puppet - removing unnecessary sysvinit initdb

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.27-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.28-1].

[Tom McKay] twiddling bits

[Tom McKay] id and only flags used in users query

[Tom McKay] correctly limiting results and opening it in right pane

[Tom McKay] user link working

[Tom McKay] finished

[Tom McKay] + Bug 754526 - Cannot unset a user's default env   https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=754526   Choosing "No Default Organization" works now + Bug 754855 - User cannot change default system environment on their own   https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=754855   User editing own account now allows editing of default env + Bug 760563 - User cannot see their roles & permissions   https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=760563   User editing their own account can see (but not modify) their roles + Bug 760635 - Creating new user with "No Default Organization" is awkward/broken.   https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=760635   Save button on Environments tab now properly enables/disables based upon   current choice vs. current default.

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.29-1].

[Mike McCune] moving client/ to agent/, more appropriate

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.30-1].

[Ivan Necas] reimport-manifest - support for force option while manifest import

[Ivan Necas] reimport-manifest - repos relative paths conform with content url

[Ivan Necas] reimport-manifest - don't manipulate CP content on promotion

[Ivan Necas] reimport-manifest - don't delete untracked products when importing

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.132-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.132-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.31-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-agent] release [0.13-1].

[Brad Buckingham] packages - update so that loading System->Packages shows actions in progress

[Eric D Helms] System Navigation: Changes individual system subnav to have nested details drop down menu.

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.23-2].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.133-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.133-1].

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.134-1].

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.134-1].

[Shannon Hughes] fix css issues with some ellipsis

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.135-1].

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.135-1].

[Tom McKay] fixed another rescue handler

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.13-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.32-1].

[Tom McKay] BZ-761710

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.33-1].

[Tom McKay] spec test fix for create system (TODO: add default env tests)

[Ivan Necas] 758219 - make labels for custom content unique

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.136-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.136-1].

[Partha Aji] Initial commit related to System Event pages

[Justin Sherrill] Gemfile Update - adding Tire to gemfile

[Justin Sherrill] search - initial full text search additions

[Shannon Hughes] placeholder for event details

[Partha Aji] Added code to enable rules on thrid level nav

[Partha Aji] Updates on the landing page for system events

[Partha Aji] Quick fix to ensure that its always the events page that shows up for systems

[Partha Aji] Made the Task status table always hold a user, needed for auditing purposes

[Partha Aji] Forgot to add a file in the previous commit

[Partha Aji] Added a spec controller for system events page

[Tomas Strachota] sync api - correct message when cancel is called on object that is not being synced

[Tomas Strachota] sync api - spec test for not cancelling objects that aren't being synchronized

[Tomas Strachota] product api - fix for permission problem when listing repos Api was returning permission exception when all product repositories were disabled.

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.137-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.137-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.24-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.34-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] 760290 - read only role has now permissions

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.138-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.138-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.35-1].

[Shannon Hughes] db call for system event details

[Brad Buckingham] 758620 - promotion - fix ability to promote a distro

[Brad Buckingham] system packages - rspecs for ui controller on pkg actions

[Brad Buckingham] System Packages: Adds client side validation of user entered packages format.

[Brad Buckingham] System PackageS: Adds server side validation of user entered packages list format and package names based on Fedora guidelines.

[Brad Buckingham] System Packages: Removes validation associated with package group.

[Partha Aji] Added skeletons for system event js

[Brad Buckingham] system packages - generate validation error if action already in progress

[Brad Buckingham] system packages - i18n 'no pkgs' text, do not display footer when there are no pkgs

[Brad Buckingham] system packages - do not show checkboxes to read-only user

[Shannon Hughes] subpanel logic for system event details

[Shannon Hughes] details status for system events

[Partha Aji] Minor tweak to the event history view to show an event task list

[Jason E. Rist] Very minor change for border missing on some ui-widget-content items.

[Jason E. Rist] Squashed commit of the following:

[Tomas Strachota] async tasks - raising exception when a task fails while waiting until it finishes

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.139-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.139-1].

[Ivan Necas] reimport-manifest - save content into repo groupid on import

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.140-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.140-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] making seed script idempotent

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.36-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] 766939 - security_token.rb should be regenerated on each install

[Lukas Zapletal] 766933 - katello.yml is world readable including db uname/password

[Lukas Zapletal] marking all katello packages as noarch again

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.141-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.141-1].

[Justin Sherrill] controller support for indexed

[Lukas Zapletal] committing czech rails locales

[Ivan Necas] Fix handling of 404 from Pulp repositories API

[Ivan Necas] 753804 - handling marketing products

[Ivan Necas] Fix db:seed script not being able to create admin user

[Eric D Helms] Adds a header under the subnav in tupane.

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Adds outstanding and applied errata filtering.

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.142-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.142-1].

[Brad Buckingham] system packages - minor change to status text

[Partha Aji] Fixed a magic arrow addition error in the fourth level menu

[Eric D Helms] Removes older navigation files that appear no longer needed.

[Eric D Helms] Changes all tupane slide out view to have Details tab and moves that tab to the last position.

[Eric D Helms] 732444 - Moves Red Hat products to the top of the sync management list sorted alphabetically followed by custom products sorted alphabetically.

[Brad Buckingham] 761526 - password reset - clear the token on password reset

[Lukas Zapletal] 765888 - Error during promotion

[Lukas Zapletal] 765888 - Error during promotion - unittests

[Lukas Zapletal] quick fix for ee653b28 - broke cli completely

[Tom McKay] + Bug 766888 - Clicking environment on system creation screen doesn't select an Env   https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=766888   The environment selector on the Systems pages were broken in several ways, including just not being hooked up properly. Two env selectors cannot co-exist in the same page so when the New System is opened when viewing systems by environment, the selector is not shown but instead just the name of the current environment.

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.143-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.143-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.25-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.37-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.26-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] fixing typos in the seeds script

[Brad Buckingham] 741656 - fix query on resource type for search

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.27-1].

[Ivan Necas] 753804 - fix for duplicite product name exception

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.144-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.144-1].

[Partha Aji] Updated jsroutes to ignore /api urls, since reducing the number of urls callable from java script would help with perf and api calls are very rarely used.

[Partha Aji] Updated the javascript routes so that ignores /api routes

[Partha Aji] Updated system events page to be more inline with the mock and also added some magic in SystemTask to DRY out the js

[Tom McKay] fenced env_select.env_changed_callback when creating new user and choosing default org

[Mike McCune] 767812 - compress our javascript and CSS

[Eric D Helms] Refactors single javascript include from tupane_layout to reduce number of network calls when loading tupane data.

[Tomas Strachota] 767271 - logging for delayed jobs enabled in all environments

[Justin Sherrill] adding provider searching

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.145-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.145-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.28-1].

[Justin Sherrill] product/repo saving for providers

[Justin Sherrill] adding initial system searching

[Justin Sherrill] test

[Justin Sherrill] test

[Partha Aji] More updates to the event history page..

[Tom McKay] + Bug 749795 - new system button should be hidden for non-edit users   https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=749795   Both the "New System" and "Remove System" now honor permissions and   are only displayed when appropriate.

[Tom McKay] Bug 731993 - System name is overlapping on "LASTCHECKIN" text in left pane of Systems list https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=731993 + Added ellipsis to name + Also added system status color icon, shortened height of rows, and changed the data displayed to OS, ARCH, and IP. (Note that this list of systems is due for an overhaul so the changes are cosmetic for the short term until that happens.)

[Mike McCune] 768191 - adding elasticsearch to our specfile

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.29-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] adding debug options to the katello.yml

[Lukas Zapletal] removing sqlite default configuration from katello.yml

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.38-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.39-1].

[Tom McKay] Bug 761710 - Registration fails if Organization has multiple environments https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=761710   + Comment from code...       # Some subscription-managers will call /users/$user/owners to retrieve the orgs that a user belongs to.       # Then, If there is just one org, that will be passed to the POST /api/consumers as the owner. To handle       # this scenario, if the org passed in matches the user's default org, use the default env. If not use       # the single env of the org or throw an error if more than one.

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.40-1].

[Justin Sherrill] converting to not use a generic katello index for each model and fixing sort on systems and provider

[Tom McKay] Bug 759609, 765991 - Verbs do not appear when selecting Permission For All https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=759609 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=765991   + The existing description of what "+ All" means was not being displayed properly. This has been corrected.   + TODO: There are likely larger workflow issues surrounding this part of the UI that need attention.

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.41-1].

[Justin Sherrill] fixing ordering for systems

[Tom McKay] corrected wrong method to shift over text which resulted in odd looking mouse-over effects

[Partha Aji] Added permission to list the readable repositories in an environment

[Justin Sherrill] Adding delayed job after kicking off repo sync to index packages, made packages sortable

[Justin Sherrill] making user sorting be on a non-analyzed login attribute

[Eric D Helms] Search: Changes to sliding tree filtering to make way for adding sliding tree search.

[Eric D Helms] Sliding Tree: Refactor to sliding tree to turn the previous search widget into a pure filter widget.

[Eric D Helms] Search: Adds ability to enable a full search widget within a sliding tree and adds to the content tree on promotions page.

[Eric D Helms] Search: Enables simple form search widget for content sliding tree on promotion page.

[Brad Buckingham] Add missing Copyright headers.

[Eric D Helms] Search: Adds search on sliding tree to bbq.

[Brad Buckingham] auto_search_complete - allow controller to provide object for permissions check

[Partha Aji] Added a way to delete the search indices when the DB was reset

[Partha Aji] Updated system events to accept a bunch of task status ids return status info appropriately

[Partha Aji] Updated task status to show the right information for pending tasks

[Partha Aji] Updated the system event history page to automatically refresh on pending events

[Ivan Necas] 746339 - scope system name uniqueness by env

[Ohad Levy] Added GPG key distribution support

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.146-1].

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.146-1].

[Bryan Kearney] 767798: Pass in cp-consumer instead of cp-user for system calls which are proxied to candlepin

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.147-1].

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.147-1].

[Justin Sherrill] adding package search for promotions

[Justin Sherrill] changing system templates auto complete to use elastic search

[Justin Sherrill] adding elasticsearch plugin log to logrotate for katello

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.42-1].

[Justin Sherrill] fixing provider search to not show redhat provider

[Justin Sherrill] making filters more flexible within application controller

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Changes to remove fake data and hook real system errata for UI viewing.

[Eric D Helms] Changes organizations tupane subnavigation to be consistent with others.

[Tom McKay] Bug 768388 - Perpetual spinner cursor upon changing a user's org. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=768388 + Incorrectly loading env_select.js twice which was causing javascript errors   and these resulted in spinner not clearing

[Lukas Zapletal] ak - subscribing according products

[Lukas Zapletal] ak - fixing unit tests

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "765888 - Error during promotion"

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.148-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.148-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.14-1].

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Replaces product with title from errata.

[Eric D Helms] Search: Adds button disabling on unsearchable content within sliding tree.

[Justin Sherrill] ignoring tire if running tests (cherry picked from commit bce93e62a38672a8ea13190219de79d4fc02014f)

[Justin Sherrill] fixing broken unit tests (cherry picked from commit 85a69049b36e6c66c8f12db7cc7cfa85aa5baee7)

[Justin Sherrill] unit test fix

[Brad Buckingham] system template - update to allow adding individual repos to template

[Partha Aji] Added more enhancements to System Events history + details page

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.149-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.149-1].

[Tomas Strachota] user roles - api for assigning to and unassigning from roles

[Tomas Strachota] users - fix for api listing self roles of users

[Tomas Strachota] user roles - api for listing available verbs

[Tomas Strachota] permissions - api for listing and deleting permissions

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.150-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.150-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.30-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.15-1].

[Ivan Necas] kt-agent-cli - CLI support for remote installation

[Tom McKay] work in progress

[Ivan Necas] Don't use :id => false for not HABTM tables

[Justin Sherrill] reverting to old package behavior

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Adds status text display.

[Brad Buckingham] system template - updates to tdl for handling templates containing individual repos

[Brad Buckingham] system templates - fix specs broken by addition of repo

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Adds model and glue layer changes for installing errata based on a set of errata ids.

[Tom McKay] Bug 769372 - Second import subscriptions do not show up https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=769372 + Problem was in providers_controller just getting the first subscription to check provider against; all subscriptions should have been checked.

[Jason E. Rist] 768118 - System detail pane now has "Remove System"

[Partha Aji] Updated the rendereding of the event history page with new messages

[Partha Aji] Updated date created to date

[Partha Aji] Added messages for package groups in the model

[Partha Aji] Added code to have the most recently updated event show up at the top

[Partha Aji] Added ability to parse through more events when needed

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Adds functionality for sending errata ids from the UI down to the controller and showing status.

[Partha Aji] Added code to list the page size

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Adds periodic status check for errata being installed.

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.151-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.151-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.43-1].

[Ivan Necas] kt-agent-cli - API and CLI for system task status

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.152-1].

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.152-1].

[Justin Sherrill] fixing routes.js

[Ohad Levy] make sure that katello prefix is part of the gpg url

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.153-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.153-1].

[Ivan Necas] kt-agent-cli - controller API unit tests for katello-agent

[Partha Aji] Fixed a merge conflict goof up

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.44-1].

[Partha Aji] Updated the routes regex to discard api and regenerated the routes

[Partha Aji] Updated the routes regex to discard api and regenerated the routes

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.45-1].

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Connects UI to real errata install with status updates.

[Justin Sherrill] removing indexing for changesets, as its not needed currently

[Mike McCune] rolling back to previous rev so we can re-tag

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.45-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.154-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.154-1].

[Ivan Necas] kt-agent-cli - rspec examples for system task messages

[Jason E. Rist] User Notifications page now a bit cleaner.   - moved deletion to top and changed to link, added .deletable which makes it red.   - moved helptip to above heading and search (still not happy with it)

[Jason E. Rist] Making selected menu  on third level nav same as hover.

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Adds on load status check and setting for visible errata.

[Jason E. Rist] Adding a helptip to panel actions.

[Bryan Kearney] 743073: Disable having rails servce static content

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for key on panel actions helptip.

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.46-1].

[Partha Aji] Made the tupane header take the system id in the delete call. Was getting a route not found before

[Partha Aji] Added a comment, fixed a typo

[Partha Aji] Made some changes for system events page to deal with 'no events'

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.155-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.155-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.31-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.47-1].

[Jason E. Rist] 754609 - Sync status on dashboard now rounded percent.

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.48-1].

[Brad Buckingham] 768047 - promotions - let user know if promotion fails

[Brad Buckingham] system templates - fix label on template tree for repos

[Partha Aji] Added some model changes and made search work

[Brad Buckingham] system templates - fix packages, groups and repos to be consistent w/ promotions

[Lukas Zapletal] permission coverage rake spec improvement

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms - changesets

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms - changesets unittests

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.156-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.156-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] perms - changesets permission review

[Lukas Zapletal] 751033 - adding subscriptions to activation key exception

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms review - activation keys

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.157-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.157-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms review - changesets

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "api perms review - changesets"

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms review - distributions ui perms

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.49-1].

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.158-1].

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.158-1].

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.159-1].

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.159-1].

[Justin Sherrill] disabling auto-complete on tupane pages

[Lukas Zapletal] moving /distributions API into /repositories path

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.160-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.160-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms review - distributions refactor tests

[Partha Aji] Added facility to enable a model to use the index of another model - useful for subsclasses

[Justin Sherrill] adding reindex rake task

[Justin Sherrill] using username for sorting instead of login which is a pulp attribute

[Bryan Kearney] First cut at a katello-debug

[Bryan Kearney] Add package list

[Tom McKay] added 'uuid' and 'description' to searchable System attributes

[Partha Aji] Added code to display  better event details.

[Bryan Kearney] katello-debug should preserve time stamps

[Bryan Kearney] Add a bit more logging

[Brad Buckingham] fix broken tests resulting from RAILS / katello name collision

[Brad Buckingham] controllers - adding missing copyright headers

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.161-1].

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.161-1].

[Mike McCune] removing Gemfile.lock and adding to .gitignore.

[Tom McKay] Bug 769896 - Organizations / Subscriptions error "undefined method 'each' for nil:NilClass https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=769896 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=769898 + This problem arose from an additional class, MarketingProduct, that extended   Product. The lazy_accessor.rb methods could not handle this which caused   the attributes to go missing. The fix is to check a class's parent for the   lazy_attributes method and add it to the list of attributes. (This is done   recursively up the hierarchy until a class stops responding to that method.)

[Partha Aji] Fixed some messages to make rake get text happy

[Justin Sherrill] making organization indexable and searchable via index

[Justin Sherrill] adding environment names to organization object

[Justin Sherrill] unit test fixes

[Justin Sherrill] fixing small issue with reindex where reindex would be attempted with empty collection resulting in an error

[Tomas Strachota] permissions - api for creating permissions

[Tomas Strachota] permissions - adding tags, verbs and type to json exports permanently

[Tomas Strachota] permissions - new command 'permission create'

[Tomas Strachota] permissions - new command 'permission delete'

[Tomas Strachota] roles api - enhanced spec tests

[Tomas Strachota] fixed warnings from gpg keys controller unit test Constant changed to a variable to avoid 'constant already defined' warning.

[Tomas Strachota] permissions - api unit tests

[Tomas Strachota] organizations api - removed forgotten command 'debugger'

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.162-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.162-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.32-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.16-1].

[Ivan Necas] 771363 - let AcitveRecord serialize error result in async operation

[Ivan Necas] 771363 - calc_dependencies_for_product returns always hash

[Ivan Necas] 771363 - Pulp on RHEL requires yum >= 3.2.29-21 for promoting

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.163-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.163-1].

[Shannon Hughes] update to l10n strings

[Ivan Necas] virt-who-vsphere - support for STI in indexed model

[Ivan Necas] virt-who-vsphere - create hypervisors on virt-who vsphere call

[Ivan Necas] virt-who-vsphere - disable pulp actions

[Ivan Necas] virt-who-vsphere - fix failing specs

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.164-1].

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.164-1].

[Shannon Hughes] 769905 remove yum 3.2.29 requirements from katello

[Eric D Helms] 752177 - Adds clearing of search hash when search input is cleared manually or via Clear from dropdown.

[Partha Aji] Rewrote a line to make the intent of the method clearer

[Partha Aji] Made the search for task type use the snowball analyzer to search

[Partha Aji] Updated some js routes

[Partha Aji] Updated some i18n strings

[Shannon Hughes] translated strings from zanata

[Partha Aji] Updated the reindex queries to ignore indexing PulpSyncStatus and PulpTaskStats files since they are both using TaskStatus's index

[Partha Aji] Removed unused katello_task_status object

[Eric D Helms] 750117 - Fixes issue with duplicate search results being returned that stemmed from pressing enter within the search field too many times.

[Bryan Kearney] Add elastic search to the debug collection

[Shannon Hughes] 766977 fixing org box dropdown mouse sensitivity

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.165-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.165-1].

[Eric D Helms] 753253 - When creating or deleting an entity with a tupane page view, the total count is now updated properly.

[Partha Aji] Removing console calls

[Justin Sherrill] fixing system template left hand side breadcrumb styling

[Justin Sherrill] making activation key be indexed and searched via index

[Justin Sherrill] unit test addition

[Justin Sherrill] migrating changesets to the search server

[Justin Sherrill] fixing changeset spec tests

[Justin Sherrill] migrating to new argument format for render_panel_direct

[Justin Sherrill] spec test fix

[Brad Buckingham] 768047 - notices - update to enable usage in controller or model

[Ivan Necas] 768012 - precalculate path substitutions before creating repos

[Tom McKay] left side updating but with wrong html :)

[Eric D Helms] 766797 - Fixes issue with environment selector showing without mouse being inside container.

[Partha Aji] Fix to display slightly better messages on event details and event lists page.

[Tom McKay] Works! Newly noticed problem, though, is that on refresh the left value is set as the right title (to make sure that a name change updates on the right). In systems, though, I had added the status icon which is showing up too now. panel.js needs fixing.

[Partha Aji] Mods on the Task Status search page to include the erros or failure key words in status

[Tomas Strachota] scheduled sync - api for sync plans CRUD

[Tomas Strachota] scheduled sync - cli for deleting sync plans

[Tomas Strachota] scheduled sync - cli for creating sync plans

[Tom McKay] Right hand pane title properly updating now

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.166-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.166-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.33-1].

[Partha Aji] Added code to set a deafult query prefix

[Eric D Helms] 761277 - When creating or editing a product or repository, if there are no gpg keys for the current organization a message is displayed stating such instead of a blank dropdown.

[Tom McKay] BZ#759144 - removed time portion of 'subcriptions are current until' display

[Partha Aji] Made the task status search index use the standard search instead of snowball for '*' query to work

[Tom McKay] internationalize date of subscriptions

[Partha Aji] Added code to render 'no events' message

[Tom McKay] changed result of broken test

[Jason E. Rist] 760805 - Fix for the upload button - made it a link so that it didn't look different due to styling issues.  Also now it floats properly.

[Partha Aji] fixed some unit tests

[Tom McKay] Bug 771735 - error visiting logged in user's admin page https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=771735 + For a user unable to read any users the users page was not reachable

[Eric D Helms] Re-comments out view code that is not currently functional that got enabled from previous bug fix 761277.

[Eric D Helms] Fix for products and repositories created without a gpg key.

[Partha Aji] Updated the navs to use SystemInfo as the default landing page when you click ona systenm

[Partha Aji] Renamed menu General to Details to conform with other pages

[Partha Aji] Fixed some broken oauth url logic

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.167-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.167-1].

[Ivan Necas] 771911 - keep facts on system update

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.168-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.168-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.34-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.50-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.51-1].

[Justin Sherrill] migrating gpg keys to search server

[Justin Sherrill] migrating sync plans to be indexed

[Justin Sherrill] fixing panel behavior for gpg key and sync plans

[Justin Sherrill] migrating filters tupane to use indexed search

[Justin Sherrill] fixing error message for missing name to not reference pulp_id

[Justin Sherrill] migrating roles to elastic search

[Justin Sherrill]  fixing unit tests

[Tomas Strachota] changesets - api for calculating dependencies

[Tomas Strachota] changesets - dep resolve returns complete json from pulp not only resolved packages

[Tomas Strachota] changesets api - fix in getting environment for permissions

[Tomas Strachota] 755105 - listing filenames instead of names of dependent packages

[Tomas Strachota] 755105 - dependency calculation rejects already promoted packages

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.169-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.169-1].

[Tom McKay] Bug 768953 - Creating a new system from the webui fails to display Environment ribbon correctly https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=768953 + The environment selector, because only one can exist on the page at a time, has some control code around it to detect whether the "all" systems page is being viewed or the per-environment page. Fixed now.

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Navigation fixes

[Shannon Hughes] updated translation strings

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Adds updated loading of errata with better indication of result counts.

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.170-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.170-1].

[Partha Aji] Fixed a couple of search issue related to matching all and sorting

[Partha Aji] Fixed the searhc sort order issue in the events search history page

[Jason E. Rist] 761645 - Fix for selecting left list items with ctrl-click. Added a color to make it a bit more intuitive as well.

[Justin Sherrill] disable tire logging by default

[Tom McKay] Bug 761667 - Invalid data for new system name displays JSON error message https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=761667 + Parse displayMessage out of error to display in notice

[Partha Aji] Made the pulp task code now be able to retrieve multiple tasks in one call

[Partha Aji] Fixed a bunch of unit tests and made Pulp::Task.find always accept an array of ids and return an array of statuses

[Partha Aji] Fixed another unit test

[Partha Aji] Temporary fix for jenkins errors

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.52-1].

[Tomas Strachota] 769267 - fixed template promotion Repositories were searched by pulp id instead of AR id in package promotion.

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.171-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.171-1].

[Partha Aji] Corrected a downcasing issue on roles search

[Partha Aji] Updated the verbs in the permissions page

[Shannon Hughes] 746628 fix sync schedule to handle empty plans/product selections in controller

[Justin Sherrill] replacing some missed search_fors in a few controllers

[Justin Sherrill] migrating notices to es

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Adds info tooltip to display more detailed information about a given errata.

[Justin Sherrill] spec test fix

[Justin Sherrill] fixing default notices sort

[Partha Aji] 770418 - Fixed the read every thing role to only include the read permissions

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.172-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.172-1].

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Adds reference url to errata information and cleans up description.

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Adds new version of tipsy plugin.

[Justin Sherrill] fixing self roles showing up in the UI

[Ivan Necas] katello-agent - fix task refreshing

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.173-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.173-1].

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Fixes for unit tests.

[Shannon Hughes] update to i18n strings

[Eric D Helms] Fixes issues with progressbar styling.

[Eric D Helms] 744006 - Fixes issue with consistency in selecting all resource types.

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.174-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.174-1].

[Partha Aji] Added a locking mechanism for roles that were created by katello

[Partha Aji] Forgot to add the migration script

[Tom McKay] Bug 772701 - add candlepin system events to events listing https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=772701 + Initial implementation works. Piggy-backs on pulp tasks too much + Candlepin events are lazy-loaded in view controller #index; need to move to system model

[Tom McKay] Bug 772701 - add candlepin system events to events listing https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=772701 + Some minor clean up for Candlepin event display

[Tom McKay] Bug 772701 - add candlepin system events to events listing https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=772701 + Moved Candlepin task creation to system.rb:refresh_for_system()

[Tom McKay] fixed failing spec tests

[Tom McKay] spec stub for candlepin events

[Partha Aji] Added tasks to render package groups in the system events page

[Partha Aji] 768477-Fixed a dashboard page issue were an undefined method error was showing up

[Shannon Hughes] 745619 disable sync when no repos are selected

[Eric D Helms] Fixes for clearing search and hitting enter key to submit.

[Justin Sherrill] adding initial support for attributes list in search drop down

[Justin Sherrill] fixing missing indexed attributes

[Justin Sherrill] adding attribute list for filters

[Justin Sherrill] adding auto complete attributes for gpg keys

[Justin Sherrill] adding auto complete attributes for sync plans

[Justin Sherrill] adding attribute list for changesets

[Justin Sherrill] adding system attributes for auto complete

[Justin Sherrill] adding sample facts to system auto complete

[Justin Sherrill] adding attribute list for activation keys

[Justin Sherrill] 773310 - fixing search favorites creation

[Justin Sherrill] adding auto complete attributes for user

[Justin Sherrill] adding attribute auto complete for roles

[Brad Buckingham] repository - add scope to support retrieving all readable repositories

[Shannon Hughes] 765995 fix notification messages when orgs created with supplied envs

[Shannon Hughes] 750110 fix checkbox offset from repo name labels

[Tomas Strachota] 755105 - dep. calc. takes the full dependency tree into account + filters out already promoted packages

[Tomas Strachota] 755105 - dep. calc. selects only latest versions of packages

[Tomas Strachota] 751874 - removed index action from route /api/repositories/

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.175-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.175-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.35-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms review - environments

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms review - organizations

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms review - permissions

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms review - ping

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms review - products

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms review - puppetclasses

[Lukas Zapletal] nicer debug logging for permissions

[Lukas Zapletal] sql is now logged to test_sql.log for testing env

[Shannon Hughes] 773314: correct syntax issue causing premature exception to be thrown

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Changes for errata to show up properly in system events.

[Partha Aji] 768477-Fix to make environments menu not show up when user does not have a current org

[Partha Aji] Fixed on showing 'no environments' message instead of hiding tab in user details

[Jason E. Rist] Fixes to bubble up sync errors.

[Shannon Hughes] 773425 fix loading of translation strings in po format

[Justin Sherrill] fixing issue where display_attributes was not available during testing

[Justin Sherrill] fixing elastic search total counts, as well as fixing count order and results_count going to NaN in ui

[Justin Sherrill] fixing sporatic spec test failure for some users

[Justin Sherrill] fixing obscure unit test for some people

[Jason E. Rist] 740584 - Fix for buttons within jQuery UI Dialog.

[Justin Sherrill] fixing previously fixed obscure spec test for all cases

[Brad Buckingham] dashboard - errata - fix expander arrow after filter change

[Brad Buckingham] dashboard - updating to support displaying of real errata

[Brad Buckingham] dashboard - errata - remove some unneeded code

[Partha Aji] General fix to move all render_navigation to render-menu so that the navigation rules will be adhered to in the UI

[Partha Aji] Fixed some navigation file that were executing non existent variables

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Adds scroll pane and sets maximum size on errata details hover.

[Lukas Zapletal] making shared messages a bit shorter

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms review - repositories

[Lukas Zapletal] disabling memory status in production mode

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms review - subscriptions

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Pushes initial item load to ajax call.

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms review - sync

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for sync_management_controller if error_details was empty.

[Jordan OMara] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.177-1].

[Jordan OMara] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.177-1].

[Justin Sherrill] removing scoped search  from existing models

[Shannon Hughes] removing obsolete strings

[Shannon Hughes] 746913 fix sync plan time, incorrectly using date var

[Partha Aji] 773137 - Made the  system search stuff adhre to permissions logic

[Justin Sherrill] disabling fade in for sync page

[Justin Sherrill] adding elasticsearch to ping api

[Justin Sherrill] 755522 - fixing issue where adding filters to a product in the UI did not actually take effect in pulp

[Partha Aji] 771957 - Fixed an org deletion failure issue

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [0.1.5-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms review - tasks

[mbacovsk] Automatic commit of package [katello-certs-tools] release [1.0.2-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.53-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.17-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.178-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.178-1].

[Shannon Hughes] adding de locale strings

[Shannon Hughes] adding es locale strings

[Shannon Hughes] adding it locale strings

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms review - templates_content

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms review - templates

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms review - removing unused templates/index

[Shannon Hughes] update zanata local supported list

[Shannon Hughes] correct tamil locale configs

[Shannon Hughes] adding Bengali strings; updating existing locale strings

[Shannon Hughes] adding Gujarati locale strings

[Shannon Hughes] adding Hindi locale strings

[Shannon Hughes] adding Korean locale strings

[Shannon Hughes] adding Marathi locale strings

[Shannon Hughes] adding Oriya locale strings

[Shannon Hughes] adding Punjabi locale strings

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Changes to make tipsy tooltip disappear when scrolling the errata table.

[Shannon Hughes] adding Russian locale strings

[Shannon Hughes] adding Tamil locale strings

[Shannon Hughes] adding Telugu locale strings

[Eric D Helms] System Errata: Unit test fixes.

[Eric D Helms] 771469 - Changes tupane panel hash identifier from being i18ned.

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms review - uebercert

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms review - users

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms review - removing filters

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms review - marking some filters

[Lukas Zapletal] fixing errata unit tests - were failing 'sometimes'

[Tom McKay] Bug 781585 - partial progress allowing locale setting in ui

[Tom McKay] Bug 781585 - pull locales from katello.yml, if present, or use internally defined

[Tom McKay] Bug 781585 - languages listed in zanata.xml now set as defaults, and katello.yml updated w/ comment for customizing

[Brad Buckingham] dashboard - errata - add info icon for viewing errata details

[Eric D Helms] 748022 - Places cancel button to the right of the indicator text when selecting all resource types creating a permission.

[Shannon Hughes] modify http accept lang regex

[Justin Sherrill] 755522 - adding user that promoted a changeset to the changeset history page

[Partha Aji] Updated the menu items to use translated names

[Brad Buckingham] dashboard - errata - do not include available errata where there are no systems

[Justin Sherrill] adding promoted by user to search index for changesets

[Shannon Hughes] make parsing locale strings more robust

[Jason E. Rist] Fixing "Display" i18n on Dashboard filter.

[Shannon Hughes] remove pt-PT locale

[Tom McKay] Bug 781585 - escaped all 'localized' variables in haml to avoid issue w/ translations that contain ' (like french)

[Eric D Helms] Dashboard Errata: Refactors the errata tooltip into re-usable widget.

[Shannon Hughes] update to zanata mappings for regional locales

[Shannon Hughes] restructure po files for fast gettext

[Shannon Hughes] adding regional chinese locales

[Tom McKay] Bug 781585 - corrected list of locale choices in app_config and katello.yml

[Brad Buckingham] 750354 - activation key - do not highlight to change template when there are none

[Justin Sherrill] 768296 - fixing issue where changeset history page threw error if full product was not included

[Justin Sherrill] 772169 - fixing sort issue on promotions mixing templates and products

[Jason E. Rist] Missed an i18n of a string "Filter".

[Tom McKay] Bug 781585 - fixed ActiveRecord translated error messages by modifying config/locale for regional dialects

[Justin Sherrill] 773733 - adding delayed_jobs to the ping check

[Tomas Strachota] tpl repos - api for adding repos to templates

[Tomas Strachota] tpl repos - support for repositories in template import/export

[Tomas Strachota] tpl repos - support for repo promotions in templates

[Tomas Strachota] scheduled sync - api for setting/removing sync plans from products

[Tomas Strachota] cheduled sync - fix for orchestration Adds posibility to unset synchronization schedule for pulp repos.

[Tomas Strachota] scheduled sync - time format of non-recurring sync plans

[Tomas Strachota] scheduled sync - plan_id in products can be null

[Tomas Strachota] scheduled sync - fixes in spec tests

[Tomas Strachota] scheduled sync - listing sync plan names in 'product list'

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.179-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.179-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.36-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.18-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] api perms review - distributions

[Shannon Hughes] adding Bengali char/num locale

[Shannon Hughes] german special num/char locale

[Shannon Hughes] spanish special num/char locale

[Shannon Hughes] adding Hindi special char/num locale

[Shannon Hughes] italian special num/char locale

[Jason E. Rist] i18n - "Search..." placeholder text in search box for search form on tupane.

[Shannon Hughes] Korean special num/char locale

[Shannon Hughes] Russian special num/char locale

[Eric D Helms] Dashboard Errata: Adds new tipsy with support for closing all sticky click tooltips via event trigger.

[Jason E. Rist] i18n - Error: on 500 page.

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for +New arrow on hover when selected.

[Jason E. Rist] i18n - Package filters strings.

[Jason E. Rist] i18n - Panel error js.

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for width and hover on one_panel.

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for width and hover on one_panel arrow.

[Jason E. Rist] i18n - Sync plan.

[Jason E. Rist] i18n - System initial registration strings.

[Jason E. Rist] i18n - Filter placeholders.

[Jason E. Rist] i18n - System auto-heal and candlepin glue.

[Brad Buckingham] 749805 - httpd - katello.conf - update to remove unnecessary / in path

[Shannon Hughes] remove duplicate Korean entry in zanata

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.180-1].

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.180-1].

[Ivan Necas] Fix failing test - deterministic RH repo name format

[Ivan Necas] gpg-cli - support for port in host for gpg key path

[Ivan Necas] gpg-cli - CRUD for GPG keys through CLI/API

[Ivan Necas] gpg-cli - use immutable value gpgurl in CP

[Ivan Necas] gpg-cli - CLI support for modifying GPG <-> product/repo association

[Ivan Necas] gpg-cli - protect GPG API resources

[Ivan Necas] gpg-cli - API and CLI for GPG - repo/product manipulation

[Ivan Necas] gpg-cli - Allow to update only custom product/repo

[Ivan Necas] gpg-cli - show products and repos assigned to GPG

[Ivan Necas] vsphere - fix indexing of hypervisor

[Ivan Necas] vsphere - show host/guests in CLI system info

[Ivan Necas] gpg-cli - fix providing content of GPG key for a repo

[Ivan Necas] gpg-cli - fix failing tests

[Ivan Necas] gpg-cli - fix repo update permissions

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.181-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.181-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.37-1].

