KS won't partition drives

Philip Rowlands phr at doc.ic.ac.uk
Wed Aug 18 18:19:59 UTC 2004

On Wed, 18 Aug 2004, Blair Lowe wrote:

>I tried to use the:
>part  raid.01 --asprimary --onpart hda1
>part  raid.02 --asprimary --onpart hdb1

I'm not sure --asprimary and --onpart make sense together; you've
already created the partition, so --asprimary is meaningless.

>raid /boot --level=RAID1 --device md1 --fstype ext3 raid.01 raid.02

Is it --level=RAID1 ? The example in the kickstart docs is:

   raid / --level=1 --device=md0 raid.01 raid.02 raid.03

>"Your root partition is less than 250 megabytes which is lower than is
>recommended for a redhat linux install"

This might be a warning or a real error; why not make it >250MB just to
be safe?


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