[katello-devel] activation keys creation requiring a content view

Bryan Kearney bkearney at redhat.com
Fri Jul 26 11:54:38 UTC 2013

On 07/25/2013 08:47 PM, Og Maciel wrote:
> katello> activation_key create --name foo --org ACME_Corporation --environment 1
> Usage:   <options> activation_key create <options>
> katello: error: At least one of --content_view, --content_view_label, --content_view_id is required; please see --help
> Why????
I would assume because content view is the new envrionemnet, so you need 
to tell the system wehere to register it.

BTW... this will be a bit of a regression from spacewalk. In spacewalk, 
they support many activation key. It is possible that only one of them 
actually support getting the system content. The rest are adding channels.

So, it is possible we should make the creatoin of keys more lax, but 
should fail on registration if one of the keys does not tie the system 
to an environemnt. Or.. create the "Unknown" environment.

-- bk

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