[Ivan Necas] gpg-cli - remove unused code

[Brad Buckingham] dashboard errata - miscellaneous fixes

[Brad Buckingham] dashboard errata - fix to handle error case when there are no readable repos

[Ivan Necas] host-guest - fix error in the model when no host is present for guest

[Tom McKay] Bug 781585 - As a user, I want to set my locale on the User Details page. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=781585 + Minor clean up based upon code review

[Ivan Necas] host-guest - improvement of API when no host is present for a guest

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.182-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.182-1].

[Partha Aji] 771957-Made the org deletion code a little better

[Eric D Helms] Moves javascript to bottom of html page and removes redundant i18n partials to the base katello layout.

[Mike McCune] 761576 - removing the password strength meter

[Mike McCune] 761576 - removing CSS and jquery plugins for simplePassMeter

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.183-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.183-1].

[Partha Aji] Fixed some unit test issues that got generated with my previous commit

[Shannon Hughes] 755942 remove sync complete message for non synced products

[Brad Buckingham] 771411 - distributions - update resource and add perms

[Partha Aji] 782232-Made the candlepin urls use url encoded values for params

[Ivan Necas] katello-agent-cli - adoption to latest changes in pulp-0.0.258-1

[Ivan Necas] manifest-import - correct content-type header

[Brad Buckingham] 773454 - system templates - temporary fix for adding packages to template

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.184-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.184-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.38-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.19-1].

[Tom McKay] 761667 - JSON error message from candlepin parsed correctly

[Lukas Zapletal] perms - moving /packages/id under /repositories API

[Lukas Zapletal] perms - moving /errata/id under /repositories API

[Lukas Zapletal] perms - fixing unit tests after route rename

[Eric D Helms] 773686 - Fixes issue with system template package add input box becoming unusable after multiple package adds.

[Jordan OMara] Bumping candlepin version to 0.5.10

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.185-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.185-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.20-1].

[Jason E. Rist] 769619 - Fix for repo enable/disable behavior.

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.39-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.54-1].

[Tom McKay] 782883 - AppConfig.katello? available, headpin strings added

[Tom McKay] 782883 - Updated branding_helper.rb to include headpin strings

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.40-1].

[Jason E. Rist] 754616 - Attempted fix for menu hover jiggle.  - Moved up the third level nav 1 px.  - Tweaked the hoverIntent settings a tiny bit.

[Partha Aji] 783323 - i18ned resource types names

[Partha Aji] 783328,783320,773603-Fixed environments : user permissions issues

[Partha Aji] Pushing a missed i18n string

[Partha Aji] Minor edits to i18n some strings

[Partha Aji] Fix to a previous commit related to user default env permissions

[Lukas Zapletal] perms - fake /api/packages/ path for rhsm

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.186-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.186-1].

[Tomas Strachota] fix for listing available tags of KTEnvironment

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.21-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.187-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.187-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] 757775 - allowing rhsm to register systems

[Eric D Helms] 771164 - Fixes issue where packages list could be set to nil when attempting to load more packages for a system.

[Lukas Zapletal] 760703 - promotion of empty products now not possible

[Brad Buckingham] 782518 - providers - removed org from resource to fix search history

[Partha Aji] Made the repo controller log the complete  trace on error

[Partha Aji] Modified env.name usages to env.display_name in some places in the UI to deal with i18n

[Partha Aji] 781460-Fixed an env security acess violiation issue

[Tom McKay] 771757 - toggle and callbacks added; still work to be done

[Mike McCune] 783188 - removing scoped_search from our codebase

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.188-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.188-1].

[Jason E. Rist] Moved sync management actions to top of table.

[Mike McCune] 783188 - some missed references to scoped_search and inlining utils

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for problem on sync management page from when I moved the actions above the table.

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.189-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.189-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] adding first cut of our SELinux policy

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.190-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.190-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "adding first cut of our SELinux policy"

[Lukas Zapletal] adding comment to the katello spec

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-selinux] release [0.1.2-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-selinux] release [0.1.3-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.191-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.191-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] selinux - adding requirement for the main package

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.192-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.192-1].

[Tom McKay] 771757 - candlepin called properly with saved user preference

[Eric D Helms] 773664 - Issue where packages on system templates were not loading more packages and user could only see first 25.

[Partha Aji] 784046-Made the org controller env partial work on new users page

[Tom McKay] 771757 - page refreshes on toggle checkbox and callback triggered just once

[Eric D Helms] 747641 - Fixes typo where system template notification indicated successful sync plan creation.

[Eric D Helms] Fixes issue where Administration tab was increasing in size when opening a Role in tupane.

[Tom McKay] 771757 - added flag to api/systems_controller.rb and updated spec tests

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.193-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.193-1].

[Eric D Helms] 750123 - Fixes issue with user creation not updating counts in left hand list.

[Eric D Helms] Fixes broken save on other entities using tupane layout.

[Partha Aji] 781272 - Fixed the system template page to not show Add for Read only user

[Shannon Hughes] dist-git tito prep

[Partha Aji] 784123 - Fix for i18ning multiselect widget

[Eric D Helms] 749026 - Hides New Changeset button when there is no next environment.

[Eric D Helms] 761291 - Adds remove organization link to current organization but makes it unclickable with tooltip explaining to user why.

[Partha Aji] 783338-Fix to i18nize the panel headers in a 2 pane

[Partha Aji] 768484 - Removed  the User suicide option

[Mike McCune] 761576 - adding back in the password matching field I took out

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.194-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.194-1].

[mbacovsk] 782775 - Unify unsubscription in RHSM and Katello CLI

[mbacovsk] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.41-1].

[mbacovsk] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.195-1].

[mbacovsk] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.195-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] perms - commenting some skip_before_filters

[Tom McKay] 784009 - ESX hypervisors don't show up in Web UI systems + On Details tab the System Type will be listed as "Hypervisor" + Software tab will display "Hypervisors do not have software products" + Packages tab will display "Hypervisors do not have packages" + Software tab will display "Hypervisors do not have errata"

[Eric D Helms] 754724 - Now when viewing a promoting changeset's details all action buttons will be disabled.

[Eric D Helms] 745955 - Fixes issue where creating a new system template and then clicking Package Groups resulted in being return to list of templates.

[Brad Buckingham] 783329 - fix indexing of pkgs for elastic search and use in system templates UI

[Eric D Helms] 773690 - Fixes added packages in system template being hidden and not able to be scrolled to.

[Partha Aji] removed an unused method

[Partha Aji] 756518 - Fix to ensure that global permissions have all_tags automatically set to true

[Partha Aji] 740931 - fix for role description stretchign too much

[Eric D Helms] 784319 - Fixes issue with Default Organization not being set on user creation.

[Brad Buckingham] packages - fix broken test

[Jordan OMara] 782562 - Adding force checkbox to manifest upload to make it force update

[Shannon Hughes] update to translation i18n strings

[Brad Buckingham] 771333 - fix password reset

[Bryan Kearney] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.42-1].

[Tomas Strachota] 784563 - deleting repos outside the Locker disabled

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.196-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.196-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.43-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] adding some more password util specs

[Shannon Hughes] translation i18n files

[Brad Buckingham] 773368 - GPG keys - update to show product the repo is associated with

[Jordan OMara] 761553 - adding better UI for non-admin viewing roles

[Jordan OMara] 772744 - Removing accounts views/controllers period

[Brad Buckingham] 767475 - system packages - disable content form when no pkg/group is included

[Lukas Zapletal] 784607 - katello production.log can rapidly increase in size

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.55-1].

[mbacovsk] Fixed error on parsing json error messagae

[mbacovsk] 783512,783511,783509,783508 - Initial work for branding rename.

[mbacovsk] 783512,783511,783509,783508 -More work for branding rename.

[mbacovsk] 783512,783511,783509,783508 - Additional work for branding rename.  	- New strings for changes. 	- Fixed a spec test since it failed properly, yay!

[mbacovsk] locker-rename db mgration

[mbacovsk] locker-rename - locker renamed in model

[mbacovsk] rename-locker - locker renamed in controllers and views

[mbacovsk] 783511 - Wider menus for branding rename.

[mbacovsk] rename-locker - fixed paths in test helper

[mbacovsk] Old string cleanup from pre-gettext days.

[mbacovsk] rename-branding - Fix for a small typo.

[mbacovsk] Gettext:find from master was going to be a HUGE pain.

[mbacovsk] rename-locker - fixed locker that sneaked back during merge

[Jordan OMara] 784679 - fixed prefs error on system subscription page that was causing the page to not load. [stolen from tomckay]

[Shannon Hughes] update to i18n strings

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.197-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.197-1].

[Shannon Hughes] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.44-1].

[Ivan Necas] 784666 - ensure host is configured on Katello start-up

[Tom McKay] 784904 - a user with register permission can upload systems packages

[Shannon Hughes] fix plural for content providers

[Jason E. Rist] Promotino->Promotion

[Brad Buckingham] dashboard errata - minor update to address change in pulp response

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.198-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.198-1].

[Brad Buckingham] 767479 - system packages - fix the count and remove 'more' link when all loaded

[Brad Buckingham] 761194 - promotions - fix disappearing second level nav

[Lukas Zapletal] adding more logging to the warden plugin

[Lukas Zapletal] typos and spelling fix

[Tomas Strachota] filters - empty api for assigning filters to repositories

[Tomas Strachota] filters - migration for repository-filter association

[Tomas Strachota] filters - api for setting and listing filters in repos

[Tomas Strachota] filters - cli for listing filters of a repo

[Tomas Strachota] filters - repo promotion uses filters from both repo and its product

[Tomas Strachota] filters - filters can be stored only for locker repos

[Tomas Strachota] filters - orchestration

[Tomas Strachota] filters - spec tests

[Tomas Strachota] filters - rename Locker -> Library

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.199-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.199-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.45-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.22-1].

[Ivan Necas] 769954 - org and repo names in custom repo content label

[Lukas Zapletal] nicer errors for CLI and RHSM when service is down

[Lukas Zapletal] 785168 - Do not remove dots from pulp ids

[mbacovsk] rename-locker- renamed locker in javascript

[mbacovsk] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.200-1].

[mbacovsk] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.200-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.56-1].

[Jason E. Rist] Removing accounts.js

[Bryan Kearney] Make default logging level be warn

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.201-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.201-1].

[Bryan Kearney] katello-debug was having an issue with symlinks

[Eric D Helms] Promotion Search - Initial work to enable package search on the promotions page with proper calculations.

[mbacovsk] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.46-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] debugging - replacing most info logs with debug

[Tomas Strachota] 783402 - unique constraint for templates in changeset

[Tomas Strachota] changesets - fixed validations It was not checking whether the distribution's repo has been promoted. Validations for other content is also simplified by this commit.

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.47-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-selinux] release [0.1.4-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.202-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.202-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] 785703 - increasing logging for seed script

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.203-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.203-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.57-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "Make default logging level be warn"

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.204-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.204-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.58-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] 785703 - increasing logging for seed script fix

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.205-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.205-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.48-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] 785703 - fixing user creation code

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.206-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.206-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.49-1].

[Eric D Helms] Promotion Search - Adds proper checks when there is no next environment for listing promotable packages.

[Ivan Necas] 757094 - Product should be readable even it has no enabled repos

[Eric D Helms] Promotion Search - Re-factors search enabling on sliding tree to be more stand alone and decoupled.  Fixes issues with search widget not closing properly on tab changes.

[Eric D Helms] Promotion Search - Changes to init search widget state on load properly.

[Brad Buckingham] 748060 - fix bbq on promotions page

[Jason E. Rist] Added "Environment" to Initial environment page on new Org.

[Shannon Hughes] update to translation strings

[Brad Buckingham] providers - fix broken arrow for products and repos

[Eric D Helms] Promotion Search - Fixes issue with tupane slider showing up partially inside the left side tree.

[Brad Buckingham] activation keys - fix missing navigation for Available Subscriptions

[Partha Aji] 782959,747827,782239 - i18n issues creating pulp users & repos were fixed

[Eric D Helms] Promotion Search: Fixes for broken unit tests related to adding index_packages during promotion.

[Partha Aji] 757817-Added code to show Activation Keys page if user has AK read privileges

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.207-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.207-1].

[Brad Buckingham] 786160 - password reset - resolve error when saving task status

[Shannon Hughes] 753318: add headers to sync schedule lists

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.208-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.208-1].

[Tomas Strachota] 744047 - generating metadata after promotion

[Tomas Strachota] 744047 - fixes in spec tests

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.209-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.209-1].

[Eric D Helms] Promotions Errata - Moves errata in promotions to be loaded via elasticsearch.

[Lukas Zapletal] binding - adding enabled_repos controller action

[Lukas Zapletal] errors - better error handling of 404 for CLI

[Lukas Zapletal] binding - implementing security rule

[Lukas Zapletal] binding - consumer must exist

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.210-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.210-1].

[Shannon Hughes] 758441: add expand/collapse support to sync product repos

[Tom McKay] 754526 - RBAC rules were preventing unset of default env

[Tom McKay] 786200 - Removed Machine Type column from Red Hat Provider table. Left it in the Organizations / Subscriptions since it shows the bonus pools created as Virtual

[Tom McKay] 786574 - 'autoheal' value now returned properly for GET /katello/api/consumer/

[Brad Buckingham] 786222 - system templates - allow selecting of distro based on repos

[Mike McCune] 0000000 - we don't use this gem anymore

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.211-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.211-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.59-1].

[Brad Buckingham] 786586 - system template - do not include duplicate repos in tdl export

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [0.1.6-1].

[Tomas Strachota] filters - cli option to list inherited filters for repos

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.212-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.212-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.50-1].

[Eric D Helms] Removes extra slash from spinner url.

[Eric D Helms] Allows sliding tree header to expand vertically without scrollbar as the size of crumbs text increases. Fixes broken load spinner.

[Brad Buckingham] 786110 - system template - fix failure on removal if repo added

[Eric D Helms] Fixes issue with adding errata individually not updating Add or Remove buttons.

[Eric D Helms] 783465 - Fixes issue with failed or changesets with repositories added directly causing an undefined method error.

[Lukas Zapletal] repos - removing unused repo_id class method

[Lukas Zapletal] binding - fetch existing bound repos from pulp

[Lukas Zapletal] spec - optimizing unit tests

[Lukas Zapletal] spec - making unit tests faster

[Lukas Zapletal] spec - moving newrelic gem out of test env (faster)

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.213-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.213-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.60-1].

[Jason E. Rist] 783509 - Forgot to append the word "environment".

[Eric D Helms] Increases the wait time between checking async pulp tasks to 10 seconds.

[Partha Aji] 740007-i18ned the dates on the UI pages

[Partha Aji] Changed the notice on  promote_contents.

[Partha Aji] 771957-Made org delete raise a UI notice on delete failure

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.214-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.214-1].

[Brad Buckingham] 771886 - system packages - fix ui staying in processing state on pkg install

[Lukas Zapletal] logging - setting default production level to 'warn'

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.215-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.215-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.61-1].

[Tomas Strachota] removed candlepin version check from thin start script

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.216-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.216-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] katello-debug - removing Ruby warning about whitespace

[Lukas Zapletal] katello-debug - reindenting only

[Lukas Zapletal] katello-debug - adding SELinux log to the report

[Tomas Strachota] changeset - new method promotable_repositories for changeset content items

[Tomas Strachota] changeset - methods for removing errata and distros simplified

[Tomas Strachota] changeset - packages specified by nvre in api

[Tomas Strachota] changeset - fix for spec tests

[Tomas Strachota] changeset - packages can be optionaly addded by name

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.217-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.217-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.23-1].

[Ivan Necas] Fix problem with admin user password in production mode

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.218-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.218-1].

[Tomas Strachota] changeset - fixes in controller spec tests

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.219-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.219-1].

[Partha Aji] 766968- Made the dashboard page acl on tabs based on user perms

[Partha Aji] Added notifications on success of org delete and promoted

[Ivan Necas] delayed-job-logging - better handling of logging in development

[Ivan Necas] 771957 - let repositories deal with content deletion

[Ivan Necas] org-deletion - CLI wait for org to be deleted

[Tomas Strachota] filters - fixed filter delete route to pulp

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.220-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.220-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.51-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.24-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.52-1].

[Eric D Helms] Adds escaping of ID due to colon in errata ID and adds search cleanup within sliding tree.

[Brad Buckingham] 786598 - system templates - improve support for repos having same name

[Tom McKay] 785799 - show error message suggesting use of force upload not shown when force upload is already set

[Lukas Zapletal] binding - adding cp_label to repository model class

[Lukas Zapletal] spec - removing some warning messages

[Lukas Zapletal] binding - implementing the glue logic

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.221-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.221-1].

[Brad Buckingham] 787745 - system template - fix download containing distros

[Lukas Zapletal] binding - disabling unit tests for today

[Lukas Zapletal] binding - removing unnecessary param checks

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.222-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.222-1].

[Tom McKay] 769425 - set minimum width of selector box

[Brad Buckingham] system template - update repos to use elastic search query

[Partha Aji] 740964 - Added validation to make sure that there is atleast 1 user in the Administrator/superadmin role

[Lukas Zapletal] infra - improving rake routes script

[Lukas Zapletal] binding - better error reporting

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-agent] release [0.14-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.223-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.223-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] binding - better error reporting fix

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.224-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.224-1].

[Ivan Necas] 768254 - scope products API by organization

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.225-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.225-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.53-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] infra - improving list_permissions rake task

[Lukas Zapletal] 788078 - distro arch is not ignored anymore

[Lukas Zapletal] 788078 - distro arch - fixing unit test

[Ivan Necas] API - nice rendering of 404 error

[Eric D Helms] Promotions Errata: Re-works permission check in the event an errata belongs to multiple products.

[Brad Buckingham] 788149 - activation keys - fix format_time error

[Partha Aji] Added format_time as a helper method so even partials from views can use it

[Brad Buckingham] activation keys - remove 'allocated' from model and code

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.62-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.226-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.226-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] todo - better comment for authorization code

[Lukas Zapletal] binding - better error reporting and specs

[Tomas Strachota] 786438 - better error message when package not found

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.227-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.227-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.54-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] comment - removing unnecessary todo

[Lukas Zapletal] comment - better todo comment for unwrapping

[Jordan OMara] Updating the spec to split out common/katello to facilitate headpin

[Jordan OMara] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.228-1].

[Jordan OMara] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.228-1].

[Brad Buckingham] 788599 - system template - fix distribution download

[Partha Aji] 771957 - Added code to raise an exception on create if another org with the same name already existed and was  scheduled to be deleted

[Mike McCune] NOBZ - removing uneeded logging line

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.63-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.25-1].

[Ivan Necas] unit tests - fix problem with accidental freezing

[Shannon Hughes] gu special numbers/symbols

[Shannon Hughes] mr special symbols/numbers

[Shannon Hughes] or special numbers/symbols

[Shannon Hughes] pa special numbers/symbols

[Shannon Hughes] ta special numbers/symbols

[Shannon Hughes] special numbers/symbols

[Eric D Helms] Promotion Errata: Adds indexing, search and display of errata in promotions.

[Brad Buckingham] 787302 - promotion - fix error promotion of repo

[Brad Buckingham] 755028 - promotions - fix issue where spinner not found

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.229-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.229-1].

[Eric D Helms] Adds underscorejs as a set of utility methods for use in javascript.

[Eric D Helms] Promotion Errata: Adds top level adding of errata to a changeset.  Adds detection of errata in changeset products to all removal from individual products or removal from changeset all together.

[Partha Aji] 741499-Added code to deal with weird user current org behaviour

[Partha Aji] Looks like my previous commit broke quite a few tests.. Temporarily reverting

[Ivan Necas] 788932 - temporary fix to avoid race condition in CP

[Ivan Necas] rest_debug - fix issue with file upload

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.230-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.230-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.26-1].

[Tomas Strachota] repos - fix for package counts not being displayed in repo list cli

[Tomas Strachota] 771666, 785139 - fixed formatting of subsystem error messages for katello cli

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.231-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.231-1].

[Brad Buckingham] 789144 - promotions - redindex pkgs and errata after promotion of product or repo

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.27-1].

[Eric D Helms] Promotion Errata: Adds functionality to reset content tree to root breadcrumb when a promotion is triggered.

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.232-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.232-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.64-1].

[Brad Buckingham] 786138 - system templates - search for only enabled repos on repo search query

[Jordan OMara] Fixing content prefix for headpin mode in glue-candlepin

[Jordan OMara] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.233-1].

[Jordan OMara] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.233-1].

[Partha Aji] 741499-Added code to deal with weird user current org behaviour

[Brad Buckingham] 789516 - Promotions - fix ability to add products and distros to a changeset

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.234-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.234-1].

[Tomas Strachota] fix for package search not returning correct packages Pulp's package api expects regular expressions when filtering by name.

[Tomas Strachota] 740254 - fixed dependency calculation Previous version was looping forever on circular dependencies.

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.235-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.235-1].

[Tomas Strachota] fix for parsing nvrea of packages with dash in name

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.236-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.236-1].

[Brad Buckingham] system packages - remove hard-coded offset

[Eric D Helms] 754914 - When selecting a repository in package filters the name of the repository will properly show up beside the Remove link.

[Brad Buckingham] 786179 - notices - delete all displaying notices after completed

[Eric D Helms] 767083 - Fixes javascript error when attempting to add a repository directly to a package filter.

[Tom McKay] 788657 - to not display product content details in the System/Subscriptions tab of UI

[Brad Buckingham] 782518 - search history - parse out host using URI class vs using HTTP_HOST

[Eric D Helms] 788213 - Removes the Changelog and Filelist tabs from the packages tupane details.

[Shannon Hughes] fix misspelled state

[Shannon Hughes] 786762: fix sync complete update after successful sync cancel

[Jason E. Rist] 755001 - Fix for + in changeset name.

[Lukas Zapletal] 790342 - Error in async task is not returned

[Ivan Necas] 790355 - Count on the fact that repo in errata might be deleted

[Brad Buckingham] 789155 - system templates - update repo search query to support dash and space

[Jason E. Rist] 790487 - Fix for width of promotion changset new button.

[Shannon Hughes] Revert "786762: fix sync complete update after successful sync cancel"

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.237-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.237-1].

[Eric D Helms] 790502 - Fixes inability to add system templates to changeset as a result of changes related to adding top level errata to a changeset.

[Shannon Hughes] 786520 - clear out duration column when active sync is running

[Partha Aji] 787796 - Improvements to rh providers + repo enablement pages

[Partha Aji] 765806 - updated the failed login message based on patch provided by Og

[Partha Aji] 765806 - Adding the oxford comma  - thanks cliff

[Partha Aji] 765806 - Adding the Brisbane slash  - thanks Lana

[Brad Buckingham] dashboard - remove notice that was accidentally committed

[Brad Buckingham] 788599 - system templates - fix to handle mix of repos with and without distros

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.238-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.238-1].

[Shannon Hughes] 786376 add waiting state to non running pulp list

[Mike McCune] removing uneeded logging entry

[Ivan Necas] 789456 - pre-save and post-save queues in orchestration

[Ivan Necas] 789456 - candlepin environment orchestration

[Ivan Necas] 789456 - fix problem with unicode

[Ivan Necas] unit-tests - fix another memory leak

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.239-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.239-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [0.1.7-1].

[Tomas Strachota] 788073 - fix for planning non-recurring scheduled synces at correct time

[Tomas Strachota] 788073 - fix for updating sync plans in pulp

[Tomas Strachota] 788073 - fix for rescheduling repo synces after sync plan update

[Tomas Strachota] 788073 - fixes in spec tests after changes

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.240-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.240-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.55-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.28-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] 791268 - SAM does not contain valid version

[Partha Aji] 790966-Added a logger for the prod env to print timestamp information on errors and warnings.

[Mike McCune] 790966 - updated date format

[Jordan OMara] Automatic commit of package [katello-selinux] release [0.1.5-1].

[Jason E. Rist] 784649 - Fix for empty changeset message when System Templates are added.

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [0.1.8-1].

[Tomas Strachota] resolved todo - removed method Repo#uri This attribute is now provided directly by Pulp.

[Tomas Strachota] updated todo comments

[Ivan Necas] 770693 - bind consumer to repo in environment

[Tomas Strachota] 788073 - do not schedule tasks in past

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.65-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.241-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.241-1].

[Eric D Helms] 748467 - Adjusts the height of tupane's to use more screen real estate on larger browser window sizes.

[Eric D Helms] 758831 - Adjusts the z-index on tupane details and sliding tree slide ups in order to prevent clipping of tupane on top of slide up containers.

[Eric D Helms] 750558,748472,752967 - Adjusts breadcrumbs in sliding trees to ellipsis long names appropriately.

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.56-1].

[Ivan Necas] 791221 - wait for CP update jobs before proceeding when deleting ORG

[Tomas Strachota] 791194 - Spaces in env names replaced by underscores in repo path creation

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.242-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.242-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.29-1].

[Ivan Necas] 791221 - run only one update per product deletion

[Ivan Necas] 795349 - delete product in CP unless other org still uses it

[Ivan Necas] cdn-optimize - optimized access to CDN

[Lukas Zapletal] 795404 - Katello does not respect KATELLO_LOGGING setting

[Ivan Necas] 795452 - fix regression - handling environment comming from CP

[Jordan OMara] 787233 - text-shadow is deprecated in favor of single-text-shadow

[Ivan Necas] 787226 - disable updating environment name

[Lukas Zapletal] 795758 - new logging class also for delayed jobs

[Eric D Helms] 740923 - When creating or editing a permission, hitting enter with the name field focused will now cause the permission to save.

[Ivan Necas] 790408 - changing order of loaded gems - Tire vs. JSON

[Tomas Strachota] 788992 - calls to subsystems include locale in the request headers

[Tom McKay] 795447 - ignore 'save' clicks if button is disabled; also don't allow save w/ blank password

[Tom McKay] 787226 - removed 'editable' form env name form field

[Eric D Helms] 760124 - When editing or creating a gpg key, the UI now consitently orders the upload and paste options.

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.243-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.1.243-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.1.57-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.1.66-1].

[Ivan Necas] 770693 - handle no reference in errata

[Ivan Necas] 795862 - delete assignment to activation keys on product deletion

[Jason E. Rist] 770414 - Fix for remove role button moving to next line when clicked.

[Tomas Strachota] 796268 - proper error message when erratum was not found

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.1.30-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [0.2.1-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-selinux] release [0.2.1-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.1-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.1-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.1-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.2.1-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-certs-tools] release [1.1.1-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-agent] release [1.0.1-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.1-1].

[Eric D Helms] 790143 - Systems will now show the architecture by name instead of by label. (e.g. Itanium instead of ia64)

[Jason E. Rist] 794892 - Fix for new key width and highlighting.

[Eric D Helms] 796021 - On sytems subscriptions page, prevents user clicking subscribe or unsubscribe multiple times before the action completes.

[Partha Aji] 771999 - Added UI bits to associate repositories to package filters

[Eric D Helms] 795908 - Changes title of repository edit view to 'Repository Details' to address lack of editable content within view.

[Eric D Helms] 790489 - Changes to allow read only user to have a read only view of the sync management pages.

[Eric D Helms] 786109 - Fixes issue where sync status dashboard widget caused an error when more than one product had a sync plan attached to it.

[Eric D Helms] 796853 - Resolves issue of having two different rails.js files in code base.

[Eric D Helms] 790520 - Fixes styling around product icons and product names in promotions and system templates.

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.2-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] 751843 - adding counts go promotion search pages

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.3-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.3-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-agent] release [1.0.2-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-certs-tools] release [1.1.2-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.2-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-selinux] release [0.2.2-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] 797914 - fixing not being able to edit/view roles

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.3-1].

[Justin Sherrill] 740365 - fixing sort on systems page

[mbacovsk] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.4-1].

[Justin Sherrill] 790254 - fixing issue where failed changesets would show as pending on dashboard

[Justin Sherrill] removing some logging

[Justin Sherrill] 796573 - promotion searchable items now showing add/remove correctly

[mbacovsk] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.5-1].

[Ivan Necas] 773279 - show compliance status and date in systems report

[Eric D Helms] 796964 - The 'Sync Product' permission no longer allows a user to edit a repository.

[Justin Sherrill] 787966 - preventing changeset history details from being jumbled if no description is set

[Tom McKay] 787696, 796753 - localization corrections of roles, plus instances of embedded strings, plus gettext:find ran

[Justin Sherrill] 795832 - removing package download link as well as some hardcoded package data

[Lukas Zapletal] 798007 - fixing trivial error for our mem dump debug controller

[Brad Buckingham] 789533 - upgrading to tire 0.3.13pre with additional hashr dependency

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.4-1].

[Brad Buckingham] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.4-1].

[Ivan Necas] 798299 - fix reporting errors from Pulp

[Justin Sherrill] 754873 - fixing issue where product sync bar would continually go to 100

[Eric D Helms] 796740 - Fixes unhelpful message when attempting to create a new system with no environments in the current organization.

[Justin Sherrill] 798327 - fixing stray space in debug certificate download

[Justin Sherrill] 783577 - removing template with unsaved changes should not prompt for saving

[Justin Sherrill] 796360 - fixing issue where system install errata button was clickable even if no errata exist

[Brad Buckingham] 795825 - Sync Mgmt - fix display when state is 'waiting'

[Brad Buckingham] Gemfile - temporarily removing the tire and hashr gem updates

[Lukas Zapletal] 798737 - Promotion of only distribution fails

[Lukas Zapletal] 798007 - adding logging information for statuses

[Tom McKay] 787696 - removed incorrectly calling _() in javascript

[Justin Sherrill] 788329 - fixing env selector not initializing properly on new user page

[Tom McKay] 787979 - auto-heal checkbox only enabled if system editable

[Eric D Helms] 798324 - UI permission creation widget will now handle verbs that have no tags properly.

[Partha Aji] 767574 - Promotion page - code to indicate warnings if products/repos have filters applied on them

[Jordan OMara] Adding some basic LDAP support to katello. If you login with a valid LDAP username and password (after turning on ldap) it will create a dummy user for you that you can assign roles to. It also now supports start_tls and simple_tls encryption in the ldap config. TODO: add support for roles bootstrapping based on LDAP roles

[Partha Aji] Fixed some unit test issues

[Justin Sherrill] 796239 - removing system template product association from UI

[Partha Aji] 740931 - fixed a long name/desc role ui bug

[Partha Aji] 740931 - Long name issue with GPG key names

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.5-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.5-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.6-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.3-1].

[mbacovsk] 798264 - Katello debug collects certificate password files and some certs

[mbacovsk] 798264 - Katello debug collects certificate password files and some certs

[mbacovsk] 798264 - Katello debug collects certificate password files and some cert

[mbacovsk] 798264 - Katello debug collects certificate password files and some certs

[mbacovsk] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.7-1].

[Eric D Helms] 786495 - When syncing repositories, UI will now show updated size and package counts for repositories and products.

[Eric D Helms] 790143 - Fixes display of architecture in left hand list view of systems to match that of the system details.

[Eric D Helms] 786762 - Sync status in the UI will now be updated properly whenever a user cancels and restarts a sync.

[Eric D Helms] 795780 - Sync status page will not appropriately display completed and queued repositories and show progress for syncs that are started on queued repositories.

[Justin Sherrill] 796264 - adding code to hopefully mitigate pulp timeouts during promotion

[Justin Sherrill] fixing syntax error

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.4-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.2.2-1].

[mbacovsk] 798264 - Katello debug collects certificate password files and some certs

[mbacovsk] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.6-1].

[mbacovsk] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.6-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.5-1].

[Justin Sherrill] 782022 - adding permissions to packages and errata controllers

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.6-1].

[Justin Sherrill] 794799 - disabling the ability to delete environments that are not the last in a promotion path

[Brad Buckingham] 796852, 789533 - search - update to handle - search queries

[Jason E. Rist] 787305 - Fix for nasty lines when details are present in notices.

[Justin Sherrill] 798706 - making promotions block on repodata generation for non-complete repo promotions

[mbacovsk] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.8-1].

[Jordan OMara] Adding LDAP fencing for change email, change password and forgot password

[Tom McKay] 788008 - do not attempt to poll errata status when user does not have edit permission

[Jordan OMara] Was accidentally hiding login button if ldap was enabled

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-certs-tools] release [1.1.3-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.9-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.7-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.7-1].

[Justin Sherrill] 799149 - disabling add/remove of products from a system template in api

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.10-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.8-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.8-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.7-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.8-1].

[mbacovsk] 799036 - Promoting template with repo that is not already in target environment fails

[Ivan Necas] 794883 - wait for repositories to be synced when promoting template

[Bryan Kearney] 752547: Add -notar option to improve integratoin with sos tooling

[Ivan Necas] 794799 - fix deleting organization

[pchalupa] cli, kattelo - whitespace formatting

[pchalupa] 801448 - Missing resource (font) in UI

[Justin Sherrill] 783576 - performing validation on system template prior to export

[Brad Buckingham] 790063 - search - changes for consistency/behavior

[Jason E. Rist] 799523 - Fix for new environment full page load.

[Ivan Necas] 801107 - allow wildcards in image factory names mappings

[Justin Sherrill] 798772 - fixing issue where sync plans were being set in UTC

[Justin Sherrill] 740365 - fixing issue where 2pane extended scroll was prepending instead of appending

[Ivan Necas] 801107 - don't crush if mapping file does not exist

[Justin Sherrill] 801445 - fixing issue with errata filters not returning any errata

[Eric D Helms] 798376 - Sync management page reworked to generate error and success notices once upon sync completion.

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.9-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.9-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.9-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.11-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.2.3-1].

[Brad Buckingham] 790063 - search - few more mods for consistency

[Ivan Necas] 798376 - fix problem with discovery process

[Ivan Necas] 798772 - fix conversion to local timezone

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-selinux] release [0.2.3-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.10-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.10-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.12-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.10-1].

[pchalupa] marking unreachable method for removal

[Jason E. Rist] 799538 - Fix for filters "click" event, as well as icon placement.

[Ivan Necas] 798376 - handle change in value returned by repo.sync method

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.11-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.11-1].

[Tomas Strachota] 799351 - system reports does not show first 2 columns (in pdf format)

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.12-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.12-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.11-1].

[pchalupa] 801070 - Better error message for deleting ends from middle of the path

[Eric D Helms] 801516 - Fixes issue with details tupane sizing on medium sized tupane lists.

[Eric D Helms] 801547 - GPG Key: Adds validation that gpg key does not contain binary data.

[mbacovsk] 799052 - Promoting template with assigned repo should fail if product is not already in the target environment

[mbacovsk] 799052 - Promoting template with assigned repo should fail if product is not already in the target environment

[Ivan Necas] 798376 - fix finding the recent task status for sync in UI

[Ivan Necas] 798683 - handle errors comming from repo synchronization

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.13-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.13-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.12-1].

[Brad Buckingham] 801148 - providers - fix tabindex for products and repos

[Justin Sherrill] 802897 - setting default index type for all facts to string

[Justin Sherrill] 799122 - showing warning if trying to promote repo with failed sync or currently syncing

[Brad Buckingham] 800169 - Users - do not allow setting of def org, if the org has no envs

[Eric D Helms] 801797 - Fixes regression with environment selector and tupane pages not filtering on environment.

[Brad Buckingham] 799357 - manifest import - fix for nil error message

[pchalupa] Bug 801580 - Updating sync plan does not update associated product's (repo's) sync schedule

[Ivan Necas] 803441 - handle space in organization when importing manifest

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.14-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.14-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.13-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.2.4-1].

[Eric D Helms] UI Remodel - Adding initial commit of a git submodule that contains common UI elements.

[Eric D Helms] UI Remodel - Adds first symlink to javascript libraries coming from UI library.

[Brad Buckingham] 803420 - 2pane - incorrect pane opens on object create

[Brad Buckingham] 803409 - providers - on provider create, open products & repos tab

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.13-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.14-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-agent] release [1.0.3-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.14-1].

[Ivan Necas] 799357 - provide descriptive information on CDN access denied

[Justin Sherrill] 803740 - adding our assigned uid/groupid for katello

[Partha Aji] Updated the script for better formatting

[Partha Aji] 800573 - Comprehensive bug fix to deal with mass-assign vulnerability

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.15-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-certs-tools] release [1.1.4-1].

[Tomas Strachota] 790455 - api for updating changeset name and description

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.15-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.15-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.15-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.2.5-1].

[mbacovsk] 798264 - Katello debug collects certificate password files and some certs

[mbacovsk] 798264 - Katello debug collects certificate password files and some certs

[Eric D Helms] 795780, 805122 - Improvement to the way the most recent sync status is determined to prevent error and show proper completion.

[Eric D Helms] UI Remodel - Removes all jquery plugins and updates paths to point at library of plugins in central asset repo.

[mbacovsk] 798264 - Katello debug collects certificate password files and some certs

[mbacovsk] 798264 - Katello debug collects certificate password files and some certs

[Mike McCune] removing BuildRequires we don't need anymore

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.16-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.16-1].

[Tomas Strachota] 803357 - errata with packages affected by filters are not promoted

[Mike McCune] Revert "removing BuildRequires we don't need anymore"

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.17-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.17-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.18-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.18-1].

[Justin Sherrill] 802454 - adding support for pulp post-sync request

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-certs-tools] release [1.1.5-1].

[Ivan Necas] 805956 - CLI/API for refreshing repositories from CDN

[Brad Buckingham] 806076 - Promotion - update templates to list repos, pkg groups and distro

[Brad Buckingham] 806083 - Users - add Remove User to Environments tab

[Brad Buckingham] 806078 - Changeset History - update name in left pane when cs name is changed

[Justin Sherrill] 805627 - fixing password mismatch text from not appearing on new user page

[Justin Sherrill] 805324 - making lucene style search syntax work on packages/errata panes in promotions

[Justin Sherrill] 804127 - adding configurable log property

[mbacovsk] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.16-1].

[mbacovsk] Automatic commit of package [katello-selinux] release [0.2.4-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.16-1].

[Mike McCune] 806482 - BR for java so we can actually run jammit compression

[Tom McKay] 806741 - added missing environment_id to api/activation_keys_controller param_rules

[Tom McKay] 787696 - updated translations zanata ticket #144039

[Tomas Strachota] slas - api for listing service level agreements per org

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.19-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.19-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.17-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.2.6-1].

[Eric D Helms] UI Remodel - Large UI change to use new shell and header from the converge-ui layouts.  Changes to scss to include new scss and modify existing to accomodate new shell.  Some re-organization of assets.

[Eric D Helms] UI Remodel - Typo fix for layout name.

[Ivan Necas] cp-releasever - support setting releaseVer for the system

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.20-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.20-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.18-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.2.7-1].

[Justin Sherrill] 806942 - changing all models away from keyword analyzer

[Eric D Helms] UI Remodel - Moves jquery ui out of assets and updates configuration.

[Justin Sherrill] 805202 - changing verification of package names to do a specific search

[Justin Sherrill] removing console.log

[Jason E. Rist] 807319 - Fix for IE8 (regression)

[Jason E. Rist] 807319 - Fix for IE8 Rendering

[Jason E. Rist] 807319 - Fix for IE8 Rendering

[Ivan Necas] 807332 - better exception handling in case of requst time-out

[Justin Sherrill] 807804 - fixing issue where hidden user shows up under roles

[Eric D Helms] 807319 - Fixes errors thrown on roles page in IE8.

[Brad Buckingham] 806068 - repo - update pkg/errata search index on repo delete

[Eric D Helms] 807319 - Adds new version of html5shiv to handle html5 nodes inserted after page load.

[Jason E. Rist] 807319 - Fix for IE8 Rendering

[Partha Aji] 807319 - Fix for ie8 rendering for filters page

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.21-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.21-1].

[pchalupa] api 410 http code - api returns 410 instead of 404

[pchalupa] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.22-1].

[pchalupa] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.22-1].

[pchalupa] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.2.8-1].

[Partha Aji] 806478 - Adding an attribute to the params matching to enable/disable helptips

[Eric D Helms] adding converge-ui to build process

[git] 803688 - class Queue overrides class Queue from Ruby Std-lib

[Ivan Necas] white space

[Ivan Necas] 733474 - bad request response when repo url format is wrong

[Eric D Helms] UI Remodel - Adds updated version of converge-ui.  Switches default submodule config to read-only repository.

[Eric D Helms] UI Remodel - Switched symlinks to converge-ui instead of lib to adopt a pattern of namespacing that will be consistent across implementations.

[Eric D Helms] UI Remodel - Updates converge-ui and adjusts some placement of tupane entities with new look.

[Justin Sherrill] 802925 - fixing escaped html in activation key tooltip

[Mike McCune] 803688 - need to add the new location for common glue code

[Tomas Strachota] slas - api/model for getting and setting service level

[Tomas Strachota] slas - updated spec tests

[Tomas Strachota] slas - fixed typo - missing parenthesis

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.23-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.23-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.19-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.2.9-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] 750410 - katello-jobs init script links removal

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.24-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.24-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.17-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.20-1].

[Jason E. Rist] 808576 - Regression for IE only stylesheet. Added back in.

[Justin Sherrill] 805709 - making filter name unique within an org and editable

[Justin Sherrill] 805709 - spec test fix

[Justin Sherrill] 802454 - a few fixes to support post sync url with scheduled syncs

[Justin Sherrill] 805412 - fixing org creation error with invalid chars

[Lukas Zapletal] check script - initial version

[pchalupa] 798649 - RFE - Better listing of products and repos

[pchalupa] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.21-1].

[pchalupa] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.25-1].

[pchalupa] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.25-1].

[Brad Buckingham] 804685 - system packages - reformat content and add tipsy help on tables for user

[Jason E. Rist] 808596 - Initial fix didn't take into consideration production mode.

[Tomas Strachota] slas - field for SLA in hash export of consumer renamed We used service_level but subscription-manager requires serviceLevel and checks for it's presence.

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.26-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.26-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.22-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.2.10-1].

[Tomas Strachota] slas - fix in controller spec test

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.18-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.27-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.27-1].

[Tomas Strachota] 809826 - regression in finding filters in the filters controller

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.28-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.28-1].

[Eric D Helms] UI Remodel - Updates to header layout and new logo.

[Eric D Helms] UI Remodel - Update to converge-ui.

[Tom McKay] 803410 - Y-stream release version is now available on System Details page + If no specific release version is specified (value of "") then "System Default" is displayed. + For Katello, release version choices come from enabled repos in the system's environment. For Headpin, choices are all available in the Library environment.

[Tom McKay] 810375 - remove page size limit on repos displayed

[Eric D Helms] UI Remodel - Updates the footer section and maincontent to new look.

[Eric D Helms] UI Remodel - Cleans up footer and adds styling to conform versioning into footer.

[Eric D Helms] UI Remodel - Adds updates to widget styling.

[Brad Buckingham] system packages - add support for tabindex

[Brad Buckingham] system packages - fix checbox events after loading more pkgs

[Justin Sherrill] allowing search param for all, needed for all creates

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.23-1].

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.2.11-1].

[Justin Sherrill] removing unneeded print statement

[Justin Sherrill] reorganizing assets to reduce the number of javascript files downloaded

[Tom McKay] 803412 - auto-subscribe w/ SLA now on system subscription page

[pchalupa] 713153 - RFE: include IP information in consumers/systems related API calls.

[pchalupa] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.29-1].

[pchalupa] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.29-1].

[pchalupa] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.24-1].

[Justin Sherrill] removing bail out check for env-selector

[Ivan Necas] cp-releasever - release as a scalar value in API system json

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.30-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.30-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.25-1].

[Jeff Weiss] added basic backup script to handle backup part of https://fedorahosted.org/katello/wiki/GuideServerBackups

[Justin Sherrill] adding base system group model for active record

[Justin Sherrill] adding pulp orchestration for system groups

[Brad Buckingham] system bulk actions - add new routes and initial controller actions

[Brad Buckingham] system bulk actions - UI/controller... changes to support additional actions

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.26-1].

[Justin Sherrill] adding glue layer for system groups

[Justin Sherrill] 812346 - fixing org deletion envrionment error

[Brad Buckingham] 803428 - repos - do not pass candlepin a gpgurl, if no gpgkey is defined

[Jeff Weiss] added a script to restore a katello backup that was made with the matching backup script

[Justin Sherrill] fixing issue with group creation

[Justin Sherrill] adding tupane CRUD for system groups

[Lukas Zapletal] boot - default conf was never loaded

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.27-1].

[Justin Sherrill] adding system group controller tests

[Justin Sherrill] adding new files needed for system group UI

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - enable associating groups to an activation key

[pchalupa] 741595 - uebercert POST/GET/DELETE - either support or delete the calls from CLI

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - adding activation key controller specs

[Eric D Helms] Changes the way inline javascript declarations are handled such that they are all injected into one universal script tag.

[Justin Sherrill] 810378 - adding search for repos on promotion page

[pchalupa] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.31-1].

[pchalupa] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.31-1].

[pchalupa] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.28-1].

[Brad Buckingham] 810232 - system templates - fix issue editing multiple templates

[Lukas Zapletal] 814063 - unable to restart httpd

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.2.12-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] 814063 - katello now returns warning when not configured

[Lukas Zapletal] 814063 - warning message for all possible urls

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.29-1].

[Eric D Helms] Fixes issue with CSRF meta tag being out of place and notifications not being in the proper script tag resulting from moving all inline javascript to a single script tag.

[Tomas Strachota] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.30-1].

[Justin Sherrill] 813427 - do not delete repos from Red Hat Providers

[Justin Sherrill] adding system group locked flag and UI controls

[Brad Buckingham] system bulk actions - rework the pkg and group actions based on mockups

[Brad Buckingham] systems - consolidate software/packages/errata under content navigation

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - adding an AR model relationship for system <-> system groups

[Eric D Helms] Fixes issue on Roles page loading the edit panel where a javascript ordering problem caused the role details to not show properly.

[Ivan Necas] 812263 - keep the original tomcat server.xml when resetting dbs

[pchalupa] katello-cli, katello - setting default environment for user

[pchalupa] white-space formatting

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - add ability to assign system group to a system

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - add bulk action to the systems page to add/remove groups

[Brad Buckingham] systems - update notices to support i18n translations

[pchalupa] removes forgotten TODOs

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - add to systems navigation

[Justin Sherrill] adding systems group systems page and auto complete

[Brad Buckingham] navigation - remove duplicate definition for system groups

[Ivan Necas] 767925 - search packages command in CLI/API

[Justin Sherrill] adding newest changes to autocomplete box

[Justin Sherrill] fixing filters.js to conform to the new auto_complete_box api

[pchalupa] 766647 - duplicate env creation - better error message needed

[Jordan OMara] Merging headpin flags into master

[Jordan OMara] Merging headpin flags into master

[Brad Buckingham] systems - update icons based on uxd input

[Brad Buckingham] systems - add auto-complete to system group bulk action and update icons

[Tom McKay] fenced spec tests

[Tom McKay] fixed headpin-specific variation of available releases spec test

[Brad Buckingham] systems - update bulk actions to be completely disabled, unless system selected

[Tom McKay] incorrect display of release version in system details tab

[Tom McKay] removed reference to headpin in client.conf and katello.yml

[Tom McKay] reverted katello.yml back to katello master version

[Brad Buckingham] systems - update icon for bulk remove action

[Brad Buckingham] systems - disable pkg and group radio buttons when no system is selected

[pchalupa] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.32-1].

[pchalupa] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.32-1].

[pchalupa] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.31-1].

[pchalupa] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.2.13-1].

[Tom McKay] cleaning up use of AppConfig.katello?

[Justin Sherrill] initial system group systems page

[Tom McKay] jenkins build failure for test that crosses katello/headpin boundary

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - fixing issue where description would not update

[Eric D Helms] Adds logical-insight Gem for development and moves the logical insight code to an initializer so that it can be turned on and off via config file.

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - adding more controller tests and checking in missing template

[pchalupa] katello - fix broken unit test

[Justin Sherrill] few system group fixes

[Justin Sherrill] removing unneeded print

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - making add/remove buttons uniform with the rest of the app

[Justin Sherrill] making spinner appear when removing system grouops

[Brad Buckingham] systems - update system group bulk action to check availability of group before 'add'

[Brad Buckingham] systems - update view confirmation text to support i18n translations

[Jordan OMara] Loading group roles from ldap

[Jordan OMara] Fixing various LDAP issues from the last pull request

[Jordan OMara] Adding destroy_ldap_group to before filter to prevent extraneous loading. Thx jrist + bbuck!

[Jordan OMara] Reverting User.all => User.visible as per ehelms+jsherrill

[Jordan OMara] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.33-1].

[Jordan OMara] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.33-1].

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - making lock control system add/remove

[Justin Sherrill] i18n-ifying locked group message

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - improving locking notification from UI

[Jason E. Rist] Changes to accomodate more stuff from UXD.

[Justin Sherrill] api - modifying find_organization in api controller to error if org_id not provided

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - adding initial api controller actions

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - moving routes under organization for api

[Bryan Kearney] Do not reference logical-insight unless it is configured

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - adding query support for group index

[Tom McKay] add both auto-subscribe on and off options to choice list with service level

[Tomas Strachota] systems - api for listing systems for a pool_id

[Tomas Strachota] systems - spec tests for listing systems for a pool_id

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.34-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.34-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-headpin] release [0.2.5-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [0.2.2-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.2.14-1].

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - add search by system and by group, plus generic index update

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.19-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.32-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-headpin] release [0.1.17-1].

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - adding add/remove systems, lock/unlock and controller tests for api

[Tom McKay] system-release-version - cleaning up system subscriptions tab content and ui

[Eric D Helms] system groups - Adds ability to view info of single system group from CLI.

[Eric D Helms] system groups - Adds CLI support for listing systems in a system group.

[Tom McKay] 772831 - proper way to determine IP address is through fact network.ipv4_address

[Tom McKay] system-release-version - default landing page is now subscriptions when selecting a system

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - unit test fix

[Eric D Helms] system group - Adds support for locking and unlocking a system group in the CLI

[Justin Sherrill] fixing some broken unit tests caused by change to find_org in api controllers

[Bryan Kearney] 809827: katello-reset-dbs should be aware of the deployemnt type

[Eric D Helms] system groups - Adds support for adding systems to a system group in the CLI

[Tom McKay] 817658, 812417 - i686 systems arch displayed as i686 instead of blank

[Brad Buckingham] autocomplete.js - update to support comma-separated input

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - updates to Systems->System Groups based on UI mockup

[Tom McKay] 796972 - made a single string for translators to work with in several cases

[Tom McKay] 796972 - changed '+New Something' to single string for translation, and clarified the 'total' string

[Tom McKay] 807291, 817634 - activation key now validates pools when loaded

[Tom McKay] 807291, 817634 - bit of code clean up

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - adding initial permissions

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - implementing UI controller and view permissions

[Ivan Necas] remove test.rake from rpm package

[pchalupa] 818159 - Error when promoting changeset

[Brad Buckingham] multiselect - introduce new jquery widget for supporting multiselect

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - update Systems->System Groups to use the multiselect widget

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - fixing broken create due to perms

[Eric D Helms] system group - Adds CLI/API support for adding and removing system groups from a system

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - adding spec tests for UI permissions

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - adding perms to api controller

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - unit test fix

[Partha Aji] 808172 - Added code to show version information for katello cli

[Eric D Helms] system groups - Adds API support for adding system groups to an activation key

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - adding api permission tests

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - moving locking in ui from update action to lock action

[Ivan Necas] 818370 - support dots in package name in nvrea

[mbacovsk] Added list of ssl-build dir to katello-debug output

[mbacovsk] Fixed sorting in ssl-build dir listing

[Tom McKay] 818711 - pull release versions from CDN

[Tom McKay] 818711 - use cache of release versions from CDN

[Jason E. Rist] IE Stickyfooter hack.

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - converting ui to only add/remove systems to a group for readable systems

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - making api honor system visibility for add/remove systems

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for subscriptions SLA level switcher to fit correctly.

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - permissions: deletion and UI membership

[Tom McKay] 818689 - set the current user before attempting to access activation keys to allow communication with candlepin

[Tom McKay] 818689 - update spec test when activating system with activation key to check for hidden user

[Tom McKay] 818689 - update spec test when activating system with activation key to check for hidden user

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - adding a few more missing model level role access and tests

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - fixing some wrongly-named methods

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - update Systems Bulk Action for Groups to use the multiselect widget

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - fix the locked field on controller and minor fix on notices

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - fix the usage of group locking in systems controller

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - fixing query issues that reduced system visibility

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - update akey system groups to use the new multiselect

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - fixing some broken spec tests

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - adding more system permission spec tests

[Eric D Helms] system group - Adds support for a system that is registering via activation keys to be placed into the system groups associated with those activation keys

[Jordan OMara] 817848 - Adding dry-run to candlepin proxy routes

[Mike McCune] adding the ability to pass in 'development' as your env

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for a very minor typo in the CSS.

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [0.2.3-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.20-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.33-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-certs-tools] release [1.1.6-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.2.15-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-headpin] release [0.1.18-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.35-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.35-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [0.2.4-1].

[pchalupa] refactoring - removing duplicate method definition

[pchalupa] 783402 - It is possible to add a template to a change set twice

[pchalupa] white space formatting

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - fixing broken systems page after merge

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - fixing create due to recent merge

[Jordan OMara] 795869 - Fixing org name in katello-configure to accept spaces but still create a proper candlepin key

[Brad Buckingham] systems - fix error on UI create

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - add model and ui to provision max systems for a group

[Brad Buckingham] systems - fix broken systmes page after merge

[Brad Buckingham] system-groups - model - rename max_members to max_systems

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - add some basic validations on max_systems

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - fixing scope issue on systems autocomplete

[Jordan OMara] 812891 - Adding hypervisor record deletion to katello cli

[Eric D Helms] system groups - Adds the maximum systems paramter for CLI create/update.

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - validation updates for max systems

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for panel opening and closing in the wrong spot: 	Due to the panel being relative to the container #maincontent 	instead of being relative to the container #maincontent.maincontent

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - validate max systems during a system bulk action

[Eric D Helms] Adds changes to footer to bring i18n text into project and out of converge-ui.

[Eric D Helms] Updates converge-ui.

[Eric D Helms] Fixes another issue with panel sliding out incorrectly due to changes in left offsets.

[Mike McCune] removing the old 'clear-all' script and moving to just one script

[Mike McCune] restores the ability to use the -f force flag.  previous commit broke it

[Brad Buckingham] auto_complete - update to js to allow users to reset the input

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - update add/remove system to handle errors

[Brad Buckingham] system group - add group name to the validation error

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - only list groups w/ available capacity on systems page

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - fix failed activation key specs/tests

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - fix broken spec on api system groups controller

[Justin Sherrill] 814118 - fixing issue where updating gpg key did not refresh cp content

[Mike McCune] removing root requirement so you can keep your files owned by your user

[Mike McCune] adding better example output

[Mike McCune] fixing spacing

[Justin Sherrill] fixing code style

[Tomas Strachota] product model - returned last_sync and sync_state fields back to json export They were removed with headpin merge but cli uses them.

[Tom McKay] 821010 - catch and log errors fetching release versions from cdn

[Eric D Helms] Updates to include missing body tag id for each major section. Updates converge-ui.

[Tom McKay] 818726 - update to both ui and cli and zanata pushed

[Lukas Zapletal] encryption - plain text passwords encryption

[Brad Buckingham] system errata - mv js to load on index

[Partha Aji] 797412 - Fixed environment search call in the cli

[Jason E. Rist] Hacky fix to show submenus on hover.

[Eric D Helms] Updates to spec file for changes in converge-ui-devel.

[Eric D Helms] Updates to spec file.

[Eric D Helms] Fix for import path change.

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - adding environment model to system groups

[Partha Aji] 797412 - Moved back search to index method

[Partha Aji] 797412 - Removed an unnecessary filter since only one controller call was using it.

[Eric D Helms] Updating the version of converge-ui.

[Jason E. Rist] Patch to render sub menu main

[Partha Aji] 797412 - Added a comment to explain why index rule is set to true

[Jason E. Rist] Fixed hover menu setup.

[Lukas Zapletal] 819941 - missing dependencies in katello-all (common)

[Eric D Helms] Updates to latest converge-ui for bug fixes.

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - adding activation key validation for environments <-> system groups

[Partha Aji] 797412 - Unit test fix that should ve gone with the previous commit

[Ivan Necas] reduce usage of require for code in lib dir

[Eric D Helms] Updates converge-ui for latest bug fixes and tagged version.

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - adding environment api calls and tests

[Eric D Helms] Updates converge-ui for styling fix.

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.21-1].

[Ivan Necas] encryption - fix running in development environment

[Ivan Necas] encryption - fix problems with logger not being initialized

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.36-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.36-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.34-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-headpin] release [0.1.19-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-selinux] release [0.2.5-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.22-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.2.16-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] cli registration regression with aks

[Lukas Zapletal] removing mod_authz_ldap from dependencies

[Justin Sherrill] Revert "system groups - adding environment api calls and tests"

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - initial model/glue/resources to support system group actions

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - initial UI code to support errata install for groups

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - minor chg to labels based on sprint review feedback

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - adding locked icon to locked groups

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - adding missing partials

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - adding locked groups from system pages

[Eric D Helms] system groups - Adds missing param for max_systems on system group creation.

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - adding count

[Jordan OMara] 822069 - Making candlepin proxy DELETE return a body for sub-man consumer delete methods

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.37-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.37-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.35-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.23-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] removing rel-eng/packages/katello-headpin

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.36-1].

[Jason E. Rist] Removing unused menu code.

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - making system group systems tab conform more to the mockups

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - replacing add link with button

[Eric D Helms] Fixes for failing spec tests as part of the merge of new UI changes.

[Eric D Helms] Fixes failing users controller spec tests.

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.24-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.38-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.38-1].

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - initial specs for errata controller

[Jordan OMara] 821528 - fixing %config on httpd.conf for RPM upgrades

[Eric D Helms] 806353 - The time selector widget on the Sync Plans page will no longer get stuck on the page and prevent clicking of the save button.

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - fixing spec test in api

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - generate error notice if no pkg, pkg grp or errata are provided

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - spec tests for new systems controller actions

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - fixes regression from past merge of headpin flags

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - prepend Resources:: to Pulp call ... fix for recent master merge

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - fix scss - regression during refactoring to share between systems and groups

[Lukas Zapletal] 824069 - adding marketing_product flag to product

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - minor mods for pull request comments

[Brad Buckingham] converge-ui - updated to pull in the new jquery widgets for multiselect

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - removing multiselect widgets

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.39-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.39-1].

[Ivan Necas] 823890 - delete products that were removed from new manifest

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.25-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.37-1].

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - update index for group ids in the system model

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - improving permissions on systems check of system_group

[Eric D Helms] First pass integration of converge-ui login layout.  Styles the login screen and allows for successful login.

[Eric D Helms] 753128 - Ensures that status updates to the sync management page are driven solely by data returned from the server.

[Jordan OMara] 822069 - Additional fix - left integer in return body

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - fix jslint error on systems.js

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - errata - show systems errata associated with

[Ivan Necas] 805956 - daily cron script for checking for new content on CDN

[Eric D Helms] UI Remodel - Adds working login screen and footer.

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.38-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] 821644 - cli admin crl_regen command - unit and system test

[Eric D Helms] UI Remodel - Updates converge-ui javascript paths to point to base javascript directory and not just the lib.

[Justin Sherrill] system groups - adding history api

[Tomas Strachota] permissions/roles api - fix for organization_id required always

[Justin Sherrill] Initial content search boilerplate

[Eric D Helms] UI Remodel - Updates to login and password reset/change screens to get the converge-ui versions working.

[Brad Buckingham] 826249 - system by environment page generates error

[pchalupa] katello, unit-test - fix model/sync_plan_spec

[pchalupa] katello - fix config loading in rake setup

[Jordan OMara] 822672 - Making rake setup set the URL_ROOT correctly for headpin

[Jason E. Rist] Converge-UI and Katello SCSS and Image refactor.

[Jason E. Rist] 824944 - Fix for logout button missing.

[pchalupa] 807288 - changeset history tab raising undefined method

[pchalupa] white-space formatting

[Tomas Strachota] 815308 - escaping character '^' for elastic searches

[Justin Sherrill] initial new environment selector

[Brad Buckingham] system package actions - fix text/parameters on some notices

[Brad Buckingham] system packages - refactor few methods that will be reused for system groups

[Brad Buckingham] system tasks - refactor the task status for reuse in system groups...etc.

[Brad Buckingham] packages - refactor js utilities for reuse

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - minor update to correctly reflect object being returned

[Brad Buckingham] system task - missed a change on the task status refactor

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - UI - initial commit to enable pkg/group install/update/remove

[Eric D Helms] CFB - Adds basic layouts for browse box and grid.

[Brad Buckingham] js - minor updates based on pull request 166 feedback

[Justin Sherrill] adding selectability to the path selector

[Justin Sherrill] environment selector - add first environment linkage for selection

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for appname in header on converge-ui.

[Eric D Helms] CFB - Adds selection and input elements for browse box as basic layout - no functionality.

[Justin Sherrill] environment selector - more improvements to selector

[pchalupa] katello, unit tests - track creation line of mocks

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.39-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.40-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.40-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.2.17-1].

[Tom McKay] 818726 - updated i18n translations

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for previously pulled out auto_complete functionality.

[Jason E. Rist] Removed now unnecessary (and previously commented) code block.

[Justin Sherrill] minor path selector improvements and additional interface functions

[Justin Sherrill] changing env selector to use a label instead of an anchor

[Brad Buckingham] system - updating to support Content as 3rd level nav

[Eric D Helms] Provides fix for updated yield blocks within converge-ui.

[Justin Sherrill] fixing missing pixel

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - update to have Content as 3rd level nav

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - update errata and packages partials to use new spinner definition

[pchalupa] katello - remove 'rescue Exception'

[Justin Sherrill] environment selector - making return data ordered, and fixing returned name

[Tomas Strachota] 823642 - nil checks in candlepin's product resource

[Brad Buckingham] system - minor refactors for code that will be shared for system groups

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - initial commit to introduce group events

[Eric D Helms] UI Remodel - More updates to stylesheets to relfect changes in converge-ui with regards to importing the proper scss files.

[Jason E. Rist] Fixes for both extra arrows on menu in panel and for details icon duplication.

[Ivan Necas] 829208 - fix importing manifest after creating custom product

[Jason E. Rist] Icons fix that is in converge-ui.

[Eric D Helms] Adds font URL settings for compass to generate font-url's directly based off the Relative Root Url.

[Eric D Helms] Changes around using the user sessions layouts from converge-ui in order to fit with new styling and to ensure consistent wiring of views to controller.

[Justin Sherrill] updated js routes

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - adding browse box logic, and initial search logic

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - changing return value of products

[Brad Buckingham] removal of system_tasks, replace with polymorphic assoc on task_statuses

[Eric D Helms] Adds a rake task that explicitly specifies the directories to look in for translations.  This was done to add in and address translations living in the dependent converge-ui project.

[Eric D Helms] Updates pathing for some assets in converge-ui and bumps the version to include recent login and re-factor work.

[Brad Buckingham] system packages - fix event binding

[Partha Aji] Added product search + Autocomplete for the content browser (cherry picked from commit 889f1b5516b47afc47566647d8ea59f94581cc70)

[Jason E. Rist] Org Switcher initial changes.

[Jason E. Rist] Check for current user.

[Tomas Strachota] 815308 - traceback on package search

[Brad Buckingham] system and group actions - replacing .spinner with use of image_tag

[Tom McKay] 830176 - wrapped New System text w/ _()

[Brad Buckingham] task status - clean up some of the status messages

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - when saving tasks for a job, associate system w/ the task

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - events - add a tipsy to show status of a task

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - product autocomplete and autocomplete list support

[Eric D Helms] CFB - Wires up basic row/column adding within grid view.

[Eric D Helms] CFB - Adds support for adding new rows and new columns.

[Eric D Helms] CFB - Changes the way columns are added to the grid structure and wires up the environment selector to add/remove columns.

[Eric D Helms] CFB - Adds some basic styling for cells and support for adding rows with new column paradigm.

[Eric D Helms] CFB - Fix to set the line height in path selector and not inherit from parent elements.

[Eric D Helms] CFB - Wires up basic product search results to grid view to allow viewing of products and marking with an 'x' which environments currently visible a product is in.

[Eric D Helms] Updates to login to handle case when LDAP is enabled.

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - adding bbq to main search

[Partha Aji] Added a landing point for Content Search page under Content Management

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - event/job status updates

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - support status updates on individual system tasks

[pchalupa] 830713 - broken gettext translations

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - remove tasks class from view

[Brad Buckingham] systems - events - update search to include task owner

[Tomas Strachota] exceptions - tstrachota's portion reviewed

[Brad Buckingham] system events - fix specs related to changes in status retrieval

[Tom McKay] subs-tupane: new Pool class in place of KTPool with relevant attributes, all indexed for search

[Tom McKay] subs-tupane: reverted a change to indexed_model.rb

[Tom McKay] subs-tupane: since not all pools are saved as activerecords, just those referenced in activation keys, removed use of IndexedModel

[Tom McKay] subs-tupane: move some of the logic out of Pool.index_pools to the controller

[Tom McKay] subs-tupane - case statement instead of if/elsif, elasticsearch index_settings tweak

[Tom McKay] subs-tupane - changed camelCase to under_score, fixed spec tests

[Brad Buckingham] 827540 - system template - description to promotions view

[Eric D Helms] Clean-up of views that are no longer needed as a result of using converge-ui layouts.

[Eric D Helms] Adds variables for upstream coloring and cleans up some unneeded converge-ui pieces.

[Jason E. Rist] Org switcher movement and Administer button movement.

[Eric D Helms] Updates converge-ui version.

[Lukas Zapletal] exceptions - review by lzap

[Brad Buckingham] system group - add some initial search support to group history

[Eric D Helms] Fixes for broken spec tests as a result of moving password recovery views.

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - add few specs for events controller

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - remove 'details' on job since it is a dup of as_json

[pchalupa] 828308 - Updating sync plan does not update associated product's (repo's) sync schedule

[Eric D Helms] Updates to latest converge-ui to incorporate most recent adjustments to sign-on screens.

[pchalupa] 830713 - broken gettext translations

[Jason E. Rist] Removing orgs from top level menu.

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - add missing escape_javascript to _common_i18n.html.haml

[Justin Sherrill] content-browser - making browse box support search & autocomplete

[Eric D Helms] Removes no longer used route and asset declaration. Adds back template rendering test case for change password.

[Justin Sherrill] js routes update

[Justin Sherrill] content-browser - initial repo search

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - add system count to Details page

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - api - include total system count in system group info

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - adding product information for repos

[Partha Aji] Added bbq support for environments in the content_search page

[Partha Aji] Added smarts to only do the search call if necessary in content_search

[Brad Buckingham] rename navigation_element as panel_link, use it for link on group pane

[Brad Buckingham] activation keys - update subscriptions pane to use the panel_link

[Eric D Helms] CS - Setting of margins and general spacings for grid and browse boxes.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Adds the structure and building blocks for allowing environments to be scrolled left to right when they overflow the header.

[Brad Buckingham] task_status - rename method names based

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - minor updates to job and task_status

[pchalupa] katello - fix Gemfile versions

[Brad Buckingham] Fix for Events to now be "Events History" - slightly more explicit.

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - provide a more meaningful helptip on the index

[Eric D Helms] Updates SCSS importing for missing mixins.

[Eric D Helms] Fixes box-shadow declaration that was causing a compass deprecation warning.

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - update views to use _tupane_header partial

[Eric D Helms] Adds structure and functionality for scrolling environments left and right in the column headers.

[Eric D Helms] Updates to git left and right arrows showing up only when more than 3 environments are present.

[Jordan OMara] 819002 - Removing password & email validation for user creation in LDAP mode

[Eric D Helms] Updates as a result of merging master and updating converge-ui.

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.40-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.41-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.41-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.26-1].

[Ivan Necas] Make sure to reference ::Pool when using the model class

[Justin Sherrill] path selector - making path selector adjust horizontally based on available space

[pchalupa] katello, unit - correcting supported versions of rspec for monkey patch

[pchalupa] katello, unit - fixing broken unit test

[Justin Sherrill] content-browser - initial selection of library environment

[Brad Buckingham] customConfirm - add more settings and refactor current usage

[Justin Sherrill] content browse - some style fixes

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - ui - provide user option to delete systems when deleting group

[pchalupa] katello - asynchronous manifest import in UI

[Eric D Helms] CS - Applying some base styling.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Fixes up spacing for grids and cells.  Adds left and right sliding of content area with column headers.

[Eric D Helms] Updated stylings and added icons for content search.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Additional styling and addition of on hover state for scrolling.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Updates to add first level row nesting support.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Fix for hiding column.

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - adding autocomplete for packages

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - cli/api - provide user option to delete systems when deleting group

[pchalupa] katello - fix gettext wrappers

[Partha Aji] Added code to render the product and repo search results in a new json structure

[Lukas Zapletal] ulimit - adding migration

[Lukas Zapletal] ulimit - backend api and cli

[Lukas Zapletal] ulimit - frontend changes

[Lukas Zapletal] ulimit - new jeditable component "number"

[Lukas Zapletal] ulimit - adding unit tests

[Lukas Zapletal] ulimit - fix for system tests

[Dmitri Dolguikh] BZ 825262: support for moving systems between environments from CLI

[Dmitri Dolguikh] changed 'update' tests to use 'put' instead of 'post'

[Lukas Zapletal] ulimit - optimizing usage validator

[Jason E. Rist] Working on interstitial for Orgs!

[Jason E. Rist] Redirect working.

[Partha Aji] Added some initial permissions stubs for search controller

[Lukas Zapletal] ulimit - brad's review

[pchalupa] katello - async manifest import, missing notices

[Justin Sherrill] jsroutes update

[Justin Sherrill] initial package search

[Eric D Helms] CS - Adjustments to sliding states of arrows.  Addition of new environment selector icon.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Adds hover support and custom display data for cells.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Adds generic row nesting with colllapse functionality attached to parent rows.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Updates to styling and adding hover states to sliding arrows.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Adds loading screen for switching grid data.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Makes environment selector a more generic feature of the grid.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Adds basic footer to grid component.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Clean-up and refactoring.

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - having package search return packages

[Eric D Helms] CS - Fixes nesting collapse for multiple children.

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.42-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.42-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.41-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.2.18-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.27-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] point Support link to irc channel #katello

[Jason E. Rist] More SCSS refactoring and a fix for converge-ui spec.

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for a missing 'fr' in a gradient.

[Jason E. Rist] Stupid extra space.

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - adding library id to search index for respositories

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - adding initial package pagination

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - fixing some mistaken text labels

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - initial pkg pagination support

[Partha Aji] Added serverside code for package and repo contents

[Miroslav Suchý] 835322 - when creating new user, validate email

[Justin Sherrill] jsroutes update

[Justin Sherrill] routes update

[pchalupa] katello - remove unused methods

[pchalupa] katello - notifications cleanup

[pchalupa] 808437 - [RFE] Don't make notifications for CLI actions performed (and pop them up in UI)

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - fix the perms used in packages and errata controllers

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - api/cli to support package and package group actions

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - initial subgrid support initially just packages

[Justin Sherrill] fixing converge-ui hash

[Eric D Helms] CS - Adds seperated data layer for import/export of states.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Exposes export/import functionality to instantiated grid objects.

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - adding initial search caching support

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - api/cli to support errata install

[Partha Aji] Added server side bindings for cs compare packages and errata calls

[Eric D Helms] CS - Updates to deep copy exported object states from the grid.

[Jason E. Rist] Changes to login to accomodate org switcher interstitial.

[Justin Sherrill] removing console.log statement

[Jason E. Rist] Org switcher interstitial working minus scrolling in the switcher itself. :(

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.43-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.43-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.28-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-agent] release [1.0.4-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.2.19-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-selinux] release [0.2.6-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] require converge-ui-devel >- 0.7 for building

[Justin Sherrill] fixing issue with rows having odd characters in their names

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - adding errata search

[Miroslav Suchý] allow to run jammit on Fedora 17

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - cli - split history in to 2 actions per review feedback

[Justin Sherrill] fixing path selector not maintaining selected environments

[Miroslav Suchý] we should own log files

[Miroslav Suchý] %defattr is not needed since rpm 4.4

[Eric D Helms] Band-aid commit to update submodule hash to latest due to addition of version requirement in katello spec.

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - fixing error when no errata exist

[Eric D Helms] CS - Adds back to results button and associated generic event upon click.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Adds support for allowing columns to span multiple column widths.

[Jordan OMara] Fixing navigation for HEADPIN mode (system groups)

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - hooking up back button

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - fixing 2 issues with grid caching

[Jason E. Rist] Added perm for org editablity.

[Jason E. Rist] Additional params for the condition to check if manage orgs ability.

[ogmaciel] Removed exclamation mark from welcome message, as it is followed by a comma and the user name.

[pchalupa] katello - corrections after pull request review

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - a few fixes

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - fixing nonenabled repos showing up

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - changing position of path selector

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - fixing package/errata search issues

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - api/cli - add ability to list errata by group

[Eric D Helms] CS - Adds ability to set a title in the details view, and specify a details content selector.

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - making path selector not reserve checkbox space

[Ivan Necas] 829437 - handle uploading GPG key when submitting with enter

[Eric D Helms] CS - Adds ability to enable checkboxes on individual cells.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Cleanup around row collapse.

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - update errata pane to support accessing job details

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - update packages pane to support accessing job details

[Brad Buckingham] system - update the packages UI to use task id vs uuid

[Justin Sherrill] initial untested pagination

[Brad Buckingham] systems - fix specs due to uuid to id change for actions

[Brad Buckingham] systems - update packages pane to support accessing task details on completion

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - improving user experience of selecting environments

[Eric D Helms] CS - Adds initial support paginated loading of data via "show more" row.

[Brad Buckingham] errata module - moving it from controllers to lib

[Jason E. Rist] Org switcher interstitial post-login.

[Jason E. Rist] Updated hash for lastest converge-ui.

[Jason E. Rist] Fixed menu for organizations in administer, tweak on org switcher.

[Jason E. Rist] Removed duplicate .versionining declaration.

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.44-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.44-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.42-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.29-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.2.20-1].

[Tom McKay] panelpage - maintain which tab of panel was last visible

[Tom McKay] panelpage - clean up var declaration

[Eric D Helms] CS - RE-factor of how child rows are handled to support loading of more rows in a cleaner manor.

[Tom McKay] panelpage - rename BBQ from 'action' to 'panelpage'

[Justin Sherrill] jsroutes update

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - content selector and more rows wiring

[Eric D Helms] CS - Cleanup for loading screen.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Rows nested deeper than 2 levels will now be collapsed on initial draw.

[Justin Sherrill] adding a library_instance_id to the repository object

[Jason E. Rist] Updated hash for converge-ui to include pull request.

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - adding tipsy for search help

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - some small performance improvements, adding hover on products

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - making package ids not analyzed in elastic search

[Eric D Helms] CS - Adds display of repository name when viewing repo details.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Adjusts spinner location and look.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Updates to load extra data above the load more row instead of underneath it.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Adds spinner and disabled load more link.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Adds count updates on metadata row.

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - adding more rows support for repo errata & packages

[Eric D Helms] CS - Fixes messed up errata column headers.

[Eric D Helms] JSHint - Adds support for running JSHint in development via a rake task.

[Miroslav Suchý] add utility scripts to allow building in koji

[Miroslav Suchý] remove packages which are already in Fedora 17

[Miroslav Suchý] log4j is in epel

[Miroslav Suchý] remove packages which are already in epel6

[Miroslav Suchý] remove packages which are not required any more

[Miroslav Suchý] add placeholder for blacklist

[Bryan Kearney] Katello-debug should pull in httpd logs and conf files

[Eric D Helms] CS - Fixes for empty space when last column is visible and another column is removed from the visible set.

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - fixing issue where packages and errata were not including a parent_row

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - fixing issue with more rows on repo contents

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - fixing issue with more rows showing up when not needed

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - making content selector show selected value

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - manually switching to results mode on search to fix some oddities

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - ui - add the ability to create a group based on copy of an existing group

[Brad Buckingham] revert - accidental commit to development.rb

[Eric D Helms] CS - Changes for repository comparison checkboxes supplying column and row id.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Proper hash from master merge.

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - copy - add spec tests

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for spinner issues on login page.

[Jason E. Rist] Updated hash for login fix.

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - intitial comparison wiring

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - removing the 'locked' feature from system groups UI/API/CLI

[Eric D Helms] Fix for broken GPG Keys unit test.

[Justin Sherrill] 837136 - fixing promotions packages sometimes not loading

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - update notices to use %s vs named params

[Tom McKay] subs-tupane - two pane subscriptions view

[Brad Buckingham] system group - update pkgs controller notices to use %s vs named params

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - include system count on panel for create and copy

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - updating packages table header based on UXD input

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - remove initialization of variable to undefined

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - removing 'locked' feature from the javascript

[Eric D Helms] Adds removal of two development tasks from spec file.

[Partha Aji] Initial stab at the server side interaction of shared vs unique

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - adding show/hide support for compare button

[Eric D Helms] CS - Styling updates to environment selector widget.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Update to how columns are handled to produce logical pathing order across browsers.

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - preparing for mode selector and other fixes

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - fixing metadata ro wmissing

[Tom McKay] actkey_section - activation_keys_controller returning incorrect section_id

[Eric D Helms] CS - Styling updates for browse box.

[Justin Sherrill] content  browser - adding search mode selector

[Eric D Helms] CS - Fixes issue with data export for returning to results.

[Mike McCune] group copy cli and API first pass

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - close 'copy' form when panel is closed

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - fix css for handling separator between copy and remove links

[Tom McKay] bonus_rename - changed Bonus From to Virt Guest From in System Details page

[Tom McKay] 839005 - removed 'force' from upload manifest in UI

[Eric D Helms] CS - Minor styling updates and a fix for packages with the same ID showing up only once in the grid.

[Tom McKay] 811564_subs_match - change default user preference to 'false' for 'match subscriptions to system'

[Eric D Helms] Adds fencing around jshint for development environment only.

[Eric D Helms] Removes test data from code that prevents production asset compiling.

[Jordan OMara] ldap provided by ldap_fluff. Adds support for FreeIPA & Active Directory

[Tom McKay] productid - fixed html for System / Subscriptions

[Partha Aji] Added server side code for Repo Compare Shared/Unique

[Tom McKay] system_details - added display of environment to left list and details page

[Tom McKay] null_activeBlockId - fixed case where active block was not known

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.45-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.45-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.43-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.30-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [0.2.5-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] use correct hostname of koji

[Miroslav Suchý] add package rubygem-ldap_fluff to comps files

[pchalupa] katello - make jshintrb optional

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - fixing migration to migrate clone.library_instance_id properly

[Mike McCune] system groups - unit tests and error conditions

[Mike McCune] system groups - removing local modifications not intended for upstream

[Justin Sherrill] content browser - fixing migration script to properly propogate

[Eric D Helms] CS - Changes sliding aspect of grid to be more inuitive to a user's experience such that clicking to slide right reveals more columns to the right.

[Miroslav Suchý] rubygem-fastercsv is missing in Fedora 17 (orphaned)

[Justin Sherrill] spec test fix

[Mike McCune] reverting to the same hash as I had originally

[Jordan OMara] Fixing some ldap config issues that were polluting unrelated tests

[Miroslav Suchý] add rubygem-activesupport to rhel6 repo

[pchalupa] katello - action profiling

[pajkycz] 840600 - Post creating new environment in headpin, webui returns row:NotFound error

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [0.2.6-1].

[Jordan OMara] from petr; improving config setting in role test for ldap

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - fix js syntax error

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - add portlet to the dashboard for groups

[pajkycz] 840625 - Post 'import manifest' subscriptions return row:NotFound

[Justin Sherrill] CS - adding mode switcher to repo comparison

[Jordan OMara] Removing the global after/do for role spec

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - update dashboard to account for critical/warning/up-to-date

[Brad Buckingham] system group - fix accidental change on file header

[Justin Sherrill] CS - adding all/unique/shared selector to product search

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - move the listing of groups by updates needed to the model

[Justin Sherrill] CS - adding shared/unique modes to the repo search

[Justin Sherrill] 841000 - fixing product autocomplete issues

[pajkycz] Make third level navigation in panel sticky

[Miroslav Suchý] introduce katello-service for managing katello services

[Miroslav Suchý] do not copy files which we do not need/want

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.46-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.46-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] a2x require /usr/bin/getopt

[Miroslav Suchý] fixing build issue

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.47-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.47-1].

[Partha Aji] Added unit tests to test differnt actions in content search

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - close copy widget when switching objects or panes

[Partha Aji] Fixed an issue where the rescue in Packages and Errata search was catching non bad query exceptions

[Brad Buckingham] 839265 - system - generate proper error if user attempts to add groups w/o providing any

[Mike McCune] system groups - API accepts max_systems and CLI unit tests

[Justin Sherrill] CS - implementing roles based access controls

[Partha Aji] Added a way to return 'empty search results', an array with 'total' attribute

[Justin Sherrill] CS - a few suggested fixes

[Justin Sherrill] CS - fixing consistency with page_size arguments

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - updates to validation of max_systems

[Justin Sherrill] CS - fixing initially selected environment

[Partha Aji] Added action type to  changeset to accomadate content deletion

[Justin Sherrill] CS - greatly condensing bbq for environments

[Partha Aji] Made some modifications on the initial model based on comments

[Partha Aji] Forgot to undo one part

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - fix query on systems -> system groups pane

[Jordan OMara] Fencing more system groups code for systems page

[Partha Aji] Fixed some unit test breakages caused by commit f06bf0c5383dffef7ee2aea6597aaa06c4964ab9

[Justin Sherrill] Adding pluck support to active record, new feature backported from 3.1

[Justin Sherrill] CS - changing collect{} ids on active record queries to use pluck

[Justin Sherrill] CS - properly handling search error

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - update ui to support defining an action type on changeset

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - remove 'promotion' from several display text items

[Miroslav Suchý] add comps file for katello-candlepin

[Lukas Zapletal] puppet - removing log dir mangling

[Lukas Zapletal] puppet - moving config_value function to rails context

[Lukas Zapletal] puppet - not changing seeds.rb anymore with puppet

[Lukas Zapletal] puppet - introducing temp answer file for dangerous options

[Miroslav Suchý] put spec on pair with Gemfile

[Lukas Zapletal] gemfile - decreasing thin 1.2.11 requirement to 1.2.8

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.48-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.48-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.44-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.31-1].

[pajkycz] exceptions - review and cleanup

[Mike McCune] need a sudo in front of the cat so it can read the pass file

[Brad Buckingham] promotions - fix bugs with removing packages from a changeset

[Jordan OMara] 841691 - Moving interface display to DETAILS page and removing it from system list

[Justin Sherrill] fixing mistaken name change

[Miroslav Suchý] add comps files for katello-pulp

[Miroslav Suchý] clean up comps files

[Lukas Zapletal] rake - make rake compatible with 0.8.7

[Lukas Zapletal] rake - make rake compatible with 0.8.7 - fix

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.49-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.49-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] add thumbslug to katello-candlepin

[Miroslav Suchý] add headpin to katello comps

[pajkycz] Exceptions - review and cleanup

[Eric D Helms] 840531 - Fixes issue with inability to individually promote packages attached to a system template or changeset that have more than a single dash in the name.

[Justin Sherrill] Adding fresh copy of katello.spec due to bad merge

[Jordan OMara] Style changes as per pull request comments

[Brad Buckingham] promotions - bug - promoted repo can be promoted over and over

[Justin Sherrill] fixing issue where repos only in library would show up

[Jordan OMara] More tweaks + a spec test

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - initial ui chgs for add/remove to deletion changeset

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - show cs type on promotions cs edit details pane

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - changeset history - show changeset type

[Eric D Helms] Fixes for updates from ConvergeUI.

[Eric D Helms] Adds override on header for thick border to the left and right of tabs.

[Eric D Helms] Updates to make integration of converge-ui's newest changes cleaner and remove repetition of CSS styling in the browser.

[pajkycz] All specs passing

[Lukas Zapletal] puppet - adding service-wait wrapper script

[Eric D Helms] Updates the submodule hash to point to 0.8.3-1 of ConvergeUI.

[Justin Sherrill] unit test fix

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.50-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.50-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [0.2.45-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-headpin] release [0.1.20-1].

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - fix broken spec

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - associate proper env with changeset upon creation

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - fix specs broken on previous commit

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - only allow promotion changesets when in Library

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - update navigation for changesets

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - set the ui action button to promote/delete based on cs type

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [0.2.7-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-headpin] release [0.1.21-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.32-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] puppet - adding mongod to the service-wait script

[Justin Sherrill] CS - adding errata details using ajax tipsy

[Justin Sherrill] CS - fixing issue where environments were not properly remembered

[Justin Sherrill] CS - fixing a couple of issues

[Justin Sherrill] CS - handle case when errata has no packages

[Justin Sherrill] CS - Add errata details tipsy to other errata lists

[Justin Sherrill] CS - fix issue with drop-downs not being updated properly

[Justin Sherrill] CS - fixing various issues with cache not being properly saved/loaded

[Eric D Helms] Fixes active button state increasing the size of the button awkwardly.

[Jordan OMara] 840609 - fencing SYSTEM GROUPS from activation keys nav

[Justin Sherrill] spec test fix

[Partha Aji] Adding a new changeset model for Content Deletion

[Partha Aji] fixed a typo

[Partha Aji] Fixed some unit tests.

[Miroslav Suchý] fix typo in repo files

[Miroslav Suchý] revert submodule pointer accidentaly moved in 97319cd

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [0.2.8-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.51-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.51-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.33-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] require recent converge-ui

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.52-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.52-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.34-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-agent] release [1.0.5-1].

[Partha Aji] INitial work on remove packages

[Justin Sherrill] converge ui update

[Miroslav Suchý] point Source0 to fedorahosted.org where tar.gz are stored

[Miroslav Suchý] automatically upload tag.gz files to fedorahosted

[Miroslav Suchý] replace character by html entity

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - minor changes to allow creation of changeset in UI

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - fix promotion... accidental regression for env handling

[Justin Sherrill] making 'Id' be i18n'd

[Justin Sherrill] CS - using newer errata icon classes

[Partha Aji] Fixed a compile glitch

[Partha Aji] Added the deleting state

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - first mods to integrate js w/ controller (apply/status)

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - skip dependency resolution for deletion changesets

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - update how changesets are listed when page loaded

[Mike McCune] content deletion - adding back in the CLI promote and apply

[Partha Aji] Made the deletion changeset more bare bones . Trying to just get package delete workign at this point

[Partha Aji] Made the delete packages call use packages object

[Partha Aji] Added methods to generate repo metadata when packages are deleted

[Partha Aji] Made the promotion UI use the 'apply' method generated by the model

[Partha Aji] Adding a missing 'deleted' state to indicate succesfu completion of delete

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - add backend support for deleting errata

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - add backend support for deleting distributions

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - add backend support for deleting repos

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - update cs create to default to promotion

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - change cs promote status text to apply (to be generic)

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - update specs to account for the promote vs apply name change

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - add changeset type to changeset listing (changesets pg)

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - minor changes to changeset history

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [0.2.9-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.53-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.53-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] puppet - improving katello-debug script

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [0.2.10-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.54-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.54-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [0.2.21-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.35-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.55-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.55-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-selinux] release [0.2.7-1].

[pajkycz] Activation key - show list of registered systems

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.36-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] package headpin is actually called katello-headpin

[Miroslav Suchý] add package katello-headpin-all

[pajkycz] Fencing system groups from activation keys nav

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.37-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] spec - fixing invalid perms for /var/log/katello

[Justin Sherrill] CS - Adding repo search help

[Eric D Helms] CS - Styling updates.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Fixes checkbox showing through env selector, remove auto complete icon and button sliding under input box.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Updates for taller rows to accomodate larger repository names. Adds tooltipping to ellipsied names.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Updates to the way package names are displayed.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Updates path selector footer to allow for arbitrary content.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Moves the comparison grid JS into the widgets section.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Adds Manage Organizations link to the environment selector.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Addition of ellipsis names of column headers with regards to showing both the repository name and environment name on repo compare.

[Tom McKay] crosslink - links from system and activation key subscriptions

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.56-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [0.2.56-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.38-1].

[Mike McCune] content deletion - proper deletion support in the CLI

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-agent] release [1.0.6-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [0.2.39-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] bump up version to 1.0

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.0.1-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.0.1-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-selinux] release [1.0.1-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [1.0.1-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.0.1-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [1.0.1-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-headpin] release [1.0.1-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [1.0.1-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-certs-tools] release [1.1.7-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] puppet - moving lib/util into common subpackage

[Miroslav Suchý] Bumping package versions for 1.1.

[Lukas Zapletal] puppet - better wait code for mongod

[mbacovsk] US22811 - added architecture controller proxy

[pajkycz] Move activation key to system events section

[Justin Sherrill] CS - adding tipsy for view selector and changing terminology

[Justin Sherrill] CS - Sort environments on repo comparison according to promotion path

[Lukas Zapletal] rb19 - and one more UTF8 encoding fix

[Lukas Zapletal] rb19 - removing exact versions from Gemfile

[pajkycz] Check if systems/keys are readable by user.

[Justin Sherrill] fixing old env selector issue caused by new path selector

[Lukas Zapletal] rb19 - encoding fix turned off for 1.9

[Eric D Helms] CS - Adds permission check for managing environments on environment selector.  Adds direct link to current organization if link is present.

[pajkycz] Include css for activation_keys/system_groups.

[Tom McKay] crosslink - updated attribute for multi-entitlement pool

[Miroslav Suchý] build katello-headpin and katello-headpin-all from the same src.rpm as katello

[Tom McKay] 844796 - For async manifest import, there were double-render errors while the progress was being checked from javascript. In addition, notices were not being displayed after a very quick manifest import.

[Justin Sherrill] 842003 - fixing error on search when no errata existed

[Eric D Helms] CS - Turn more colors into variables. Fixes issue with label appearing uncentered.  Adds disabling and tooltip to compare repos button.

[Eric D Helms] CS - Adds removal of metadata row whenever all elements have been loaded.

[pajkycz] Fixes for some of API issues

[Miroslav Suchý] buildroot and %clean section is not needed

[pajkycz] 765989 - Read Only account shows unused checkbox on System / Subscription page

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.1.1-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.1-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.1-1].

[pajkycz] 844458 - GET of unknown user returns 500

[Adam Price] 803757 - Systems: Users should not be able to enter anything other than positive integers for sockets

[Adam Price] fixing broken tests due to commit 3bf7ccfbe0f6a82a8d7a7d3108ab9c1358ecb657

[Adam Price] little test fix

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.2-1].

[Tom McKay] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.2-1].

[Adam Price] 841984 - Creating new user displays confusing/misleading notification

[Adam Price] adding test for commit 6ed001305416785dab12a94c99f11f93332a3a4a

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - updates to handle last env in path

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - update repo deletion to disable or remove based on env

[Partha Aji] Updating the converge-ui version

[Mike McCune] content deletion - taking out unecessary fields from the JSON

[Mike McCune] update converge ui

[Mike McCune] Revert "update converge ui"

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [1.1.1-1].

[Justin Sherrill] CS - fixing caching not working properly

[pajkycz] Merge branch 'form_builder' into master

[pajkycz] New Role form rewritten

[Ivan Necas] Introduce +load_remote_data+ method to lazy_attributes

[Justin Sherrill] CS - fixing repo compare title

[Partha Aji] Speeded up package deletion and promotion by using a differnt call in pulp (cherry picked from commit a68b8ca4d78f17ef3cf24429cb1108071717245b)

[Justin Sherrill] CS - auto complete enhancements

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - add a promotion/deletion banner to the changeset tree

[Adam Price] 821929 - Typo: You -> Your

[Eric D Helms] CS - A number of minor updates.

[Adam Price] 820634 - Katello String Updates

[Adam Price] 820634 - Katello String Updates

[Adam Price] 820634 - Katello String Updates

[Adam Price] 820634 - Katello String Updates

[Adam Price] 820634 - Katello String Updates

[Jordan OMara] 840969 - making KT environment deletes ALSO remove the "default environment" relationship to any applicable users. It also notifies the users when they log in

[Justin Sherrill] CS - making search button change text depending on context

[Adam Price] 820634 - Katello String Updates

[Jordan OMara] Committed the wrong converge ui hash or something, EHELMS

[Eric D Helms] CS - Adds missing variablization of color.

[Justin Sherrill] CS - fixing issue where select env before search threw error

[Adam Price] 820634 - Katello String Updates

[Justin Sherrill] fixing bad merge conflict resolution

[Miroslav Suchý] move service-wait to katello-common

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.3-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.3-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.1.2-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [1.1.1-1].

[mbacovsk] Fixed problem with storing resource class in class var

[Jordan OMara] Correcting grammar on user notification for deleted environment / User. -> self.

[mbacovsk] Fixed katello config file template

[mbacovsk] architectures - code cleanup

[Justin Sherrill] CS - fixing error on repo search with selected product

[Justin Sherrill] CS - fixing vert align on view tipsy

[Partha Aji] Moved the add+remove repo packages method to orchestration layer

[Ivan Necas] 844678 - don't use multi-entitlements on custom products

[Justin Sherrill] Content search - make positioning more custom

[Eric D Helms] 842858 - Fixes path issue to locked icon when viewing available changesets on the promotion page.

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.4-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.4-1].

[Partha Aji] Removed unused methods in the pulp and reporb

[pajkycz] 815802 - Description on package filter does not save properly

[Partha Aji] Fixed broken spec tests that occured after master merge

[Partha Aji] Fixed more spec tests

[Miroslav Suchý] add comps files for foreman

[pchalupa] remove old foreman code

[ogmaciel] Added --default_locale to CLI for user creation.

[ogmaciel] Allow user to update his/her own localevia cli. Also, output the default locale when using the info parameter.

[ogmaciel] Validation of locale during update handled by model.

[Miroslav Suchý] we need rubygem-net-ping for foreman-proxy on el6

[Miroslav Suchý] add dependecies for foreman

[pchalupa] katello - foreman user mapping

[pajkycz] Foreman models: Architecture, Domain

[Miroslav Suchý] add more dependecies to Foreman

[Miroslav Suchý] add rubygem-ruby_parser as foreman dependecy

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.1.3-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [1.1.1-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-certs-tools] release [1.1.8-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [1.1.2-1].

[pchalupa] foreman model polishing

[pchalupa] make user orchestration to use Foreman::User

[Ivan Necas] Fix overriding the Rails.env in jshint.rake

[Tomas Strachota] comps - new package python-inflector added into a new group katello-server-devel

[Eric Sammons] fixed a small typo.

[Jason E. Rist] Org interstitial and switcher cleanup. 843853 and 841686 were fixed.

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - initial chgs to support 2 changeset trees (deletion/promotion)

[Dmitri Dolguikh] Support for editing of system environment via web ui

[Dmitri Dolguikh] various changes per code review

[Dmitri Dolguikh] save button in path_selector is now being disabled after clicking

[Dmitri Dolguikh] support for updating of system information screen-wide on system edit

[Dmitri Dolguikh] modified updating of system's environment on system edit page to piggyback on jeditable events.

[Dmitri Dolguikh] removed an extraneous logging to js console

[Brad Buckingham] changesets - fix the locked icon image on changeset list

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - fix some references to accessing current chgset breadcrumb

[Adam Price] 843904 - Systems page: user will see System Group and Errata elements along with install button and other.

[Partha Aji] Quick fix to a bug introduced in the package deletion and promotion

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - load changeset sliding tree based on changeset hash

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - remove the changeset type from the sliding tree listing

[Miroslav Suchý] allow to build nightly from HEAD

[mbacovsk] architectures - add conditional exposure of foreman api proxy

[pchalupa] 830713 - fix monkey patch for ruby 1.9

[mbacovsk] added foreman_api to comps

[mbacovsk] Fixed packaging of foreman stuff

[pchalupa] katello - remove password_confirmation from foreman user model

[pajkycz] Foreman config templates added, foreman model small changes

[Ivan Necas] api doc - config katello to use apipie

[Ivan Necas] api docs - for the organizations controller

[Ivan Necas] api docs - users controller

[Ivan Necas] api docs - roles controller

[Ivan Necas] api docs - permissions controller

[Ivan Necas] api docs - activation keys review

[Ivan Necas] api docs - crls review

[Ivan Necas] api docs - ping controller review

[Ivan Necas] api docs - status controller

[Ivan Necas] api docs - uebercert controller

[Ivan Necas] Add documentation to the changeset content controller.

[Ivan Necas] Add documentation to the changeset controller. My notes, which I will share with the list, are

[Ivan Necas] api docs - fix for wrong validation type in changeset and changeset_content controllers

[Ivan Necas] api docs - errata controller

[Ivan Necas] api docs - distributions

[Ivan Necas] api docs - environments

[Ivan Necas] api docs - packages

[Ivan Necas] api docs - gpg keys

[Ivan Necas] api docs - products

[Ivan Necas] api docs - fixed :bool param types

[Ivan Necas] api docs - system groups controller

[Ivan Necas] cli docs - fix for wrong system id type

[Ivan Necas] api docs - repositories controller

[Ivan Necas] api doc - recorded examples for API documentation

[Ivan Necas] api doc - add dependency on rubygems-apipie-rails

[Ivan Necas] disable using X-Sendfile for sending files

[Ivan Necas] api doc - add dependency on rubygems-apipie-rails

[Ivan Necas] api doc - katello-api-docs package

[Ivan Necas] api doc - fix loading rake tasks when some dependencies not met

[Ivan Necas] api doc - separate environment for generating documentation in build phase

[Ivan Necas] api docs - generate API docs in build time

[Ivan Necas] Use elasticsearch only in development and production

[Ivan Necas] api doc - don't require database to generate the html files

[Ivan Necas] api docs - katello-api-docs requires katello-common

[Adam Price] 845611 - Subscriptions are not current message is confusing for system with insufficient subscriptions

[Adam Price] changing message to "Insufficient Subscriptions are Attached to This System"

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - update the content tree to use 'Added (Undo)' vs 'Remove'

[Adam Price] Revert "fixed a small typo."

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - update the content tree to use 'Added (Undo)' vs 'Remove'

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - add title attribute to the changeset action bar

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - add custom confirms for changeset deletion

[Jason E. Rist] 841228, 844414 - Fix for logging in and not having an org.

[Jason E. Rist] 838115 - Spinner fixes and org selection updates.

[Jason E. Rist] Converge-UI update for spinner fadeOut.

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - add a tipsy to the 'Added' item in content tree

[Ivan Necas] Switching oauth warden strategy to use request.headers

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - update helptip to include both deletion and promotion

[Jason E. Rist] Icon fix for content search: selector_icon-black

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - convert action titles to tipsy for consistency

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.5-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.5-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [1.1.2-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.1.4-1].

[Ivan Necas] api docs - don't require redcarpet if cache is turned on

[Justin Sherrill] Pulpv2 - converting Repo creation/deletion

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - cleaning some unused/no longer available repo attrs

[Justin Sherrill] Pulpv2 - fixing schedule application

[mbacovsk] apidoc - docs for role_ldap_groups_controller

[Partha Aji] Added system template deletion feature

[Brad Buckingham] changesets - fix notice type on successful promotion/deletion

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - fix issue w/ deletion tree not loading on last env

[Partha Aji] Commented out unused parent template logic

[Ivan Necas] api docs - fix building for f17 - ruby 1.8 vs. 1.9 difference

[Ivan Necas] api docs - fix wrong syntax for param description

[Ivan Necas] Fix 1.9 compatibility issue in the ContentSearchController

[Ivan Necas] api docs - show trace when API docs build fails

[Ivan Necas] api docs - fix loading environment in build phase

[Miroslav Suchý] add rubygem-has_many_polymorphs to foreman repo

[Miroslav Suchý] sort packages

[Partha Aji] Removed misleading/unused code in the deletion_changesets

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - fixing some task related parsing and urls, sync management page now mostly works

[Mike McCune] content deletion - adding support for product deletion

[Mike McCune] content deletion - adding support for product deletion

[Mike McCune] content deletion - putting commented code back in

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for user_sessions_controller.rb spec test failure.

[Jason E. Rist] Real. Fix. (Thx mmccne) for the user_sessions_controller

[Brad Buckingham] converge-ui - accidentally downgraded during previous merge... :(

[Miroslav Suchý] package rubygem-hashr is in Fedora now

[Ivan Necas] Add foreman deps to comps

[pajkycz] Foreman's Config Templates added to CLI client.

[mbacovsk] apidoc - added api doc for architectures

[mbacovsk] apidoc - removed duplicite api doc entry

[pajkycz] changesets content api test fix

[pchalupa] katello - fix tests after merge

[pchalupa] katello - remove lists of rescue Exception usage

[pajkycz] Changeset#remove_package! fix

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [1.1.2-1].

[pajkycz] Foreman domains added to CLI client

[Ivan Necas] foreman - add rabl dependency to comps

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - cleanup a few ui text strings

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - update product deletion to allow for re-promotion

[Mike McCune] content deletion - unit test fix

[pajkycz] Config templates CLI - print template kind

[Lukas Zapletal] 849224 - thin now listens only on localhost

[mbacovsk] apidoc -  added docs for domains

[mbacovsk] apidoc - added docs for config_templates

[pajkycz] Foreman Config Templates improvements

[Miroslav Suchý] remove Gemfile.lock after all packages are installed

[pchalupa] katello - be paranoid about Exceptions in production

[Adam Price] 844806 - katello incorrectly prevents products with the same name in an organization

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.6-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.6-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] fix build errors on F17

[Miroslav Suchý] fix build errors

[pajkycz] 811556 - Displaced 'save' button while editing the changeset description under "changeset history" tab

[Adam Price] 844806 - katello incorrectly prevents products with the same name in an organization

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - update so that clicking on undefined changeset category doesnothing

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - fixing sync with candidate build, and improving sync status reporting

[Miroslav Suchý] 805127 - require candlepin-selinux

[Ivan Necas] katello-all - installs foreman as well

[Lukas Zapletal] 850745 - secret_token is not generated properly (CVE-2012-3503)

[Bryan Kearney] 846251: Do not specify the attribute name for uniqueness validation

[Bryan Kearney] 846251: Do not specify the attribute name for uniqueness validation

[Brad Buckingham] content-deletion - update content tree after product deletion

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.7-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.7-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [1.1.3-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-agent] release [1.1.1-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.1.5-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-headpin] release [1.1.1-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-selinux] release [1.1.1-1].

[Mike McCune] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [1.1.3-1].

[Bryan Kearney] 845995: Add local and server side checks for passing in bad group names and ids

[pchalupa] katello - fix foreman architetures, make sure actions won't fail silently

[pchalupa] katello - add spec for Resources::ForemanModel

[pajkycz] Fix destroy foreman user

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-agent] release [1.1.2-1].

[Bryan Kearney] 846321: Support creating permissions for all tags from the API and the cli

[mbacovsk] Moved service-wait link target to katello-common

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - cancel sync now working

[Miroslav Suchý] 845995 - fix syntax error

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - fixing manifest import

[Miroslav Suchý] rubygem-transaction-simple is now in Fedora

[Brad Buckingham] 842569 - system groups - fix for TypeError on status of errata install

[Miroslav Suchý] rubygem-hashr is now in EPEL 6

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - fixing package/errata list for new candidate build

[Eric D Helms] 846719 - Removes footer links entirely.

[Brad Buckingham] 845668 - removing console.log usage from js, which cause FF3.6 failures

[Tom McKay] 845613 - fix display of subscription status and rows

[Ivan Necas] cdn-var-substitutor - isolate the logic to separate class

[Eric D Helms] Content Search - Adds new data fields "data_type" and "value" to make testing easier.

[pajkycz] Architectures API fix

[pajkycz] Rescue foreman model exceptions

[pchalupa] katello - add bundler patch to prefer rpm-gems

[Tom McKay] Available subscriptions on systems page now allow filtering matching what is available in subscription-manager-gui

[Miroslav Suchý] package unit tests

[Tom McKay] subsfilter - removed second spinner when updating filtered subscriptions

[Tom McKay] subsfilter - reset the cycle of table row colors to avoid having first row of bottom table having same shading as the table header (ie. always start with light color row)

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - breaking out importers and exporters

[Jordan OMara] 841857 - fixing LDAP logins in katello mode

[Partha Aji] Added permissions for content delete

[Brad Buckingham] 843462 - system group search indexing should not include pulp content

[Partha Aji] Added some unit to test the perm fixes

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.8-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.8-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.1.6-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [1.1.4-1].

[pajkycz] 847115 - Extend scroll bug on content tab, with > 50 subscriptions only the first 50 will populate.

[pchalupa] katello - disable bundler patch by default, fix broken condition

[Tom McKay] 847858 - only remove act keys when resource not found error

[Brad Buckingham] 841289 - perform cleanup on failed registration with activation key

[Jordan OMara] Updating converge-ui

[Tom McKay] 847858-actkeypool - fixed spec test failure

[pajkycz] Do not insert spaces before changesets description

[pchalupa] 831664 - Repository sync failures not displaying detailed error in Notices

[Lukas Zapletal] 746765 - removing system unique name constraint

[Tom McKay] 834013 - return releaseVer as part of consumer json

[Miroslav Suchý] rename puppet/ to katello-configure/

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [1.1.5-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.9-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.9-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.1.7-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] 746765 - systems can be referenced by uuid

[mbacovsk] Updating Converge-UI

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - migrating to proper repo cloning via unit copy

[pajkycz] 806383 - [RFE] As the SE administrator I want to see all active and scheduled sync tasks for all organizations in one place

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - adding back role support now that it is present

[Tom McKay] link back to source of manifest in import history

[Jason E. Rist] Initial workings of new default org stuff.

[Jason E. Rist] Minor accidental fix for extra char.

[Jason E. Rist] Stupid default setting for user set_org

[Miroslav Suchý] package rubygem-transaction-simple is now in EPEL6

[pajkycz] Always use environment when requesting repo

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fix for BZ 821345

[pajkycz] List of sync plans added

[pajkycz] 851142 - CLI: changeset update shows strange error

[Miroslav Suchý] job without task should not exists, this is error

[Lukas Zapletal] 853056 - improve 404 generic error message

[Lukas Zapletal] 853056 - system register without environment is working again

[Miroslav Suchý] 758651 - check if thin port is free before starting thin

[Lukas Zapletal] fastbuild - adding macro for all spec files

[pchalupa] 760180,803548 - add Organization to Notice

[pajkycz] 843064 - Content Search - Products: Not required unless searching for Products itself, it's misleading when searching for Repos, Packages and Errata

[pajkycz] 844413 - Creating user fails if role is created with same name

[Miroslav Suchý] workaround for bz 854263

[Tom McKay] linkback - make app prefix link helper

[Mike McCune] gather up all packages for katello-debug

[Eric D Helms] 854573, 852167 - Fixes missing icons issue which also resolves an alignment issue on the content search page.

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - fixing return on refresh task

[Eric D Helms] Updates ConvergeUI to the latest.

[Brad Buckingham] 843529 - cleanup task_statuses and job_tasks on system deletion

[Brad Buckingham] 852631 - system group - update model to raise exception when no groups exist

[pajkycz] 841300 - Zoom out on 2-Pane page causes rendering error

[pajkycz] Truncate Notice text to max 1024 characters.

[pajkycz] 841121 - Long description while creating system group returns PG error

[pajkycz] 811136 - Rendering error in production.log while editing the org's description

[pchalupa] add foreman user orchestration tests

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.10-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.10-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.1.8-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [1.1.6-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [1.1.4-1].

[pajkycz] 841121 -  Long description returns PG error

[Adam Price] 840735 - headpin create environment returned error :There was an error retrieving that row:Not Found

[Jason E. Rist] Changes to accomodate the System Registration Defaults

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - migrating package and errata promotion

[Jason E. Rist] Final org switcher and interstitial changes for default organization.

[pajkycz] 855184 - Using --add_package gives undefined method `empty?' for nil:NilClass error

[Miroslav Suchý] add foreman dependecies

[pajkycz] 852460 - System Groups left pane list does not use ellipsis

[pajkycz] 786226 - List of product repositories not sorted alphabetically

[Miroslav Suchý] put -debuginfo and -doc package in our yum repo

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - converting errata promotion

[Adam Price] 854278 - After adding certain objects to katello one will see a warning, '' did not meet the current search criteria and is not being shown

[Miroslav Suchý] 754738 - properly return when katello is not configured

[Miroslav Suchý] 75473 - do not delete nor truncate log

[Miroslav Suchý] use runuser instead of su

[Miroslav Suchý] 754738 - log even output of service stop

[Miroslav Suchý] 75473 - correctly solve status for all processes of delayed_jobs

[Miroslav Suchý] 754738 - if we fail in stopping delayed_jobs, kill it. One by one.

[Miroslav Suchý] 754738 - if program is already running, print failure, but return 0

[Miroslav Suchý] 754738 - fix name of monitor pid file

[Miroslav Suchý] 754738 - do not override status() from /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

[Miroslav Suchý] 754738 - do not override variables in other procedures

[Partha Aji] Initial commit on updated indexing appropriate stuff

[Eric D Helms] PulpIntegrationTests - Initial integration test setup using VCR and minitest to test basic Pulp Ping.

[Eric D Helms] PulpIntegrationTests - Adds integration tests for pulp users.

[Eric D Helms] PulpIntegrationTests - Slew of repository related tests.

[Eric D Helms] PulpIntegrationTests - Updates to repository tests.

[Eric D Helms] PulpIntegrationTests - Adds a number of tests for filters, packages, package groups, tasks, and errata.

[Eric D Helms] PulpIntegrationTests - Adds Consumer tests and a local repository for usage in testing.

[Eric D Helms] PulpIntegrationTests - A ton of re-factoring and added test cases.

[Eric D Helms] PulpIntegrationTests - Adds tests for uncovered actions and updates for a successful test suite beginning to end.

[Eric D Helms] PulpIntegrationTests - Updates to fix errors between running live tests and running tests against recorded data.

[Eric D Helms] PulpIntegrationTests - Removes unused rake task and reference to rake task from spec.

[Eric D Helms] PulpIntegrationTests - Adds require for rails gem.

[Jordan OMara] Fencing headpin CLI into katello cli. CLI will now load appropriate functions based on client.conf configuration. Katello cli now ships with headpin symlink

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - mostly fixed post sync actions

[Jason E. Rist] Fixing the org serialization, tipsifying, some suggested tweaks.

[mbacovsk] Fixed #842271 - filtering the "bugfix" errata in CLI doesn't work

[pajkycz] 839575 - [CLI] Adding a system to system group using incorrect uuid should raise an error instead of success

[Miroslav Suchý] another set of dependecies for foreman

[Eric D Helms] PulpIntegrationTests - Adds removal of pulp integration tests test runner script from spec.

[Brad Buckingham] 809259 - activation key - cli permissions changes

[Brad Buckingham] 809259 - activation key - cli permissions changes (continued)

[pajkycz] 852320 - undefined method `library?' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) when creating a changeset without an environment

[Miroslav Suchý] fix dependecies on Fedora17+

[Ivan Necas] 853056 - fix regression for registering with activation keys

[Eric D Helms] PulpIntegrationTests - Updates for tests that were having incosistent run times between live and recorded data versions.

[Brad Buckingham] 854697 - manifest import - if first import fails, rollback (unimport it)

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixes for BZ 835875: no longer possible to delete a repository if it's been promoted.

[Miroslav Suchý] another set of dependecies for Foreman

[pajkycz] Test fix for changeset creation without env

[pajkycz] 848438 - Content search auto-complete should enable the 'Add' button after typing full content name.

[j.hadvig] 856227 - set the height of the tabel row in the products_table to 32px

[Lukas Zapletal] 856220 - improving service-wait wrapper script

[Miroslav Suchý] preserve enviroment variable, especiall RAILS_ENV

[Jason E. Rist] Updating some permissions stuff and the save based on comments in the Pull Request.

[Dmitri Dolguikh] BZ 835875: a couple of small fixes based on pull comments

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fix for BZ 843059: removed autocomplete on packages

[Dmitri Dolguikh] removed referebce to package autocomplete widget from content search page

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for initial suggestion from @parthaa with new suggestion.

[Partha Aji] Initial commit to setup the models and migrations for object-labels

[Partha Aji] Added code to get the initial org + env create working in the UI

[Partha Aji] Added indexes to the migration script to enforce uniqueness constraints

[Partha Aji] Made the label columns non null

[Partha Aji] Improved the message in the katello label validator

[Jordan OMara] 856303 - fencing system permission checks

[Partha Aji] Fixed all organizatio.create related unit tests

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for removing user's default org.

[Partha Aji] Fixed all KTEnvironment.create unit tests to take the label

[Lukas Zapletal] 856220 - adding time to puppet log

[pajkycz] APIDOC - providers, subscriptions

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.1.9-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.11-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.11-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [1.1.7-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [1.1.5-1].

[pajkycz] APIDOC - templates, templates_content

[mbacovsk] Let errata types options be selectable

[Justin Sherrill] 853229 - blank sync plan date gives incorrect error

[Ivan Necas] apidoc - systems controller

[Partha Aji] Added code to create product and repos with labels

[Jason E. Rist] Org switcher "tipsy" fix and IE8 final fixes.

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - fixing package cloning to work with blacklists

[Tom McKay] subsfilter - Correctly update UI when subscription checkboxes toggled

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [1.1.8-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.12-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.12-1].

[bbucking] object-label - organization - rename column cp_key to label

[Partha Aji] Fixed unit tests related to system groups

[Partha Aji] Misc unit test fixes

[Partha Aji] Partial commit on product create

[Partha Aji] Fixed all the product related tests

[Ivan Necas] apidoc - fix rake apipie:static when postgresql not running

[pajkycz] Hide 'new changeset' button when it should not be used

[pajkycz] apidoc - Sync Plans, Tasks, System Packages

[Miroslav Suchý] 855406 - pass correctly environment variables which ruby needs

[Ivan Necas] apidoc - systems_controller fix ruby 1.9 compatibility

[Miroslav Suchý] main code expect that RETVAL is set after kstatus() finish

[pajkycz] 845041 - UI - Exact Errata search in content search does not return result

[Miroslav Suchý] another set of dependecies for Foreman

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - fixing repository distributions call

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - changing way we fetch packages and errata for repos for upcomign rfe

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - converting api filter call to use search server

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - converting repo promotion to use filters

[Miroslav Suchý] yet another dependecies for Foreman

[Ivan Necas] Fix rpm update from version without converge-ui

[mbacovsk] apidoc - added docs for system groups (#852388)

[Ivan Necas] katello-jobs - fix status exit code

[David Davis] Fixing user spec tests that were breaking

[Miroslav Suchý] headpin needs RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT variable

[David Davis] 852119 - Fixed default environment bug

[Jordan OMara] 852912 - fixing subscribe/unsubscribe for non-english locale 857550 - fixing environment loading on clean installs

[Brad Buckingham] object labels - update to use environment label for candlepin environments

[Brad Buckingham] object labels - add read-only label to edit panes for org, env, prod, repo

[Brad Buckingham] object labels - update activation key edit helptip to reflect use of label

[Brad Buckingham] object labels - update to use product and repo label

[Brad Buckingham] object labels - update env controller to support retrieving env by label

[Brad Buckingham] object labels - spec changes for the additions of label to repository..etc

[Miroslav Suchý] update katello localization strings

[Miroslav Suchý] create new subpackages -devel-all and -devel-*

[Miroslav Suchý] do not require rubygem-pdf-writer

[mbacovsk] Fixed package listing generation in katello-debug (bz#857842)

[mbacovsk] apidoc - added API documentation filters, sync (bz#852388)

[Adam Price] 820634 - Katello String Updates

[Lukas Zapletal] katello-service - make use of service-wait

[Lukas Zapletal] katello-service - reformatting mixed tabs and spaces

[Justin Sherrill] 857727 - issue where uploading key left UI in bad state

[Adam Price] add two strings to localization

[Adam Price] regenerating localization strings for rails app

[David Davis] Fixed provider_spec.rb tests

[Adam Price] Revert "regenerating localization strings for rails app"

[Partha Aji] Fixed some broken unit tests

[Brad Buckingham] 843529 - system group tasks - handling when systems are removed

[Miroslav Suchý] add devel package to comps

[Lukas Zapletal] katello-service - now hard-depends on katello-wait

[Miroslav Suchý] return back Gemfile

[Brad Buckingham] 843529 - system group tasks - better way for handling nil job

[Brad Buckingham] 843529 - fix spec test on system group events

[David Davis] Fixed organization rspec test

[Jordan OMara] 854278 - fixing search validation calls to appropriately search for user names

[Tom McKay] 858193-automation - fencing javascript error point

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - Converting repo deletion to delete the actual repo

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - moving feed info to accessors (cherry picked from commit dd92f2597c643556f5cf174162578042c6c03874)

[Justin Sherrill] Adds runcible local path declaration for easy development and auto-loading of runcible files for cross development in the early stages.

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - requiring pulp-rpm-server instead of pulp (cherry picked from commit 262ece6e7d2756625056d514a75d4a04e28359d7)

[Justin Sherrill] PulpV2 - Adds early support for Runcible gem which supplies new PulpV2 API bindings.

[Justin Sherrill] PulpV2 - Updates to add logging to Rails logger of RestClient calls.  Note that this current method also exposes the ElasticSearch RestClient calls. (cherry picked from commit 144f86a7797c27e02abf5463d794c2fcd27304e7)

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - fixing broken model path

[Justin Sherrill] converge-ui update

[Justin Sherrill] fixing missing merge conflict

[Mike McCune] object-labels - adding CLI and API calls to support object labeling

[Dmitri Dolguikh] it is now impossible to delete a provider if one (or more) of its repositories or products has been promoted

[pajkycz] 759122 - system software tab More... button displaying when no more

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed an issue when it was impossible to remove a repository that had no promoted content

[Miroslav Suchý] Rakefile could not be in -devel package as katello-configure call db:migrate and seed_with_logging rake tasks

[Brad Buckingham] converge-ui - updating hash

[David Davis] Prevent resubmission on the interstitial screen

[Tom McKay] 854801-autoheal - word change

[Brad Buckingham] object labels - by default, assign label by 'labelizing' the object name

[Brad Buckingham] object labels - update ui for setting label values based upon server query

[Brad Buckingham] object labels - moving the default_label action to the application controller

[Adam Price] CustomInfo for Systems

[Brad Buckingham] 843529 - minor update per pull request comment - use if/else vs unless

[Adam Price] fixing spec tests for custom_info

[Partha Aji] Fixed the labelize call to deal with i18n characters

[Partha Aji] Update the env, prod migrations to use labelize

[Jason E. Rist] 857499 - Fix for user with no orgs or perms.

[pajkycz] 857720 - Javascript error if selecting Org in Providers page

[pajkycz] Javascript error if selecting Org in Changeset history detail page

[pajkycz] 857539 - Clicking the "contract" arrow in the org selector on the main UI does not contract the picker

[pchalupa] 857230 - Mouse over errata item displays error in UI Content Search

[pajkycz] 832141 - Searching a system via 'By Environments' sub-tab doesn't save the recent search in history

[Justin Sherrill] 842838 - fixing x icon not showing up on content search

[Ivan Necas] 829437 - fix error notification in GPG file upload form

[Dmitri Dolguikh] BZ 858682: fixed status messages on syncs that didn't fail (yet) but didn't complete successfully either

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - adding runcible to requires

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - making Gemfile work for installer and dev environment

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Adds glue layer unit tests for glue/pulp/user combining VCR to record Pulp data.

[Adam Price] making a method in the custom_info_controller private

[Miroslav Suchý] refresh translations string for katello

[Lukas Zapletal] 858678 - removing extra systems index

[Ivan Necas] build-fix - don't use model classes on require time

[Tom McKay] 857895 - adding "registered date" to system lists to help distinguish between same-named systems

[Dmitri Dolguikh] BZ 821345: product name now appears instead of a '#'

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - moving reop create to runcible

[Mike McCune] 857842 - get all the packages, fixes earlier syntax error

[ogmaciel] Removed goferd from backup script as it is never installed in the server, only in the clients that subscribe to it.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Adds a base set of Katello User model unit tests that disable inclusion of glue layer and only tests the Katello User model using Minitest Unittest and fixtures.

[ogmaciel] Take advantage of the new katello-service script to stop/start all required services.

[David Davis] Fixed code formating issue in migration

[Miroslav Suchý] fix pt_BR .po file

[Miroslav Suchý] fixing es .po file

[Miroslav Suchý] fixing es .po file

[Miroslav Suchý] fix plurals form in pt_BR

[Miroslav Suchý] fixing ko .po file

[Brad Buckingham] 858011, 854697 - object-labels - needed to use org label on del_owners (vs cp_key)

[Miroslav Suchý] remove forgotten conflict indicators

[pchalupa] add Resources::AbstractModel

[Adam Price] altering custom info index and shortening the name

[David Davis] 858802 - Allowing associated keys to be deleted

[David Davis] 824581 - Fixed bug where gpgkey wasn't getting set

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - moving all unit copy items to runcible

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - moving most pulp task calls to runcible

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - migrating sync tasks and deletion to runcible

[Miroslav Suchý] requires ruby(abi) and ruby (the command)

[Miroslav Suchý] Revert "workaround for bz 854263"

[Tom McKay] release-version - display message when no available release version choices or an error occurred fetching them

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - moving unit repo listing to runcible

[David Davis] 767297 - Create an about page

[Jordan OMara] 860421 - Not verifying ldap roles for auth-less API calls

[David Davis] 767297 - Worked on about page and added spec

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-utils] release [1.1.1-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] introducing katello-utils with katello-disconnected script

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fix for BZ 860702: show systems belonging to system groups and those not in any on 'Systems' screen

[Tom McKay] fixed an inadvertent spec test change

[David Davis] 857576 - Package filter name can be edited by cli

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fix for BZ 857031: notifications are being shown now when a system gets added to/removed from a group

[David Davis] 857576 - Added api filter update test

[David Davis] 859784 - Missing template error

[David Davis] 859604 - Fixed search results total bug

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - migrating repo schedules to runcible

[Jason E. Rist] 859409 - Fix for focus on org switcher drop down.

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - fixing repo schedule error

[Mike McCune] rails-dev-boost - adding rails-dev-boost gem

[Jordan OMara] 858360 - Making katello-upgrade START services after upgrade is complete

[Brad Buckingham] 859415 - object labels - modify ui to assign a default label, if not specified

[Lukas Zapletal] adding two requires and comps for katello-utils

[Miroslav Suchý] add -devel* subpackages to our repo

[Miroslav Suchý] add rubygem-prawn to our repo in preparation for new version of rubygem-ruport

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Adds set of repository model tests that include some updates to the repository model.

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.13-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.13-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [1.1.9-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.1.10-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-selinux] release [1.1.2-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-utils] release [1.1.2-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [1.1.6-1].

[Dmitri Dolguikh] BZ 835875: removed a commented-out line of code

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - moving more repo items to runcible

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Splits out authorization related code into separate module for repository.

[Mike McCune] rails-dev-boost - moving to own group and adding RPM requires

[Mike McCune] rails-dev-boost - removing whitespace

[David Davis] 767297 - Removed OS information

[Brad Buckingham] pulp v2 - consumer - initial changes for create/review/update/delete/profile/profile upload

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Updated tests for Repository model file, and pulls out elasticsearch related code to be nested under the glue layer similar to how Pulp and Candlepin are used.

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - removing some unused repo items, and fixing some runcible calls

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fix for BZ852352: changeset type is now being pre-selected depending on user selection of 'Deletion from' or 'Promotion to'

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - using extensions always for repository

[Ivan Necas] 860251 - update the location of favicon.png

[pchalupa] fix errors introduced by adding AbstractModel

[pchalupa] 808581 - Stack traces logged to production.log for user-level validation errors

[pchalupa] fix rake db:seed with foreman orchestration on

[pchalupa] add method for parsing attributes from response

[pchalupa] improve foreman api controllers

[David Davis] 824581 - Fixing bug resulting from bad fix

[Mike McCune] 803702 - switch back to searching in the API by name and not label

[Eric D Helms] Pulpv2 - Adds simple object for errata and package and splits out the elastic search and pulp related functionality for each.

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - removing unused pulp api classes

[Miroslav Suchý] unify string "Added distribution"

[Miroslav Suchý] unify string "Added repository"

[Miroslav Suchý] unify string "Couldn't find activation key"

[Miroslav Suchý] unify string "Couldn't find changeset"

[Miroslav Suchý] unify string "Couldn't find environment"

[Miroslav Suchý] unify string "Couldn't find organization"

[Miroslav Suchý] unify string "Couldn't find product with id"

[Miroslav Suchý] unify string "Couldn't find repository"

[Miroslav Suchý] unify string "Couldn't find system"

[Miroslav Suchý] unify string "Couldn't find system group"

[Miroslav Suchý] unify string "Couldn't find template"

[Miroslav Suchý] unify string "Couldn't find user"

[Miroslav Suchý] unify string "Couldn't find user role"

[Miroslav Suchý] unify string "Removed repository"

[Miroslav Suchý] add missing apostroph

[Miroslav Suchý] Make string more translator friendly

[Brad Buckingham] pulpv2 - updates for retrieving consumer profile from pulp

[David Davis] Fixed broken label rspec tests

[Miroslav Suchý] ignore fuzzy and obsolete translations

[Jordan OMara] Making systems searchable on installed products

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - moving event notifiers to pulp

[David Davis] Fixed rspec translation missing failures

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Updates to references of Package and Errata based on changes to splitting out of elastic search and pulp related calls to separeate files.  This essentially removes all references to the eleastic search functionality that used to reside in glue pulp layer.

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - fixing issue where promoted repos would not have metadata regenerated

[pchalupa] fix failing test

[David Davis] Resetting locale to English before each test

[Jordan OMara] Removing ANY SYSTEM FACT: from system search list

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Re-organizes location of test fixtures.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Removal of zoo5 local repository from test integration directory.

[Brad Buckingham] pulpv2 - fix errors on package/errata affecting promotion

[Miroslav Suchý] reverting accidental override

[David Davis] Show foreman packages on about page

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - removing no longer avvailable distributor option

[Jordan OMara] Defensively checking installed product names;

[Jordan OMara] self.installed_products != self.installedProducts

[Justin Sherrill] Revert "pulpv2 - removing no longer avvailable distributor option"

[Jordan OMara] self. calling a private method

[Justin Sherrill] fixing generate_metadata to be true

[pchalupa] add migration for creating missing users in foreman

[pchalupa] change AbstractModel to correspond with unified apipie resource method signatures

[Mike McCune] 835586 - force the encoding in the header to be UTF8 so Pulp can decode

[Justin Sherrill] requiring new minitest gems

[gstoecke] Added tracking of notices for use in test automation framework.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Adds ability to run a single test method by specifying method=

[Jordan OMara] 859877 - ipaddr does not show up for old subman version

[Justin Sherrill] 862824 - load search results using where() manually

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - A slew of glue layer tests for repository and some associated cleanup.

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - migrating package/errata/pkg groups/distributions to runcible

[Partha Aji] Changed paths for reset-oauth script

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - fixing intermittent issue

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - converting errata/package deletion after bad merge made it return

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - moving distribution deletion

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - removing unused pulp code

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - removing PulpPing and relying on the call directly

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Adds previously removed environment_id function to repository model.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Removes old integration tests that are no longer needed since lib/resources/pulp.rb has been moved to a stand alone gem.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Test cleanup and adds a generic function to call and disable glue layers.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Fixes bug found in prevention of the deletion of last super user.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Test re-factoring by breaking out the base modules for tests into their own files to allow easier sharing.

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fix for BZ 824581: gpg keys are now being updated

[Lukas Zapletal] 825858 - proxies permissions - removing comments

[Lukas Zapletal] 825858 - implementing proxy permissions

[Brad Buckingham] 859442 - systems - update query for adding system groups to system

[Ivan Necas] 825858 - use organizations.label instead of cp_key

[Mike McCune] switching our schema config names to match production and relaxing reset

[Mike McCune] updating to allow use of local var from PR comment

[Jason E. Rist] 847002 - Fix for IE9 Changeset Environment Selector

[gstoecke] Update to notice storage mechanism for automation testing framework.

[Eric D Helms] 847002 - Fixes rendering issue in IE9 for nested content search results.

[Miroslav Suchý] merge katello.katello translation from CFSE

[Miroslav Suchý] fixing 'pt_BR' translations

[j.hadvig] Prawn integration for PDF generation

[j.hadvig] Prawn gemfile and spec dependencies

[j.hadvig] Fixing Ruport dependencies

[j.hadvig] Fixing Gemfile depend.

[j.hadvig] Fixing Ruport depend. on Prawn

[pchalupa] add Resources::Foreman.options method to be able to access option hash

[pchalupa] raise error when parsing of response fails

[pchalupa] update apipie and foreman_api dependencies in Gemfile

[pchalupa] fix broken unit tests from 71a2926

[Tom McKay] 864362-autocomplete - rescue bad searches in auto-complete fields

[David Davis] 864565 - Removing duplicate repos from gpgkey show

[Jordan OMara] Fencing SYNCHRONIZATION link on admin dropdown in headpin mode

[gstoecke] Incorporated code review suggestions.

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - migrating distribution to new model

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - fixing tests

[Brad Buckingham] pulpv2 - consumer - updates profile, repo binding and actions

[David Davis] 859329 - Fixed errors when editing gpg key

[Eric D Helms] 847002, 864216 - Fixes content search row rendering issue in IE8, product color row in IE8 and the path selector not being set to the proper location in IE8.

[pchalupa] add missing copyright notices

[pchalupa] reuse User foreman orchestration disablement in tests

[pchalupa] update katello.spec to correspond with Gemfile dependencies

[David Davis] Fix handling of validation_errors in notices.js

[Jordan OMara] 864654 - katello-headpin-all correction

[j.hadvig] Fixed Gemfile for Ruport

[Ivan Necas] gettext - use named substitution in gettext with more variables

[Ivan Necas] gettext - get rid of all malformed interpolations in gettext strings

[j.hadvig] Fixed katello.spec for Ruport

[David Davis] Fixed gpg keys controller rspec

[David Davis] Fix missing should in gpg controller spec

[Ivan Necas] gettext - add a checking script to find if there are note malformed gettext stings

[David Davis] 859963 - Fixed bad css character

[Brad Buckingham] pulpv2 - system packages - remove 'todo'

[Justin Sherrill] fixing broken minitests

[Adam Price] fixed failing db migrations

[Justin Sherrill] changing alfred to no_perms_user

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - moving activation key auth to new file and testing

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - splitting filter auth into its own file

[pchalupa] move missing foreman user creation out of migration to upgrade script

[Dmitri Dolguikh] A slew of changes around content updates.

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fix for broken content update call and additional tests

[pchalupa] fix missing parameter

[Ivan Necas] gettext - move the check to the start of RPM build phase

[David Davis] Added about link to Administer menu

[Justin Sherrill] spliting authentication for gpg keys

[Justin Sherrill] removing auth from notice.rb which is not needed

[Miroslav Suchý] 860952 - do not call with_indifferent_access on Array

[Justin Sherrill] splitting out auth methods for organization

[Justin Sherrill] splitting auth for products

[Justin Sherrill] fixing wrong requires

[Justin Sherrill] spliting off provider auth functions

[Ivan Necas] gettext - fix syntax

[Justin Sherrill] removing UserBaseTest requirement

[Justin Sherrill] splitting auth out of environment

[Miroslav Suchý] change url of koji to new location

[Lukas Zapletal] 862753 - fixing typo in template deletion

[Lukas Zapletal] fixing - uninitialized constant Candlepin

[Miroslav Suchý] katello-common should own directory /usr/share/katello/db

[Miroslav Suchý] package katello (and headpin) should own /usr/share/katello/app/models and /usr/share/katello/app

[Miroslav Suchý] package katello should own /usr/share/katello/app/models/glue

[Miroslav Suchý] package katello should own /usr/share/katello/lib/monkeys

[Miroslav Suchý] package katello should own /usr/share/katello/lib/resources

[Miroslav Suchý] package katello-common should own /usr/share/katello/lib

[Miroslav Suchý] package katello-common should own /usr/share/katello

[Miroslav Suchý] package katello-common should own /etc/katello

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.14-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.14-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [1.1.10-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-agent] release [1.1.3-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-certs-tools] release [1.1.9-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.1.11-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [1.1.7-1].

[Justin Sherrill] splitting auth out of roles

[Justin Sherrill] splitting auth from systems

[Justin Sherrill] fixing system base

[Justin Sherrill] fixing class reloading with underscore

[Justin Sherrill] splitting auth out of system groups

[Justin Sherrill] splitting auth out of system templates

[Justin Sherrill] splitting out auth from user.rb

[Justin Sherrill] removing traces of old authorization module

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.15-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.1.15-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Bumping package versions for 1.1.

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [1.2.1-1].

[Justin Sherrill] moving enforcement code out of user.rb

[Justin Sherrill] removing repo specs

[Miroslav Suchý] do not call pulp service script, call qpidd and mongodb directly

[Justin Sherrill] adding missing license

[Miroslav Suchý] add helper script to update packages in Fedora

[Justin Sherrill] test fixes

[Brad Buckingham] 860952 - update Pool::find to not treat response as an array

[Mike McCune] adding parallel_tests gem so our unit tests can use multiple CPUs

[Brad Buckingham] 855267 - CLI - changesets - update controller to use before_filter for product

[Miroslav Suchý] add rubygem-parallel and rubygem-parallel_test to devel composes

[j.hadvig] Fixed the moving of the a.cancel_sync element

[Tom McKay] manifests - Added delete manifest while in headpin mode (not enabled in katello) manifests - fixed 857949 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=857949

[Justin Sherrill] splitting Elastic search code out of all models

[Tom McKay] manifests - cleaned error message, removed unused var

[gstoecke] Moved binding of notice display event to document ready callback due to different code path execution during login notifications.

[gstoecke] Moved trigger from body to document element.

[Miroslav Suchý] skip symlinks during gettext check

[pchalupa] raise errors on Foreman Katello DB inconsistency

[pchalupa] utilize Foreman search ability in rake db:seed

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.2.1-1].

[Ivan Necas] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.2.1-1].

[pchalupa] do not send plain password to Foreman in user foreman glue

[Dmitri Dolguikh] a bunch of fixes to get katello running on ruby 1.9.3

[Partha Aji] Consumer changes to deal with update runcible code

[Dmitri Dolguikh] removed a rescue used for debugging

[Ivan Necas] Add Foreman integration code to rpm spec

[Justin Sherrill] fixing bad class reference

[Ivan Necas] Add foreman_api as a build requirement

[Justin Sherrill] minitest fixes

[Bryan Kearney] 866995: Fix the status API so that it is exposed correctly for rhsm.

[Justin Sherrill] cache reloaded models to speed up tests

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Adds factory_girl to Gemfile and adds a base set of factories with traits.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Adds ability to turn logging on for RestClient calls in glue layer.  Adds ability to run a single suite.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Cleans up models tests and adds usage of factories where appropriate.  Fixes up glue layer to use factories.

[pchalupa] fix failing system tests

[David Davis] Setting label on the backend if blank

[Mike McCune] switching to parallel_tests for our jenkins job and removing yard run

[Adam Price] custom info rework (work it!)

[Adam Price] default custom info for systems by org

[Adam Price] adding custom info to elastic search on systems

[Adam Price] fixing busted tests due to elastic search indexing

[Adam Price] changing to correct 'find' method

[Mike McCune] these aren't needed during testing and are unrelated to the spec test

[Miroslav Suchý] correctly address owner attribute

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [1.2.1-1].

[Tom McKay] headpin-system-groups - adding system groups to headpin

[Adam Price] trying to fix tests for automation

[David Davis] Properly setting label in before validate method

[Lukas Zapletal] Gemfile for 1.8 and 1.9 Ruby

[Eric D Helms] 862997 - On content search page, during repository comparison, clicking the show more button will now properly load more data for packages and errata.

[Jordan OMara] RAM entitlements

[Adam Price] 818903 - Name of the pdf generated for headpin system report command should be modified

[Brad Buckingham] 865472 - system groups - fix auto-complete on add of systems to groups

[Justin Sherrill] renaming class variable to something more unique

[Justin Sherrill] fixing includes for glue layer

[Justin Sherrill] migrating user tests to minitest

[Justin Sherrill] removing user spec

[Adam Price] localizing "NOT-SPECIFIED" string in models/custom_info.rb

[Justin Sherrill] fixing broken user tests

[Justin Sherrill] do not run FactoryGirl.reload if not needed

[Jordan OMara] 869006: Fixing variable name change for RAM support from previous pull request

[pchalupa] add missing tests for foreman integration

[pchalupa] update supported rspec versions in monkeypatch

[pchalupa] remove fuzzy warnings

[Brad Buckingham] pulpv2 - fix existing rspecs, failing after updates to pulp v2

[Lukas Zapletal] introducing debugging group in the Gemfile

[David Davis] Updating the factory_girl gem requirement

[Justin Sherrill] splitting some missed environment elastic search code

[Justin Sherrill] backing up resource types similarly to our spec tests

[Justin Sherrill] giving the no_perms user his own role in fixtures

[Justin Sherrill] adding auth helper from spec tests

[Justin Sherrill] adding new user spec test

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-utils] release [1.2.1-1].

[Justin Sherrill] fixing run_spec change

[Justin Sherrill] PR comment fixes

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Contains changes to get repository glue layer tests completely working in live and none modes.  Updates to test rakefile to allow running of all model/glue tests or each individually.

[Justin Sherrill] removing uneeded auth methods

[Justin Sherrill] moving allowed_organizations to auth module for user

[Justin Sherrill] moving auth method to auth user module

[Justin Sherrill] a few model spec fixes

[Justin Sherrill] environment does not need indexed model

[Mike McCune] 835586 - restricting usernames to ASCII only.

[j.hadvig] 835321 - Fixing the user name validation

[Tom McKay] headpin-system-groups - fence pulp hooks in system model

[Adam Price] 817946 - API not accessible from browser

[Brad Buckingham] pulpv2 - rspec, more fixes from migration

[Justin Sherrill] more model spec fixes

[Justin Sherrill] use uri for tdl

[Justin Sherrill] changeset spec fixes

[Justin Sherrill] fixing proivder and product specs

[Jordan OMara] Revert "headpin-system-groups - fence pulp hooks in system model"

[Jordan OMara] Revert "headpin-system-groups - adding system groups to headpin"

[Lukas Zapletal] adding more strict versions in the Gemfile

[Lukas Zapletal] removing foreman dependency from katello-common

[Lukas Zapletal] 869938 - avoiding cronjob root mail folder flooding

[Lukas Zapletal] 866995 - additional fix for ping controller

[Justin Sherrill] more spec model fixes

[Justin Sherrill] fixing system model spec

[Justin Sherrill] better uri building

[Justin Sherrill] fixing spacing

[Jordan OMara] Revert "Fixed katello.spec for Ruport"

[Jordan OMara] Revert "Fixed Gemfile for Ruport"

[Jordan OMara] Revert "Fixing Ruport depend. on Prawn"

[Jordan OMara] Revert "Fixing Gemfile depend."

[Jordan OMara] Revert "Fixing Ruport dependencies"

[Jordan OMara] Revert "Prawn gemfile and spec dependencies"

[Jordan OMara] Revert "Prawn integration for PDF generation"

[Tom McKay] headpin-foreman - return reverted foreman fencing

[Justin Sherrill] merge conflict and test fix

[Justin Sherrill] fixing changeset, promotions, & changeset controllers

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Fixing tests to work the current pulp testing release and issues with cassette matching.

[Lukas Zapletal] 868916 - wait for elasticsearch and start httpd during upgrade

[Brad Buckingham] pulpv2 - rspec, more controller fixes from migration

[Tom McKay] headpin-dashboard - adjust size of notices portlet when in headpin mode to match system status

[Eric D Helms] 861513 - Fixes issue with failed sync's not generating proper notifications.

[Lukas Zapletal] fixing jammit dep version for sam

[Jordan OMara] 870362 - Adding conversion method for memory str -> mb

[Eric D Helms] Travis - Updates travis config to change directory properly for bundle install.

[Eric D Helms] Rspec - Fixes broken test that was a result of mis-configured mocks.

[Lukas Zapletal] moving .bundle/config out of RPM to configure

[Adam Price] 870456 - existing orgs do not get default value for system_info_keys in database

[Brad Buckingham] pulpv2 - more rspec controller fixes

[Justin Sherrill] fixing repo gpg tests

[Justin Sherrill] gpg repo creation fix

[Eric D Helms] Ruby 1.9.3 - Adds relative path to lib files to fix unittest failures on 1.9.3

[Justin Sherrill] migrating custom repo content creation to orchestration

[Partha Aji] Initial cut of consumer group work

[Lukas Zapletal] wrapping headpin only gems to the if statement

[Justin Sherrill] spec fixes

[Adam Price] 813291 - [RFE] Username cannot contain characters other than alpha numerals,'_', '-', can not resume after failure

[Justin Sherrill] fixing pool elasticsearch bindings

[Brad Buckingham] pulpv2 - update katello-reset-dbs to use pulp-manage-db

[Miroslav Suchý] add development dependencies to our yum repo

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - adding support for indexing packages and errata

[Tomas Strachota] abstract model - support for naming and to_key Both needed by form_for.

[Tomas Strachota] abstract model - validation error reporting

[Tomas Strachota] abstract model - update_attributes

[Tomas Strachota] abstract model - spec tests

[Jason E. Rist] More fixes for integrating converge-ui

[Miroslav Suchý] add missing deps for katello-devel-all

[Tom McKay] 869380-confirm-delete - add confirmation message before deleting manifest

[Jason E. Rist] Added fonts symlink.

[Adam Price] fixing a regression in headpin due to ascii username restrictions in katello.

[Brad Buckingham] pulpv2 - update katello.spec for pulp v2 refactorings

[David Davis] Added OS-specific Gemfile.lock files

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - updating repo to use new retrieve

[Adam Price] allowing organizations (and also anything else that uses katello_name_format_validator) to have a name that is one character in length.

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - making after sync work properly without task_id temporarily

[Jordan OMara] 871822 - Moving factname for memtotal; now in kB by default

[Jordan OMara] 871822 - nil check for mem_mb

[Lukas Zapletal] 872096 - review of katello rpm-delivered conf files

[Miroslav Suchý] add rubygem-ZenTest to F16 and RHEL6 as devel dependency

[Miroslav Suchý] add rubygem-simplecov to F17 repo

[Miroslav Suchý] sync spec with Gemfile

[Miroslav Suchý] add simplecov-html as dependecy of simplecov

[pchalupa] remove deprecation warning

[Jordan OMara] 871822 - str != str

[Lukas Zapletal] puppet race condition in foreman

[j.hadvig] 750660 - System packages list doesn't allow you to search for a package installed on the system

[Justin Sherrill] fixing include order which caused repo deletion to fail

[Justin Sherrill] fixing improper class name

[Jordan OMara] Adding more infoz to about page & footer

[Jordan OMara] Moving some configuration options into branding helper

[Jordan OMara] forgot to change branding helper to use release_short method

[Adam Price] 866359 - API: /consumers/{id}/entitlements returns incorrect data and Content-Type header

[Ivan Necas] 872305 - scope product certificate search by organization

[Eric D Helms] 871086 - Changes to respond with template validation errors as bad requests instead of internal server errors.

[pchalupa] fix missing constant error when fast_gettext gem have older version

[Miroslav Suchý] include rubygems 1.8

[Lukas Zapletal] 872096 - correcting typo in a comment

[Brad Buckingham] 864936 - update product labels to ensure uniqueness

[Miroslav Suchý] rubygems should go to devel section as it is required by ZenTest

[Miroslav Suchý] add devel requirements for rhel6

[Partha Aji] Fixed some rspec errors

[Adam Price] 872686 - create a Role with single-character name fails

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Updates to handle ruby 1.9.3 and adds inclusion of new tests into Travis config.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Removes deletion of db:test:prepare call to return 'rake spec' functionality back to expected behavior.

[Brad Buckingham] 864936 - api/cli - generate an error label provided is already in use

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - changeset package fixes

[Justin Sherrill] only create content if the environment is library

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Adds the pulp v2 API path to the katello config.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Switching distribution tests to match on path and not URI.

[Justin Sherrill] fixing single test runs

[Justin Sherrill] fixing changeset spec

[Justin Sherrill] reorganizing after_sync to fit in with separation

[Miroslav Suchý] another round of rhel6 devel dependencies

[Justin Sherrill] fixing bad translations

[Justin Sherrill] adding test rake job to devel-test

[Justin Sherrill] test

[Justin Sherrill] f16 gemfile update

[Justin Sherrill] do not use apipie env

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Updates to fix tests running with Pulp and running in none mode. Skips currently broken tests in Pulp to make Travis green for now.

[Brad Buckingham] 864936 - small but important chg to fix manifest imports

[Partha Aji] Changes for SystemGroup (dis)associate

[Partha Aji] Fixed a SystemGroup namespace issue

[Jason E. Rist] More color changes to derive from $primary and $kprimary

[pchalupa] fix version comparison

[Justin Sherrill] spec fixes for building in pulpv2

[Partha Aji] Fixed the permissions to access the RH Subscriptions page

[Adam Price] 873302 - Environments do not populate when adding a new user without full admin

[Brad Buckingham] 864936 - products - labelize name on create entry

[Ivan Necas] Get back Gemfile.lock symlink

[Justin Sherrill] few small auth fixes and spacing fixes

[Ivan Necas] katello-configure - support reset data for the foreman

[Tom McKay] 873809-js-error - removing oboslete red hat provider code and references (two-pane subscriptions replaced)

[Tom McKay] subsfilter - fixes BZ 859038 where the subscription filtering chooser would grab focus when the panel opens

[Partha Aji] Wiped out an unused file

[Ivan Necas] Remove accidentally added file

[Ivan Necas] 874185 - fix the add_repository_library_id migration

[Ivan Necas] 853445 - correctly determine the affected repos after deletion

[Jordan OMara] 873680 - disallowing blank socket count in system creation

[Adam Price] 845620 - [RFE] Improve messaging around results of setting the yStream

[Adam Price] 874510, 874502

[Partha Aji] Fixed a method name typo

[Mike McCune] 874185 - make sure we don't try and process labels when env is nil

[mbacovsk] Added elasticsearch deps to comp

[Adam Price] fixing a regression i caused on one of my own bugs.

[David Davis] Pulp v2 - Fixing bad require in test

[Justin Sherrill] fixing after_save whose function was moved to elastic_search glue

[David Davis] Pulpv2 - Switching FG to version from Fedora repos

[David Davis] Content views: initial setup of models

[David Davis] Content views: setup associations

[David Davis] Content views: Worked on labels and cli

[David Davis] Content views: fixed view -> product relationship

[David Davis] Content views: added destroy to api controller/cli

[David Davis] Content views: fixed update cli command

[David Davis] Content views: Added add_product for cli

[David Davis] Content views: Refactored composite/component

[David Davis] Content views: Added repository association to def

[David Davis] Content views: added repo cli commands

[David Davis] Content views: fixed product :bug: with cp_id

[David Davis] Content views: created changeset association

[David Davis] Content views: views can be added to changesets

[David Davis] Content views: changesets check for invalid views

[David Davis] Merged together duplicate factories

[David Davis] Content views: removed erroneous api actions

[David Davis] Content views: added env argument to list

[David Davis] Content views: created add_view and remove_view

[David Davis] Content views: added api specs

[David Davis] Content views: validation for composite content defs

[David Davis] Content views: created auth for definitions

[David Davis] Pulp v2 - Fixing bad require in test

[Partha Aji] Fixed most glaring errors in the pulpv2 branch

[Partha Aji] One more fix

[David Davis] Fixed all the minitest tests

[Justin Sherrill] content views - adding content view promotion (cherry picked from commit 47b23871c53c1369a26abe1df3e2d5e2c2494e20)

[Justin Sherrill] content views - adding support for view deletion

[David Davis] Content views: Fixed bad merge in organization

[mbacovsk] Added java 1.7 to RHEL6 repo

[David Davis] Content views: fixing route

[David Davis] Content views: definitions habtm repos

[Miroslav Suchý] Revert "Revert "Prawn integration for PDF generation""

[Miroslav Suchý] Revert "Revert "Prawn gemfile and spec dependencies""

[Miroslav Suchý] Revert "Revert "Fixing Ruport dependencies""

[Miroslav Suchý] Revert "Revert "Fixing Gemfile depend.""

[Miroslav Suchý] Revert "Revert "Fixing Ruport depend. on Prawn""

[Miroslav Suchý] Revert "Revert "Fixed Gemfile for Ruport""

[Miroslav Suchý] Revert "Revert "Fixed katello.spec for Ruport""

[Partha Aji] Added unmerged changes from commit 2bcbb432322646d13a6ab74b601035dc2dc2741e to consumer.rb

[Brad Buckingham] pulpv2 - remove migrated consumer apis from repo.rb

[Brad Buckingham] pulpv2 - consumer - updates for changes in task structure

[Justin Sherrill] content views - allow publication of content views definitions with repos

[Justin Sherrill] content views - making view deletion support repos

[pchalupa] clean up configuration

[Miroslav Suchý] package gofer is in Fedora and EPEL

[Miroslav Suchý] rubygem-hashr is now even in F17

[pchalupa] sort available locales

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed a few issues dicovered when running under 1.9.3

[pchalupa] make sure katello_config is loadable stand-alone

[David Davis] Setting therubyracer version

[David Davis] Content views: created publish permission

[Dmitri Dolguikh] switched to a more succinct way to open a binary file

[David Davis] Content views: fixed definition auth bugs

[Justin Sherrill] content view - lots of changes to support repos

[Partha Aji] Modified code to allow utf8 usernames

[Partha Aji] Added changes recommended in the pull request

[Partha Aji] Removed a white space issue based on PR comments

[Partha Aji] Changed the place where the remote_id for user is generated

[Partha Aji] Added 2 user tests one for email and one i18n

[Partha Aji] Made app cntlr use remote id instead of username

[Partha Aji] changed logging remote_id to username based on suggestions in the pull request

[Eric D Helms] Gemfile - Fixes reference to Ruport git.

[Eric D Helms] Rspec - Fixes issue with referencing Rspec version caused by newest version to fix unit test runs.

[David Davis] Content views: content view permissions and tests

[Eric D Helms] Rspec - Fixes broken Rspec test.

[Brad Buckingham] content views - ui - initial CRUD support for name/label/description

[Justin Sherrill] removing relative path function that is no longer needed

[Justin Sherrill] content view - allow publishing to views by giving name/lable/description

[Lukas Zapletal] katello-upgrade redesign

[Miroslav Suchý] make bundler happy

[Adam Price] 866972 - katello-debug needs to take headpin into consideration

[Tom McKay] 874391-mandel - async job behind deleting manifest

[pchalupa] remove deprecated ApiConfig

[Tomas Strachota] ui - helper method for rendering editables

[Justin Sherrill] do not try to generate a remote id if validation fails

[Brad Buckingham] pulpv2 - update to use 'finished' for task status state

[pchalupa] add better definitions of configuration validation

[pchalupa] fix warning text

[pchalupa] fix monkey patch when RSpec::Version is undefined

[Mike McCune] force devboost to be on in development mode.

[Ivan Necas] Use updated oauth from our repo

[Adam Price] changed deployment checking

[Brad Buckingham] pulpv2 - remove UNARCHIVED_FINISH state from task status

[Brad Buckingham] pulpv2 - convert status to string

[Brad Buckingham] content views - shorting nav label to use Views

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Updates to fix glue layer and tests for newest pulp beta.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Adds encoding for the UTF-8 characters for 1.9.3

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - migrating to using unit_id as the errata id

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Cleans up asserts for friendlier output.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Fixes up errata tests for a repository with Pulp beta.

[David Davis] Content views: fixed content view def test

[David Davis] Content views: fixed authorization bug

[Tom McKay] 877473-fencing - force use_foreman and use_pulp off for headpin

[David Davis] Content views: remove ruby-debug

[David Davis] Content views: fixing auth test

[Justin Sherrill] spec fixes

[Justin Sherrill] adding comment

[Justin Sherrill] spec test fix

[Justin Sherrill] cassette updates

[Justin Sherrill] content views - migrating to using CV version

[Eric D Helms] Translations - Download translations from Transifex for katello.

[Eric D Helms] Translations - New translations from Transifex for katello.

[Eric D Helms] Translations - Update .po and .pot files for katello.

[Justin Sherrill] spec fixes

[Justin Sherrill] commit comment fixes

[Justin Sherrill] simplifying sorting

[Justin Sherrill] fixing some more spects

[Justin Sherrill] cassette updates

[Jordan OMara] 874280 - terminology changes for consistency across subman, candlepin, etc

[Justin Sherrill] one last clone_id fix

[Justin Sherrill] fixing errata_ids

[Tom McKay] 875609-hypervisor - allow hypervisors to successfully register and list in katello

[Adam Price] 873038 - Entering an env name of "Library" when creating an organization does not give clear error message

[Justin Sherrill] enabling debugger gem group by default

[Justin Sherrill] spec fixes

[Justin Sherrill] addressing PR comments

[Justin Sherrill] fixing env check to look for true

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Switches the branch to start using Runcible from gem.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Adds Runcible to spec file.

[Justin Sherrill] spec fixes

[Justin Sherrill] spec fixes

[Miroslav Suchý] add rubygem(rspec-core) to rhel6 comps as devel deps

[Lukas Zapletal] introducing bundler_ext rubygem

[Justin Sherrill] spec fixes

[Justin Sherrill] spec fixes

[Justin Sherrill] spect fix

[Justin Sherrill] minitest fix

[Jason E. Rist] Additional color overrides, fixes for many small things throughout.

[Brad Buckingham] content views - update routes.js

[Lukas Zapletal] add foreman ping support

[Justin Sherrill] 875185 - fixing enabled redhat repos page

[Eric D Helms] Gemfile - Adds explicit require in development,test for sexp_processor due to not being pulled in as a dependency of ruby_parser in development.

[Miroslav Suchý] add parallel_tests to devel dependecies

[Miroslav Suchý] add rubygem-libv8 to katello-devel-jshintrb

[Miroslav Suchý] add rubygem-libv8 to katello-devel-jshintrb

[Miroslav Suchý] add rubygem-jshintrb

[Miroslav Suchý] add rubygem-jshintrb

[Eric D Helms] Gemfile - Adds comment marking dependency.

[pchalupa] remove ENV from config.ru

[pchalupa] setup bundler before Application definition

[Lukas Zapletal] comps - adding bundler_ext

[Miroslav Suchý] require bundler_ext - especially in buildtime

[Miroslav Suchý] add foreman-installer* packages to our yum repo

[Lukas Zapletal] bundler_ext - require also :foreman until all require is merged

[Tomas Strachota] subnets - model and api controller

[Tomas Strachota] subnets ui - basic CRUD actions

[Tomas Strachota] smart proxies - new model

[Tomas Strachota] subnets ui - select boxes for domains and smart proxies

[Tomas Strachota] forman menu - new setup menu

[Tomas Strachota] abstract model - support for callbacks

[Tomas Strachota] domain ui - controller and es indexing

[Tomas Strachota] subnets - elastic search indexing

[Tomas Strachota] foreman ui - refactoring

[Tomas Strachota] foreman ui - helpers for resource select boxes

[Tomas Strachota] subnet ui - workaround for bug in chosen

[Tomas Strachota] abstract model - separate module for indexed model

[Tomas Strachota] abstract model - fix for indexed models not being deleted

[Tomas Strachota] subnets - change data hash sent to foreman

[Tomas Strachota] new foreman_api version in gemfile

[Miroslav Suchý] add rubygem-ffi as dependecy of new rubygem-net-ping

[pchalupa] fix packaging and katello-configure

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Adds task to find untested methods.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Adds Distribution, Package and Errata glue layer tests. Adds support modules for Repositories and Tasks.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Adds consumer glue layer tests.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Fixes spec that was stubbing a changed API method.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Fixes up some Glue layer fencing.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Adds an authorization base file that all authorization tests inherit from.  Moves user and repository model tests to use an inherited base instead of a module.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Minor fixes and cleanup.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Adds ActiveSupport dependency clearing to resolve issue with running multiple test sets together.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Updates comps group to add rubygem-runcible.

[Lukas Zapletal] bundler_ext - development mode support (cherry picked from commit

[David Davis] Fixed js routes

[David Davis] Content views: worked on api controllers and perms

[David Davis] Content views: fixing api controller specs

[pchalupa] fix unit tests when foreman is disabled

[Miroslav Suchý] update gems jshintrb and therubyracer

[Miroslav Suchý] update gems jshintrb and therubyracer

[David Davis] Content views: re-enabled info cli commands

[Lukas Zapletal] Ensure that the name and label is unique across all all orgs

[Adam Price] 866972 - katello-debug needs to take headpin into consideration

[David Davis] Content views: cli info and list work

[Justin Sherrill] commenting out autoreload support for runcible

[David Davis] Content views: couple of small fixes

[ogmaciel] Fixed small typo s/Subscriptons/Subscriptions.

[Justin Sherrill] requiring specific older version of pdf-reader

[David Davis] Updated F17 Gemfile.lock

[Justin Sherrill] pulpv2 - fixing promotion/demotion

[mbacovsk] Foreman environment orchestration

[Justin Sherrill] updating comment for pdf-reader requirement

[David Davis] Setting gem versions based on katello-devel-all.rpm

[Justin Sherrill] spec fix

[Justin Sherrill] promoting package groups with repos

[Justin Sherrill] cassette update

[Jordan OMara] 880905 - certain locales were not escaped properly

[Adam Price] 878341 - [ja_JP][SAM Web GUI] Default environment name 'Library' should not be localized.

[Ivan Necas] check-gettext - correct count of malformed strings

[Adam Price] fixing build issue caused by 56de39ba17b446a2e511c4cbf57728a548581cf4

[Brad Buckingham] content views - ui - add the skeleton to support views, content, filter panes

[Brad Buckingham] content views - ui - initial code for the view definition -> content pane

[David Davis] Content views: fixed bug in definition api controller

[Justin Sherrill] runcible version requirement bump

[mbacovsk] Added Foreman stuff to katello-debug

[mbacovsk] Revert "Foreman environment orchestration"

[Lukas Zapletal] bundler_ext development - correcting path for dev mode

[pchalupa] remove fix for Apipie v0.0.12 and switch to v0.0.13

[Miroslav Suchý] add rubygem-execjs to comps

[Brad Buckingham] content views - minor cleanup

[Justin Sherrill] being more specific about runcible version

[Miroslav Suchý] allow beta of therubyracer

[Miroslav Suchý] add  rubygem-ref to comps

[Jordan OMara] 880116 - pool was referencing a non-existant instance variable

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Introduces the small Hooks gem and implements association hooks for system and system groups in order to create/remove the appropriate instances in Pulp as well as update elasticsearch.

[Adam Price] 878693 - [RFE] Selecting multiple systems does not give me any action

[Brad Buckingham] content views - ui - initial code for the view definition -> Views pane

[David Davis] Having TravisCI test our Gemfile.locks

[Ivan Necas] Provide the headers for when pinging Foreman

[mbacovsk] Move foreman UI to glue foreman

[Jason E. Rist] Fixes the width of the application to 1152px. Fixes the login.

[ogmaciel] Fixes Bug 882294 - HTML element being rendered unescaped in promotions help tip.

[David Davis] Content views: fixed bug with content view repos getting published

[Jason E. Rist] 876869 - Adjusting overflow and ellipsis for Roles page.

[Adam Price] fixing code causing busted test

[Justin Sherrill] initial repo discovery work

[Brad Buckingham] content view - update changeset to allow deleting content view

[Brad Buckingham] content views - add scopes to content_view_version

[Brad Buckingham] content views - update UI to allow for changesets containing content views

[Eric D Helms] PuplV2 - Fix to make list inclusion test less dynamic.

[Jeff Weiss] Change menu keys so that no menu items end up having same html 'id' attribute.

[David Davis] Added some support code for minitest controller specs

[David Davis] Content views: added promote action to cv api

[David Davis] Content views: added cli promote command

[David Davis] Content views: versions are dependent destroy

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Removing unused functions and errant debugger.

[Brad Buckingham] content views - on changesets page, allow user to see view details

[David Davis] Content views: creating changeset during promotion shortcut

[pchalupa] fix rpm build process

[David Davis] Content views: handling async view promotion

[Miroslav Suchý] 868872 - do not distribute katello-reset-dbs

[David Davis] Content views: updated content view api tests

[Jason E. Rist] Added a check for anything besides html and json response for user#new

[David Davis] Content views: reworking generate_repos

[David Davis] Content views: removed promotion code out of api controller

[Tom McKay] 877947-clear-es - added index clean up after import and after delete manifest

[Mike McCune] including foreman as a service to start/stop with Katello

[Eric D Helms] Bash Completion - Updates bash completion with current command and sub-command sets.

[Tom McKay] i18n-fixes - updating missing localizations, including time format

[Adam Price] fixing foreman fencing that facilitated a failure

[Brad Buckingham] content views - add content view to changeset history

[David Davis] Lock therubyracer to beta version to fix jenkins

[Mike McCune] only restart foreman if it is installed

[Adam Price] 876896, 876911, 878355, 878750, 874502, 874510 - Fixed panel-name/new-link overlap

[ogmaciel] Added missing word 'find' in filters searching message.

[David Davis] Locking ci_reporter version due to errors in jekins

[Partha Aji] Removing Filter related models

[Partha Aji] Good Bye filter search

[Partha Aji] Wiped out other filter related artifacts

[Partha Aji] Removed filters from the cli

[Partha Aji] Modified the migration scripts to work for a fresh install

[Brad Buckingham] content views - update changesets content tree to retrieve repos from default view

[David Davis] Content views: renamed content views controller test

[Partha Aji] Updated js routes after removing filters

[Partha Aji] Removed a typo that got added in the previous migration commit

[David Davis] Content views: tweaks and fixes for promotion

[Partha Aji] Fixed some unit test failures

[Jason E. Rist] Update git submodule to UI-Alchemy (alchemy), small fix for dashboard.

[Jason E. Rist] Fix for missing images on fancyqueries dropdown.

[Jason E. Rist] Password and Username Reset fixed.

[pchalupa] fix 1.9 incompatibility

[Lukas Zapletal] bunndler.d - cleaning Gemfile

[Lukas Zapletal] bundler.d - introcuding dynamic loading of gems

[Lukas Zapletal] bundler.d - adding test group in development env

[Lukas Zapletal] bundler.d - adding support for jruby

[Lukas Zapletal] bundler.d - copying only some gems from test into dev

[Lukas Zapletal] bundler.d - applying changes for the spec

[Lukas Zapletal] bundler.d - pull request review fixes

[David Davis] Content views: remove checking for promotion

[Brad Buckingham] content views - update product.repos to handle default content view

[Lukas Zapletal] bundler.d - changes for build time (apipie)

[Tom McKay] 883949-chinese - change config mapping for chinese locale

[David Davis] Content views: changesets can have views in CLI

[Tom McKay] 883949-portugese - change config mapping or portugese locale

[Jason E. Rist] Fixing the password reset edit method and associated test.

[Jason E. Rist] Updating to lower case url.  Removing comment from previous test.

[Ivan Necas] Fix build_pxe_default call

[Lukas Zapletal] bundler.d - not distributing build gem group

[Brad Buckingham] content views - spec fixes based on changes to support default content views

[Jason E. Rist] Minor fixes for content_search and about page.

[Eric D Helms] Alchemy - Updates for pathing related to the codebase change in Alchemy.

[Eric D Helms] Alchemy - Spec file updates for Alchemy.

[Eric D Helms] String - Fixes malformed i18n string.

[Eric D Helms] Alchemy - Submodule hash update.

[Eric D Helms] Comps - Removes CUI and adds rubygem-alchemy to comps.

[Lukas Zapletal] bundler.d - moving ci group into build and dev only file

[Lukas Zapletal] bundler.d - adding new packages to the comp files

[Lukas Zapletal] bundler.d - adding new packages to the comp files

[Eric D Helms] Spec - Updates to new alchemy inclusion location in spec.

[Eric D Helms] Comps - Alphabetizes.

[David Davis] Content views: showing repo info in cli

[Eric D Helms] Spec - Adds line to dynamically determine installation directory of Alchemy.

[Adam Price] rake gettext:find was yelling about in improperly formatted haml file

[David Davis] Content views: worked on changeset deletion of views

[Brad Buckingham] content views - fix for specs failing in ruby 1.9.3

[Eric D Helms] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.2.2-1].

[Eric D Helms] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.2.2-1].

[Brad Buckingham] 880710 - api - updates to use org id or label when retrieving org

[Eric D Helms] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [1.2.2-1].

[Eric D Helms] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [1.2.1-1].

[Eric D Helms] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.2.1-1].

[Eric D Helms] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [1.2.2-1].

[Eric D Helms] Bumping package versions for 1.3.

[Eric D Helms] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [1.3.1-1].

[Tomas Strachota] architectures ui - basic crud actions

[Tomas Strachota] abstract model - processing apipie exceptions

[Tomas Strachota] abstract model - dsl for setting resource name

[Tomas Strachota] architectures ui - architectures tied to operating systems - new model for operating systems - helper for operating system multiselect

[Brad Buckingham] 880710 - api systems controller - query org by name or label

[Eric D Helms] 857061 - System template actions on the right pane will now close whenever the new system template button is clicked.

[Eric D Helms] 839394 - Changes wording on sync management page when no repositories are enabled to cross-link to custom repos and red hat provider link.

[Eric D Helms] 772199 - Adds a tool tip to explain that GPG keys are optional for products and repositories.

[Eric D Helms] 845062 - Fixes typo with errata search icon tooltip.

[Eric D Helms] 871093 - Fix to show tags when "+ All" verbs is selected.

[Eric D Helms] 855945 - Content search now displays the Library if there are no environments.

[Eric D Helms] 843566 - Sets the chosen dropdown in Content Search to not display a filter mechanism.

[Eric D Helms] 791345 - Deletes errant tick mark that was appearing after list updates on the sync plan page.

[Eric D Helms] 817858 - Permission edits now show tags when appropriate.

[Eric D Helms] 858726 - Sets the compare repos button to disable if there are 0 or 1 repos enabled on content search.

[Lukas Zapletal] ping - correcting return code for ping controller

[Lukas Zapletal] bundler.d - correcting permissions for development mode

[Lukas Zapletal] bundler.d - not need to require ci plugin

[Tomas Strachota] cli - python based shell completion

[Tomas Strachota] cli - packaged completion script

[Miroslav Suchý] do not distribute packages which are already in Fedora

[Miroslav Suchý] rubygem-fastercsv is dependency of ruport, but not required if RUBY < 1.9, because in ruby1.9 it is part of standard library

[Miroslav Suchý] simplify progress bar

[David Davis] Content views: added id and name to cv arguments

[ares] Fixes 878156 bug with GPG key updating

[Tomas Strachota] delayed_jobs - fix for passing bundler ext environment variables

[ares] Spec refactoring

[ares] Spec refactoring

[ares] Use spaces instead of tabs

[Eric D Helms] Comps - Adding rubygem-multi_json to F17 comps to pull down version > 1.3 from our repos to satisfy development dependency.

[David Davis] 860301: Showing notices for username and password resets

[David Davis] 860301: Updated specs for reset notice fixes

[David Davis] Content views: removing old test

[Tom McKay] katello-jobs-locale - set user's locale

[David Davis] Content views: added id and name to cli definition commands

[Tom McKay] ja-validation - updated ja.yml file from https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n

[Jordan OMara] 880113 - special validation for pool ids searching with ?

[David Davis] Add elasticsearch package to ping information

[Jason E. Rist] Ordering of user_session caused interstitial to not load due to string change.

[ares] Fixes 855433 bug - display GPG keys repositories

[ares] Enhancement for former fix for 864565

[Jason E. Rist] Reverting a critical missing space and indenting for readability.

[Jason E. Rist] Minor simplification of the content_for(:content) block

[Eric D Helms] Ruby19 - Fixes issue with array symbols appearing in UI when running on Ruby 1.9+.

[Jason E. Rist] Fixes a few i18n issues:  - i18n forced to browser locale on login page  - fixes a few items via alchemy for login page i18n.

[Jason E. Rist] Upstream alchemy hash for i18n.

[Tom McKay] 877894-i18n - remove N_ to allow match w/ translation

[David Davis] Content views: fixed tests and feedback for def args

[Tom McKay] katello-jobs-locale - corrected missing method call extract_locale_from_accept_language_header

[pchalupa] better error messages

[Tomas Strachota] smart proxies - api controller

[Tomas Strachota] apipie - fix in loading nested controllers

[David Davis] Content views: Added tests for new arguments

[Brad Buckingham] content views - updates to views pane to better support multiple versions

[Brad Buckingham] content views - initial model changes to support view refresh

[Brad Buckingham] content views - initial ui changes to support view refresh

[Brad Buckingham] content views - ui - refresh - update views pane after refresh

[Brad Buckingham] content views - address 2 minor comments from PR review

[Brad Buckingham] content views - update views treetable to reinitialize on content change

[Jordan OMara] 881616 - showing UNLIMITED instead of -1 on activation keys edit

[Ivan Necas] Use maruku instead of redcarpet for markdown -> html

[Ivan Necas] Use maruku instead of redcarpet for markdown -> html

[David Davis] Setting haml-rails to 0.3.4 to fix error

[Justin Sherrill] comment update

[Jordan OMara] 878191 - allowing non-consumer access to deletion record remove

[Justin Sherrill] spec test update

[Justin Sherrill] adding new gem for web crawling

[Justin Sherrill] fixing mistaken comment in Gemfile

[Lukas Zapletal] 885261 - org deletion should remove rh provider

[Lukas Zapletal] 885261 - make data repair script to work from any dir

[Justin Sherrill] adding file based repo discovery test, fixing small file based issue

[Justin Sherrill] changing assert to assert_equals

[David Davis] Content views: added activation key and validation

[David Davis] Content views: activation key without cv test

[Lukas Zapletal] 885261 - org deletion unit test correction

[ares] Fixes 790216 running changesets concurently

[Brad Buckingham] content views - support refresh as 'async' in UI (includes backend chgs)

[Jordan OMara] Consumer.get was returning a 410 and surfacing that instead of continuing to delete the deletion record

[Justin Sherrill] initial repo discovery UI

[Brad Buckingham] content views - shorten length of couple of lines

[David Davis] Content views: temporarily fix breaking tests

[Jordan OMara] Removing OR for pipeor

[Brad Buckingham] Content views: refreshing views from the CLI

[Brad Buckingham] Content views: api refresh test

[David Davis] Content views: fixing tests due to == returning false

[Miroslav Suchý] rubygem-scoped_search is now part of Fedora

[Miroslav Suchý] remove requires rubygem(execjs) and rubygem(multi_json)

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.3.1-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [1.3.2-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.1-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.1-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [1.3.1-1].

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [1.3.1-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] logging - orchestration logger and uuid request tracking

[Lukas Zapletal] logging - orchestration log rotating

[ares] 835902 fixes notification for GPG key upload

[ares] Fixes few typos

[mhulan] 781287 fix - update notification counter

[mhulan] 784326 fix for mixed locale for admin

[mbacovsk] Added rubygem-scoped_search

[Bryan Kearney] 868045: Missed translating string when there are no products for a system

[David Davis] 875225 - Refreshing favicon to ensure its presence

[mhulan] 806096 fix - display checkboxes to readonly users

[Jordan OMara] 882248 - making environment name editable

[Justin Sherrill] 848571 - fixing verbage on content search

[Jordan OMara] Fixing a non-deterministic text failure

[mhulan] Fix for not loading system template detail

[Brad Buckingham] 843421 - systems - include summary when removing system groups using bulk action

[Justin Sherrill] 888019 - fixing issue where only 10 repos would appear on content search

[David Davis] 875225 - Binding favicon refresh to hash change

[Lukas Zapletal] 808461 - prevent from creating a repo in rh providers

[Lukas Zapletal] 873665 - getting rid of last find_by_username admin calls

[Tom McKay] 878891-actkey-alignment - put act keys into table

[Bryan Kearney] Code review comments lead to discovery of dead code. The import_status and export_status files do not appear tied to any controller and they are only referenced by a route which is also not tied to a controller

[David Davis] 842745 - Showing update message on package group update

[Brad Buckingham] 844708 - update panel action confirmation dialog to close on 'yes' click

[David Davis] 842745 - Fixed rspec test

[David Davis] 858743 - Stop redirect after login to ajax notices path

[Dmitri Dolguikh] user searches containing empty display attributes are no longer being saved in the history

[Brad Buckingham] 848553 - tupane - remove 'do_not_open' on copy

[Justin Sherrill] 848566 - fixing verbage of system group limit

[Tom McKay] 869371-ram - able to set RAM during new system creation in UI

[Brad Buckingham] 831362 - systems - disable/enable system group widget on actions panel

[Partha Aji] 820404- Renamed the debug cert button as suggested in the bz

[Justin Sherrill] 751159 - downloading a modified system template would present warning

[Justin Sherrill] removing console.log

[Lukas Zapletal] logging - orchestration log - unit test fix

[pchalupa] Bug 799356 - systems that have been deleted that are still calling back to server generate stack trace

[Miroslav Suchý] ignore obsoletes and fuzzy warnings

[David Davis] Content views: handling new refresh code from CLI/API

[David Davis] Content views: fixed broken refresh tests

[Justin Sherrill] storing current task id within Thread.current

[Justin Sherrill] allowing cancellation of repo discovery

[Jeff Weiss] Remove README that was generated by Ruby on Rails.

[Brad Buckingham] content views - UI - views, handle case where there is no task

[Brad Buckingham] content views - support publish as 'async' in UI (includes backend chgs)

[Brad Buckingham] content view - refactor out retrieving the task_status associated w/ publish

[Jeff Weiss] Add back katello specific readme.

[Brad Buckingham] content views - fix test failure after async publish chgs

[Partha Aji] Removing filters from the content view branch

[Miroslav Suchý] forward port translation from SAM

[Miroslav Suchý] fixing ru/app.po

[David Davis] Removing README and updating spec file

[Miroslav Suchý] add accidentally deleted pt_BR

[Miroslav Suchý] merge pt_BR from SAM

[Jeff Weiss] Make the :key fields of all the Setup menu items unique across all the navigation.

[Brad Buckingham] 843421 - add parens to existing code

[Partha Aji] Fixed a test to make travis happy

[Miroslav Suchý] fix typo occured -> occurred

[David Davis] Adding tests to check menu item keys for uniqueness

[Miroslav Suchý] add comps files for Fedora 18

[Partha Aji] Regenerated the vcr files to make travis happy

[Partha Aji] Couple of fixes to make travis happy

[Justin Sherrill] fixing reset issue

[Lukas Zapletal] logging - orchestration log - review

[Brad Buckingham] content view - handle case where task is nil

[Brad Buckingham] content views - add notices for the start/end of publish/refresh

[Adam Price] 880515 - [ALL_LANG][headpin CLI] Redundant brackets in the message of 'Couldn't find organization '??' ()' for system report module with invalid --org name.

[Miroslav Suchý] add rubygem-sexp_processor to comps

[David Davis] Removing Gemfile.lock files since they are out of date

[Adam Price] changing 'empty?' to 'blank?'

[Adam Price] 868090 - [ru_RU] L10n:Content Management - Repositories: Untranslated string in Products and Repositories tab

[Miroslav Suchý] add rubygem-ruby2ruby to comps

[Miroslav Suchý] add rubygem-rbovirt back to comps as new Foreman requires newer version then is availbale in Fedora

[David Davis] Allowing for local gem groups

[Justin Sherrill] Initial Repo discovery & creation ui

[Jordan OMara] 879094 - CVE-2012-5561 - fix permissions on /etc/katello/secure

[Jordan OMara] renaming katello_shared -> katello-shared

[Justin Sherrill] adding filter table for repo discovery

[Jordan OMara] 879094 - a few updates to katello & katello-selinux spec based on comments

[Justin Sherrill] repo discovery styling changes

[Jordan OMara] Moving tomcat group add to katello-shared to %post

[Brad Buckingham] content views - copy form - give name input focus

[Brad Buckingham] content views - ui - add support for cloning an existing definition

[Jordan OMara] 879094 - fixing %post error in spec

[David Davis] Locking rails version to fix bundle install

[Justin Sherrill] pulling in repo feed url into db

[Justin Sherrill] repo discovery - ui enhancements

[Justin Sherrill] helper cleanup

[Brad Buckingham] content views - update ui controller to use correct rules for actions

[Brad Buckingham] content views - fix permission on ContentViewDefinition.creatable?

[Brad Buckingham] content views - adding in some spec tests for definition cloning

[Justin Sherrill] repo discovery table ui tweaks

[Justin Sherrill] prepopulating repo name and label based on url path

[Justin Sherrill] fixing filter table to only match on first column

[Justin Sherrill] improving spacing and height of subpanel

[Justin Sherrill] fixing bug with url string

[Lukas Zapletal] 891926 - katello refuses to restart

[Lukas Zapletal] rails-i18n - adding update script

[Lukas Zapletal] rails-i18n - pulling yml files from upstream

[Lukas Zapletal] rails-i18n - upstream checker script

[Justin Sherrill] repo discovery - few small ui tweaks

[Justin Sherrill] repo discovery spec additions

[Brad Buckingham] content views - adding the 'filters' placeholder back in to routes/controller

[Brad Buckingham] content views - update sortElement asset to pull from alchemy vs converge-ui

[Brad Buckingham] content views - if task is nil, publish failed

[Brad Buckingham] content views - updates to support retry on refresh/publish failure

[Brad Buckingham] content_views - remove unused publishing methods from content_view.rb

[Brad Buckingham] content views - simply the retrieval of library version

[Justin Sherrill] removing traces of unneeded action

[Justin Sherrill] some small code fixes that never were meant to be committed

[pchalupa] fix error message, missing space

[pchalupa] add missing documentation

[Justin Sherrill] calling appropriate render, since we really don't need anything

[Ivan Necas] Fix post install scriptlet

[Justin Sherrill] fixing indentation

[Justin Sherrill] PR comment updates

[Justin Sherrill] porting static rails version

[David Davis] Fixing bundle install for content_views branch

[Justin Sherrill] reverting some uneeded changes

[Justin Sherrill] fixing broken minitest

[David Davis] Content views: content view can be set on keys in CLI

[Brad Buckingham] content views - fix permission on default_label action

[Brad Buckingham] content views - ui - do not allow deletion of definition w/ promoted views

[Brad Buckingham] content views - api - do not allow deletion of definition w/ promoted views

[Justin Sherrill] fixing 1.9 minitest issue

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-agent] release [1.3.1-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-utils] release [1.3.1-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.3.2-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.2-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.2-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [1.3.2-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-selinux] release [1.3.1-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [1.3.2-1].

[pchalupa] fix missing assets when running in development

[Jason E. Rist] Fixing the reset-oauth script to also do ../config/katello.yml if it exists.

[Brad Buckingham] content_views - update has_promoted_views to perform single query

[Justin Sherrill] fixing oauth using consumers

[Justin Sherrill] validate bind & unbind actions occur succesfully

[Justin Sherrill] updating consumer test to handle hidden user

[Justin Sherrill] vcr update

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Updates to version of Runcible that is built against Pulp V2 community release.

[Lukas Zapletal] 882311 - remove scope-based organization hiding when deleting it

[Lukas Zapletal] 882311 - hide and check organizations being deleted

[Brad Buckingham] content views - fix on test for definition deletion

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Removes the Pulp proxies controller as it is no longer used.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Bumps Runcible to 0.3 version requirement in Gemfile.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Fixes for spec tests and removing :feed attr from glue/pulp/repo

[Justin Sherrill] repo discovery - auto filter table upon new redraw

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Fixes two broken spec tests by stubbing the correct Runcible call.

[David Davis] Content views: added some system/key functionality

[David Davis] Content views: added CLI for systems with content views

[David Davis] Content views: some things I found preparing for the demo

[David Davis] Content views: added in_environment scope to ContentView

[David Davis] Content views: supporting async publishing

[Justin Sherrill] adding fixture for hidden user

[David Davis] Content views: locking down params in api controllers

[Adam Price] adding thumbslug to headpin's ping function and tests, etc

[Brad Buckingham] emails - add default From to login/password emails

[Justin Sherrill] ensuring previous user is reset

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Numerous clean-up around Resources::Pulp and Consumer Groups.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Removes reference to now removed resources/pulp

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Removes test references to Resources::Pulp

[mhulan] 820392 - repository hostname validation

[mhulan] Move all validators to one place

[mhulan] Code cleanup

[mhulan] Repository feed validation moved to validator

[pchalupa] add foreman integration documentation

[pchalupa] embed YARD documentation server into Katello server in development

[pchalupa] add yard-activerecord plugin

[pchalupa] update readme

[Partha Aji] Regenerated VCR files.

[David Davis] Pulling in the gitignore from master

[David Davis] Pulpv2: Making some tweaks based on feedback

[David Davis] Setting the min_messages level to warning

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Sets a number of spec tests to pending that depend on errata calls that is currently busted in Pulp.

[Justin Sherrill] Translations - Download translations from Transifex for katello.

[Justin Sherrill] Translations - New translations from Transifex for katello.

[Justin Sherrill] Translations - Update .po and .pot files for katello.

[pchalupa] make yardoc server embedding configurable

[Brad Buckingham] content views - ui - create/update composite view definition

[Brad Buckingham] content views - ui - component views may not have same repo

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.3-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.3-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [1.3.3-1].

[Adam Price] requiring 'thumbslug_url' in configuration for headpin only

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.3.3-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [1.3.3-1].

[Justin Sherrill] 881847 - allow system group names with spaces and other characters

[David Davis] Content views: create/edit content views for systems

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Updating TODOs found in UserMailer to use default organization for the user instead of the just the first organization.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Adds missing User model tests and cleans up user.rb.

[pchalupa] fix yard doc reloading, render only one documentation (:single_library option)

[pchalupa] add model and controller graphs

[pchalupa] make inline code block noticeable

[pchalupa] set Markdown as default markup

[Tomas Strachota] foreman integration ui fixes

[Tomas Strachota] subnets - required attributes in model

[Tomas Strachota] architectures - fixed removing all OSs on update

[Tomas Strachota] abstract model - setting resources made consistent

[Tomas Strachota] abstract model - support for instantiating subclasses

[Tomas Strachota] simple crud controller - support for custom as_json options

[Tomas Strachota] comp. res. - api, model for each provider

[pchalupa] fix some documentation formatting errors

[pchalupa] fix katello.spec

[Tomas Strachota] foreman_api gem version bumped up to 0.0.10

[Miroslav Suchý] has_many_polymorphs is not needed any more - since foreman-1.0.2-2.bead32d

[Justin Sherrill] updating requires for runcible to fix errata promotion

[David Davis] Content views: UI for edit/update activation key content views

[Justin Sherrill] vcr_update

[mbacovsk] Smart proxies UI

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Removing spec tests that are no longer valid with new test setup.

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Simplifies a join to reduce the number of DB calls.

[Lukas Zapletal] bundler_ext - renaming namespace

[David Davis] Content views: worked on activation two pane

[Adam Price] fixing test runs for jenkins and travis

[Justin Sherrill] travis test fix (hopefully)

[Justin Sherrill] we now use unit id to refer to errata, so we need to look up errata and get both ids

[Justin Sherrill] various cli system test fixes

[David Davis] Content views: showing content view in left pane of key layout

[Miroslav Suchý] rails 3.2 removed ActiveSupport::SecureRandom in favor of SecureRandom

[Miroslav Suchý] allow to build F18 in Koji

[Justin Sherrill] fixing spec tests

[Justin Sherrill] minitest glue fix

[Brad Buckingham] content views - resolve issues with promotion, publish..etc

[Justin Sherrill] temporary release bump for pulpv2 test building

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.4.2_pulpv2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.4.1_pulpv2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.4.1_pulpv2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] version downgrade from mistaken bump

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.4_pulpv2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.4_pulpv2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.3.2_pulpv2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [1.3.1_pulpv2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] removing old converge-ui build code

[Justin Sherrill] version bump

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.5_pulpv2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.5_pulpv2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] fixing rpm build for pulpv2

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.6_pulpv2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.6_pulpv2-1].

[David Davis] Content views: added content_view to system search

[Justin Sherrill] fixing use of reserved javascript word

[Justin Sherrill] revert of requiring compass < 0.12

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.7_pulpv2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.7_pulpv2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] fixing bundler_ext changes

[Justin Sherrill] adding rubygem-hooks to spec requires

[Justin Sherrill] version bump

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.8_pulpv2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.8_pulpv2-1].

[David Davis] Fixing trailing whitespace

[pchalupa] add how to document guide

[Justin Sherrill] 820382 - adding env_id to promoted cs link on dashboard

[Jason E. Rist] 860471 - Fix for flicker - extra .tipsify call.

[David Davis] 852885 - Fixing spinner image

[Jordan OMara] CVE-2012-3503 - setting umask for /etc/katello/secret-token

[Justin Sherrill] 832134 - making description search more consistent

[Eric D Helms] 858008 - Adds event trigger and bind to close action bar when sliding tree items are clicked.

[Justin Sherrill] 902948 - fixing errata icons in content search

[Eric D Helms] 795003 - Adds a word wrap to edit text fields so that long names, such as the CDN URL being long.

[Justin Sherrill] 867991 - fixing tab index on env and activation key new pages

[Eric D Helms] 901657 - Adds standard name validator to role names to prevent HTML injection.

[David Davis] Added a lint check for ruby code

[David Davis] Fixed whitespace

[Justin Sherrill] removing lib/resources/pulp.rb from spec

[Justin Sherrill] bad merge fix

[Justin Sherrill] spec file changes for build

[Justin Sherrill] version bump

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.9_pulpv2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.9_pulpv2-1].

[pchalupa] update yard documentation guide

[Miroslav Suchý] fix building on F18

[Miroslav Suchý] Fix F16,EL6 after fixing F18

[Miroslav Suchý] correctly compare version

[Miroslav Suchý] do not fail if you use bundler

[Miroslav Suchý] workaround BZ 901540

[Miroslav Suchý] do not use ZenTest 4.8.4

[David Davis] Streaming files instead of loading them entirely into mem

[David Davis] Skipping Zentest 4.8.4 due to bad gemspec

[David Davis] Fixing Travis for Ruby 1.9

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [1.3.2.pulpv2-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] 887095 - cli locale was not set properly

[Tomas Strachota] smart proxies - listing available features in cli info

[Lukas Zapletal] 896074 - fixing remove deletion permissions

[mbacovsk] Fixed wrong param format

[pchalupa] add missing type notation in @option tags

[pchalupa] remove svg files from git repository

[Justin Sherrill] requiring pulp rpm package in the correct place

[Justin Sherrill] fixing version

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.10.pulpv2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.10.pulpv2-1].

[Lukas Zapletal] uuid - now works with Rails 3.2

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fix for BZ 860452: custom tags are now being deleted when associated entity is deleted

[Dmitri Dolguikh] renamed 'CustomPermissions' into 'PermissionTagCleanup'

[j.hadvig] 858877 Allow selection of all listem items when applying packages to a system group

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "Fixing Travis for Ruby 1.9"

[Dmitri Dolguikh] moved most of the modules in app/models to either models/ext or lib/ directories

[Justin Sherrill] comps update for pulp2

[Justin Sherrill] fixing duplicate entries in comps

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed a syntax error under 1.8.7

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "do not use ZenTest 4.8.4"

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "workaround BZ 901540"

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "do not fail if you use bundler"

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "correctly compare version"

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "Fix F16,EL6 after fixing F18"

[Lukas Zapletal] Revert "fix building on F18"

[Lukas Zapletal] avoid problematic ZenTest-4.8.4

[Justin Sherrill] exclude test.rake for main rpm

[Lukas Zapletal] bumping version of therubyracer

[Jason E. Rist] 903000 - Fix for missing params checking on System Templates

[David Davis] 887095 - Fixing test and feedback

[Justin Sherrill] fixing some merge conflict broken-ness

[pchalupa] remove dependencies on yard-activerecord and railroady

[Lukas Zapletal] 887095 - fixing API breakage

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fix for a broken .spec: now includes files in models/ext dir during the build

[Dmitri Dolguikh] removed redundant dir inclusion in headpin

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixes building of foreman glue rpm

[Tomas Strachota] 895212 - correct org search

[Tomas Strachota] orgs - new scope for finding by name or label

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added lib/resources/abstract_model dir and its contents to the .spec file

[Justin Sherrill] fixing minitests and most specs

[David Davis] Reverting locale changes to api specs

[Justin Sherrill] more spec fixes

[Brad Buckingham] content views - update to handle deletion of repo from a definition

[Justin Sherrill] updating ES glue to use Ext::IndexedModel

[Justin Sherrill] merge fix

[Justin Sherrill] adding use_elasticsearch to config template

[Justin Sherrill] change ruby-linter to print out all errors

[Justin Sherrill] fix whitespace

[Justin Sherrill] fixing pulp url in config template

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.11.pulpv2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.11.pulpv2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] fixing compass version

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.5-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.3.3.pulpv2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] adding pulp-builtin rpms to comps

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.3.4.pulpv2-1].

[David Davis] Locking down js-routes to 0.6.x due to code breakages

[David Davis] Locking down js-routes to 0.6.x due to code breakages

[David Davis] Regenerating content view js routes

[Justin Sherrill] fixing changelog

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.12.pulpv2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.12.pulpv2-1].

[ares] 790064 - Refactoring of unreadeable methods

[ares] 790064 - Manifest import error handling

[Justin Sherrill] running db:migrate && db:seed as different rake commands

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.3.5.pulpv2-1].

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Fixes broken test by stubbing Runcible method.

[Partha Aji] Missed commits

[Justin Sherrill] adding post sync url to config template

[Partha Aji] Removed trailing whitespaces

[Justin Sherrill] fixing references to AppConfig

[Justin Sherrill] removing pulpv2 prefix from pulpv2 branch

[ares] 790064 - Fix for manifest import in headpin mode

[Justin Sherrill] changing default config template port for post_sync_url

[Eric D Helms] PulpV2 - Clean-up of authorization modules to use ActiveSupport::Concern for clarity and consistency.

[Partha Aji] Fixed some unit tests

[Partha Aji] Fixed some files missed in previous merges

[Justin Sherrill] require pulp-selinux

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.13-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.13-1].

[Justin Sherrill] stop building for f16

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.3.6-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [1.3.4-1].

[Partha Aji] Fixed an accidental typo in the cv spec file

[Partha Aji] Fix to get Promotions controller test to work

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [1.3.5-1].

[Justin Sherrill] bumping required runcible version

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.14-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.14-1].

[Ivan Necas] Fix setting environment without usage RAILS_ENV

[pchalupa] document workaround if running yard in reload mode fails

[David Davis] Content views: fixed a couple UI content view bugs (cherry picked from commit 23970b25a0dbbb7cb818622d492f8091d051f0d9)

[pchalupa] fix YARD Documentation link

[Partha Aji] Fixed a small error in default content view publish

[Eric D Helms] Minitest - Adds flag to allow running Pulp glue tests against live Pulp without recording new cassettes.  This can be useful to test your Pulp setup and functionality without accidentally generating a set of new cassettes.

[Justin Sherrill] create a distributor for disabled repos

[Ivan Necas] White-spaces fixes in Gemfiles

[Partha Aji] Revert "Fixed a small error in default content view publish"

[Partha Aji] Fixed a small error in default content view publish

[Tom McKay] updated routes.js, fixed typo array_with_total

[Justin Sherrill] fixing ruby 1.9 error

[David Davis] Content views: various fixes to UI and CLI

[Lukas Zapletal] jruby - enabling threadsafe and fixing manifest upload

[Lukas Zapletal] jruby - checking devel gems disabled for jruby

[Lukas Zapletal] jruby - get jdbc running with bundler_ext

[Ivan Necas] Using OPTIONS method on Pulp API to find out it's running

[Tomas Strachota] abstract model - parse attributes properly on create

[Tomas Strachota] foreman model - support for different resource name in foreman

[Tomas Strachota] hw models - model and api

[Tomas Strachota] hw models - ui pages

[Tomas Strachota] kt form builder - support for label help icon

[mbacovsk] Added rubygem-excon to comps for F16 and F17

[Dmitri Dolguikh] refactoring of default system registration permission and user own role code in User model

[Dmitri Dolguikh] removed strayed logging in users_controller

[Dmitri Dolguikh] renamed User#find_by_default_environment to User#with_default_environment

[Justin Sherrill] requiring specific runcible version

[Partha Aji] Updated gemfile to use runcible 0.3.2

[Partha Aji] Updated katello code base to work with Runcible 0.3.2

[Partha Aji] Fixed a typo

[Partha Aji] Fixed an unintended insert

[Partha Aji] Changed the gemfile + spec to use new runcible

[Partha Aji] Removed the github reference in gemfile since ruby-gems is open

[Partha Aji] Revert "Removed the github reference in gemfile since ruby-gems is open"

[Partha Aji] Removed the github reference in gemfile since ruby-gems is open

[Dmitri Dolguikh] replaced a 400 error with 422 (unprocessable entity) on param_rule check failure

[Dmitri Dolguikh] refactoring of handling of http errors

[Eric D Helms] Runcible - Updates logging configuration for Runcible so that all requests to Pulp will be logged at debug log level and if the log level is set to error, only exceptions thrown by Pulp will be logged.

[David Davis] Content views: making names unique

[Justin Sherrill] fixing jenkins runcible module issue

[Miroslav Suchý] add new dependencies for client

[Dmitri Dolguikh] moved OwnRolePresenceValidator into a dedicated class and into lib/validators

[Dmitri Dolguikh] build fix: replaced string evaluation with substitution in OwnRolePresenceValidator error message

[Miroslav Suchý] Translations - Download translations from Transifex for katello.

[Miroslav Suchý] merge translation from SAM

[Tomas Strachota] fix for typos in auth log messages

[David Davis] Content views: added view search to content search

[Justin Sherrill] updating fedora 18 pulp comps file

[Justin Sherrill] bumping runcible requirement

[pchalupa] remove bundler patch preferring rpms over gems

[pchalupa] move exception_paranoia option form application.rb to katello.yml

[Lukas Zapletal] 908012 - fixing katello-check for pulp v1

[Ivan Necas] Reduced API documentation for Headpin mode

[Ivan Necas] Add new apipie to comps

[David Davis] Moving elastisearch methods to module

[Ivan Necas] Log exception message for RecordNotFound exception

[Justin Sherrill] fixing a couple issues with errata and packages

[Justin Sherrill] spec fix

[Justin Sherrill] forcing a lower version of minitest

[Justin Sherrill] switching to <= for minitest

[Brad Buckingham] content views - fix product repo selector behavior for deleting a repo

[Brad Buckingham] content views - adding initial support for cv environments w/ candlepin support

[Brad Buckingham] content views - consumer - see views as envs and allow registration to view

[Brad Buckingham] content views - handle case where system create contains numeric id for env

[Brad Buckingham] content views - fix few tests broken when adding content view env

[Brad Buckingham] content view - fix content_view_version_environment to properly access view name

[Brad Buckingham] content views - simplify environments for rhsm

[Brad Buckingham] content views - only associate cp_environment with content_view_environment

[ares] 841013 - Allow same name distributions in changeset

[ares] 844389 - unsuccessful repo deletion rollbacking

[ares] 851331 - Add organization label attribute

[pchalupa] add default values to configuration

[Justin Sherrill] initial model changes to support faster imports

[David Davis] Fixing errors on content_views

[ares] 844389 - Revert of content deletion checking removal

[Justin Sherrill] adding content set disabling to model layer

[Justin Sherrill] adding api for repository set enabling & listing

[Tom McKay] 901714-subfilters - subscription filters 901714 & 901715 fixed

[Justin Sherrill] spec fixes

[Brad Buckingham] content views : fix nav to use Katello.config vs AppConfig

[Eric D Helms] Whitespace - Fixing whitespace.

[Brad Buckingham] content views - update nav to ensure unique ids

[Brad Buckingham] content views - rename nav Views to Content View Definitions

[Brad Buckingham] content views - address jslint warnings

[Tom McKay] 901714-subfilters - disabling busted spec, moving to minitest

[Justin Sherrill] allowing repo set enabling to be async

[ares] 883003 - SystemGroup validation

[ares] Condition cleanup

[pchalupa] replace Notify with #notify in controller

[pchalupa] add missing notification when repo discovery fails

[Ivan Necas] Pulp agent changed recently the format of the remote action report

[Justin Sherrill] fixing route

[Eric D Helms] 770690 - Adds helptip to debug certificate download to explain what the debug certificate is used for.

[Justin Sherrill] 910094 - fixing creation of repos with internationalized names

[Eric D Helms] 814167 - Changes the rendering location of the remove button on system templates sliding tree to be centered with text.

[Justin Sherrill] 852849 - fixing redirect of expired sessoin

[David Davis] Content views: updating content views and products on activation key page

[Justin Sherrill] 867304 - sorting first environment in paths for env selector

[Eric D Helms] 864189 - Fixes issue where hovering over a top level tab and then moving to another top level tab would result in a flash of the menu and an improper display of the menu.

[Justin Sherrill] fixing model scoping

[Justin Sherrill] 868917 - fixing terminology of comparison on content search

[Eric D Helms] 867300 - Moves the activation key attach button to the top left corner of the available subscriptions table on the activation key edit.

[Eric D Helms] 904194 - Changes to reference products by label instead of name since multiple products with the same name can exist and cause issues when attempting to promote a system template.

[Justin Sherrill] 909961 - fixing cs errata add/remove from ui

[Eric D Helms] Changeset - Missing render tupane_layout call in view.

[ares] Small fix for invalid locale input

[pchalupa] leave app_mode option in katello.yml

[pchalupa] documentation update

[Miroslav Suchý] add factory_girl_rails to requirements of katello-devel

[Miroslav Suchý] add factory_girl_rails to requirements of katello-devel

[David Davis] Set factory_girl_rails to 1.4.0 per repos

[Miroslav Suchý] check localization files for corectness

[Miroslav Suchý] check po files for errors using pofilter

[Miroslav Suchý] zh_CN - (pofilter) variables: Added variables: %s

[Eric D Helms] Gemfile - Setting haml version to be more restrictive due to new release of haml gem on Rubygems.

[Miroslav Suchý] pofilter always return 0, fail if there is some error output

[Miroslav Suchý] ta - (pofilter) variables: Do not translate: %s

[Miroslav Suchý] pa - (pofilter) variables: Do not translate: %s

[Miroslav Suchý] ko - (pofilter) variables: Do not translate: %s

[Miroslav Suchý] kn - (pofilter) variables: Do not translate: %s

[Miroslav Suchý] hi - (pofilter) variables: Do not translate: %s

[Miroslav Suchý] es - (pofilter) variables: Do not translate: %s

[Miroslav Suchý] de - (pofilter) variables: Added variables: %s

[Miroslav Suchý] te - (pofilter) long: The translation is much longer than the original

[Miroslav Suchý] ta - (pofilter) newlines: Different line endings

[Miroslav Suchý] or - (pofilter) newlines: Different line endings

[Miroslav Suchý] mr - (pofilter) newlines: Different line endings

[Miroslav Suchý] ko - (pofilter) newlines: Different line endings

[Miroslav Suchý] enable more checks

[Brad Buckingham] content views - composite - disable publish/refresh on invalid definition

[Brad Buckingham] content views - address comments on PR 1549

[Brad Buckingham] content views - update tests for composite definitions

[Adam Price] adding custom info into system's UI page

[David Davis] Content views: added more fencing to UI

[Brad Buckingham] content views - 1 more test fix

[Adam Price] little bit of code clean-up for custom info

[Adam Price] cleaning up create method, thanks to @daviddavis 's suggestion!

[David Davis] Added in some missing licenses

[Justin Sherrill] fixing some indentation to look nicer

[Eric D Helms] Changes class_inheritable_attribute to class_attribute since the former is deprecated in 3.1+.

[Eric D Helms] Moves all tupane_layout declarations to the views.  Note that this is also required to have tupane views rendering properly in Rails 3.2.

[Eric D Helms] Removes validation that is enforced by the database after index changes. This is also to prevent errors in Rails 3.2.

[Eric D Helms] Fixes matching on array's that can result in occassional random order.

[Eric D Helms] Spec test fixes to allow passing in Rails 3.2

[Eric D Helms] Removes validation covered by added indexes that further breaks in Rails 3.2

[Eric D Helms] Removes completely deprecated and unused debug_rjs option.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Updating location of json custom matcher for spec testing.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Adding bridge file to contain functionality not present in 3.2 but needed by 3.0 to allow temporary running on both stacks.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Putting submodule back to original hash.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Adds needed options parameter for initialize methods.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Adds conditional to grab appropriate association owner since they diverge between 3.2 and 3.0.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Explicitly casting sync_date to a time object since in 3.2 all parameters are treated as strings and not cast.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Adding missing options parameter to initialize method.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - ActiveRecord models now take two arguments on intialize. This updates each model that overrides initialize and calls superto conditionally call super with 1 or 2 arguments depending on the Rails version.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Updates tests that rely on loading fixtures in before and after suites to load them properly in both 3.2 and 3.0

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Adds a separate gemfile to specify Rails3.2 for Travis testing.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Adds a slew of updates required to get spec tests passing.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Whitespace cleanup.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Small test fix following a rebase.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Removing clone and adding dup on self.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Fixing accessible_environments to properly generate an array when making the list unique.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Setting haml declaration in 32 Gemfile to be consistent with regular Gemfile.  Re-factoring accessible_environments for readability.

[David Davis] Refactoring edit action in activation_keys controller

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Adds compass-rails for Compass 0.12 on Fedora 18 and updates configuration file for compass for both version of compass 0.11.5 and 0.12.

[Brad Buckingham] content views - Rails32 - move tupane_layout declarations to views

[Eric D Helms] Conflicts: 	src/app/controllers/roles_controller.rb

[Eric D Helms] Menu - Fixes issue where menu updates did not correctly update API controller.

[Miroslav Suchý] 886718 - allow better translation of one string

[Adam Price] fixing le test

[David Davis] Content views: addressing feedback from PR #1592

[David Davis] Content views: updating copyright years

[David Davis] Content views: fixing indentation in api cvd controller

[David Davis] Content views: removing 1.9 method sort_by!

[David Davis] Content views: fixed call to ChangesetContentException

[Miroslav Suchý] use Gemfile.32 for Fedora 18+

[Miroslav Suchý] we need tomcat in %post section

[pchalupa] changing secrets 'shhhh' to 'katello'

[pchalupa] rename katello-defaults.yml to katello_defaults.yml

[Tom McKay] distributors - UI

[Tom McKay] distributors - 'rake jsroutes' after rebase from master

[Tom McKay] distributors - clean up based upon pull-request feedback (code format, etc.)

[Miroslav Suchý] do not require minitest_tu_shim

[Tom McKay] distributors - updated tupane changes from master

[Justin Sherrill] initial repo set UI work

[Miroslav Suchý] s/Gemfile.32/Gemfile32/

[David Davis] Content views: fixing minitest test

[David Davis] Content views: changed how exception was being raised

[Lukas Zapletal] jruby - rpm installation is not supported on jruby yet

[David Davis] Rewriting test to hopefully fix jenkins error

[Justin Sherrill] new ui for repo(set) enabling

[Brad Buckingham] content views - fix migration that maps repos to view versions

[Brad Buckingham] content views - migration - associate env with version

[Brad Buckingham] content views - remove trailing whitespace on comment...

[Lukas Zapletal] rails32 - not need version constraints anymore on compass

[Lukas Zapletal] f18 - making apipie happy during build phase

[David Davis] Content views: addressing feedback from #1592

[Lukas Zapletal] f18 - skip api pie for fedora 18

[David Davis] Content views: fixing breaking test

[Brad Buckingham] content views - extend the definition.repos to support composite definitions

[Brad Buckingham] content views - do not list composite definitions in content list

[Justin Sherrill] fast import - adding spec tests and api for disable

[Lukas Zapletal] f18 - adding missing packages in comps

[Lukas Zapletal] f18 - adding one more package to composes

[David Davis] Fixing #1620 by defining url_content_views_proc

[David Davis] Content views: updating list on system new page

[Brad Buckingham] content views - initial support to promote composite views

[David Davis] Content views: fixing content_view_definition api controller test

[Justin Sherrill] fast import - adding tests for repository set manipulation

[Justin Sherrill] spec test fix

[Justin Sherrill] fast import - adding tool tip and better messaging if no manifest was imported

[Justin Sherrill] fast import - removing refresh_products from ui provider

[Justin Sherrill] spec fixes

[Jordan OMara] Resolving headpin installation issues

[Justin Sherrill] whitespace fix

[Brad Buckingham] content views - ui - composite definitions - help user resolve content conflicts

[Jordan OMara] Loading pulp gem group

[Dmitri Dolguikh] a fix in content_view_environemnt: the order of callbacks is important

[Dmitri Dolguikh] a smal refactoring to generate more complete environment+dependencies tree

[Justin Sherrill] moving Product#repos from pulp glue to normal model, as nothing is pulp related

[Justin Sherrill] spec fix

[Lukas Zapletal] i18n - fixing merge issue introduced by 2cee9ef0d7ee53

[Justin Sherrill] test fix

[Justin Sherrill] test fix

[David Davis] Content views: worked on content view search

[Brad Buckingham] content views - fix query that failed on older postresql

[Justin Sherrill] pulp peformance enhancements

[Tomas Strachota] comp resources - fixed system tests

[Brad Buckingham] content views - fix few bugs in view publish/refresh/promote

[Ivan Necas] 912698 - ak subscribe:  take the number of sockets in pool into account

[Brad Buckingham] content views - fix a few broken tests

[Brad Buckingham] content views - promote - minor change to handle when there is no definition

[Brad Buckingham] content views - tests - few minor changes for composite definitions

[Justin Sherrill] addressing pull request comment

[Justin Sherrill] fast import - isloating logic to find content on a product

[David Davis] Fixed typo in activation_key comment

[Brad Buckingham] content views - address PR 1641 comments

[Ivan Necas] DRY common apipie param descriptions into param groups

[David Davis] Fixing fencing issues in headpin

[Justin Sherrill] spect test fix

[David Davis] Checking db/schema.rb into version control

[Justin Sherrill] fast import - removing product.import_logger

[Justin Sherrill] test fixes

[Justin Sherrill] fixing string detected as improperly formatted

[Justin Sherrill] 909472 - not allowing <, >, & /  in usernames

[Justin Sherrill] using bulk_load_size config option for determining bulk loads

[Brad Buckingham] content views - ui - composite view promotion - help users with component views

[David Davis] Setting initial_action to fix create

[Tom McKay] custominfo-tupane-fix - fixed tupane layout for custominfo

[Brad Buckingham] Fixes #1661 - add request_type to notices retrieved using client polling

[Tom McKay] distributors-minitest - systems and distributors testing

[Dmitri Dolguikh] reduced the number of saves during default_content_view creation. KTEnvironment is now being saved only once.

[Dmitri Dolguikh] updated db/schema.rb; removed default_content_view_id column from environments table

[Dmitri Dolguikh] updated test fixtures after merge

[Brad Buckingham] env paths - sort paths by env name

[Brad Buckingham] content view - refactor add_content_view logic in controller to model

[Justin Sherrill] allowing the use of repo set name for enable disable

[Brad Buckingham] content views - fix changeset.add_content_view test

[Eric D Helms] Fixes #1656 - Sets a minimum width on the body to reflect that hard width set on the content section.

[pchalupa] remove old FIXME

[Ivan Necas] Non action method in controller should be private

[Ivan Necas] Local variables snake_case instead of CamelCase

[Ivan Necas] Use snake_case instead of camelCase for method names

[mhulan] Refactored system template specs

[mhulan] Remove expectations on nil warnings

[mhulan] Fix ping spec

[Brad Buckingham] routes.js - regenerating

[Justin Sherrill] minitest test fix

[Tom McKay] db-seeds-headpin-fence - fence pulp call

[David Davis] Started refactoring content search with content view search

[David Davis] Refactored product content search

[Justin Sherrill] adding deletion changeset tests

[Brad Buckingham] content views - fix the permission checked when destroying a definition

[Brad Buckingham] content views - add some spec tests for content view & definition controllers

[Justin Sherrill] test fix

[Justin Sherrill] vcr cassette update

[Justin Sherrill] test fix

[Justin Sherrill] fixture update

[mhulan] Use logging gem for all logs

[mhulan] New logging configuration

[mhulan] Syslog support

[mhulan] Support for log trace

[mhulan] Remove logrotate configuration not needed anymore

[mhulan] Support for custom log file path

[mhulan] Inline console logging support

[mhulan] Test coverage for logging

[mhulan] add missing log_trace option in common.logging

[mhulan] use same format for stdout appender as for development.log

[mhulan] Multiline log messages indentation

[mhulan] Configuration cleanup

[mhulan] Move logging configuration to defaults

[mhulan] Logging configuration validation

[mhulan] Fix specs with new logging gem

[mhulan] Changed default settings

[mhulan] do not align logger names

[mhulan] pull out configuration post_process down same as validation definition

[mhulan] add YARD log support

[mhulan] simplify #configure_children_loggers method

[mhulan] Add logging dependency

[mhulan] Fix for Ruby 1.8

[mhulan] Changes of default values

[mhulan] Be more tolerant about log path

[mhulan] Add logging dependency

[mhulan] New log files structure

[mhulan] Fix for TaskStatus callback

[mhulan] Better stubbing to fix specs

[mhulan] add support for tailing external log files

[mhulan] log each test's name

[mhulan] Removed unnecessary require

[Miroslav Suchý] Add packages from ruby193 software collection

[Miroslav Suchý] add ruby193-ruby subpackages

[Lukas Zapletal] diconnected - pulp v2 initial support

[Miroslav Suchý] add more ruby193 packages

[Miroslav Suchý] add ruby193-rubygem-rack-ssl to comps

[pchalupa] Organize lib files

[Miroslav Suchý] add more ruby193 packages

[pchalupa] lib/util cleanup

[pchalupa] fix missing timeout option passing to foreman_api

[David Davis] Moved shared content view and product code out

[Miroslav Suchý] add ruby193-rubygem-ruby-rc4 to comps

[David Davis] Fixed label validator

[pchalupa] packaging fix

[Eric D Helms] Authentication - Enables session based authentication to the API controllers.

[mhulan] Add logging as build dependency

[David Davis] Fixing undefined method index errors

[Brad Buckingham] content views - support retrieving 'readable' versions

[Brad Buckingham] content views - add a portlet to the dashboard for content views

[Justin Sherrill] add rubygem-little-plugger to rhel6 repos

[Brad Buckingham] content views - haml for dashboard portlet

[mhulan] Added other dependencies to comps files

[Lukas Zapletal] 917033 - setting maximum length for system name to 250

[David Davis] Setup simplecov in katello

[Tom McKay] 906859-import-messages - cleaned up error messages for both import and delete manifest

[David Davis] Fixing schema.rb

[Partha Aji] Intial commit of filters functionality

[David Davis] Label validator unit tests

[Partha Aji] Filter model tweaks based on PR suggestions

[Partha Aji] removed unnecessary to_json calls as suggested in PR 1708

[Partha Aji] Removed some trailing spaces in both py and rb files

[Partha Aji] Removed trailing spaces

[pchalupa] separate reusable parts of katello configuration

[pchalupa] move Configuration to Katello namespace

[Lukas Zapletal] adding iptables -L output to the katello-debug

[Partha Aji] Updated copyright years

[Tom McKay] adding headpin tests to travis

[Partha Aji] Addded minitests  for filter model

[Partha Aji] Removing a trailing white space

[Eric D Helms] API - Moving Systems index API controller to using Elasticsearch.

[Partha Aji] Added tests related to filter_controller (cherry picked from commit 5b1964d4245ed60e7b55ff873058270be672876f)

[Partha Aji] removed white spaces

[Partha Aji] Made the asserts clearer based on the suggestions provided inPR 1713

[Eric D Helms] API - Moves the Elasticsearch items query to be a class and changes Systems index API to it's use.  Adds a paged and page_size option for the UI to use and maintain the current standard of returning all results for API calls.

[Eric D Helms] API - Updating documentation and cleaning whitesapce.

[Partha Aji] Moved the base tests to fixtures instead of FactoryGirl as recommended

[Partha Aji] Fixed the repository sets controller test

[Partha Aji] Aligned the values in the yml to match other ymls

[Partha Aji] Switch assert equals ordering as suggested int he PR comments

[Justin Sherrill] fixing unit tests

[Eric D Helms] API - Updating API sytems controller spec tests.

[Adam Price] large refactor of organization level default system info keys

[ogmaciel] Standardizing notification message for re-using Labels. Fixes #1718

[David Davis] Showing invalid label as error not exception. Fixes #1721

[Eric D Helms] Fixes #1658 - Removes all user notifications regarding login due to redundancy and adds a helptip style message on the dashboard for users without access to any organizations to let them know what their next steps are.

[Partha Aji] Added filter association to products

[Partha Aji] Added unit tests to check for the association

[Partha Aji] Minor tweak to repository object to just return product_id

[Lukas Zapletal] adding ruby193-rubygem-hpricot to el6 comp

[Lukas Zapletal] adding two more deps to el6 comp

[Lukas Zapletal] adding logging deps to el6 comp

[pchalupa] remove katello.template.yml

[Partha Aji] Made a couple changes related to the comments in PR 1725

[Partha Aji] Fixed some typos in my previous

[Eric D Helms] LookNFeel - Minor style updates to the shell.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Updating Travis to actually run against the 3.2 gemfile and adding missing logging gem.

[Lukas Zapletal] adding some deps to el6 comp

[Dmitri Dolguikh] force loading of glue module before defining of any other modules in Glue namespace

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added a warning to comments around 'require 'glue'' in lib/glue/queue.rb

[Justin Sherrill] initial pulpv2 upgrade steps

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Fixing some unit tests that broke under Rails32.

[Partha Aji] Added code address remove/validation logic as recommended in pr 1725

[Partha Aji] Renamed the repos method to applicable_repos based on suggestions in PR 1725

[Partha Aji] Commented out a couple of tests who would be acted upon later

[Ivan Necas] Never warp navigation items

[pchalupa] fix travis tests

[Lukas Zapletal] disconnected - adding i18n and refactoring

[pchalupa] fix headpin build #1711

[David Davis] Removed comment about webrat

[David Davis] Removing logical-insight

[Adam Price] getting rid of that pesky deprecated message

[David Davis] Created a newrelic option in the configuration

[David Davis] Created optional gem group for profiling gems

[Partha Aji] Changed filter rule parameter conventions

[Partha Aji] Added tests to check the new age params

[Partha Aji] Removing commented code

[Partha Aji] Made some modifications on the unit test as suggested in PR 1746

[Partha Aji] Small test fix with the hope that it'll make travis happy

[Lukas Zapletal] merging all .gitignores into one

[Ivan Necas] Destroy default content view on cascade when deleting environment

[Ivan Necas] Move abstract model to katello-common package

[Miroslav Suchý] add gems from SC ruby193 to comps

[Miroslav Suchý] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [1.3.5-1].

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Adding check for secure token and Rails 32.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Switching to be_json matcher for some tests.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Changes simple_crud_controller tests to turn data into json using as_json similar to the controllers themselves.

[Partha Aji] Fixed a couple of previously commented tests

[Partha Aji] Removed an unused method and fixed a validation issue with filters

[David Davis] Worked on content view search

[David Davis] Content Search: created a content view comparison

[David Davis] Content Search: Refactored content view comparison

[David Davis] Content Search: refactored code by creating module namespaces

[David Davis] Content Search: Fixed metadata row in view comparison

[David Davis] Content search: fixed link and removed duplicate code

[David Davis] Content search: added pagination to content view comparison

[David Davis] Content search: Fixing product_repos method name

[David Davis] Content Search: moving files to app/lib

[David Davis] Content Search: not displaying total packages per product on cv comparison

[David Davis] Content search: fixed search modes for cv comparison

[David Davis] Content Search: tweaked product row in cv comparison

[David Davis] Content Search: showing cv filter for package search

[David Davis] Content Search: fixes to existing code

[David Davis] Content Search: filtering views by search mode

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Attempting to fix json error output.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Adds conditionals to use a set BUNDLE_GEMFILE environment variable or punt back to the basic Gemfile.  This is needed for testing both stacks on Travis and in the future any separate Gemfiles.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Fixes glue layer tests that needed to reload EnvironmentProducts.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Updates use of ActiveSupport::Concern to remove deprecation warnings around use of InstanceMethods.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Adding two calls to retrieve a content view version to prevent an ActiveRecord:ReadOnly error from being thrown.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Adding password except to json output of compute resource.

[Miroslav Suchý] Do not use two %s in translation string

[Lukas Zapletal] spec - sorting, cleaning and indenting

[Lukas Zapletal] spec - enabling scl for rhel6

[David Davis] 915289 - Fixing missing fonts

[Justin Sherrill] content views - initial work to show CVs on product search

[Tom McKay] relax-org-name - only block <, >, and / in org names

[Tom McKay] busted-new-org - accidental removal of opening new org panel

[Lukas Zapletal] disabling scl for rhel6 temporary

[Lukas Zapletal] removing dead code - ResourcePermissions

[Lukas Zapletal] one more fix to temp disable SCL

[Adam Price] fixes #1761

[Justin Sherrill] content views - migrating default content view structure

[Lukas Zapletal] renaming gettext app domain from app to katello

[Lukas Zapletal] i18n - adding locale/Makefile for MO generation

[Lukas Zapletal] i18n - enabling mo for katello fast_gettext

[Adam Price] 896147 - Notify user of keyname presence when adding default_system_info to an org

[Justin Sherrill] test fixes

[Justin Sherrill] fixing methods that were moved

[Adam Price] making tests happy

[David Davis] Removing system template code

[Adam Price] 923112 - Katello Nightly : Add,Apply.Remove default custom info keynames for subscriptions that are set at the organization level failed via Cli (cherry picked from commit ad57ee9a431321aeb64e68d805abeb5ec1c93c3d)

[Justin Sherrill] content search - adding views to repo search

[Justin Sherrill] fixing space issues

[Justin Sherrill] adding oddly missing migration

[David Davis] Updated apipie examples

[Adam Price] super happy tests

[David Davis] Silencing 'rpm not found' errors

[David Davis] Content views: fixed double included

[Partha Aji] Fixed based on suggestions from PR 1751

[Justin Sherrill] fixing mode

[Justin Sherrill] test fixes

[Justin Sherrill] test fix

[Justin Sherrill] vcr update... again

[Miroslav Suchý] facter needs to be in collection and add gems from rails32 branch of foreman

[Ivan Necas] Make oauth working

[Lukas Zapletal] i18n - modifying SPEC file to genreate MO files

[Ivan Necas] Include candlepin info about pools in activation keys details

[Partha Aji] Commented out tests that would be worked on later

[Justin Sherrill] adding addition ktenvironment tests

[Justin Sherrill] fixture update... yet... again

[Justin Sherrill] test fixes

[Justin Sherrill] product and repo search now all include views

[Justin Sherrill] removing file not meant to have been checked in

[Miroslav Suchý] add ruby193-puppet and its deps

[David Davis] Fixing output from rpm ruport check

[Brad Buckingham] panel - allow user to specify url after subpanel submit

[Brad Buckingham] content views - filters - ui - add ability to create/view/delete filters

[Brad Buckingham] content views - filters - ui - add ability to create/view/delete rules

[Brad Buckingham] content views - filters - ui - add ability to associate prod/repos w/ filter

[Brad Buckingham] content_views - filters - ui - add support for package rule and misc chgs

[Brad Buckingham] content views - update ui-tabs-panel to handle overflow

[Brad Buckingham] jeditable - move date/time picker to helper

[Brad Buckingham] jeditable - minor refactoring and addition of multiselect type

[Brad Buckingham] content views - filters - ui - changes for filter rules (pkg, pkg group and errata)

[Justin Sherrill] more upgrade fixes

[Brad Buckingham] content views - addressing PR 1794 comments

[Brad Buckingham] jeditable - update to trim datepicker content and reset data on options

[Justin Sherrill] asdf

[Justin Sherrill] bumping runcible requirement

[Eric D Helms] Comps - Adding httpd packages to comps for Fedora18.

[Justin Sherrill] cassette update

[David Davis] Content views: archiving content defintions

[Justin Sherrill] adding content_id migratino for repositories

[Eric D Helms] Spec - Adding requires on Apache 2.4.4 on Fedora 18.

[David Davis] Remove unused file

[Justin Sherrill] migration fixes

[Eric D Helms] Spec - Removing the simplecov development task from the production RPM.

[Miroslav Suchý] remove old changelog entries

[Brad Buckingham] content views - fix couple of bugs affecting publish/refresh/promote/consume

[Brad Buckingham] content views - fix a test and update a test

[Justin Sherrill] necessary upgrade changes

[David Davis] Merged content_view_definition_base with filters

[Justin Sherrill] a couple migration fixes

[David Davis] Added code to associate product/repos to a filter

[David Davis] Fixing places that call RAILS_ROOT

[Brad Buckingham] content views - ui - adding tests for filters and filter rules controllers

[Brad Buckingham] content views - ui - add permission tests for filters and filter rules controllers

[David Davis] Fixed bad check for undefined in javascript. Fixes #1819

[Brad Buckingham] content views - ui tests - chgs to address issues when running all

[Adam Price] fixing some funky indentation, formatting, and whitespace

[Adam Price] adding api routes to routes.js

[Adam Price] adding blankness validation for organization default info

[Tom McKay] manifest-async - switch to async job on server for CLI/api manifest import

[Tom McKay] manifest-async - db:migrate

[Brad Buckingham] content views - ui - address test failures during rails32 and ruby193

[Justin Sherrill] fixing CV, product, & repo intersection and difference searches

[Adam Price] default info in the UI for systems

[Brad Buckingham] content views - fix test failing in rails32

[David Davis] Content views: backing up filters with definition archives

[Justin Sherrill] content search - fixing packages & errata search for content views

[Ivan Necas] katello-configure - install and set up foreman-katello-engine

[Ivan Necas] katello-configure - install and set up foreman-katello-engine

[Justin Sherrill] a few fixes for content search

[Eric D Helms] Comps - Updating comps for Foreman Fedora18

[David Davis] Content view: Addressed feedback for filters

[Miroslav Suchý] add new foreman deps

[Justin Sherrill] upgrade fixes

[Justin Sherrill] upgrade typo fix, reset column information

[Justin Sherrill] reseting more column information

[Justin Sherrill] adding content search models to spec file

[Justin Sherrill] making header height allow 3 lines instead of 2 for view-repo comparison

[David Davis] Content views: fixing api doc and perms in several places

[Adam Price] synchronization page was not correctly fenced in headpin mode

[Justin Sherrill] fixing content view comparison and making it faster

[Justin Sherrill] hardening requirement of bundler_ext

[Adam Price] custom_info in the UI is now using the API

[Miroslav Suchý] yet another round of deps

[Dmitri Dolguikh] set a 1 hour expiration on the http session

[Dmitri Dolguikh] support for selective (based on url accessed) expiration of cookies

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added a comment re: Katello::UrlConstrainedCookieStore#call origins

[Dmitri Dolguikh] added comment in session_store initializer pointing to environment-specific initializers instead.

[Dmitri Dolguikh] removed a trailing space

[Dmitri Dolguikh] moved tests to a more visible spot in the test suite

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixes based on comments in the PR

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed failing test

[Dmitri Dolguikh] updated to work with Rails > 3.2

[Dmitri Dolguikh] session timeout is now working under Rails 3.0.x

[Ivan Necas] 903388 - fix service-wait script

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - update system's list to include env and view

[Brad Buckingham] activation keys / systems - minor refactor to allow for reuse on system groups

[Brad Buckingham] ctivation keys / systems - mv i18n.update_view to _common_i18n partial

[Brad Buckingham] activation keys - test fix

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - ui - allow user to change env/view for systems in a group

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed test/lib/url_constrained_cookie_store_test.rb that was failing on rails 3.2

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed a ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord error occuring during the migration when rails 3.2 is used and there's existing data in the db.

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - address style comments from pull request 1837 review

[Justin Sherrill] adding candlepin environment.all for easier debugging

[Justin Sherrill] index content view repositories after promotion

[Justin Sherrill] lots of small content search/content view fixes

[Justin Sherrill] spec fixes

[Justin Sherrill] adding back correct repo hover links

[Justin Sherrill] removing uneeded dir entry from spec

[Brad Buckingham] content views - ui - hide the filter tabs until they are initialized

[Brad Buckingham] content views - minimize js initialization and fix for jeditable js error

[Dmitri Dolguikh] removed trailing spaces

[Justin Sherrill] #1798 - fixing javascript error on promotions page

[Brad Buckingham] content views - update the include/exlude to be similar to new mockups

[Justin Sherrill] minitest fix

[Justin Sherrill] fixing unpromoted library repos not showing up in content_view#all_version_library_instances

[Brad Buckingham] content views - add 'summary' info to filter rule list

[Adam Price] cli now correctly allows you to add custom_info without including a value

[Adam Price] press enter when either custom_info field is in focus to submit the creation.

[Brad Buckingham] content views - minor change to address a jeditable initialize issue

[Brad Buckingham] content_views - test fix

[Brad Buckingham] content views - changing from has_key to blank on several hash checks

[Brad Buckingham] jeditable datepicker - allow the user to clear the date

[Justin Sherrill] trimming fields requested in package search for speed

[Justin Sherrill] using lambda to render content search hover, so extra cells arent rendered

[Justin Sherrill] fixes #1850 - auto-publish to http and https

[Brad Buckingham] content views - after filter rule created, open the rule for edit

[Miroslav Suchý] removing Fedora 17 releasers and residuum of older releasers

[Lukas Zapletal] enabling SCL for katello

[David Davis] Removing Ruby 1.8 specific code

[Ivan Necas] Add foreman-katello-engine sc deps to comps

[David Davis] Content Views: allow definitions to be cloned from CLI

[Brad Buckingham] content views - fix tests failing after adding a render of js partial

[Adam Price] happy tests

[Justin Sherrill] copyright update

[Justin Sherrill] Translations - Download translations from Transifex for katello.

[Justin Sherrill] Translations - Update .po and .pot files for katello.

[Adam Price] apply_to_all for default_info

[Justin Sherrill] whitespace fix

[Eric D Helms] Comps - Adding scoped_search to acquire from Katello repo and the new foreman-assets package.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Moves images and stylesheets to the assets pipeline.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - removing public/stylesheets

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - allow user to change env/view for selected systems

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Converting views over to use the Alchemy engine views.

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - add test for handling edit on selected systems

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Moves javascript to asset pipeline, adjusts views to account for new manifest files.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Removes Alchemy as a submodule.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Committing some fixes for missing assets and bad paths.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Removing compass compile from Travis.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Fixing a few asset url paths.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Updating to fence off minitest task in production.

[Ivan Necas] Fix dependency on a JavaScript engine

[Miroslav Suchý] comment could not be on line with requires

[Miroslav Suchý] mv Gemfile32 Gemfile; rm Gemfile; And remove conditions for Fedora 16 and 17

[Miroslav Suchý] lower rails requirement and use ~> operator

[Brad Buckingham] content views - minor updates based on PR 1847 comments

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Cleaning up TODOs from the 3.0-3.2 bridge.

[David Davis] Fixing Rails 3.2 deprecations

[Brad Buckingham] remove empty line to make someone happy...

[Partha Aji] Code to incorporate filters while publishing CVD

[Partha Aji] Added version compare facility for package rules

[Partha Aji] Added tests for the errata and package_group publishes

[Partha Aji] Fixed a couple of unit tests to make travis happy

[Partha Aji] Removed unused comments

[Partha Aji] Moved the index_package and errata calls to a single method

[Partha Aji] Added infrastructure for package groups index and search

[Partha Aji] Added code to intergrate the package group to the cvd publish

[Partha Aji] Made some modifications for PackageGroupSearch

[Partha Aji] Added a default search field param to enable one to choose diff defaults

[Partha Aji] Changed the cvd to use elastics search format for package and package group filters

[Partha Aji] Made some mods as suggested in PR 1826

[Partha Aji] Forgot to move a method used by generate_clause method

[Partha Aji] Added severity params to errata

[Partha Aji] Made the publish handle empty package rules

[Partha Aji] Made the publish handle empty errata ids in rules

[Partha Aji] Fixed a couple of unit tests to aid with the publish process

[Partha Aji] Fixed some parens issues

[Partha Aji] Removed trailing space

[Partha Aji] Refactored some code for better organization

[Partha Aji] Fixed some unit tests

[Partha Aji] Broke up gigantic filter rules class into 3 smaller more manageable classes

[Partha Aji] Added some unit test fixes to work with the new model

[Partha Aji] Fixed another unit test

[Partha Aji] Added some validation for parameters in the various models

[Partha Aji] Temporary fix to make travis point real errors

[Partha Aji] Fixed a test to make travis happy

[Partha Aji] Changed katello to use_pulp since runcible only makes sense if you are using pulp

[Partha Aji] Reverted back an old commit since use_pulp is always false in tests

[Partha Aji] Corrected a typo from rebase time

[Partha Aji] Made some fixes as suggested in the PR

[Partha Aji] Added some documentation for the diff_hash_params method

[Partha Aji] Updated copyright notice

[Partha Aji] Removed an unnecessary requires

[Justin Sherrill] fixing rubygem(foreman-katello-engine) requires

[Partha Aji] Fixed a typo

[Eric D Helms] Comps - Adding delayed_job_active_record needed to properly hook up the active_record backend to delayed_job > 3.0.

[Eric D Helms] Comps - Adding delayed_job_active_record needed to properly hook up the active_record backend to delayed_job > 3.0.

[Eric D Helms] Delayed Jobs - Fixes an issue with the update to delayed jobs 3.0 where to_yaml was being called on the target of AsyncOperation and not the AsyncOperation itself.

[Eric D Helms] Comps - Removing httpd from comps for Fedora18 now that the version of httpd we require is available in Fedora18 updates repos. See http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=398752

[Miroslav Suchý] delayed jobs use active_record as backend

[David Davis] Fixing delayed_job breakages due to upgrade

[Justin Sherrill] adding ruby193 scl devel deps

[David Davis] System groups: allow users to update systems via CLI

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Changing URL of images in stylesheets and moving section stylesheets out of sections/ directory to make references to image urls more uniform.  Includes spec updates for packages required to perform assets pipeline.

[Justin Sherrill] adding syntax gem to comps for building

[David Davis] Content Views: fixing promote readonly error

[Justin Sherrill] adding ability to enable http publishing on a per-repo basis

[David Davis] Removing backport of pluck

[Partha Aji] Addressed some of the issues suggested in PR 1882

[Tom McKay] manifest-refresh - changes related to refreshing manifest manifest-refresh - updates to distributors manifest-refresh - pylint cleaning

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Updating spec to move assets:precompile to be after touching the config file.

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Adds missing declarations to new javascript assets.

[ares] Get rubygem-oauth to yum repo

[Justin Sherrill] pull request fixes

[David Davis] Fixing pluck call

[Justin Sherrill] spec fixes

[Justin Sherrill] default logging changes

[Tom McKay] delayedjob-gemfile - lock to lower version of delayed_job_active_record

[Justin Sherrill] fixing intermittent test failures

[Justin Sherrill] fixing trailing whitespace

[Partha Aji] Made some changes as suggested in PR 1882

[Partha Aji] Removed some white spacing issues

[David Davis] Fixing package of content_search classes

[David Davis] Adding in table names to pluck to be safe

[David Davis] 929106 - Displaying user friendly task not found error

[Tom McKay] delayedjob-spec - set version for gem delayed_job_active_record delayedjob-spec - corrected syntax

[pchalupa] update rspec monkey

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Setting Alchemy Gem version and addressing Ruby code styling comments.

[Adam Price] replacing 'and' with '&&'

[Partha Aji] Changed Hash#index to Hash#key to remove some warnings

[Partha Aji] Fixed some unit tests

[Partha Aji] Modified a couple of pluck calls to fix a unit test

[Partha Aji] Made the errata rule use real dates instead of string

[Partha Aji] Added code to deal with time zone issues

[Partha Aji] Added a space as requested in the PR

[Partha Aji] Fixed a bunch of unit tests

[Partha Aji] Added tests for the validator

[Partha Aji] Added more test cases

[Partha Aji] Fixed a malformed url to keep jenkins happy

[pchalupa] remover deprecation warning

[pchalupa] improve notification tests not to fail when other error notification is already present

[pchalupa] ensure logging is loaded only once

[pchalupa] disable logging test

[Eric D Helms] Rails32 - Fixing copyright years.

[pchalupa] remove deprecation warning, pdf mime type is already defined

[Dmitri Dolguikh] fixed an issue with seeds.rb when it wasn't assigning default values

[Justin Sherrill] upgrade fixes

[David Davis] 947869 - Allowing users to create composite definitions from CLI

[Ivan Necas] Remove Foreman specific code - rails

[Ivan Necas] Remove Foreman specific code - cli

[Ivan Necas] Add katello-configure-foreman to comps and remove katello-glue-foreman

[Ivan Necas] Follow Fedora guidelines when obsoleting subpackage

[Partha Aji] Code to get cvd refresh working with filters

[Partha Aji] Removed some unnecessary comments

[Brad Buckingham] content view - ui - allow user to specify version info for pkg filter rule

[Brad Buckingham] filter rules - minor change from PR review

[Eric D Helms] Asset Pipeline - Fixes for bad paths to some image and icon assets.

[Brad Buckingham] content views - a crosslinking from view to content search

[Brad Buckingham] content views - update crosslinking to use hash vs string

[Eric D Helms] Comps - Adding missing compass-rails for RHEL.

[Justin Sherrill] Fixing build for RHEL 6

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.15-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.15-1].

[David Davis] 947859 - Created a way to remove views from keys

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.3.7-1].

[Brad Buckingham] content view - fix issue w/ deleting filters and filter rules

[Justin Sherrill] fix f18 build

[Brad Buckingham] content views - minor chgs to views for asset pipeline

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.16-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.16-1].

[Brad Buckingham] product - ui - change label assignment notice to be message

[Brad Buckingham] providers - ui - fix alignment of Add Product button

[Brad Buckingham] changesets - fix to include alchemy sortElement

[Justin Sherrill] fixing env selector positioning on a few pages

[Eric D Helms] Spec - Updating spec to set RAILS_ENV=production on asset compile.

[David Davis] Worked on the content view options for system and changeset

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.17-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.3.17-1].

[Eric D Helms] Asset Pipeline - Fixing issue with loading the treeTable jquery plugin since we don't precompile anything from an engine directly.

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [1.3.6-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-agent] release [1.3.2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-certs-tools] release [1.3.1-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [1.3.6-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [1.3.3-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-utils] release [1.3.2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-selinux] release [1.3.2-1].

[Justin Sherrill] version bump to 1.4

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.4.1-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.4.1-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli] release [1.4.1-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-configure] release [1.4.1-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-utils] release [1.4.1-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-selinux] release [1.4.1-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-certs-tools] release [1.4.1-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-agent] release [1.4.1-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-cli-tests] release [1.4.1-1].

[Justin Sherrill] Automatic commit of package [katello-repos] release [1.4.1-1].

[Mike McCune] update katello-debug to the pulp-v2 configuration file location

[Mike McCune] forgot to update the sed paths to clean the passwords

[ares] Packages and dependencies for Signo integration

[Brad Buckingham] issue 1955 - ui - open filter after create

[Eric D Helms] Minitest - Fixing issue with 'rake minitest' not running any tests.

[Justin Sherrill] #1963 - return true for index_content so job doesnt fail

[Partha Aji] Updating issues that came out of errata dates being real dates instead of strings

[Justin Sherrill] moving prepared statement to be reused

[Brad Buckingham] issue 1935 - fix promotion failure after view refresh

[Adam Price] checking in new schema

[Brad Buckingham] issue #1955 - fix test

[Eric D Helms] Asset Pipeline - Fixing issue with missing gpp_keys JS manifest, bad reference to stylesheet inclusion syntax on systems group page and missing timpickr CSS.

[ogmaciel] Adding a unique name attribute to the custom information value field for a system. This will help us out with automation.

[Ivan Necas] Service-wait support for katello service

[walden] Changing katello defaults to match what the installer actually does by default.

[pchalupa] improving documentation, reverting changes in commented out tests

[David Davis] 950539 - Making content view definition permissions consistent

[Adam Price] as a tom, i want to move default_info to its own tab on the org page

[Adam Price] oh glorious tests, i offer you this sacrifice.

[Adam Price] using javascript comparison without type conversion

[Adam Price] improving my crappy internationalization job

[Eric D Helms] Asset Pipeline - Fixing mis-included asset edit_helpers.

[Justin Sherrill] upgrade fix

[Justin Sherrill] defining repo model in migration

[Justin Sherrill] remove whitespace

[David Davis] 950539 - Adding content view option to package/errata list

[Brad Buckingham] content views - refactor 'refresh' to content views controller

[Brad Buckingham] content views - ui - add the ability to delete a content view

[David Davis] 927598 - Remove system template section of promotion page

[Brad Buckingham] content views - fix test that failed when running entire suite

[Miroslav Suchý] rubygem-foreman_api is now available in Fedora 18

[Adam Price] adding a default_info test

[pchalupa] fix failing rails s

[Brad Buckingham] asset-pipeline - fix for multiselect on various pages

[Brad Buckingham] issue 1998 - client cannot register to a content view

[Brad Buckingham] issue 1998 - add a test to check setting of env + content view

[Justin Sherrill] fixing re-creation of sync even notifier

[pchalupa] fix relative_url_root configuration on rails 3.2

[pchalupa] remove ENV['RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT'] usage from source code

[David Davis] 952249 - Validating overlapping content in component views

[David Davis] Querying filters with filter_id rather than filter_name

[Justin Sherrill] 1956 - adding unprotected checkbox to auto-discovery

[Adam Price] 951223 - Custom info display in the Systems Custom Information page is misaligned

[Justin Sherrill] equality fix

[Brad Buckingham] content views - minor PR feedback on #1990

[Partha Aji]  953655-Added a search field needed by the content filter 'publish' call

[Partha Aji] Made repo clear contents also clear the search indices

[ericdhelms] Cleanup - Cleaning up deprecation warnings and inaccurate error messages appearing in minitests.

[ericdhelms] Menu - Adds support for Experimental UI section which includes the new navigation structure in it's current state.

[David Davis] Updated js-routes to work with Rails 3.2

[David Davis] Worked on limiting content views on system edit page

[Partha Aji] Implementation for add/remove filter rules via cli

[ericdhelms] Cleanup - Removing deprecation warnings from specs and removing empty helper and test files for empty helper files.

[ericdhelms] Experimental Menu - Adding missing folder to the spec.

[David Davis] 953983 - Fixing path to spinner.gif

[Miroslav Suchý] workaround for BZ 953499

[ericdhelms] Experimental Menu - Updating copyright and test files.

[Eric D Helms] Unit tests - Fixing issue where unit test runs of navigation items can lead to different results due to the test environment.

[Jordan OMara] Adding ldap group & username validations

[Jordan OMara] Removing ldap validation from user test

[Jordan OMara] Fixing spec tests for validate ldap

[Jordan OMara] Stubbing katello configuration changes in tests

[Jordan OMara] Moving configuration stub to minitest helper

[Jordan OMara] Adding license to new files + fixtures for basic ldap role

[David Davis] Moving before_destroy callbacks because of rails/rails#3458

[pchalupa] support for running mini tests in RubyMine

[pchalupa] move ruby-linter to minitests

[pchalupa] add source code test for not having `rescue Exception`

[pchalupa] test ENV variables not to be used

[pchalupa] add test for soft-tabs and extend scope of trailing space test

[pchalupa] add gettext string test

[pchalupa] fix soft tab test

[mhulan] Missing minitest gem for F18

[pchalupa] fix katello.spec to run source_code_test

[Tom McKay] dist-fixes - allow create in headpin mode dist-fixes - renamed SMA to distributor splice-api-update - updates to api splice-api-updates - download manifest api splice-api-updates - export api splice-api-updates - api for /consumers/<id>/checkin

[pchalupa] fix remaining gettext string errors, enable gettext test

[David Davis] Allowing content views to be deleted from CLI

[walden] Setting the active menu tab based on location.

[walden] Making notification count update when a notice is generated.

[walden] Allowing any HTTP verb to access logout.

[walden] Fixing hard tab issue in menu controller to fix build.

[walden] Fixing styling/interaction of experimental UI org switcher.

[Brad Buckingham] pulp - updates to address issues in copy/associate of large repos

[walden] Fix a couple of styling issues with experimental org switcher.

[David Davis] Built out login_user in minitest to set permissions

[Partha Aji] Fixed filters cli to now associate partial products from cvd

[Brad Buckingham] runcible - updating spec and bundler.d to use runcible 0.4.3

[Brad Buckingham] vcr_cassettes - regenerating cassettes

[ericdhelms] Promotions - Fixing issue with promotions being uncentered and the New Changeset button not working.

[pchalupa] fix silently failing minitests

[David Davis] Fixing broken tests due to mismatched classes

[pchalupa] ChangesetTest#test_content_view_changeset_promotion skipped temporarily to get travis tests working

[Justin Sherrill] Fixing default route handler to not override engines

[David Davis] Initial set of tests for permission checking

[Tom McKay] dist-cv - adding content views to distributors dist-cv - exposed distributor custom info

[Partha Aji] Added validators for package and package group rules

[David Davis] Allowing assert_authorized to take an array of permissions

[Partha Aji] Quick fix for master

[pchalupa] fix katello build

[David Davis] Updating routes.js

[David Davis] Re-adding lost javascript changes

[David Davis] Solving system env/content view timing issue

[David Davis] Changing content views source for select on system form

[walden] Minor styling tweaks to org switcher.

[ericdhelms] Fixes #2077 - Since the JSRoutes paths mimic the rails path API in order to put a hash parameter, the anchor option needs to be used.

[David Davis] 948733 - Worked on content view definition update options

[Adam Price] 953848 - adding custom info to system breaks further manipulation with that system

[Justin Sherrill] removing uneeded javascript, which broke manifest import

[Justin Sherrill] fixing small js mistake

[David Davis] Merging content view definition api tests

[Partha Aji] 957193 - Fixed a user perm issue where verbs were getting eating

[Brad Buckingham] consumer errata - ui - add support to dashboard and system

[Brad Buckingham] errata - fix bug which ignored repo ids and returned all errata

[Brad Buckingham] consumer errata - api/cli - update to list errata for system

[Brad Buckingham] errata - api/cli - update to use errata_id vs id

[Brad Buckingham] dashboard - system errata - go to system's errata pane

[Brad Buckingham] system groups - fix from moving to asset pipeline

[Brad Buckingham] consumer errata - ui - fix errata listing to include errata_id vs id

[Brad Buckingham] errata - rspec test fixes

[Brad Buckingham] dashboard - temporarily disable the applicable errata and system groups

[Brad Buckingham] consumer errata - reenable tests previously skipped/pending

[Brad Buckingham] vcr cassettes - regenerating cassettes

[Brad Buckingham] consumer errata - changes for PR 2082 feedback

[Brad Buckingham] consumer errata - change to support errata install

[Brad Buckingham] errata - disable test when not in katello mode

[Brad Buckingham] vcr cassettes - regenerate based on runcible 0.4.3

[Partha Aji] Filters & FilterRuleController permission tests

[Eric D Helms] Updating Travis configs.

[Eric D Helms] Automatic commit of package [katello] release [1.4.2-1].

[Eric D Helms] Updating spec to handle new location of ci script for Travis.

[Miroslav Suchý] build katello-nightly-rhel6 into scl ruby193

Started by upstream project "katello-unit" build number 556
originally caused by:
 Started by user Eric D Helms
[EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
Building remotely on cloud-jenkins-slave in workspace <http://hudson.rhq.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:8080/hudson/job/katello-build/ws/>

Deleting project workspace... 

Checkout:katello-build / <http://hudson.rhq.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:8080/hudson/job/katello-build/ws/> - hudson.remoting.Channel at 6fbcb169:cloud-jenkins-slave
Using strategy: Default
Last Built Revision: Revision f6547ed36ad087a801b19d56bb000bb3ac2e94fd (origin/master)
Cloning the remote Git repository
Cloning repository git://github.com/Katello/katello.git
git --version
git version 1.7.1
Fetching upstream changes from origin
Commencing build of Revision 3d24d710aacc91fc35d10b63109fa1fbec2e4b12 (origin/master)
Checking out Revision 3d24d710aacc91fc35d10b63109fa1fbec2e4b12 (origin/master)
[katello-build] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/hudson4534435777797459496.sh
+ '[' ']'
+ MOCK_CFG=rhel63latest
+ export RPMBUILD_BASEDIR=/tmp/tito/katello
+ RPMBUILD_BASEDIR=/tmp/tito/katello
+ mkdir -p /tmp/tito/katello
+ rm -rf /tmp/tito/katello/katello-1.4.1-1.git.294.f6547ed.el6.src.rpm /tmp/tito/katello/katello-agent-1.4.1-1.git.0.3d4423f.el6.src.rpm /tmp/tito/katello/katello-agent-git-0.3d4423f.tar.gz /tmp/tito/katello/katello-cli-1.4.1-1.git.291.265abd7.el6.src.rpm /tmp/tito/katello/katello-cli-git-291.265abd7.tar.gz /tmp/tito/katello/katello-configure-1.4.1-1.git.111.f7f9fea.el6.src.rpm /tmp/tito/katello/katello-configure-git-111.f7f9fea.tar.gz /tmp/tito/katello/katello-git-294.f6547ed.tar.gz /tmp/tito/katello/katello-repos-1.4.1-1.git.0.f53b4cf.el6.src.rpm /tmp/tito/katello/katello-repos-git-0.f53b4cf.tar.gz
+ cd src
/tmp/hudson4534435777797459496.sh: line 20: cd: src: No such file or directory
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Archiving artifacts
Recording fingerprints

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